I Got a Demo of the Wishblade...WANT IT!


Disney Addict x 3
Jul 31, 2000
Went to my LSS this week and the owner demo'd the Wishblade and the Xyron Personal Cutting system for me. I love the Wishblade. I think I am going to start searching the house for things to sell on ebay and try to save enough to get one. When you think about what you pay for sizzix alphabet sets or other alpha dies and cutters, in the long run it is cost effective (how do you like that rationalization!).
SalandJeff said:
Went to my LSS this week and the owner demo'd the Wishblade and the Xyron Personal Cutting system for me. I love the Wishblade. I think I am going to start searching the house for things to sell on ebay and try to save enough to get one. When you think about what you pay for sizzix alphabet sets or other alpha dies and cutters, in the long run it is cost effective (how do you like that rationalization!).

Hmmmmm, I'm just wondering if that would work on DH..... :lmao:
I have a Wishblade and love it... anyone is welcome to come to my house and demo it as I love using it so much!!!!
rhiansmom said:
I have a Wishblade and love it... anyone is welcome to come to my house and demo it as I love using it so much!!!!

If I lived closer, I would take you up on that offer!!!

Other than buying the original software that came with the Wishblade, have you had to purchase anything else? Any fonts, patterns, etc? Someone was asking if you could cut slide mounts, tags, and things like that. Can you find patterns for those types of things online without having to purchase?

Thank you for any info.
You don't have to buy anything additional. Right out of the box, you can cut any true type font. You can also cut any shape that you can trace or draw(with the WB software). If you want to do more stuff like connecting script letters, or automatically tracing an image (good for paper piecing), then you can get additional software. Some is available as freeware (inkscape, wintopo) and others for $$$ (illustrator).

Join the Yahoo groups (search for Wishblade) and there is a wealth of information and file sharing. Slide mounts, etc, are posted for all to use on those groups.
well, there went my wishblade (money for it anyway) right into the engine of dh's car. yep, his car needed repairs and it was 359.00. it took my whole wishblade wad and then some. i am bummed.
Exactly... once you buy the thing you can get anything you want online for free OR create it yourself!

The yahoo groups are the way to go to get links for files/etc.

You do have to replace the blades and mats every so often... HOWEVER this company developed a reusable blade holder and you just have to replace the blade at $12 a pop instead of the $40 or so that Wishblade charges!
twingle3 said:
well, there went my wishblade (money for it anyway) right into the engine of dh's car. yep, his car needed repairs and it was 359.00. it took my whole wishblade wad and then some. i am bummed.

Oh, I really feel for you! That really stinks :guilty: Something good will come of waiting longer...you know that is always the way. But for right now, it still stinks.
I just put a wishblade on layaway! :woohoo: Plus I got 10% off and free shipping. :banana: I've been trying to save up for it and then something always comes along. I figure this way anytime I have extra $$ I'll pay off some of my layaway. I am so excited to get it, it shouldn't be too long now.
PoohBearLovinMama said:
I just put a wishblade on layaway! :woohoo: Plus I got 10% off and free shipping. :banana: I've been trying to save up for it and then something always comes along. I figure this way anytime I have extra $$ I'll pay off some of my layaway. I am so excited to get it, it shouldn't be too long now.

Where did you get such a deal...online somewhere?
I just got mine last Friday and love it! Now I am considering selling my sizzlets sets!

Rhiansmom, have you found any Disney diecuts that people are willing to share. I know they can't be posted to any of the yahoo sites because of copyright issues. I am getting ready to start our album from December's trip and would love to use my Wishblade for some of it. I already cut some titles, etc.
What kind of files are you looking for? I've got some saved, and I can trace other stuff from images....

I would be wary of those blades for $12...it voids the warranty on the WB if you use it with a non-WB blade. I have, however, made my own cutting mats for much less $$$.
Joy, anything related to Disney that I could use for my scapbook...titles, diecuts, etc. I haven't planned it out yet but hope to in the next month or so as I get into Nov/Dec pictures...chron scrapper here so I CAN'T skip ahead! :rotfl2:

My email addy is rpalmer 79 @ comcast. net (just take out the spaces) Thanks!

where were you able to find the wishblade to put on layaway? That might be a way I could have one!


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