How young an infant can go to disney?


Aug 10, 2000
Our new baby is due on June 10. Can we take the new kid to Disney during the last week in August? We go twice each year and need to get back to Disney as soon as possible.

We live on long island and will have to take they jet down from New York, please help us with some advice!
I would check with the pediatrician office you are considering, or the "What to Expect the First Year" book for the guideline on when a little one can fly. I would say after 8 weeks you would be fine, you aren't quite so tired and dead on your feet then as you are any sooner. Also, consider if you want some type of travel insurance or what your preferred airline will do if for any medical reason you can't take the trip - little bundles can come early or late, and you may or may not be up to travel. Best of luck - our 2nd is due in just 7 weeks! Unfortunately we won't be back until December.
I would also ask your pediatrician. The fact that it's going to be August would make me want to reconsider. Little babies have a hard time regulating their internal temperatures, and it's hard to keep them hydrated when they're out in the heat. If you do choose to go, you'll need to be very careful to spend lots of time inside and to give the baby plenty of fluids.
Congraduations!!!!!!!! I hope all goes well. Keep in mind that you might need some extra time to recover. God willing all will go acourding to plan, but even all going well, labor and delivery can make you feel like you were run over by a mac truck!!!!!!! They aren't kidding when they say you need at least 6 weeks to recover.

Can you go a little bit later? My daughter was born March 29 2001 and we took her on a car trip from Michigan to Virginia Beach when she was 12 weeks old. She did really well and it was a good time to take her. She was still really easy to care for, nursing so we didn't need to bring any food and was "settled in." However she didn't get too much enjoyment out of any off it. (but she got a lot of complaments!!!)

It also really depends on this babies temprament. He or she could be the kind of baby that goes every where with out a problem. Or the type that only needs someone strange to look at them once and it takes 2 hours to calm them down!!!!!!

We brought her to WDW this past December 2001 and she was almost 9 months old at the time. She had a great time and so did we.

To bad the next time we go isn't until March 2003, she will be amost 2 by then, I hope we surive the trip, the phrase "terrible 2, sends fear to my heart!!!!"

Have a good trip!!!!
We were at WDW last August. It rained, at least for awhile every single day, and 2 days it rained from morning to night. It was very humid and uncomfortable between showers. We donned ponchos and kept going most days, but we had two teenagers.

My advice, is to wait until your precious baby is older. Your enjoyment will be seeing his/her reaction to WDW in the future. This is one of the meanings of Disney magic! JMHO
We brought my middle child when she was a very small infant and even though we tried our best to keep her hydrated and shaded she would just keep throwing up when in the heat at the parks. We had to keep going back to the room.

Did I learn my lesson - no. My third child we brought to disney when he was 12 weeks old (but it was November and much cooler) and he was fine.


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