i am thinking of going to WDW... advice please


<font color=blue>I am a <font color=red>summer <fo
Mar 31, 2003
i have just come back from taking my brother to Florida.

I loved it so much that i really want to go back in October but I don't think that he will be able to come again with me.

If i went alone to Florida - would i enjoy it as much?

I really, really want to go again this year but i have doubts travelling solo.

I like my own company.

Thanks - any advice welcomed.:Pinkbounc
Welcome julieannbabe,

If you've ever gone somewhere alone and had a blast, then I think you'd love it. The best part of a solo trip to WDW is that you can go where you want, when you want, and how you want. I'm a morning person so when I went I would get up early and head out. I would then be back at the resort mid afternoon for a swim then I'd head on out again. I loved it. Now, I won't lie to you....you will get lonely at times, I know I did on my two trips, but the CM's are always there to talk to. I've struck up many conversations with CM's on my trips. Give it some serious thought and read the other posts and let us know what you decide. You know, I may be able to go in Oct. myself....if I do go maybe we could get together one day. Oh that reminds me. I met up with a really nice lady and her teenage son on the bus when we were heading out to our resorts from the airport on my last trip, and we got together one day and made a day of it....it was a blast. I know that a lot of Dis'ers will get on the boards and see who's going when and then make plans to get together. Let us all know.

in the words of Nike, "Just do it!"

I've taken 5 solo trips, soon to take my fifth (though not soon enough for me!). I go twice a year-once with my family, then once totally by myself. I don't want anyone to go with me. And I love it more each time I go.
Hi julieannbabe, welcome to the DIS. I'm really glad you decided to join us.

You will love touring WDW as a solo. I do it several times a year. There was a young woman from UK who attended DISCON as a solo last December. I think at first she was a little homesick, but she got over that quickly. I think she had two weeks at the Swan.

I say, make a solo trip, you will love it.

We have a trip planning chat every Sunday at 7PM GMT. I wish you would join us sometime. It's usually about half Brits and half Americans and I really enjoy it. Lots of questions are asked and answered and it's just fun.

thank you for all your support - you guys are such a friendly bunch - it is appreciated loads.


I've been to WDW several times solo and have a blast each time. You have so much freedom, it's amazing. I'm pretty comfortable doing things solo, so going to WDW solo never bothered me. You get to do what you want, when you want. You can dine wherever you want, whenever you want. You can go on a ride 12 times or skip it completely. I always bring a book with me (I love to read), so it gives me something to do while dining or waiting for a show or parade to start. I've also had people strike up conversations with me when they notice I'm alone. This past trip I brought a camcorder and taped everything I possibly could (including the Zippa-Dee-Doo-Dah channel!!!). I think you will have a great time!! :smooth:
One of the great things about going solo, is talking with all the interesting people. You would be surprised how people will respond to you when they realize that you are solo. You know, everyone in this world has a story, and this way you get to hear so many!

This is my fourth trip solo and I love it! If I want to stay at the clubs late, I can. Then I can sleep late if I want to.

Got to love it!!!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
I've been to WDW world solo 5 times. My parents are retired there and have a home 15 minutes from maingate so I've never stayed at a Disney resort.
I can say, that as a solo, you can check out side roads, and go paths that might be missed with another person or group.
I have run into wonderful people. Even waiting for a parade, I have found people that would save my seat so I could go get water. It's alot of fun going solo, and if given the opporturnity I would try it.

I go every year solo for a convention. Two half days of meetings, then a couple days just for me! I've found Disney solo to be a unique experience. I find myself less "ride-oriented" and more interested in just being there, seeing, hearing, etc. I usually spend a couple hours in MK just to have been there, and the same with MGM.

But most of the time, I go to Epcot. Being on your own gives you a certain freedom (with all intended respect to DW) to just move at your own pace. Some days, I go twice as fast as I would with others in tow. One day, I came through the International Gateway at 10 AM and didn't get past Canada until 5 PM. You never realize how much there is at Disney until you sit and observe.

Go for it! Take time to notice stuff you never would when on a "touring schedule." Enjoy the fountains. See some of the many high school bands that are guest performers, not because of the great music (some of it is), but just to see the look on the kid's faces. See every show there is. Sit on a bench and just look at the detail in the architecture of Disney. Take slow walks and marvel at the landscaping. Stand in a corner and enjoy children greeting characters. Spend hours in places like Innoventions, where one normally limits their time. Walk an entire park after dark and just take in the lights. Look for rainbows after a shower.

Do you want me to go on? I can!

Solo trips will never replace the time I spend in WDW with my wife. But the time I spend with my wife will never replace my solo trips. Do it!

thank you Pat and th over kind people that have responded to my question.

I am taking all your useful advice into carfeul consideration.

Kind Regards,


:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I have thought about doing this myself. Enjoyed reading everyone's comments. :)
Originally posted by AdventurerKat
I have thought about doing this myself. Enjoyed reading everyone's comments. :)

Good! I'm a crusader for solo travel. It took my wife five years to accept I'd go and actually enjoy myself without her. Took another five to talk her into trying it. She went last January (2002), and started talking about moving to Orlando.

It's really a great, great thing. Totally different than the 'family' experience. Try it. Enjoy!

The only problem with going solo is that you get more and more spoiled each time you do it. :p

You can go where you want when you want and do what you want to do whenever the mood hits you.

Besides, at WDW you may be alone but you will never be lonely! I have met hundreds of wonderful people (including a family that "adopted" me for a night).

It may not be for everyone but I certainly give solo traveling two thumbs up!


*Imagine... only 9 days, 23 hours and 9 minutes till WDW!*
Having done this many time before, I can honestly say that I have just as much fun (maybe a little more) when I go solo, as I do when I go with family. You have an amazing amount of freedom. You get to do what you want, when you want. You can dine wherever & whenever you want. You can ride an attraction 10 times in a row or akip one all together. I'm an early riser, so I love hitting the parks at Magic Hour. It is so peaceful walkking around with little crowds and really taking in the atmosphere. I love to read, so I always have a book with me. I find this helps pass the time while dining or while waiting for a show to start. If you are comfortable traveling and dining alone, you'll do great!

P.S. Don't forget to take advantage of the Single's line at Test Track! You won't regret it!!
:jester: :smooth:
on the long fly there and back - you might - be at WDW - there is much to do and see - that no - you would only be having a good time - there are not of Dis people there - wear a green lime ribbon and see if they won't come up.

ask about a meet going on at that time that you could join.

People are friendlier at WDW than at home.

believe me solo trips are fun - just as fun as trips with family and friends - you don't have to worry about pleasing anyone but yourself!

Mother is so funny - she is trying to convience me that I will have a terrible time w/o at WDW !!!:tongue: :) She can't afford to go without me (I paid for everything) - but if she could she would be there without me in a heart beat!
oh i really don't know what to do - i have just found out that i can get a quite a good deal for a week in the beginning of september, staying on international drive.

what do i do?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by julieannbabe
what do i do?:rolleyes:


September, honest to Pete, is one of the best times to be there. Great deals, low crowds. The hours on the parks are shorter, but with the lack of crowds you get more done, in a more leisurly fashion. There's a downside and a gray area:

The downside. It does rain in September. You can count on one or two showers per day, usually late afternoon/early evening, lasting fifteen minutes to a half hour. It IS hurricane season, but we've never run into one (although Isidor tried last year!). Personally, I've never found the occasional storm a problem, and I think many here agree with me. It's actually opportunity knocking. When it starts raining, put on rain gear (you WILL have rain gear, won't you?). Head through the by now barren park and shoot for you're favorite ride (accept outdoor rides, which shut when it rains). Hop right on, no wait! And look for rainbows.

The gray area: It's still pretty hot (90's and humid). For us, this was a PLUS. We went in late October a lot and DW, a sun bunny at heart, didn't like going to Florida and wearing pants during the day and wind breakers at night. So to us, September feels more like Florida. However, some people avoid July through September because they hate the heat. Depends where you stand. As you can see, it's a plus for me.

Beyond those two things, I can't think of a better time to be in Disney. If you have the money (and you need less of it in Septemer) and the time, GO. There's no better time to go solo. Spend time in Pleasure Island (a great place for a solo. And hit a water park. It's one of the few times you can have Typhoon Lagoon at your disposal and pick where you want to sit.

I'm going to consider it a personal achievement if you go. What else do you need to know? I'll tell you. Because I know when you get back, you'll want to do it again, and again, and again...

I've been there in September, the 5 minute afternoon rain shower. But the crowds were so manageable. Great time to go, can sometimes be hot, but I always found a place to cool off.
after all the kind and careful advice...


thank you - to everyone who has been in so kind in steering me the right direction X

thanks to Pat - for the recent message.

I will be be on these boards practically everyday now!

Love and Best Wishes,


:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Warning: I've never been tempted by drugs. I've always handled my liquor. Don't get near smoke except for the occasional cigar. But this board? I'm an addict baby, and the only cure is actually being in Disney!

Let us know what you need to know. I love talking about September in Disney (bet you didn't guess). September's an incredible time to be there. You've made a wise choice, grasshopper.



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