How often do you hang out with your siblings?

Casually hang out? Never - we’re all in good relationship but they each live 500 miles away in opposite directions. We all travelled to get together at my sister’s at Thanksgiving and my brother stayed over here last night as he flew into our city on a lay-over to his winter retreat in Mexico. Not sure when exactly we’ll see either of them again. DH’s remaining siblings all live local but the family is not close. I haven’t laid eyes on any of them since pre-Covid. They very loosely keep in touch via FB. :rolleyes:
Brother isn't far, just in Pittsburgh and I'm only an hour north. He lives in a completely different world than I do. We haven't gotten together in a few years.
My brother, never, as he lives in another province and has always been very independent and likes to do his own thing. My twin sister, pre-covid times, a couple times a month. And now, we almost never see each other because she has an auto-immune condition but in summer we do outdoor visits. We do speak on the phone every few days though.
We don't live close to each other but we've always kept in contact, even more now than in quite a few years as we help elderly parents. We started having to do a lot of joint decision making 6+ years ago. When dad passed we obviously spent time together and then we worked to move mom by me, worked to clean out their house, etc. Now my house is family central because they stay here to visit my mom so I regularly see them every month or so.

Even in college, my brother used to prank phone call me every once in a while just to connect. We have always talked fairly regularly on the phone and now messaging, even when there has been lots of distance. We message at least once a day now, some of it about mom but mostly sharing silly videos, jokes, recipes, etc. I just sent a picture to both of them of how much snow we currently have. They have none right now, so I won! The 3 of us are very close in age. We don't always get along, but so far we've always stayed in contact.
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I live across town from my sister and I only see her if I invite her daughter over to spend the night with mine. My sister will hang out if I ask her to, but we are 10 years apart and she tends to cling to no one but her husband and all but cut everyone else out. I dread the day that something should happen to him because I don't think my sister could make it through losing him. She has every egg in that basket and in no way does she try to have any kind of relationship with anyone in her own family. Even as a child she has never formed any relationship with cousins nor had a best friend. It's kinda weird.
it is easier in my family to limit contact. sometimes I see them on Mother’s Day. And as much as I don’t want to, usually see them at Christmas. Once my parents are gone, will probably see them at all.
2 brothers, 2-3x a year each. I wish it was a lot more!! It was for a while when we all lived close. Now one lives in TX, one in NY, and I'm in the middle in WV/VA.
I go to the same church as my sister, so I pretty much see her every week, as we are in the same Sunday School class and we usually go out to eat together after church.

I see my step-sister and step-brother about once a month for a family dinner at my parents house.
Only certain major holidays like Christmas and Easter and for our kids’ birthdays. We don’t spend New Years Eve together or anything like that.

I have not seen or talked to my brother since 2009 when our mother died.

We were never close and he lead a different life than I.
I haven't seen my brother in over 7 years and he lied to me so much about things that we no longer speak. I just visited my sister for the first time in 29 years Yeah we don't hang out
Only about 4 or 5 times a year. Since our parents died I don’t see my sister as often as I used to. There’s nothing really wrong, it’s just that we lead different lives and it’s often difficult to coordinate our schedules.
Once or twice a month. We are both busy with our kids’ sports schedules. She is my best friend and we talk several times a week though.


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