How sad


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Aug 6, 2002
Did anyone see Laci Peterson's family on Donohue last night? I wanted to cry. It was so heartbreaking seeing them. I was surprised they have started doing these types of shows (scheduled to be on Larry King tomorrow) but I guess they want to keep the pressure on Scott. Her mom was saying that Scott never contacts them and that she actually called him on Saturday after the search but she would not say what the conversation was. When they showed a part of an interview with Scott, her mom just rolled her eyes. I am so angry I could scream!!!!! I hope they hang him by his #$!*@ - even if he's not guilty :rolleyes: just for his lack of compassion and emotion.
I didn't see it either, darn, what time are they going to be on Larry King?

I bet the sucker did it, so many things just point you in that direction


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