How far did you live away from your school?

About a ten minute drive from my elementary and junior high. About 3 blocks from my high school.
The school I went to for K-8 was 10 miles away and high school was about 35 miles away.
My school district was set up with an elementary school within one mile of every residence, a Junior High School within 2 miles of every residence and a High school within 3 miles. I was a half mile from my elementary school, 2 miles from my Junior High and 3 miles from my High School. My University was 50 miles away, but there was one within 4 miles of my house.
But that was 1962-1975. Enrollment has declined sharply now that baby boomers are out of school, so many schools have closed/been sold, so not that way anymore. And more importantly, we have open enrollment now with schools offering various specialty focuses. So few students go to their closest school anymore. They go to the school they select. Focuses are 1) Fundamental 2) College Prep 3) Vocational 4)Culinary.
Elementary school was about 4 blocks away. My high school was a few miles by bus and subway.
Elementary - depended on whether I cut through the railroad tracks. If so, roughly three or four blocks. If I went the longer, safer way, about seven or eight.

HS was a really long walk, up hills and down hills. I don’t like taking the bus, so would only take it in the worst of weather. It was a lot easier once I got my license and a car.

College was a 15 min commute unless there was heavy traffic, then it could easily be an hour.
I really did walk uphill in the snow both ways. But I lived about a block from the school! Lol

How far did you live away from your school?​

Well, I was an Army brat, so I went to a LOT of schools. I'll just focus on the last ones:
Elementary (4&5th grades)1 mile - rode a bus (in a big city)
Elementary (5&6th grades) 1 mile - rode a bus (up a big hill, with no sidewalks)
Junior High 2 miles - rode a bus (on the other side of town)
High School .9 miles - walked (only if you lived at least a mile from school could you ride the bus).
Elementary school was 3 blocks away and my high school was about a 30 minute subway ride away combined with about a 15 minute walk.
All the schools I went to are across the country Now but from my childhood home it was about a 20- 30 minute walk to Elementary and a 30 minute drive to high school.

For my kids, the elementary school is 10 minute walk and the high school which my youngest is currently a 15-20 minute walk. She walks. My eldest is in University and it is about a 45 minute drive depending on traffic. She take transit and it take her about an hour and 15 minutes.
I have no idea but I do know that I am old enough that it was uphill both ways.
I really did walk uphill in the snow both ways. But I lived about a block from the school! Lol
Sort of like my mom. 1 mile, flat both ways, in the snow. But the school was on the corner of my Grandfather's farm, one room school house. And the teacher lived with them. 8 people in a 900 square foot farm house.
Lol. I was a military kid and we moved around a lot even after my dad got out so went to a lot schools.

But my closest was one od the Elementary schools it was a joke that they could have made me a slide to slide down from our apartment on a a second floor which was next door to the school.

My farthest was my magnet school which was 30 minutes.
I’d say the walk was ten minutes to elementary (K-6) and 20 minutes to the Jr-Sr High.
About a five minute walk . A minute or 2 longer if we had to wait to cross the main road(there was a crossing guard).
The HS was about 10 to 15 minutes, including a valley . So one walked up a small hill & down twice a day.
I was about five miles from my school growing up. My kids are about eight miles away from theirs.
High school and middle school were about a 15 minute walk away, but the walk to school was straight up. I rarely walked to school, but I'd walk home from school when the weather was good.
From 8th grade to 12th, right next door. My mother used to hang wash with my underwear and you could see it from the school windows


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