I-fer? What in the World is an I-fer? Universal/Legoland/Sea World Feb 2015 Updated 5/26x3! The End!

Miniland USA Part 3 (Don't miss parts 1 & 2 on the previous page)

In some of the areas, there were little buttons to push that made the models do something. You can see one in the lower left corner of this photo. It made the little band march around in circles.

Ah, looks like we’ve reached San Francisco.

You could hear the orchestra playing in this next model.

The next section was Jim’s favorite, Star Wars!

There were a few life sized models in this area that Jim needed to pose with.

Continued in Next Post
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Miniland USA Part 4

Moving on from there, we entered New York City.

Then we hit the last section which was the rest of Las Vegas.

Jim wanted to make it look like he was touching the top of the Eiffel Tower. I probably should have had him lower his finger but it was pretty sunny and I couldn’t really see where it was.

And that folks is Miniland. Jim of course loved every minute and even though I’m not as big on Legos as he is, I did too. It was just amazing to see all of the different stuff made out of Legos. Almost worth the admission price just to see that.

Up Next: Waterskiing Lego Men
Have a great time with your family! :)

Miniland looks so cool! I can understand why you took so many pictures! I love the Vegas section, but all of it is so well done.
Miniland USA looks fantastic. I wonder how many Legos total they used for all those setups and how long it took. Making big things out of Legos was always my thing not making little playsets or whatever. Have a great time with your mom and brother!
I love the miniland USA!!

We have a Legoland Discovery Center a couple hours away in Kansas City, and the mini-KC was my favorite part of the whole place. I loved seeing the entire city in legos :)

My husband is a huge lego fan and I'm sure he'd get a kick out of the actual Legoland park!
Miniland is pretty extraordinary!! I always admire people like Jim and my brother, PJ who can put together all those elaborate kits and even build from scratch. I can barely make a house out of DUPLOs!! :)
that is seriously the coolest ever.. my favorite is the figures laying around the beach... I was laughing at them!

NO CHICAGO?!?! what is that NONSENSE!
Having seen the rides, I have no burning desire to go here, but that Miniland area just blows me away. Having been to Vegas numerous times, it is so "real" and the Star Wars stuff is done so well.
Miniland looks AWESOME. I could give or take the rest of Legoland, but I'd be willing to pay admission to see Miniland!
Hi everyone! I had a wonderful time with my Mom and brother. We did a few museums and other stuff. I did take some pictures but am really busy at work right now so no time to upload and post them today. I do have an update written for this TR so I thought I would go ahead and post it for you. I'm of course way behind on everyone else's TRs and I'm not sure when I will get a chance to get caught up. I have a total of 25 budget meetings over the next three weeks!

On a less pleasant note, my dog Eddie got sick while my Mom and brother were here. Turns out he had a large mass attached to his spleen. He had emergency surgery on Friday to remove the mass and his spleen and then spent two days in doggie ICU. Thanks to my wonderful vet and the pet insurance we have, he is now home and on his way to recovery. We are still waiting to find out if the mass was cancerous or not but should find that out any day now.

Have a great time with your family! :)

Miniland looks so cool! I can understand why you took so many pictures! I love the Vegas section, but all of it is so well done.

We did have a great time, thanks!

Miniland was just out of this world. I can't imagine how many hours it took to build all of that.

Miniland USA looks fantastic. I wonder how many Legos total they used for all those setups and how long it took. Making big things out of Legos was always my thing not making little playsets or whatever. Have a great time with your mom and brother!

I'm sure it must have taken hours and hours because there was a lot there.

I love the miniland USA!!

We have a Legoland Discovery Center a couple hours away in Kansas City, and the mini-KC was my favorite part of the whole place. I loved seeing the entire city in legos :)

My husband is a huge lego fan and I'm sure he'd get a kick out of the actual Legoland park!

Miniland USA was really neat!

I think we have one of those in Atlanta too but I don't think they will let you in without a kid. I need to look into that because I'm sure Jim would enjoy it.

Miniland is pretty extraordinary!! I always admire people like Jim and my brother, PJ who can put together all those elaborate kits and even build from scratch. I can barely make a house out of DUPLOs!! :)

It was extraordinary! Jim says he does well with the kits because he is good at reading directions. :rotfl:

that is seriously the coolest ever.. my favorite is the figures laying around the beach... I was laughing at them!

NO CHICAGO?!?! what is that NONSENSE!

It was a very cool area, I think we could have spent hours there and still not noticed everything. Nope, no Chicago.

Having seen the rides, I have no burning desire to go here, but that Miniland area just blows me away. Having been to Vegas numerous times, it is so "real" and the Star Wars stuff is done so well.

I do agree with you that the rides left something to be desired but Miniland was amazing. It was a very well put together area.

Miniland looks AWESOME. I could give or take the rest of Legoland, but I'd be willing to pay admission to see Miniland!

It was super awesome and well worth the admission price.
Water Skiing Lego Men Part 1

It was getting close to the first (or maybe it was the second of the day, can’t remember at this point) Pirate’s Cove Live Water Ski Show so we headed in that direction. We passed by the waterfall again and I noticed there were some Lego figures there too.

I turned the camera over to Jim so he could get a picture of me with the waterfall. And this kind of demonstrates why I rarely do this. For some reason he feels that it’s only necessary to get my head in the picture. This one isn’t too bad but most of the time I’m just a floating head.

I needed to use the restroom before we went to the show so we stopped at one near a store so Jim could shop. I went into the store when I was done and found him with another customer and one of the employees. They were teaching him how to feel the mini figure bags to try to determine what was inside. I walked around while he was playing and found my stuffie for this park. They have little stuffed animals that are called “Lego Friends”. I had seen some at the first store we went in but really didn’t pay attention. But I looked at them now while Jim was busy and I realized that they were 50% off and buy 1 get one. I wasn’t going to pass up that deal! So for $8 I got these two guys. At full price they would have cost over $35.

Here’s a close up of the cute Lego design on their paws.

Jim bought some more mini figures but I’ll show those to you in a little bit. We headed into the theater and took seats towards the top so I didn’t have to climb down with my sore foot.

Jim immediately started to open his mini figures to see what he had gotten. We could see the Island in the Sky and part of the new Legoland Hotel from our seats.

A few details from the stage.

One of the Pirates came out to get the audience warmed up.

During all that, Jim put together all of the Simpsons mini figures he bought. Feeling the bags before opening did pay off because he didn’t get any repeats. He was a little bit disappointed that he didn’t get Mr. Burns who is his favorite character.

He also bought a few of this series because there was a Rock Star in them that he wanted.

He didn’t get the Rock Star either.

Finally it was time for the show to start. Here come the Waterskiing Lego Men!

The basic premise of the show is that we are helping to defend Pirate’s Cove from the evil pirate Brickbeard. There was a lot of water skiing and sword fighting.

This young lady was one of the heroines in the story, can’t remember her name right now.

Continued in Next Post
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Water Skiing Lego Men Part 2

Lego soldiers to help protect the cove.

Here come the evil Pirates.

Apparently the soldiers aren’t very good at their job.

And here comes the most evil one of them all, Brickbeard.

They had the heroines trusty sidekick all tied up.

But here she comes to save the day.

Once she vanquished Brickbeard, it was time for some trick skiing.

Overall it was a cute show and a nice tribute to the old water skiing shows that Cypress Gardens had.

As we left the show, Jim could not resist getting his picture taken with the heroine and her sidekick. This was the only meet we did that day. There were a few others but Jim wasn’t interested.

Up Next: Big Test Live Show
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Looks like a fun time! Glad you had fun with your family while they were there. The Lego waterskiing show looks like fun.
Looks like fun! I haven't seen a water skiing show in years!!

And about the Legoland Discovery Center...if you have one in Atlanta, definitely check on it. The one in KC has adult only nights! We also have a local place called Bricks 4 Kidz, which offers classes and things for kids to build with legos, and they have adult only nights too. I'm not sure if they have locations around the country, but I think they do. He might like that too!
Glad you had a great time with your mom and brother! So sorry to hear about Eddie, glad he is recovering though. :hug:

You definitely can't pass up a good stuffie deal! 2 for $8, that's awesome! I love them both :)

Love the Simpsons legos that Jim got.

The Waterskiing Lego Men look so cool!! Sounds like an entertaining show!
what a riot... the lego guys are so funny!!! I would have died laughing!!! looks like a really cool show.

the meet and greet is hysterical!!! Love how the pirate is pointing at Jim!!
WOW - Miniland is amazing. I've seen pictures of it before, but never that many. They didn't forget anything, did they? I am really impressed with all the details. Amazing!

Thanks for posting so many great pictures.
Quick update on Eddie before I get to replies. Unfortunately the mass was cancerous. Our vet wanted to send us to an oncologist but we have decided not to put the poor guy through any thing more. He's going to be 14 in August and has been through so much in his life already. We felt it would be selfish of us to put him through Chemo just to have him for a few extra months. Our vet thinks we will have about 5 months with him so we will spend the time loving him and spoiling him more than he already is.

Looks like a fun time! Glad you had fun with your family while they were there. The Lego waterskiing show looks like fun.

It was a fun time, thanks!

Looks like fun! I haven't seen a water skiing show in years!!

And about the Legoland Discovery Center...if you have one in Atlanta, definitely check on it. The one in KC has adult only nights! We also have a local place called Bricks 4 Kidz, which offers classes and things for kids to build with legos, and they have adult only nights too. I'm not sure if they have locations around the country, but I think they do. He might like that too!

That was the first water skiing show I had seen in a long time too. I don't think there are many of them still around.

I'll have to look into the one in Atlanta and see if there are adult nights.

Glad you had a great time with your mom and brother! So sorry to hear about Eddie, glad he is recovering though. :hug:

You definitely can't pass up a good stuffie deal! 2 for $8, that's awesome! I love them both :)

Love the Simpsons legos that Jim got.

The Waterskiing Lego Men look so cool!! Sounds like an entertaining show!

Thanks, I updated on Eddie above in case you missed it.

That was about the best deal possible for the stuffies! You definitely can't get that at most amusement parks.

It was a pretty entertaining show.

what a riot... the lego guys are so funny!!! I would have died laughing!!! looks like a really cool show.

the meet and greet is hysterical!!! Love how the pirate is pointing at Jim!!

It was a pretty funny show and we enjoyed it.

I think the pirate was a little annoyed because Jim was moving in on his woman!

WOW - Miniland is amazing. I've seen pictures of it before, but never that many. They didn't forget anything, did they? I am really impressed with all the details. Amazing!

Thanks for posting so many great pictures.

Miniland was definitely amazing to see, it was hard to not take a million photos. I'm glad you enjoyed viewing all of them.
Big Test Live Show

There was one other live show and it was back over in Lego City near the Driving & Boating Schools.

We got seats near the top again.

This show was mostly acrobatics and was designed to teach kids fire safety. The premise was a fire recruit class going through a final test to become firefighters. The fire chief came out and explained all this to us.

She picked a little boy out of the crowd to sound the alarm and start the test.

After that it was a lot of hilarity and acrobatics. Jim thought the show was kind of cheesy but I thought it was cute. The kids in the front rows that were getting soaked sure seemed to be having a good time.

The middle guy was hilarious.

In the end they all “passed” the test.

Up Next: Cypress Gardens


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