I am fascinated/jealous of work from home people!

I am a private practice psychotherapist. Had a physical office to meet people in person then the pandemic came. I moved to teletherapy from my home office and found I love it and so do my clients! Have no plans to return to in-person sessions again.
I work primarily as a devops engineer but actually wear many hats.

Occasionally I go into the office, 30 minute commute, but for the most part I am full time WFH.

It really doesn't make a lot of sense to be in the office. I am supporting computers that are in data centers all over the US. There are so many computer jobs that just don't have a really compelling reason for being in the office except for managers fearing a loss of control. Collaboration online works well enough when I do need to work with a teammate.
I started WFH before Covid for others reasons - I go into the office one day a week - I do Accounting/ Bookkeeping for several small companies for my boss. Everything except cutting actual checks and deposits I can do from home - I love working from home !!
I work insurance claims.We went home during Covid and never went back. I hated it at first but now I'm happy to be at home.
Engineer - I prefer to go into the office but my company converted to "open office" prior to the pandemic so I actually have a much better work space at home. In fact, if I know I will be taking Teams meetings or have an important Teams meeting I will make of point of working from my home office - just too much noise from other people in my office that I can't block out. (plus my home WiFi kicks ***). I do truly miss the collaborative work environment but that ship sailed when the office was converted. WFH can get very isolating and depressing IMHO.
Graphic designer. Went home for COVID, back to 2 days a week in office this year. Cuz real estate drives decisions, apparently.
I work for the federal government; my job can absolutely be done completely from home. I hired in just as COVID was starting, did 3 days of orientation, went back the same week for a computer issue (we got sent home with circa 2013 desktops that VHA didn't want anymore), then 3 months later to pick up a new laptop, then not again for another 23 months, when they called us back to the office. They couldn't have us all in office even if they wanted to, we had a huge hiring push and now we have way more people than can be accommodated with the available space. Most folks are in office once a week. I have a reasonable accommodation for full time telework and only go in about once a quarter, when it's my turn to do hearings. I am way, way more productive at home (the lighting triggers my migraines and the people distract me...squirrel!).
I’m a legal assistant for a corporate general counsel and I’ve been working from home exclusively for almost a year now. My boss is in a time zone 3 hours away, so I usually end up working later than I used to when I had an office. I honestly don’t like working from home. I miss people.
My dh works exclusively from home. He is a commercial underwriter for a large credit union. Before Covid he went into the office 2 days a week. I think they might have had him transition back to that, but I was diagnosed with cancer, and they told him to continue to work from home. It was such a blessing. He logged in from the cancer center and would work in the room while I received chemo each week and was there to help me out when I was sick and weak at home. Now, they have given his office space to someone else so he doesn’t have a place at work even if he wanted to. He loves working at home.

I’m an elementary school teacher. No option for work from home.
Our office is open 3 days a week (Tuesday-Thursday) but we are only required to go in one day a month. I usually work 3 days in the office, 2 at home. My DH works full time from home. I actually prefer the routine and structure of going to the office. When I work from home I tend to work all sorts of hours but when I go in I work my hours, shut down, drive home and decompress and rarely turn my laptop back on at night but I wfh it’s always in and east to ‘just check something’ and then it’s 2 hours later and I’m just doing one more thing.
Im a state caseworker and we started wfh due to covid. Our offices are open now, but wfh stayed according to seniority so im grateful to still be home. I ADORE being home... i have never had such a good work/life balance before, especially as a single parent. They are trying to make us all go back hybrid, but i would be happy if I never had to go back in again.
My husband and both sons mostly work from home.

DH is a project lead for an aeronautical company. Goes into the office sporadically when he wants to.

Oldest son works from home as an international tax CPA. His office is 60 miles away, so he only goes in when there is a meeting - a couple days a month.

Youngest son works 4 days a week from home - everyone comes in one day a week for face to face meetings. He is a cyber security consultant.
I'm half and half. On the road to see clients and then doing documentation at home. I like it. I just started doing this about 3 months ago. So much freedom compared to having to be in and out at a certain time. It took me a while to get used to getting home and then still having to work. On the positive side, I can do my documentation with my feet up listening to a podcast or watching Netflix and I can do it any time of the day even weekends if I feel like it. I enjoy it.
I have pretty much always worked with the public (grocery store/nursing home/medical office). The last 20 years have been a mix of different healthcare front office jobs, currently working the front desk of a physical therapy office. I do check in, scheduling, prior authorizations and so on. The prior authorizations I could do from home, but not the rest of it. So I don't see work from home being a thing as long as I'm working here. (I love it here and don't see myself leaving). Since I've never worked a job that could easily transition to WFH, I'm curious as to what people are doing that they get to do this. (Yes, I'm jealous!)
I don't know a lot about the different fields out there because I have been in healthcare for so long so that has been my focus.
If anyone wants to share what they do, education that they have, that type of thing, within their comfort level, I would love to hear! :)
There are a lot of jobs in healthcare where you could work from home. It just depends on your role.
Working remotely isnt all that. I've spent way more money than ever before shopping online for things I dont need. I'm drinking way more than ever before simply because I dont have a 6am commute.
Sorry but that sounds more like a lack of self-discipline than a standard result of working remotely. I haven't heard of either of these being widespread issues among remote workers in general.
I have the option of working from home when I want and going to my office when I want. There are pros and cons to each and I hope I'm never fully one or the other again.
I burned out in the mental health field years ago and fell into writing (travel and content). I've been WFH, mostly freelance with a couple of full-time gigs thrown in there, since 2008. It enabled me to travel the country in an RV for a decade. Even after moving back to sticks and bricks, I've never had a single regret. I travel for weeks or months at a time (just got back from 2.5 months in Orlando), and because I write about my travels I can write it all off at tax time. My primary client source now is a large freelance platform--they take a percentage in exchange for sourcing and managing the clients. I think they're based in Arizona somewhere. I'm in NOLA. One of my editors is in South Africa. I've never met any of them in person, but we chat a lot through Slack, email, sometimes text...I'm never hurting for "work friends" to talk to.
If anyone wants to share what they do, education that they have, that type of thing, within their comfort level, I would love to hear! :)
I am a stagehand who does pyrotechnics. And a part time camera operator for reality shows.
No education at all - dropped out of high school to do a national tour of a musical.
Not jobs I could do from home...


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