How do you use liquid smoke?

Judy from Boise

Watch out – might take away your
Aug 24, 1999
My question is when in the process of making pulled pork in the crock pot would you add liquid smoke....right at the end or at the beginning?

My second questions is would you share your favorite use for liquid smoke?
I always add the liquid smoke at the beginning of making pulled pork. I don't know if that's the "official" answer - just how I do it. The flavor is always throughout all the pork so it works for me.

After our trip to Disney when we stayed at Wilderness Lodge, both kids became major fans of the whole smoked flavor thing. DH does the grilling & he refused to try using actual wood chips so I started using liquid smoke.

I put it into my hamburger mix, my meat loaf, BBQ chicken or pork...that's all I can think of at the moment, but I use a good bit so there must be more. LOL
Judy, only use 1 teaspoon of Liquid Smoke and include it at the beginning. It works great with brisket as well, but a little goes a long way.
I don't know if mine is just old or we just like the flavor more than Rafikifan. LOL The recipe I first used only called for a few "drops" for whatever I was making. I now use more like 2 teaspoons to 3 lbs of hamburger (for burgers). But I don't measure so it's hard to tell. For a roast I just pour some over the top - as slowly as I can but the opening isn't very conducive to that. But I doubt I end up using more than a Tablespoon - so anywhere between 1 & 3 teaspoons per recipe sounds right to me.

I know...not a lot of help. :rotfl:
I don't know if mine is just old or we just like the flavor more than Rafikifan. LOL The recipe I first used only called for a few "drops" for whatever I was making. I now use more like 2 teaspoons to 3 lbs of hamburger (for burgers). But I don't measure so it's hard to tell. For a roast I just pour some over the top - as slowly as I can but the opening isn't very conducive to that. But I doubt I end up using more than a Tablespoon - so anywhere between 1 & 3 teaspoons per recipe sounds right to me.

I know...not a lot of help. :rotfl:

LOL piratesmate. Yes, I think it depends on taste and also how big the roast is. The ones I get to do pulled pork with are rather small. True, I would use more for say a brisket. Plus, we cook it in our smoker so that may be why I don't use as much.
thanks, I am ready to make pulled pork again, so I will try with 2tsp as my first guess.
Ita A try and error kinda thing.Its A very concentrated mixture,to much will overdo it,to little and you wont get the flavor.Thats the reason I youse real wood,no guess work then.
Not only that but I dont like cooking anything with MSG in it.


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