I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

That is some view :cloud9:

Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!

Its just the law! ::yes::

That would be the bridge that crosses between the two countries and it was now 6:28pm. I had wanted to make it with 10 minutes but now I would probably have to settle for 15-20 :headache:. Once the bridge came down and we were allowed to cross, it looked exactly like this


Oh gosh now I am super hungry!


DH wanted a soda and I wanted a pitcher of Sangria but DH didn’t want any and it was either the pitcher or nothing. So I went with water.

Yeah....I would still have gotten the pitcher :rolleyes1:rotfl:

That looks soooooo goooddddd!!


We decided NOT to run this time and to leisurely take our time walking back to the monorail.

I have no idea why you didn't want to run back! :rotfl:

And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did


She mentioned she put some of her purchases in our closet to start the packing process since we only had two nights left and I went to check out what she had done. Now may I remind everyone, we had one SMALL (carry on sized) extra suitcase available that I had packed in the bottom of my suitcase for just this reason. And when I told her at the beginning of the trip that I had brought an extra one, I think she thought it was a large sized bag.

Some of her purchases.

Houston we have a problem.

Hahahaha! That is the problem I have every time I pack! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Every. Single. Time. :lmao:

As of today, I still have very, very minimal bleeding as in a few drops of old blood. I guess it can be a number of things including Low lying placenta, cervix irritation, subchorionic hematoma, uterus getting too big too fast or even a period! Funnily enough, the day I started bleeding would have been the day my period would have started :confused3 I'll bring that up to my doctor when I see her next Thursday. Other than that, today was the first day since Sunday, waking up very optimistic and happy :) Heck, I even did an update cause i'm feeling so good :thumbsup2 I'll definitely keep everyone in the loop since you guys are basically the only ones that know aside from our parents. As weird as it is, it's nice to talk about it and get it off my mind.

And my due date is May 10, a few days after Mother's Day :goodvibes

I'm so glad you are feeling better, how scary to for you guys but hopefully it's nothing serious and the rest of your pregnancy will run smoothly :goodvibes
Most of everything that I was going to say has been said, but I thoroughly enjoyed this update :)

That suitcase situation looks rough!

Glad you got an unexpected date night, very cool.

Boo on those girls not knowing about PP when one of your favorite songs was going on! This is equal to those old ladies at the FP+ kiosk...
First of all- Hugs to you!! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly for you. I had unexplained bleeding at the beginning of my last pregnancy and I now have a very healthy 2 month old. :)
I love your trip reports! I went back and looked all your old ones too. We are planning our 2nd trip to disney, our first trip we stayed off site and didnt do dining. We were thinking of doing that again but all your food reports makes me want to do the dining plan.
Hey! So good to see you back here! :goodvibes
With that said, i'm feeling much better when I do take Zofran and am able to eat much more with it.
DS turned 3 on Oct 2, so had a Little Einstein's themed birthday party for him (hopefully some pics to come later!) and will be taking him to Disneyland next week :-)eek:) I'm sure this will be a much slower paced vacation than past Disneyland vacations, but have already told my DH and DM to take him and leave me at the hotel (DLH) when needed.
I hope everything is currently going well with the baby - sending prayers and pixie dust your way.:lovestruc
I've been dying to get back to reading everyone's TR's - I felt so 'lonely' these past few weeks not being able to get on the DIS but i'll be slowly coming back and catching up!
I know what you mean - I was gone from the DIS for awhile as well and it such a nice feeling to be back!
On the monorail we began talking about our ADR time for Via Napoli at 6:15pm and it was now close to 4:45. DM asked if she could skip out on dinner and just pick something up for her and DS to eat back in the room instead and DH and I could go to dinner. DH and I were like
Awesome! What a nice date night for you and DH.
and I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.

Wow that is a spectacular view.
As we were walking in, I was tempted by the silent call of the lonely Photopass photographer, just waiting for anyone to come up and have their picture taken. Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!

What a great picture! And yeah, if no one is there, that's a perfect opportunity! :)
By the time we checked in, it was 6:34. Almost 20 minutes late. That’s just embarrassing. But we did mention that the bridge was up and they acted like it was no trouble at all and it would just be a few minutes.
Glad you had no troubles getting in!
A few years back DH wanted to get me new drinking glasses for Christmas and gave me some options to choose from. I immediately picked one of the options cause they were the prettiest. Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:

That is so cool! Those glasses are really pretty.
And now every time I grab a glass, I just pretend I’m at Via Napoli :cloud9: It’s definitely the little things with me guys, apparently.
The littlest things can be the best things in life! :)
For appetizers we ordered the Calamari and a Salame e Provolone plate

YUM! :thumbsup2
DH and I have very different likes when it comes to pizza and we couldn’t agree on one. So we decided that whatever the waiter liked the most is what we would go with. He said without a doubt the Prosciutto e Melone :hyper: I was hoping it was going to be that one or the Quattro Formaggi! I’m not sure why we just didn’t have them do half of mine and half his? Didn’t matter it was devoured.

Oh my gosh that looks so good! I am putting that into my mental notes to get that whenever I get to Via Napoli! :goodvibes
And of course, I can’t leave there without getting the Tiramisu

YUM x100!
I think Germany when it’s decorated for Christmas is so beautiful

So pretty!!!!! :goodvibes
As soon as they were done, we ran to the spot they were standing in and we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show

I'm glad you were able to get the picture - it came out great!
Our photographer was quite the character. He asked for a scary tiger

She mentioned she put some of her purchases in our closet to start the packing process since we only had two nights left and I went to check out what she had done. Now may I remind everyone, we had one SMALL (carry on sized) extra suitcase available that I had packed in the bottom of my suitcase for just this reason. And when I told her at the beginning of the trip that I had brought an extra one, I think she thought it was a large sized bag.

Some of her purchases.

That looks like my stack of purchases whenever I go to Disney...:rotfl:
I'll definitely keep everyone in the loop since you guys are basically the only ones that know aside from our parents. As weird as it is, it's nice to talk about it and get it off my mind.

And my due date is May 10, a few days after Mother's Day :goodvibes
:lovestruc Like I said above - tons of prayers and pixie dust your way!
Love the update! You got a surprise date night! Those are always nice. As always the food at Via Napoli looks so good. DH used to work at an Italian restaurant though, so its' hard to get him to eat Italian anymore.

How dare those girls ruin your fountain/SE Ball/Yanni moment. Not cool!

Um.....your mom got a lot of stuff. I hope it all made it home! That's one of the perks of driving. We always have extra room for souveniers.
DM asked if she could skip out on dinner and just pick something up for her and DS to eat back in the room instead and DH and I could go to dinner.

Now how cool is that? Surprise date night!

When we got to the GFV, I told them I would go to the pool bar and order it and they could go back to the room and I’d meet them after a while.

Ulterior motive?

and I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.


We ended up leaving around 5:45pm and I knew we were going to be late.


As we were walking in, I was tempted by the silent call of the lonely Photopass photographer, just waiting for anyone to come up and have their picture taken. Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!

You're already late....why not?

Could we possibly make it to Via Napoli from SE within 5 minutes??? It’s doable without DM and DS.

Probably not.

By the time we checked in, it was 6:34. Almost 20 minutes late. That’s just embarrassing. But we did mention that the bridge was up and they acted like it was no trouble at all and it would just be a few minutes.

See? At least you were nice about it. I'm sure they deal with people being late all the time and they're probably not even as nice as you were about it.

DH wanted a soda and I wanted a pitcher of Sangria but DH didn’t want any and it was either the pitcher or nothing.

The pitcher! The pitcher!

So I went with water.

Oh. :sad2:

Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:

Well at least you had that going for you.

And now every time I grab a glass, I just pretend I’m at Via Napoli :cloud9: It’s definitely the little things with me guys, apparently.

OK, and now you can still enjoy your water and recreate the moment.

I’m not sure why we just didn’t have them do half of mine and half his? Didn’t matter it was devoured.

:confused3 At least you liked it.

And DH ate half of this! I was proud. He’s not a huge fan of desserts and definitely not a fan of Tiramisu.

How can he not be a fan of Tiramisu?

We decided NOT to run this time and to leisurely take our time walking back to the monorail.

But why not? Now you have calories that you can burn.

DH volunteered to buy them (knowing that I probably would have bought more than needed and this is true ::yes::)

Well, you have seen what happens when Fran and I go there, right?

As soon as they were done, we ran to the spot they were standing in and we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show

Because we can all hear the song playing in your picture. :confused3

And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did

????? Wha??????

Some of her purchases.

Oh, come on that doesn't even fill a whole suitcase. You brought an extra one didn't you?
First off, I'm glad you're doing better. I guess it's a good sign when your doctor isn't too concerned by the bleeding.

Oh Mylanta, all your DM's purchases! I seem to remember from a previous TR that you've had this issue before. :laughing:

So what does it say about me that when I looked at the pool bar menu, all I saw were the beverages. :drinking1

I love the Epcot pictures. And Via Napoli is coming more and more into our radar. I'm thinking I could love those pizzas.
Glad to see the update and to find out that you and the baby are okay. Hope it's smooth sailing from here on end.

Fantastic update. So cool that being late to Via Napoli wasn't an issue. At least that bridge goes up at the same time twice a day; so the CM know that it can happen.
Your meal looks great! And I would have totally stopped at KK as well.
By the time we checked in, it was 6:34. Almost 20 minutes late. That’s just embarrassing. But we did mention that the bridge was up and they acted like it was no trouble at all and it would just be a few minutes.
Wow, if you thought that was embarrassing, just wait for all the times we're late in my TR. :rolleyes1 Glad you made it in anyway. Good effort! :cheer2:

A few years back DH wanted to get me new drinking glasses for Christmas and gave me some options to choose from. I immediately picked one of the options cause they were the prettiest. Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:
How cool. I remember commenting on how neat those glasses are the first time we ate at Via Napoli.

He said without a doubt the Prosciutto e Melone :hyper:
I have yet to try this one, but it's still on my list for someday.

As soon as they were done, we ran to the spot they were standing in and we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show
:thumbsup2 Whew, glad you made it. That is a really cool moment.

Other than that, today was the first day since Sunday, waking up very optimistic and happy :) Heck, I even did an update cause i'm feeling so good :thumbsup2
Glad you are feeling better and hope that is still the case! :goodvibes
1st, Congrats on the pregnancy!!!!! I can tell you that I experienced pretty heavy bleeding right around 12 weeks with our first child and we never found out the cause. But, she is a perfectly healthy 11 yr old now. :)

Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoother.

I am finally all caught up on this one, so whenever you're ready...carry on!
Gorgeous view, a beer was definitely in order.

Absolutely, I couldn't squander that opportunity.

Agh I couldn't resist!

Hurry much? Love the grainy blurry photo ; )

As I was going through my pics in iPhoto, I saw this black photo and was about to dump it when I decided to lighten up and realized it was the bridge! It took many edits to make it look like that.

6:20 and its pitch dark reminds me its freaking time for day light savings this weekend and I'm so not ready for it to be pitch black at 6:20.

No joke, I still can't get over that it's 4:40 and it's getting dark.

I thought better of you, you could have handled that pitcher. So disappointed young jedi ; )

I really, really wanted to, trust me. I don't care if others drink in front of me if i'm not drinking, but I hate the opposite. I feel terrible when i'm drinking and no one is drinking with me.

So maybe this makes up for it, provided there is more than water in that glass on occasions when of course you are not pregnant

Trust that I made many drinks over the Summer in those glasses:thumbsup2

Ahh, one of my favorites!!!!

Same which is why I was super excited!

Ok, totally judging you. Yanni???????? I thought I was supposed to be the old one of the two of us

Nope, it is totally me who's the oldie! I had some 'issues' back in my younger years and I remember my Dad driving me around and he specifically put this CD in while we drove around and it was so beautiful and calming to me that I instantly feel in love :cloud9: With his music of course, not him :scared::rotfl2:

Marti McFly better keep playing earth angel before you disappear

DH had been walking by when I had this up and he was SO EXCITED to see this was on the DIS and asked why and I showed him the photo you were talking about and he got even more excited :rotfl2: He is a huge BTTF fan!

Gotta love Mom!!! Can't wait to see how you figure this one out

We barely made it :faint:

So glad everything seems to be well and you're back. Missed ya!

I missed it here too! Trying to get back into it.

Typically I'm a lurker, but I just had to comment on your DH's sweatshirt-CSU Long Beach? Toured there and absolutely loved it. If I could tolerate living somewhere without snow, it'd be my #1 for sure!

Glad to see things are looking up otherwise, and love reading your TR!

Yep we are both CSULB Alumni! :cool1: It was such a fun place to live! Expensive, but man was it nice to have the beach minutes away and Disneyland 20 minutes away :cloud9:

Thanks for reading along!

Well, that's great for you! But clearly your DM doesn't know what she's missing.

She totally didn't but who am I to argue with my mom :rolleyes1

If you have to sit at a bar for more than 5 minutes, you have to get a beer. That's like a law somewhere I think.

I'm pretty sure that law popped into my head as I was sitting there and I remembered not having a beer was being unlawful :thumbsup2

Uh oh... your timing really does suck this evening.

Imagine if I had DS and DM with us :scared:

Well, I guess for being late that really isn't so bad.

Right? Not terrible at that point, but still late.

:eek: :scared1: :faint:



Either be a big girl and get the pitcher of Sangria or get a beer. The La Rossa isn't half bad.

And what was wrong with him anyway???? He only likes drinking with your mom? :confused3 :rotfl2:

I know I really should have gone for it. For whatever reason I was craving Sangria (cause I never drink that!) but noticed for not much more, I could get a pitcher.

And you're so right on with that point! Is it possible a 65 year old woman is more fun to drink with than a 31 year old?!:sad::sad2:

Wow!!! Your DH stole glasses from VN to give them to you for Christmas??? :rolleyes1

The only item in his entire life that he would be allowed to steal ::yes::

Yes. You did mean to. :rotfl:

I'm glad they finally got their picture and got out of your way.

You just had to call me out didn't you :rotfl2:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Great pictures. All of them, even the more serious ones before you got to this photographer.

Yeah they were fun and was glad we stopped!

Well, I'm glad she enjoyed her dinner, but I hope you made it very clear that yours was better.

I should have but didn't want to rub it in. Cause I'm a good person like that ::yes::

:eek: :scared1: :faint: Is there anything that she didn't buy???

Yeah, an extra luggage bag :rotfl2::rotfl:

Yuck! Hope everything is ok. I can tell you that it happened to my wife sometimes during pregnancy and never amounted to anything.

Thanks for these words. Apparently mine never amounted to anything either :thumbsup2

You mean, dinner with out the kid? Where do I sign up??

I think you have didn't you?! In December or are you taking the kids??

I can get on board with that.



This is AMAZING!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Hey, I'd do the same thing. Beats reality anyday!

It totally does, I love my glasses.

Well, that would have been reasonable.

Not gonna lie, I was concerned that I was going to eat all of my half and still be hungry but not want his half:rolleyes1

Good thing you got there! Otherwise we never would have been able to tell what song was playing in the photo.:rotfl2:

I hate you :lmao:

Allrighty then.

What the....?:confused3

Maybe he had a pitcher of Sangria?!

Well, it's good to know Disney will stay in business a little longer.

:rotfl:I'd say so.

It really is a photogenic tune, isn't it? :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Ahh, it's good to be back ::yes:::lmao:

Hey girl, I'm catching up finally!

Yeah me too! :rotfl2:

He is such a dream-child. What an angel.
Sometimes :rolleyes1

It's a small world - Mexico?! :laughing:

I think I stole that term from someone here and now that's what I call it :rotfl:Sorry for the confusion!

I've never had anything from Karamell Kuche! But it is one of the greatest smells on Disney property :love: We came close this year but it was so busy we just went in, salivated, and left :laughing: Any advice on what to get when we finally get around to buying something..?!


You MUST try those marshmallow caramel rolls. Divine! And the cookies in there are fantastic! You seriously can not go wrong with any item in here.

MEN!!! This is the story of my life on Test Track :rotfl: I can feel the frustration burning through Jamie's soul when I'm making a little pink sparkly bubble car :thumbsup2

I even told him, let her design it, she never has, annnnnnnd nope! He couldn't allow it. He tried but it didn't work out :lmao:

Omg, he is actually hilarious. This seriously cracked me up, especially that third picture down :rotfl2:

Yep, that's my husband :rolleyes1

Can I come and live in your backyard please?

As soon as I find those darn lanterns you're more than welcome to! :hyper:

Soooo excited for you! I really hope everything runs smoothly. Sorry you had a fright with the bleeding, but it's a good sign that your doctors aren't worrying :goodvibes And I hope Calvin had a great birthday and you all had a fabulous time in Disneyland!

Thank you!:goodvibes So far, so good. In fact, going to WDW in 6 weeks:eek::eek: More on that in a bit.

:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc This resort is such a dream I miss it so much :lovestruc

Isn't it though?! Ugh we loved it so much, even DH which is huge!

OF COURSE this happened when you were running late!! What a cruel world we live in. But at least now you can blame your lateness on Disney :thumbsup2

TOTALLY the right answer!

:rotfl::lmao: perfect analogy.

It really felt like both sides were battling and it was hilarious!

Disney really is the best, albeit MOST FRUSTRATING place in the world :rotfl:

I just couldn't believe it happened right in the second I needed that picture taken :bitelip:

Woo!:woohoo: It turned out great too :goodvibes

You can't tell, but my face looks rushed :rotfl:
He sounds like a hoot! I love the confusion picture :rotfl2:


Kind of worried about DH here... Because you know..


:rotfl:I love that this picture is used twice on my thread! DH is one happy man!

Story of my life!!!! Hopefully it was nothing that the old "sitting-on-your-suitcase" trick couldn't fix :thumbsup2

Did I mention there was a lot of breakables like ornaments and such?! :eek:
Was she ever put on pelvic/bed rest with that pregnancy? I just don't want it to get to that cause we may have some type of trip coming up :rolleyes1

No, never got put on bed rest or anything ... mostly just like what you had - take it easy for a while and not lift heavy things, etc,

Hope things are going well!
That is some view :cloud9:

Isn't it though?! I could look at that every day.

Oh gosh now I am super hungry!


The past week, i've been craving pizza HARD! So what is the number to speak to pizza???:rotfl2:

Yeah....I would still have gotten the pitcher :rolleyes1:rotfl:

Lu...you didn't have to tell me, I know you would have:lmao: If you were there, we would have each had our own pitcher :thumbsup2

That looks soooooo goooddddd!!


OMG, i'm so going to do this to DH when he walks in with pizza next time, he'll think the preggo hormones have gone to my head :rotfl:

I have no idea why you didn't want to run back! :rotfl:

I only like seeing my food once :thumbsup2

Hahahaha! That is the problem I have every time I pack! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Every. Single. Time. :lmao:

Oh my gosh. So for our first 'Winter' trip to WDW in 2010, everyone was like, "The weather is so unpredictable, it can be hot as heck one day and freezing the next day, so bring EVERYTHING!" So between DH and me, we brought 4 suitcases :bitelip::blush::bitelip: Wow even reading that back, I can't believe we did that :lmao:

I'm so glad you are feeling better, how scary to for you guys but hopefully it's nothing serious and the rest of your pregnancy will run smoothly :goodvibes

It was literally one of the scariest moments of my life, lying on that hospital bed waiting for them to tell me if the baby had died or not. But so far, no problems! :goodvibes

Most of everything that I was going to say has been said, but I thoroughly enjoyed this update :)

That suitcase situation looks rough!

Glad you got an unexpected date night, very cool.

Boo on those girls not knowing about PP when one of your favorite songs was going on! This is equal to those old ladies at the FP+ kiosk...

Sigh, DM goes so overboard with her shopping it's crazy. And it's not just WDW!

Heck yes it was a great night!

I couldn't believe they got into the park (Assuming they used the main entrance) without seeing all those photopass photographers lined up and not think to ask then! :headache:

First of all- Hugs to you!! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly for you. I had unexplained bleeding at the beginning of my last pregnancy and I now have a very healthy 2 month old. :)
I love your trip reports! I went back and looked all your old ones too. We are planning our 2nd trip to disney, our first trip we stayed off site and didnt do dining. We were thinking of doing that again but all your food reports makes me want to do the dining plan.

That's great to hear that the bleeding ended up being nothing in the long run and you have a healthy baby now! :goodvibes:cool1: It was definitely a scary moment though but have had no issues since!

Are you staying on site this time around? And we figured it was actually cheaper to pay out of pocket everywhere we went instead of doing the dining plan because DH doesn't like desserts and that's what you get with the basic dining plan, so he'd waste the dessert (most of the time :rolleyes1) I say make a couple of Table Service reservations and you'd be good to go! :thumbsup2

Hey! So good to see you back here! :goodvibes

I hope everything is currently going well with the baby - sending prayers and pixie dust your way.:lovestruc

I know what you mean - I was gone from the DIS for awhile as well and it such a nice feeling to be back!

So far me and baby are doing good! I have my next appointment December 2nd so we'll see the progress and hopefully things are doing well.

It sucks being away from the DIS but i'm doing my best to work my way back! I kept getting headaches also from looking at the screen so that was what was keeping me away in addition to just being busy.

Awesome! What a nice date night for you and DH.

It was such a nice break...from the 'kids' :rotfl:

What a great picture! And yeah, if no one is there, that's a perfect opportunity! :)

Heck yes, I agree!

Glad you had no troubles getting in!

Me too! We've been late a few times and had no issues, but this was beyond late to us, so wasn't sure if there would be tables available or if we would have to wait a lot longer than we expected.

That is so cool! Those glasses are really pretty.

Aren't they? I love that they are in my home and that i'm drinking from one right now.

The littlest things can be the best things in life! :)


The calamari...yummy!

Oh my gosh that looks so good! I am putting that into my mental notes to get that whenever I get to Via Napoli! :goodvibes

YES! It is one of the best for sure.

YUM x100!

You can NOT pass on the tiramisu!

That looks like my stack of purchases whenever I go to Disney...:rotfl:

:rotfl2:But i'm sure you're smart and bring extra large suitcases along with you for your purchases!

:lovestruc Like I said above - tons of prayers and pixie dust your way!

Aw thanks again, I appreciate it :goodvibes

Love the update! You got a surprise date night! Those are always nice. As always the food at Via Napoli looks so good. DH used to work at an Italian restaurant though, so its' hard to get him to eat Italian anymore.

Oh yeah, that would be tough to get him to go. I'm sure he'd be comparing their food to the food he would make right?

How dare those girls ruin your fountain/SE Ball/Yanni moment. Not cool!

And they had no idea I was DYING inside :rotfl:

Um.....your mom got a lot of stuff. I hope it all made it home! That's one of the perks of driving. We always have extra room for souveniers.

And that's one of the problems we have when we go to Disneyland! She thinks that because we're driving, there's plenty of room so she goes overboard there too! :rolleyes1

Now how cool is that? Surprise date night!

This happens again too :hyper:

Ulterior motive?


Oh you know it!

You're already late....why not?

I like the way you think :thumbsup2

See? At least you were nice about it. I'm sure they deal with people being late all the time and they're probably not even as nice as you were about it.

I just always feel so bad about being late for anything and then being that late, I was super embarrassed. :blush:

The pitcher! The pitcher!

Oh. :sad2:

:rotfl2: Thanks for making me feel bad!

Well at least you had that going for you.

Yep, i'll take it!

OK, and now you can still enjoy your water and recreate the moment.

I'm recreating the moment right now :cloud9:

:confused3 At least you liked it.

Heck yes I liked it! In fact, I'm sure I would like any pizza they make, i'm not picky.

How can he not be a fan of Tiramisu?

I think for him it's the 'sogginess'?? But when I make it he eats it and likes it :confused3:confused3

But why not? Now you have calories that you can burn.

I think the majority of calories would be burned from me throwing it all back up :crazy2:

Well, you have seen what happens when Fran and I go there, right?

You put a dent in that place!

Because we can all hear the song playing in your picture. :confused3

:rotfl2:Don't make me post a video of our picture with the song playing, i'm so tempted now!

Oh, come on that doesn't even fill a whole suitcase. You brought an extra one didn't you?

Yeah, one smaller than a carry on bag! :scared1: But you're prepared for it! Fran is crazy with her shopping.

First off, I'm glad you're doing better. I guess it's a good sign when your doctor isn't too concerned by the bleeding.

Oh Mylanta, all your DM's purchases! I seem to remember from a previous TR that you've had this issue before. :laughing:

So what does it say about me that when I looked at the pool bar menu, all I saw were the beverages. :drinking1

I love the Epcot pictures. And Via Napoli is coming more and more into our radar. I'm thinking I could love those pizzas.

You're right and I should have taken that more seriously since they didn't feel the need to see me, I should have been able to relax a bit more after that but I just couldn't!

You're absolutely CORRECT! Her shopping is nothing new to the DIS :rotfl:

Uh, I think that means you are one cool person! :banana:

You must make ADR's for Via Napoli! I can't stay away from that place, it's just so good!

Glad to see the update and to find out that you and the baby are okay. Hope it's smooth sailing from here on end.

Fantastic update. So cool that being late to Via Napoli wasn't an issue. At least that bridge goes up at the same time twice a day; so the CM know that it can happen.
Your meal looks great! And I would have totally stopped at KK as well.

I hope it's smooth sailing too, PIO. :goodvibes So far, so good, at least that I know of. I have an appointment on the 2nd so just anxiously awaiting for that and am hoping they will do an actual ultrasound to see if that may have been a hematoma or something.

That's true and to be honest, i've never been 'stuck' behind the bridge before in all my trips, so didn't even consider this! Will remember this next time though :thumbsup2

Wow, if you thought that was embarrassing, just wait for all the times we're late in my TR. :rolleyes1 Glad you made it in anyway. Good effort! :cheer2:

Next time, i'll just be like, "Well, Dugette and Fam are late to everything, can't you let us go just once!" :rotfl:;)

How cool. I remember commenting on how neat those glasses are the first time we ate at Via Napoli.

And the fact that you can own them, is SUPER cool!

I have yet to try this one, but it's still on my list for someday.

Oh you just must try it, please! It is so delicious!

:thumbsup2 Whew, glad you made it. That is a really cool moment.

It really was and i'll always remember it because DH was getting flustered right along with me :hug:

Glad you are feeling better and hope that is still the case! :goodvibes

I feel good in the sense that there has been absolutely no bleeding since that last time! But i'm still getting the same, good ol' morn- err all day sickness :thumbsup2 That must be a good sign that things are doing okay in there.

1st, Congrats on the pregnancy!!!!! I can tell you that I experienced pretty heavy bleeding right around 12 weeks with our first child and we never found out the cause. But, she is a perfectly healthy 11 yr old now. :)

Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoother.

I am finally all caught up on this one, so whenever you're ready...carry on!

It's been so comforting to hear all these stories about women bleeding (not that it's a good thing at all!) but I feel like it's much more common and the outcomes have always been great! The ER doctor was very much like, "Bleeding is absolutely not normal" even though I had read stories online about women bleeding in the first trimester, even the second, and still everything was fine.

Thanks for reading along and sorry i'm taking forever!!!
No, never got put on bed rest or anything ... mostly just like what you had - take it easy for a while and not lift heavy things, etc,

Hope things are going well!

That's good to hear! I have an appointment on the 2nd so i'll find out more then, but so far so good I think. Still getting that amazing all day sickness so that must be a good sign!
I still have about 7 or 8 more threads to catch up on but thought I'd take a break and post a few updates from the past month or so.

First was DS's 3rd birthday

IMG_3113.jpg IMG_3114.jpg =http://s928.photobucket.com/user/aliciacrow1/media/WDW 2015 Day 7 - Wednesday/IMG_3139.jpg.html]

Followed by 3 nights at Disneyland to celebrate!

Checking into the Disneyland Hotel

In line for the Aladdin show

Got to meet such an awesome family @TheMaxRebo along with @emmysmommy and @Pinkocto different days

DH said he couldn't resist not taking a picture with her because she was gorgeous. And he was right!

Trying to keep DS entertained while in the lobby of the HM

DM and DS's scores on Buzz

DS having a 'drink' at Trader Sams

Jealous of DH and DM with their multiple drinks...they had gone down about 40 minutes prior to DS and I joining them...so yes @afwdwfan, this proves that DH does enjoy drinking with DM! :rotfl:

And my 'drink'

In line for Dumbo

There was no WAY I would allow passing up Frollo!

So this trip was much different with the characters compared to WDW this past year. He absolutely LOVED THEM! This was actually the first character meet of the trip and we were so happy that he wanted to meet Donald Duck!

And then Mickey Mouse!



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Thumbs up for good food!

It was too late to try and find a spot for the fireworks, so we sat in the Esplanade (where tons of people had the same idea!) and watched them from there with a great view, minus the soundtrack

Next day on Nemo's Subs

Announcing our new Mouseketeer to the club!

Being Goofy

OH and this was just too adorable not to post. After we were done taking those pictures in front of the Castle, Mary Poppins and a band came out and she invited kids to come up and dance with her. Of course, my Son being the dancer and all, went right on up with no problem!

My first Dole Whip Float! I usually stick with the Dole Whips, but needed to try this. Definitely much better!

To end the trip on such a great note, on our way back to the hotel to pick up our car, there was a mob of characters out with hardly any guests taking photos.

It was such a successful and fun trip and we were beyond thrilled that DS loved the characters this time around (especially now since we had to start paying his way in! :faint:)


I loved seeing everyone's Halloween Costumes and though i'd share DS's. If you haven't seen Ace Ventura with Jim Carrey, you probably won't get it


"Laces out!"

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I was very hesitant to announce this but may as well now since I got the 'OK' from my Doctor (or rather Nurse Practitioner) but we're going to WDW in 6 weeks! :eek::faint::banana:

So this all happened rather quickly. As in 2 days before my big pregnancy scare. I casually mentioned to DH that it was sad that they were getting rid of the Osborne Lights and that this past trip was our last time seeing them. He was like, "No way! When is the last day?!" And I told him and he said, "Let's go for a few days, I'll plan it!" I didn't take him at all seriously cause this was Mid to late October at this point and planning at WDW takes MONTHS (as well all know ::yes::). And nope he was serious, he started looking at available units the first week in January :eek: I'll spare all the back and forth details and give you the final itinerary:

Thursday, December 31, 2015 - Flight arrives into MCO at 9pm, stay the night at the Hyatt Regency located in the airport
Friday, January 1, 2015 - Check into OKW, 1 Bedroom (1 night)
Saturday, January 2 - 5, 2016 - Polynesian Villas, Studio :faint: (4 nights)
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 - AKV Kidani, 1 Bedroom (1 night)
Thursday, January 7, 2016 - Flight out of MCO at 3

Not even an hour later after we finalized this list, is when I started bleeding and knew that this was going to be canceled. Then time passed, went to the Doctor and got cleared to go and about 3 days ago made flight arrangements. So unless something happens at my next doctor appointment on December 2nd, we're going to DISNEY WORLD!
Looks like a fun birthday party and what a cute cake!

Glad overall you had a great trip to Disneyland and I was beyond happy that things worked out and we were able to meet up (a couple of times!)

Even more glad though to hear that things are going will with your pregnancy! Just in general because, well, you know the new kid and all, but also so that you can make the trip to WDW! Glad that details worked out and that I don't envy having to switch resorts twice, getting to stay at the Poly for most of the stay is awesome!

Hope you planning goes well and maybe just think of it as a "bonus" trip and don't stress too much about planning and go with the flow and maybe just try some new things.:thumbsup2
Happy Birthday Calvin! Celebrating in DL is the best! Looks like a fun trip..so happy he was into the characters!

Yay for the WDW trip! That sounds so exciting!

Jill in CO
First was DS's 3rd birthday
Happy (belated) Birthday, Calvin!

Followed by 3 nights at Disneyland to celebrate!
Great idea! Take him to celebrate the fact that he isn't free anymore!

Checking into the Disneyland Hotel
You chose well...

DH said he couldn't resist not taking a picture with her because she was gorgeous. And he was right!
Hey, as long as you're cool with it...

Jealous of DH and DM with their multiple drinks...they had gone down about 40 minutes prior to DS and I joining them...so yes @afwdwfan, this proves that DH does enjoy drinking with DM! :rotfl:
I knew it!

And my 'drink'
It's still better than the drink that I didn't get there... :sad2:

So this trip was much different with the characters compared to WDW this past year. He absolutely LOVED THEM! This was actually the first character meet of the trip and we were so happy that he wanted to meet Donald Duck!
Cool! I'm glad he liked them more!

It was too late to try and find a spot for the fireworks, so we sat in the Esplanade (where tons of people had the same idea!) and watched them from there with a great view, minus the soundtrack
That idea never even occurred to me. Makes sense though!

Announcing our new Mouseketeer to the club!
I swear, everybody is having a baby next spring/summer... we heard 2 pregnancy announcements from a friend and my cousin yesterday alone. Not to mention a gender reveal party for my wife's cousin. Babies everywhere!

To end the trip on such a great note, on our way back to the hotel to pick up our car, there was a mob of characters out with hardly any guests taking photos.
Wow! That's in front of the hotel lobby, right? I can't believe they were just out greeting people like that there.

I loved seeing everyone's Halloween Costumes and though i'd share DS's. If you haven't seen Ace Ventura with Jim Carrey, you probably won't get it
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I love it!!!!! Best costume ever!!!

But I have to ask... was your DH wearing a Marino jersey? Because that would totally make the costume even better.

I was very hesitant to announce this but may as well now since I got the 'OK' from my Doctor (or rather Nurse Practitioner) but we're going to WDW in 6 weeks!
I'm glad you'll be able to go. And I'm kind of bummed that I'll miss you guys by like a day. :sad2:


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