How long of a standby wait for you to choose Lighting Lane?

Also adding I have never waiting more than 5 minutes, rarely 10 (Indy, due to the very early merge point for LL) for any LL. We go at very busy, holiday times. The only exception is if there is a ride breakdown while in line. LL is very, very worth it to us. If you are a family that has MKs or comes very often, you may be ok with skipping rides with long lines and doing them “next time”. If you come less often (or at busy times), you will be skipping everything if you want to avoid long lines and also not buy G+ (after the first 2 hours of the parks, even less at busy times).
We are flying home today. So at the parks during a busy time. We bought genie with our tickets. I loathe paying for genie. But we never waited longer than 15 minutes for anything. It was worth it for us.

We were at the parks the same time last year and refused to pay for genie. And we were stuck in miserably long stand by lines. We were all tired and frustrated. It wasn’t fun.

I also like that having some down time between attractions because we can grab snacks, take breaks, shop, people watch and overall take in more of the atmosphere that we love so much about the parks. We had 3 park days and got done every thing we wanted to do and more. I like not feeling rushed and having to go, go, go all the time.

I do wish they would allow you to ride the same attraction multiple times with genie…that is a major difference for us vs fastpass. We like to ride space mtn multiple times a day.
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I also like that having some down time between attractions because we can grab snacks, take breaks, shop, people watch and overall take in more of the atmosphere that we love so much about the parks. We had 3 park days and got done every thing we wanted to do and more. I like not feeling rushed and having to go, go, go all the time.
I hadn't thought about it but you are 100% right. This last few times we have gone with Genie+ we have taken the time to sit around, eat a snack, have a drink for what feels like hours without feeling like we are wasting park time. Instead of spending 30 min line I am spending 20 of those eating a churro and that is awesome.

It is also awesome for my friends who get to not be dead on their feet by the 2nd day haha
No you are WRONG!

The question was

"What is your wait time threshold for doing a LL vs the standby line?" "My question is, how short?"

My answer remains the same and is very much valid.

It doesn't matter how long or short the stand-by line is, I'm not going to pay for lighting lane....

Even the "regular lighting lane"
That doesn’t answer the question
Genie+ works very well for me if you learn how to use the system. Cost is another factor but it has nothing to do with time waiting in lines
And compared to other theme parks, it’s relatively cheap (I still don’t like paying for it). We were looking into universal and I was surprised how expensive their skip the line pass is!
You said nothing about your threshold for standing in line. But I’ll move on
I did; I said I would not pay extra

It implies that there is NO time Delta that I would pay extra for the Lighting Lane.

I even said that if the stand-by line is more than an hour, I'm not waiting for that either.


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