"I All Done!" A Nikki and Tom/Mommy and Jack SWW TR! UPDATE 6/28 pg. 3

The first time we took our twins (at two-years-old) they were terrified of the characters and I mean terrified to the point of shaking. We had to stand really far away where we'd wave to them and sometimes they'd wave to us if they saw us. And then about half way through the trip I don't know what happened but all they wanted to do was see the characters, hug them, get their picture taken with them. It's so hard to know how your child will react to the characters.
Now that Nikki has told you about their wonderfully smooth arrival day, I can tell you the story of our completely OPPOSITE experience.

Our flight was scheduled to leave at 6:45 pm that Thursday. Now normally I wouldn't book such a late flight, but I have just started a new job and I was already pushing it to take Friday and Monday off because I have a bigger vacation scheduled for July, so I settled for an after work flight. All day at work I was super antsy to get going and my coworkers thought it was hilarious. Especially since work was SUUUUUPER slow and I totally wouldn't have been missed. I was fine though, I had a plan. I had already secretly packed Jack's new R2D2 suitcase full of mostly new clothes into my trunk along with my bag. The plan was to pick him up from daycare and ask what he wanted to do for the evening and surprise him with the news that we were leaving for Disney. So imagine my surprise when I get a phone call from Southwest around 2:30 informing me that our flight was delayed. And then a text confirming that delay, followed by ANOTHER call with a later delay and so on. By the time I was leaving work it was clear I needed to change plans. I quickly called my parents to see if they were up for an alternate surprise reveal and they were. I left work, picked up Jack as planned, and then picked up my dad. We told Jack we were meeting my mom for dinner and we could stop by the Disney store at the mall first since I had promised to take him the following weekend.

**Back story, I am a part time cast member at our Disney Store. I got a job there during the holiday season and stayed on after. I work VERY sporadically but it's still cool.**


By the time we got to the Disney Store, the flight had been pushed back until 10 pm. I was starting to panic about the lack of sleep we were going to get since we had an 8 am Be Our Guest breakfast scheduled, but then again, who really sleeps at Disney anyways? At the Disney Store they do several "celebrations" where they display a name and text on the screen and everyone claps along etc. They even have a special "Going to Walt Disney World" one. So naturally I decided this was the best way to reveal to Jack we were on our way that night! I let him shop around and drool over Star Wars stuff while I got it set up and then it was time! I had a cast member friend take the video and she didn't get a shot of the screen but that's ok, because I had gone in and gotten video of it the weekend before when I thought I'd be telling him in the car!

Video of screen

Video of reveal

In the video, basically it took a minute, and some coaching, for him to realize what it meant. He said at first he didn't notice the name. Then he repeatedly asks me if it's real, or if I'm joking. I explained to him that I would not be joking about this if everyone was there clapping for him etc. In the end he was very happy as was I.

With the big reveal out of the way, it was time for dinner. We headed across the street to Bo Lings for some Chinese and I emphasized to him how important it was he get full since he wouldn't be able to eat once we got to Disney that night. He actually listened and ate more than usual. I also told him it would be very important that he took a nap on the plane since we were getting in so late and had an early day Friday. I hadn't told him yet about Nikki, Tom and Penny being there, I figured it would be better as a later surprise. He did ask if they were going to be there and I looked at him like he was crazy and reminded him that they lived in New Jersey so of course they wouldn't be there. I'm getting good at lying to my child evidently...

So we made it to the airport and breezed right through security. We settled in to wait and found out our flight had made up some time so we were taking off at 9:30! Jack spent some time reading his new Star Wars Rebels book while we waited...

And then we finally boarded!!

The flight went smoothly and we got in right around 1 am.

Empty ME area

We made our way quickly to the Magical Express loading area and got right on the bus. Of course we had to wait for some more passengers so we didn't actually make it to our lovely home at Port Orleans French Quarter until 2:15am. After a friendly and almost speedy check in (I had to apply gift card to pay for the balance to the room) we found our way in the dark and extreme quiet to our comfortable and lovely room. We got in bed and to sleep by 3 am...had to get ready for our big day ahead!

Oh my, that sounds like quite the ordeal to get to Disney. I'm glad you finally arrived even if it was the middle of the night. Your son is a trooper.
Great updates so far, Penny is just too cute. Am glad your travel day wasn't too stressful.

Stephanie what an awesome surprise reveal for Jack. Can't believe what time you got to Disney.

Looking forward to reading more :-)

Nikki, me and Dave are hoping to go in September next year for 14 nights as it will be a big year for us. My 30th and our 5 year wedding anniversary. We've booked to stay BC and I don't think it will be real yet until those flights are booked in October this year
AWwW..Penny is so cute. I love how she has a love hate relationship with character meets.
So glad she took a nap. Claire was one that would NOT nap in the stroller and her first trip she started looking like a zombie after a few days.
That sucks about the flight delay.
At least you made it...even if it was MUCH later than expected
Friday 5/29

After a late bedtime, I was hopeful that Penny would sleep a little bit later on Friday morning. NOPE! She was up around 5:30am. The plan was to meet up with Stephanie and Jack around 7:15am. She had texted at some point in the night (once she finally got in) that she was indeed in the connecting room.
It was sort of an anti-climactic reunion when we knocked on the connecting door. (Stephanie will post a video that she took in her post.) But we were all very excited to head out to the Magic Kingdom!!

We got to the Magic Kingdom around 8:10. Of course, I had to look for my brick. For some reason, I just couldn't find it this time. Tom took this picture of me "looking like a crazy person" before I decided to give up so we can just head in.

We had an 8:30 Be Our Guest ADR but Tom and I weren't really interested in going. I was surprised that they checked our reservation as we got in the early entry line because of all the times I've had an early breakfast in the parks, I've never been asked for proof!

While Stephanie and Jack went for breakfast, Tom, Penny and I did some exploring around the hub, in front of the castle, behind the castle, the Cinderella fountain and the carousel. I'll let the pictures tell the story but it was a WONDERFUL morning!

She was very into the "horsies" on the carousel so the plan was to hit that up first. But I noticed a line starting to form just to the side of the carousel where stroller parking is and found out it was for Anna and Elsa. So I jumped on that while Tom and Penny continued walking around.

I thought Penny was going to be way into meeting these two since she is obsessed with Frozen (who isn't?) and Let It Go is her go to song. She had a little Elsa doll on the side of her stroller that she held on to most of the trip and would sing to it. Mostly she would tell her to "be the good girl you always have to be" while waving a finger.

I kept her in her stroller as they led us into the meet and greet area just before 9am. There was only a few people ahead of me so we hardly waiting at all. When we got into the room, once again, she liked seeing them from afar but as soon as it was our turn, she didn't even want to get out of her stroller.

So I handed my camera to the CM who took some nice pics of me with the girls. First I met Anna. I asked her if we could take a selfie and she said sure but it's called a "snowfie" where she lives. We chatted a bit about what the weather is like in the magical land of New Jersey.

Next I moved on to Elsa. She was a little less chatty. I asked her if we could take a snowfie (now that I know the lingo) and I also told her that Penny's favorite song is Let it Go and that she sings it all the time. Elsa didn't seem to care too much. I think it was a little early in the morning for these princesses! Haha.

OF COURSE, as soon as we left the building, all I heard for the next ten minutes was "I WANNA SEE ELSA! I WANNA SEE ELSA RIGHT NOW!"

So many great early morning pictures! Smart idea getting in the A&E line right away, you got some great pics even if Penny didn't want to join in on the fun!
Aww too bad Penny wouldn't get near them. We had a year where Claire covered her face in about every picture I took.
Jumping in late to your TR, but I have to laugh. My son turned 2 in May, and his favorite phrase is "all done!". Now it's "I'm all done!". I think we're going to be hearing that a lot when we go too!

She is SO cute, by the way. She looks a lot like my friend's daughter, who is just a little spitfire. Love her!
Lovely photos by the castle! Amazing you had such a short wait to meet the Frozen princesses.. sorry that Penny didn't want to see them right then :cutie:

Emma x
Loving this report! We took Kira when she was two and it was definitely an interesting trip :rolleyes2 :rolleyes1

It only gets better though :thumbsup2

Sorry for the rough start, Stephanie. :hug:

Looking forward to reading the rest :woohoo:
Gorgeous photos, is a shame Penny didn't want to meet Anna and Elsa and boo to Elsa not being friendly that morning :-(


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