How much for a plumbing house call in NY


<font color=blue>please stop the madnesssss alread
Nov 2, 1999
I just had to call a plumber for a toilet overflow, and all he had to do was plunge & snake it...duhhh...
It took all of 10 minutes to do. I'm wondering what the going rate is for a quick house call. He said they would "bill me".
I think ToyStoryFan is pretty close. I don't think they leave their house for less than $100.
I had a plumber out about a year ago and he gave me a price before the job was done.$75 to unclog the commode, if there is no problems.

When I asked what he meant by problems he ran off a list of things that he has pulled out :eek:

Number 1 on his list for causes of stoppages in a commode

Lids from hairspray
I would say $75 - $100 is about right. If it's much less, save his number.

You might want to pick up a plunger the next time you're at Home Depot, though.


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