How does your dh handle your obsession....

My DH loves my planning obsession and also loves to get involved. We have so much fun planning all our meals and days at WDW. He also loves when I read stuff from the DIS out loud to him - especially trip and dining reports!! :cool1:
My husband frustrates me. Whenever I try to show him anything or ask for his input, his eyes just glaze over and he says "You're the expert - whatever you think is best. I trust you." So, I spend countless hours with my Unofficial Guide and Passporter, pore over all of the posts on Disboards, look at every single resort picture on allearsnet, etc... Then, just when I have everything all planned out with lists, spreadsheets, pros and cons, etc... Hubby will decide to get involved - he'll spend 30 minutes on the computer and come up with what he thinks is the best plan. I know I should be happy that he want to be involved a little, but come on!! How about the countless times I've asked for his opinion!?!?!?! He just wants to swoop in at the end and get the glory!

That probably sounds petty, but it drives me nuts!!!:headache:

LOL I know this situation all too well & I completely understand how you feel :)
My DH is what I like to refer to as "on the low" with his love for Disney. I think he just doesn't wanna admit he loves it too! He will watch Disney movies with me, doesn't complain when I add more Disney stuff around the house and he gets so excited when we are actually there it is impossible to deny it! The last trip we had he was all for coming again, and this he mentioned the first night. It took some proding but I got him to agree to another trip in Jan 08...woo hoo! He teases me about the Dis Boards BUT he KNOWS it made the last trip AWESOME! I think any of us woman can convert the just takes time! :flower3:
My DH is worse than me and I never thought that possible. It's my fault though b/c I bought him his first AP when we were dating. Now I have to keep reminding him we can only afford a trip every couple of months and only for a weekend with nothing extravagant.
I have my Disney and he has his Football. :) We have each learned to enjoy each other's obession!
My DH sees me:surfweb: on the computer and says "what ya doing, are you planning something for 3:00 in the morning?" I say yes, sleep! He calls WDW "just another amusement park" :sad2: He has never been and has no idea! (He did pick out his dancing man in my sig though!)
My DH does not like hot, humid climates or lots of people - but he's willing to go back to WDW and likes that I do all the planning. Both he and my DD13 find my Disney obsession amusing and tease me, but they also like going. We have ressies at the Beach Club Villas May 24-31. :banana: That's where we went last July, and DD13 and I started talking about a return trip as soon as we got back. I told DH that we were thinking of going again this summer, and his reply was, "Without me?" We assured him we meant all of us. He figured out another positive about my Disney interest: it solved his problem for what to get me for Christmas. :santa: I got a framed share of Disney Company stock, a Disney Christmas village, and two vintage Disney t-shirts! :yay: I'm really looking forward to our upcoming trip.
He doesn't comment on Disney, I don't comment on the Cleveland Browns. Harmony in the home. :hug:

He enjoys it enough when we're there, but doesn't like to go *anywhere*, so that's a big thing. He has no problem with DDs and I going without him or the few solo trips I've taken. He has learned that anytime he sees me in clothing that does NOT have something Disney on it, he'd better ask who died or what time I need to be at court. :lmao: He has resigned himself to years of the obsession, however. Oldest DD is a CM, 18yo DD is a college program CM at the moment and just extended, and the younger 2 (10 & 8) have already set their sights on being CMs (10yo DD wants to be at AK, 8yo DD wants to drive the monorail)
I'm jealous of all the women whose husbands share their obsession. My husband will go once a year, but he doesn't mind if my girls and I go more often. He does appreciate that I plan all the trips and that I pay for them. We both work. I pay the house payment, he pays everything else, and the rest of my check goes for those little things he considers "extras", like clothes, Christmas, etc. It does allow me to plan and pay for a couple of WDW trips a year though.
I reject the sexism implied in your question.

Is Disney and DISing reserved for women only?
Hi mine lieks to know its booked, ie dates etc, then doesnt rearly think about it till were there, he will ocasionally look at things ive done etc, but i think hes just humoring me!

He enjoys all my hard work once we are there though!

were taking my mum and dad this year and my dad does not understand planning, he says what if i get up and dont want to do xxxxx.
lol men eh

he wont understand until hes been, then they may all shut up and appreciate alll my hard work .....they have no idea

when my dh is standing outside a reasturant he cannot get into as he has no adr and i say well we can cos i booked it !
he may start to realise.........

I cannot wait till my holiday, i even have one of my cases packed already ...sad or what
My DH & teenage son are equally obsessed along with me and are both fellow Dis'ers. It was my DH idea for us to go to DW for our honeymoon in 2003. I had never been there before so I was ok with that. We've gone from going once a year since, to planning 2 trips a year.

He spends more time & money on disneyshopping website than anyone I know. I think he may be a wee bit more obsessed than I am. Every time my older son and his fiance visit us, we have some new Disney item in our home. They just keep saying, you guys are so weird!! :rotfl2:


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