How were you told about the birth of your first grandchild?


DIS Veteran
Jan 10, 2016
Our DD is having a scheduled c-section in 2 weeks. This is our first grandchild. She and her husband decided not to find out the sex of the baby--they want to be surprised, which makes this even more thrilling for us.

My DD wants to tell us in person after she is out of recovery. Something like "we'd like you to meet your new grandxxx." We love that idea. My son-in-law will just text or call us to let us know that mom and baby are fine. At that point, we'd head down to the hospital. Does this seem reasonable? It will delay our knowing by a few hours, but heck, we've waiting this long!

This is also the first grandchild for the in-laws. My SIL will most likely tell his parents over the phone. I'm sure he will be excited to share the news with his parents immediately.
Seems reasonable to me.

In our case, the grandparents were notified of our children’s births by being included in a group text we sent out to the “VIP” friends and family members a few hours after the births. The babies’ sexes were already known to everyone but the names were first announced in the text, accompanied by a picture of the new arrival. This time, the plan is for the grandparents to come stay with us ahead of the due date so things may play out a little differently.

Our kids were not their first grandkids, btw — I don’t know how they found out about the others.
All that matters is what you want to do. It doesn't matter if a stranger thinks it is reasonable.
DIL had a reveal party so we knew ahead of time.
DH and I were at the hospital for the birth and saw DGD when they were on their way to their room......about midnight
With our first I had a scheduled c section and the sex was unknown. We were only allowed 2 visitors in the recovery room at a time (this was 3 years pre COVID). My parents are divorced and my dad is remarried and my in-laws are still married. We decided to bring the grandma in together, followed by the grandfathers then my dad and his wife. We got to tell them all in person that it was a boy. He wasn't the first grandchild for any of them but it was still very special. Our most recent baby no one could come to the hospital due to COVID restrictions and the sex was known so we had all of the grandparents meet us at our house when we returned from the hospital so they all got to meet him at the same time
Does this seem reasonable?
hmmm. reasonable? According to whom? If that is what your daughter and her husband want, then it is perfectly reasonable.
When I gave birth (2 times) my mother & my husband were with me. My husband rang his folks. However - if I had chosen to have had just my husband or called my folks to tell them the sex of the babies (both boys, both we found out ahead of time) they'd have been okay with it.
Fast forward to now, I have one brand new daughter in law, and my other son is engaged. So no grandkids yet. BUT I would hope they would yield to what made their wives the most comfortable and I wouldn't expect anything beyond that. I think reasonable is up to the expectant parents.

With that being said, I fully admit it is probably easier for me as the mother of sons vs. having a pregnant daughter. I'd probably be climbing the walls and trying to keep my mouth shut if I was in your place!

I have a very difficult/always-the -victim Mother in Law who stuck her nose in everywhere if allowed, and my wish not to be like her fuels my approach to being a mother in law myself.

Congrats on your new grandbaby to be!!!
hmmm. reasonable? According to whom? If that is what your daughter and her husband want, then it is perfectly reasonable.
When I gave birth (2 times) my mother & my husband were with me. My husband rang his folks. However - if I had chosen to have had just my husband or called my folks to tell them the sex of the babies (both boys, both we found out ahead of time) they'd have been okay with it.
Fast forward to now, I have one brand new daughter in law, and my other son is engaged. So no grandkids yet. BUT I would hope they would yield to what made their wives the most comfortable and I wouldn't expect anything beyond that. I think reasonable is up to the expectant parents.

With that being said, I fully admit it is probably easier for me as the mother of sons vs. having a pregnant daughter. I'd probably be climbing the walls and trying to keep my mouth shut if I was in your place!

I have a very difficult/always-the -victim Mother in Law who stuck her nose in everywhere if allowed, and my wish not to be like her fuels my approach to being a mother in law myself.

Congrats on your new grandbaby to be!!!
I think my daughter has envisioned telling us in person for months. When I think about it, I get weepy. Can't imagine what it will be like when it actually happens.

We are in favor of doing whatever they want. The wait will be longer, but as long as we know she and baby are ok, we can handle a few more hours.
If I recall, Marie and I were at the hospital for esch.

Congratulations, @Frwinkley, on your first. Enjoy the moments, enjoy the years ahead. :cloud9:
It's really just what the parents-to-be want no one else honestly not even you as far as reasonable. They call the shots on this one.

The only question I would ask is who (meaning people you are talking to) or what (meaning social media) to avoid in order to not have the news spoiled before you find out.

I'm sure it will be such a lovely moment indeed :)
For our first grandchild I was in the room with DD . Son in law was concerned he wouldn’t make it through the birth. He didn't faint, so for the rest , we did the waiting with the other kids at home.
When I had my first in 76, All grandparents were in the hallway as they were wheeling us by. My MIL said, she's smiling, it's a girl! It was. With my first grandson, I was at the hospital waiting room. For my second one (granddaughter, same parents), I was in the room holding her leg back. for the third, it was going on 3am, they said it was going to be hours so I went home to sleep and told them to call me. All same parents, my son and DIL. It can be any way the wind blows in finding out and when. My DIL's parents got a call the next day on the last two.
My son already knew the sex, a girl. They had already decided on a name. Dil had pre-eclampsia at 8 months so they rushed her to the hospital and did a c section. My son called me on the way, he was a respiratory therapist and Navy Corpsman so knew what to do. It was during covid but because he had been a medical professional they let him stay during the c section and go to the niicu and work on the baby. He called me after everyone was settled and sent me a picture. She will be 2 in April and is in all the ranges of a full term baby.
I think that the most important thing is that you are told immediately that mother and baby are well. This is what you will be most concerned about.
Congratulations on becoming a grandparent for the first time, it’s such an exciting time for the whole family. I think whatever way the new parents want to announce to you is what you should go along with. I do like the idea to meet and know in person vs just a text or call.


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