I Can't, I'm Not Wearing a Princess Dress! - New TR link!!!!

It's almost time! We leave tomorrow evening!

I'm sure you won't see this until you're there or after you're home, but praying for safe travels.

I have someplace I have to be after work today and I want to basically sleep until it is time to leave tomorrow so I started playing luggage Tetris yesterday. This is all the stuff for the kids and me loaded up and ready to go.

You need to work on your tetris skills man. The green L shaped piece should have gone on the left and then you could have gotten the bonus with the long red stroller piece.

She sent me a text this morning with a picture of a bag full of medical supplies and feeding tube supplies with a message saying she's packing a bag she hopes we won't have to use.

We're definitely learning we have to do a little extra planning ahead for the little guy's needs, but hopefully we can just tuck that bag in the car somewhere and leave it there.

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Praying it's the former.

Anyway, thank you all for following along. I doubt I'll be able to spend much time, if any, on here tomorrow. Please refrain from getting too carried away on your TR's until I get back. I don't want to come back in 2 weeks and feel totally defeated when I log into the Dis. I'll try to pop in and maybe share a picture or 2 here and there as I have time like I've done in the past, but I probably won't be doing too much typing or commenting with the phone.

It's your own fault we're following along. Maybe if you were a little more boring or didn't have such cute kids, it'd be easier to ignore. :lmao:

Seriously, enjoy the time with your family! Have a blast! Looking forward to hearing about it later.
Well, I thought about saving this one for the TR. But then again there won't be much suspense anyway if we'll have already been on the trip.

Yesterday got exciting. Bad exciting. Like to the point that we were starting to think we'd spend our vacation time in the hospital instead of Disney World. The medical bag that was packed had to be unpacked.

Yesterday, the little guy had his 1 year well check.

The doctor was listening to his chest and heard what sounded like bowel sounds in the right side of his chest. For a kid that has had holes in his diaphragm and bowel organs in his chest... this sets off immediate alarms.

She sent him for a chest X-ray.

It was just a well check, no big deal right? I didn't even go. DW was freaking out texting me and calling me. Her SiL works in radiology at the hospital and she said she lost it when she talked to her... but was glad to have her there.

We were pretty sure the trip was off and we'd be seeing his surgeon next week.

Thankfully, the X-ray came back clear. Diaphragm appeared to be intact and everything seems to be where it is supposed to be.

To backtrack, DS and I are both on antibiotics now. He for strep and myself for a sinus infection. Our whole family had been battling the dreaded summer cold for the past couple of weeks. Little guy has had one too, but he actually seemed to be over it and doing well. Apparently he's got some lung congestion going on still though, so he was given a steroid to take, a prescription for an antibiotic to take with us on our trip in case it should be needed and we had to unpack the nebulizer because we have to do 3 breathing treatments per day with him.

Anyway, with that bit of pre-trip excitement behind us, we'll be on the road and headed south in about 10 hours!
I can't imagine how scary that must have been. And crushing too, with the idea of having to back out of a Disney trip the day before. I'm thankful it was a false alarm. Now have fun storming the castle!:thumbsup2
Wow, that's definitely not the good kind of excitement. I'm glad things are mostly okay and you can still go on the trip. Have a wonderful time!
Oh, man! Sorry to hear you had to go through all that... but very glad to hear that all seems well. Or at least well enough to go on the trip still.

Oh wow! I can't imagine what your DW was feeling during all that! I'm glad everything checked out okay. Hope you all have a fantastic trip!
Holy crow Andy! Glad to hear it's only lung congestion and not something far worse. I know you guys know, but keep those hands clean in the World! Wishing you all a happy, and healthy trip!
Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear you had such a stressful departure day. Poor guy. So, so happy relieved to hear the chest xray came back with good results. I'll keep my fingers crossed the strep goes away quickly and there won't be a need for those antibiotics.
Have a great trip!
What a roller coaster ride before your trip! Let's hope that is the most eventful experience that your family has with respect to healthcare, and all the remaining roller coaster rides are RnRC!
Oh my- I'm so sorry you had that scare right before you were going to leave! :(

And hoping no one has to use that bucket in the back! :sad2:
I've not been a good trip reporter. Taking hardly any pictures. Its been extremely busy and stressful not only taking care of 3 kids this time instead of 2 but I habe been put in charge of basically laying tour guide for our whole group and it sometimes feels like herding squirrels.

That said, it has been a lot of fun and today in MK was far more productive than I imagined it could be. Already have a few good TR stories even if no pictures. Still on the lookout for a good scooter incident
Heralding squirrels ya say? Sounds like quite a task!

Glad you guys enjoyed MK today, hope the trend continues.

And I have faith that you'll experience a scooter incident; they're somehow drawn to you it seems. Lol!
Oh my gosh so sorry to hear about the scary stress before the trip! Glad the little guy is ok and you are all enjoying your trip so far. A mickey bar and zebra domes- 2 of my favorite things!!
It's stressful enough leaving for vacation without a health scare thrown in. Glad it turned out OK. Hope your trip goes well and you do a TR!


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