How Much Was It?!?!?! The tale of our best trip ever!!!!!!UPDATE 5/12/14 PG 30

Wonderful photos!! Love the parade pics, and thanks for posting pics of the Redwood creek area, I have been meaning to look into that as I am hoping it will be a nice respite area for Aria (my 2 YO dd) to run around a bit.
I am back home from our trip to Disneyland and all caught up on your report! Awesome pictures, I love the Pixar Parade! We did not catch it this time around though.

Because of your report DH and I decided to go to Trader Sams the night we got to Cali and had such a good time, that we went back a couple days later for my birthday! I also had the fish tacos too. We would not have known much about that if it weren't for your report and it was actually a highlight of our trip. So thank you for that!! :thumbsup2
Wonderful photos!! Love the parade pics, and thanks for posting pics of the Redwood creek area, I have been meaning to look into that as I am hoping it will be a nice respite area for Aria (my 2 YO dd) to run around a bit.

Thank you!

It is the perfect area! There is a ton to do over there! There are also slides and swings but we were too big for that stuff :thumbsup2

I am back home from our trip to Disneyland and all caught up on your report! Awesome pictures, I love the Pixar Parade! We did not catch it this time around though.

Because of your report DH and I decided to go to Trader Sams the night we got to Cali and had such a good time, that we went back a couple days later for my birthday! I also had the fish tacos too. We would not have known much about that if it weren't for your report and it was actually a highlight of our trip. So thank you for that!! :thumbsup2


Thank you! Just put it on the list for next time :thumbsup2

Aw I am so happy I could help you out! I hope your trip was magical!
What a wonderful Trip Report! Thank you both so much! I just spent so much of my afternoon reading every bit! We are headed to DLR and are staying at PPH concierge this July. Our first family trip to So Cal. So psyched and you have me even more psyched!
Here I was second guessing Paradise Pier - Not anymore!:cool1:
What a wonderful Trip Report! Thank you both so much! I just spent so much of my afternoon reading every bit! We are headed to DLR and are staying at PPH concierge this July. Our first family trip to So Cal. So psyched and you have me even more psyched!
Here I was second guessing Paradise Pier - Not anymore!:cool1:

Thank you for reading!

You will have a great time!

Paradise Pier is the best and so close to the other resorts that you can visit them and experience them as well :thumbsup2
First of all - I am having a hard time remembering which TR update I have read and which one I haven't. I kept going to the wrong TR twice.

Another mega update!

Love the parade - it is TOOOOOOO cute! I think Roz is my favorite! She is just so perfect.

I love your T-shirt. Too cute.

Wonderful PP of the three of you. You guys seriously got some of the best family shots!

That raft ride looks so cool.

I know I say this all the time but I think its so cool how people seem to go from one DL attraction to the next so quickly. It's so a unique place.
I got a bit behind reading so I was way back at the California Screamin' part. How was that ride - more like an actual coaster? It looked like there was a covering of some sort over the top part.
Cathay Circle looked so nice - very classy. I loved the old pictures, particularly Judy Andrews and Audrey Hepburn. I loved that partners statue!!!
The Monsters Inc ride looked so cute as did the parade although I think Roz looked like Jabba the Hut! The family pic with Sully is awesome - love when you can get pics with the characters you are wearing.
The whole area with the cable car and old style buildings is so beautiful. I think DL packs a lot into a small space.
Hey everyone! I am trying to update my TRs once every three days because soon I leave!! 31 days from today I leave for Disney! SO that means I need to speed this up and get it done so I can focus on my DCP TR!

When we last left off we had headed back to the hotel to freshen up for our evening at DCA!

We had to start off back here

I believe we ran because we had fast passes that were due and it turned out the ride was down :rotfl: That is always the worst!

I decided to check out the petting zoo

We also had an area we didn't check out yet!

It is very cute and great for kids!

And 22 (at the time) year olds who want to ride this

It was on my DL bucket list :laughing:

I love Heimlich in the movie so I was excited to try this out!

Of course as the running theme in this trip we had a line for the ride I wanted to do! So after a bit of a wait we were able to hop aboard!

The different areas also let out a scent to go with the food he is eating!

This area sprayed a little bit of water

and of course this smelled like cookies

We then just browsed the area realizing we were far too old for the rides :laughing:

There is only one four leaf clover in this area!

It is really well themed!

Down to the restrooms!

We really never stayed far from

I had to take some pics of mom and dad!

and then we headed to the Boardwalk area

This ride is rarely open because of the perfect weather it needs in order to be operating


Just amazing what Disney is capable of

and it all started with this guy

It really was a beautiful night!

and of course we had to head back here

We sat and waited for a while having heard about the very cool lighting ceremony they have at night

You have to be there to see it! They play the song from the movie and the buildings do a little light show to the music! It is beautiful and magical! Plus everyone dances in the street!

It looks so much better at night! If that's possible!

This time the ride was open!

I'm not quite sure what happened to our ride picture but I am sure it showed us having the time of our lives again!

We headed over here to get a snack for World of Color


Dad really wanted the soda cone!

Mom and dad got regular popcorn while I tried the flavor of the day which was dill pickle! It was so good!!

We had special seating for World of Color from lunch and it was perfect

No having to deal with crowds and we were able to sit down and enjoy our snacks while we waited

I know you all expect pictures of World of Color so here

Those are the only pictures I have.. I apologize for being a bad TR writer! See this was one of those things I just never knew if I would see again and I wanted to enjoy so I gave dad the camera to take pictures. He ended up taking a video.. Anyway this was an amazing show! I laughed, I cried and was just in plain awe of the amazingness of it! You have to see this show! Pictures or video will not do it justice you just need to see it! Mom and I were both in tears at the end especially with the special Brave part!

I wanted to check out the Mad Tea Party after the amazing show so we filed out that way

Those are the DL fireworks! Just shows how close they are again!

This area is much cooler at night!

We were all beat and knew it was time to head back for another big day tomorrow!

Up next Fantasyland at DL!
I fell behind a bit so I've got not one, but two updates to peruse.
Good thing you keep them really short.... :rolleyes1:

I'm pretty impressed with that costume, actually.

We saw Mr. Incredible greeting fans

It's so weird to me seeing characters without attendants!

So you tackled him!

I guess, not. Since you weren't escorted out of the park.
But it would've made a good story.

Soon it was parade time! This parade is basically what Disney should have done with that horrible DHS block party parade.

Man! That parade is amazing! The details! Everything!
Blows my mind.

She looks like she's doing a zombie pose.

I love that Jack Jack actually caught on fire

That's cool!

What's that guy with the pole doing?
Looks like he's moving one of the legs?


Now he is the only one who doesn't look too happy about being in a parade

Naw. Don't harsh his mellow, dudette. He's just chillin' an' thrillin'.

I wonder if the people tell their friends "Oh yeah I play Heimlich's body"

"I'm the butt"

If it means I get to work at Disney and go to the parks for free?

Count me in!

Whoa, girl!

"I got a promotion I went from playing Heimlich's butt to Slinky Dog's butt"

Yup. I'm a little behind in your TR.

After the parade we decided to go wait by the Monsters meet and greet area. We had to meet them today because we were dressed for the occasion!

Well, yeah!
Cute shirts. All three of you.

It looks like you're holding your dad's chin up.

We stumbled upon another performance and it was Goofy directing water.

It must be there way of making sure everything is set for World of Color but being sneaky about it! Why not turn it in to a performance?!

That never would've occurred to me.

There used to be this huge deal about Ariel's hair in the ride. They had her hair floating up, which it would be if she was underwater, and everyone thought she looked like she had an ice cream cone head. They ended up changing it and the one here and in WDW now have "beautiful I am not really underwater" hair.


My hair does not look that good in a swimming pool :lmao:

Prove it!

We of course waved hi to grandma and told her we missed her!

Hi grandma! :wave:

King Triton has to be the most ripped animatron

I think Caitlin's got a little crush on someone!

I swear every ten seconds there is a show going on at DCA and I love it!

That's really cool. The energy of the place must be sky high.

We got our badges (which I am pretty sure consisted of us making fools of ourselves hopping on one foot)

:sad2: :laughing:

Then we headed out of the park!

And changed shirts.
See? I'm actually paying attention, here.

Hey everyone! I am trying to update my TRs once every three days because soon I leave!!

How will I keep up?!?

I believe we ran because we had fast passes that were due and it turned out the ride was down :rotfl: That is always the worst!

Oh, no! Of course it was down! :laughing:

All over the world, young men have just become jealous... of a tractor.

And 22 (at the time) year olds who want to ride this

It was on my DL bucket list :laughing:

Did your folks ride too? Or just shake their heads at their silly daughter? :rotfl:

Your folks are a very good looking couple, aren't they?

This ride is rarely open because of the perfect weather it needs in order to be operating

It doesn't look open when you took the picture... but the weather looks perfect? :confused3

There's Caitlin's boyfriend again!

You have to be there to see it! They play the song from the movie and the buildings do a little light show to the music! It is beautiful and magical! Plus everyone dances in the street!

Sounds amazing. Wish I could go, just to see that.

It looks so much better at night! If that's possible!

And great pics, too! :thumbsup2

Dad really wanted the soda cone!

I don't blame him! I want one too!

Those are the only pictures I have.. I apologize for being a bad TR writer! See this was one of those things I just never knew if I would see again and I wanted to enjoy

No apologies! You have to enjoy your time, too!
And that means, sometimes, putting away the camera and just soaking it all in.

Up next Fantasyland at DL!

All right! Thanks for the update(s)! :goodvibes
I fell behind a bit so I've got not one, but two updates to peruse.
Good thing you keep them really short.... :rolleyes1:

I actually have decided to weed out pictures! Since I will be trying to keep the DCP one live I have realized I need to pick the best of the best in order to keep the updates a bit shorter...It's a work in progress :rotfl:

I'm pretty impressed with that costume, actually.

I have always liked Mike!

So you tackled him!

I guess, not. Since you weren't escorted out of the park.
But it would've made a good story.

:rotfl2: I didn't need to met him that badly! There is never a wait for him at DHS!

Man! That parade is amazing! The details! Everything!
Blows my mind.

Disney put some work in to this!

She looks like she's doing a zombie pose.


That's cool!

What's that guy with the pole doing?
Looks like he's moving one of the legs?

He is! A lot of the big floats were like huge puppets!


Naw. Don't harsh his mellow, dudette. He's just chillin' an' thrillin'.

If it means I get to work at Disney and go to the parks for free?

Count me in!

Whoa, girl!

Yup. I'm a little behind in your TR.


Well, yeah!
Cute shirts. All three of you.

Thank you!

It looks like you're holding your dad's chin up.

It does! I never noticed that!

That never would've occurred to me.

That's the Disney difference!


Prove it!

Hi grandma! :wave:

I think Caitlin's got a little crush on someone!

Yeah if they had a meet and greet of him I would be first in line!

That's really cool. The energy of the place must be sky high.

It is!

:sad2: :laughing:

And changed shirts.
See? I'm actually paying attention, here.


How will I keep up?!?

I'm sorry!

Oh, no! Of course it was down! :laughing:

All over the world, young men have just become jealous... of a tractor.

:laughing: Thank you!

Did your folks ride too? Or just shake their heads at their silly daughter? :rotfl:

I know mom rode it with me I am not sure if dad did..

Your folks are a very good looking couple, aren't they?
Thank you! I think they are!

It doesn't look open when you took the picture... but the weather looks perfect? :confused3

It was kinda windy.

There's Caitlin's boyfriend again!


Sounds amazing. Wish I could go, just to see that.

Definitely worth the trip!

And great pics, too! :thumbsup2

Thank you!

I don't blame him! I want one too!

No apologies! You have to enjoy your time, too!
And that means, sometimes, putting away the camera and just soaking it all in.

True I more than made up for it with Fantasmic the next night!

All right! Thanks for the update(s)! :goodvibes

Thank you for reading!
I have finally made my way though and there is SO much to comment on I can't even try! I am absolutely loving your TR and how you've really explored DLR, DCA and Hollywood. It is making me very excited for my trip on Saturday.

Of course the most important question is...

Which drinks make things "happen" at Trader Sam's?


I have missing research in that area for sure.

Congratulations on the DCP!
I have finally made my way though and there is SO much to comment on I can't even try! I am absolutely loving your TR and how you've really explored DLR, DCA and Hollywood. It is making me very excited for my trip on Saturday.

Of course the most important question is...

Which drinks make things "happen" at Trader Sam's?


I have missing research in that area for sure.

Congratulations on the DCP!

Welcome! I am glad you enjoyed it! I hope you have an amazing trip!

The drinks that make stuff happen are the Uh Oha, Shipwreck on the Rocks and the Krakatoa. You will love it there!

Thank you!
When we last left off we had just enjoyed World of Color and headed to our hotel for a good night's rest! We woke up early this morning to head to DL! This was to be our Fantasyland morning!

It was EMH so the park was empty!

On our way through the castle we passed by Olivia Newton John aka Sandy from Grease!

Mom freaked out a bit :laughing: and had to text my grandma and let her know!

Our mission this morning was rides, rides AND RIDES!! Our first was Peter Pan!

I love that the mission control area is in a chimney!

Everything is better in DL!

Get him Peter!

We made it through without having to walk the plank and headed over to see who was hanging out in this window

She pulls back the curtain every now and then. I am pretty sure I had to wait a minute to get her to show her face but it's too cool not to get a picture of!

If you touch the book you hear the Evil Queen's laugh and thunder!

This Q is very cool!

I think Snow White annoys me the most out of all the Princesses. I mean come on a princess who is obsessed with cleaning... Yeah we wouldn't get along :rotfl: Although I could use those woodland friends to help with my bedroom :rolleyes1

Can't wait to see the roller coaster in May!


Luckily Snow White was saved

This gate is so pretty

Next up was one I hadn't ridden in a long time!



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