I Can't Stop Landon from Growing Up, but I Wouldn't Miss It for the World!

What should we do with our last ts credit?

  • breakfast on our AK day at Tusker House (Donald's Safari Breakfast)

  • dinner somewhere on our pool/waterpark day

  • breakfast at Chef Mickey's on our last day

  • other (post comment if you have a better idea!)

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I am SO jealous you're seeing TS3 tomorrow! I saw the preview for it yesterday, and it was one of the best previews for a movie! I'm not sure when we're going to see it... but I'm hoping soon!

OH MY GOSH is it the Buzz one with 3D googles where you go through a rocket ship? I saw that one at Target the other day. It's the coolest thing ever. I also saw a pool that had built in water guns and you could squirt down the little green aliens on the side! There was also a sweet castle one!! Man I wish I was a kid again! Or that we had a yard so I could get them all for Landon!!

Yes! It's the one with 3D goggles! There's another one we have too, that's just a plain one with Buzz and Woody on it. But they're both really cool:-)
We're going to see TS3 Friday night and we're so excited! I need to head over to the theater to buy tickets tomorrow. I even bought inexpensive movie theater candy at the grocery store today. They had boxes of candy (like at the theaters) but they were only $1!
Me too!!! (about TS3) :woohoo:

Miss you! Try to DIS more often! :)

How'd you like ts3?? I loved it so much!!

I'll try to get on more!! miss you too!

I am. :laughing: But what's funny is that as awesome as the BC is, I would pick WL over it any day of the week.

I really want my first time to be there for Christmas. haha just one of those things! And Christmas kinda isn't working out for this year.:sad1:

It's okay, Kimmy. Life will get the best of you at times. I have been there done that. Come this Fall, it is going to be hard for me to get on here as much as I would like.

YAY for TSM! We are seeing it in 3D as well! I cannot wait. I will text you and let you know how it is, but I will not give the movie away. Yeah, I have the pixar short films on DVD. It's great.

Work has just been so hectic. It makes me feel too grown up...I hate that feeling. :laughing: AHHHH I loved the short film before TS3. I thought it was so cute and creative. And the movie? I only loved it with a burning passion. :rotfl2:

I am SO jealous you're seeing TS3 tomorrow! I saw the preview for it yesterday, and it was one of the best previews for a movie! I'm not sure when we're going to see it... but I'm hoping soon!

Yes! It's the one with 3D goggles! There's another one we have too, that's just a plain one with Buzz and Woody on it. But they're both really cool:-)

Can't wait to hear what you think of TS3!! I thought it was so, so good! Definitely not bad at all...I know so many people were worried that it'd be bad since it's the 3rd, but it was so good!!

Have you used it with the 3D goggles yet? How'd it look?

We're going to see TS3 Friday night and we're so excited! I need to head over to the theater to buy tickets tomorrow. I even bought inexpensive movie theater candy at the grocery store today. They had boxes of candy (like at the theaters) but they were only $1!

YAY!!! I saw that you went and saw it on fb! How'd you and Maddie like it?
Hey guys! So I'm signing on from home instead of work now! What can ya do? I've missed you all!!

I have already seen TS3 twice. :laughing: I loved it! I saw it at midnight and then again on opening night! It was so good. Please tell me all your thoughts and opinions on that and the short film beforehand and just everything. It made me laugh and cry and was just the best.

On my vacation related note...we are all paid for and less than 45 days away now! :woohoo: I'm beyond excited. I need this vacation so bad. Work...life...is frazzling me. I always feel like life is just going by too fast and that my to do list multiplies every time I check something off it. I'm beat. So I'm ready for it to be...well Jully 31st, because that is seriously going to be the best 2 weeks of my life. On July 31st, I'm going to a Tim McGraw concert (he's one of my favs) and then going to WDW on the 3rd, coming home on the 10th. There's a Toby Keith concert that I'll probably be able to go to for FREE because of work on the 13th and then I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my friend Kristen's wedding on the 15th. I can't wait!!

Hope you all had good weekends!
Can't wait to hear what you think of TS3!! I thought it was so, so good! Definitely not bad at all...I know so many people were worried that it'd be bad since it's the 3rd, but it was so good!!

Have you used it with the 3D goggles yet? How'd it look?

I'm going to see TS3 on Tuesday, I'm really excited!
I'm glad you thought it was good, that just makes me more excited lol

I used the 3D goggles once, but it didn't really work the way I had expected it, but it was still kind of cool:-)
Toy Story 3 already twice?!? Soooo lucky! I promised my mom i'd wait for her so we could see it together and it's agony waiting because I'm obsessed with Toy Story!

I totally feel you on feeling like life is just going way too fast. It scares me! But look at it this way... the faster it goes the sooner your WDW trip will come! That's how I think of it.
Congrats on getting moved up into the office Kimmy! :goodvibes

Yeah, I'll be putting Starring Rolls and Sunshine Seasons back on the to do list for next year!

Oooh, I've heard TS3 is so good, but we haven't gone to see it yet! I keep reading and wanting to type TSM, by the way!

Have fun ballroom dancing!
i know you are prob really busy, but wanted to let you know that our TR is started.
I could have sworn I commented on your last update but I guess not? :confused3 I'm not surprised you've seen TS3 twice already! My nephew wants to go so I may be going to see it again too :)

Your trip is getting so close!!!! :woohoo::yay:
I'm going to see TS3 on Tuesday, I'm really excited!
I'm glad you thought it was good, that just makes me more excited lol

I used the 3D goggles once, but it didn't really work the way I had expected it, but it was still kind of cool:-)

How'd you like it?! I kinda wanna go AGAIN! lol

I can't even imagine 3D goggles. lol

Toy Story 3 already twice?!? Soooo lucky! I promised my mom i'd wait for her so we could see it together and it's agony waiting because I'm obsessed with Toy Story!

I totally feel you on feeling like life is just going way too fast. It scares me! But look at it this way... the faster it goes the sooner your WDW trip will come! That's how I think of it.

Let me know how you like it once you do see it!!

It scares me how fast it goes too. I know it will get my WDW trip here faster...but hopefully it somehow will slowdown while I was actually on my trip! :laughing: I doubt it though.

We all loved it! It was very well done and it made me laugh & cry. Even Madison cried at the end (she's very sensitive). I thought it was a great way to end the series.

It was such a good end. They wrapped things up beautifully. I loved it!

Congrats on getting moved up into the office Kimmy! :goodvibes

Yeah, I'll be putting Starring Rolls and Sunshine Seasons back on the to do list for next year!

Oooh, I've heard TS3 is so good, but we haven't gone to see it yet! I keep reading and wanting to type TSM, by the way!

Have fun ballroom dancing!

Thanks!! I love my new job but it's so stressful!

I'll let you know how the Butterfinger cupcake is!

Ballroom dancing was great. I had my last class though and I'm pretty sad about that...I loved it! I can now waltz, foxtrot and tango! Go me!

i know you are prob really busy, but wanted to let you know that our TR is started.

Thanks! I'll get over there as soon as I can. This weekend is crazy!

I could have sworn I commented on your last update but I guess not? :confused3 I'm not surprised you've seen TS3 twice already! My nephew wants to go so I may be going to see it again too :)

Your trip is getting so close!!!! :woohoo::yay:

you silly girl! I'm thinking I'll end up seeing it at least once more. It is getting close! See next post! :goodvibes
I just had to drop by and let you guys know...

Kimmy! I loooooove TS3:-) I cannot wait for it to come out on DVD!
Girl, your trip is close, just a little more then a month
Hey guys!! Sorry I've been such a bad ptr-er! I've lost all my followers! Sorry guys!! Here are some life updates on where the heck I've been:

I used to always have at least a little time to get on here at work. I think I mentioned I moved up in the office? If not...well I moved up in the office! Now my responsibilies include billing out wholesale car deals, title work, claiming rebates and incentives, posting reserve statements and a bunch of other boring stuff! lol. So I'm busy the whole time I'm at work now. :sad2: Oh well.

Outside of work, I've been crazy busy! I went to the BACKSTREET BOYS concert on the 21st and have done lots of other stuff between youth group and friends and just life. It's been great though! Landon is getting so big and really learning good character recognition! It makes me so excited! He says Pluto and Buzz perfectly! Probably a few others, but those were the 2 he said today at the grocery store!!

And guess what....

You went to BSB concert?! Do you have pics?!?

Sure do! Where you a BSB girl too? Who is your favorite? I love Brian or Nick. We'll go with Nick more since Brian is married now!! Haha. It's like from Dumb and Dumber..."So what are the odds of us being together?" "Like...one in a million." "So you're saying there's a chance!" :rotfl2:

Okay...enjoy the pics and my re-living of this amazing concert!

So basically, Brian's son introduced them! He was adorable and was like "Do you guys like the Backstreet Boys?" and the crowd went crazy and he was like "well, they're right behind this curtain!" Then the crowd went nuts and I think he said something about his dad but I couldn't hear him. The curtain went up and this giant screen was there and started showing some recording of the boys. Then it had them walking towards the camera and then running and when they got like to the camera, they popped out of the screen!! Here's them on the screen:


They opened with "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" of course! It was SO GOOD. The crowd was going nuts. Especially me. I was FREAKING OUT! I love concerts and I go to them all the time, but this one just brought me back to some place where I was an obsessed little girl and I was getting such a rush from seeing them! Not a lot of my shots came out, but here are the ones that did!






The next two are for Lynn!!!


"I'll be the one!"

Some of their old videos would play and seeing their hair and stuff from back in the day was HILARIOUS!

They sang all their old hits and a lot of new stuff too! (Yes, I do have their new cd! I never listened to it for whatever reason until after the concert though! Haha!) It was so good. The crowd went nuts every time and it was just such a high energy concert! I fell in love all over again for sure!

Side story: There was this guy, probably late 20s or early 30s, and he was there with a couple who was being all couple-y and just kinda swaying to the music, but he was rocking out and knew every single word to every single song, new and old! I wanted to ask him if he also enjoyed Disney and the Broncos because he may have been the perfect guy for me! haha. I'm just kidding...but seriously. He was fantastic.

Oh and I don't know if I mentioned on here or just on some of your tr's, but all the boys green-screened themselves into movies. Howie did Too Fast Too Furious or something. AJ did The Fight Club. Nick did The Matrix. And Brian did Enchanted!! I thought of you all when he did. I was on cloud 9. He is obviously the best one. (Still tied with Nick though. I love them both so much!) Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of him during the actual parts of the movie he was "in" but I got one of his bloopers so he's in the costume but against the green screen!


Hope y'all enjoyed!! I loved them. I'm going to be there every time they make it to CO!!
AHHHHH I really can't believe I leave 4 weeks from tomorrow!!

If anyone is still out there...I know a lot of you leave earlier than that, but I'm freaking out with excitement! I just know this month is going to fly by! I'm pretty busy! Here's what my July looks like!

July 1st through 7th - housesitting
July 11th through 14th - possibly housesitting another house
July 13th - my best friend Kristen's birthday!
July 15th through 17th - summer camp w/ youth kids! (I'm SO EXCITED that I will only have a 3 day work week this week! I wish I could go the full week...but oh well!)
July 19th through 30th - 2 grueling weeks of work. I will have to plan something to make them fly by! Actually...my friend from high school who is a CM at WDW now is coming home I think the 18th through the 30th? I'm pretty sure we're planning on going to see TS3 again and hanging out and talking about Disney stuff since we want to meet up then too! So that should eat up some days!
July 31st - Tim McGraw concert!!

The 31st is a Saturday and then I go to work Monday (contemplating taking it off...the youth group is going to Water World that day...hmmmm...) and then I leave!!! :scared1: I'M SO EXCITED!!!

Did everyone have a good 4th? What'd you guys do? I just went to our town's firework display! It was tons of fun! Nothing too special though. Landon didn't come this year because I didn't want him to be up so late! I want to hear about yours because I bet they were more fun than my low-key one!
I'm sure you'll find enough to keep you occupied these next 4 weeks.

For the 4th, we went to church in the morning and then to my parents house for the day. My mom made steamed clams, ribs, corn on the cob...it was all so good! Madison and Tony went swimming (the pool was WAY too cold for my taste) and we just lazed around. Then, we went to a local fireworks display which was pretty good. Nothing compares to Disney fireworks!


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