I love credit cards so much!

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Tried to PC my CSP to a Freedom via the secured message. Here is the response.

I regret to inform that at this time, I'm unable to change
your account to a different product. An account that is
open less than 12 months is not eligible to change to a
different product. I apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause you.
Tried to PC my CSP to a Freedom via the secured message. Here is the response.

I regret to inform that at this time, I'm unable to change
your account to a different product. An account that is
open less than 12 months is not eligible to change to a
different product. I apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause you.

I changed my CSP to a no fee Sapphire while under a year. I have left the card as the no fee Sapphire at this point but others wait a bit and then change to a CFU or CF.
Yes, I would wait until the AF hits and then maybe it will enable you to make the change through SM’ing.
Ugh leave it to me to time it all wrong..... Think we should do the SM again once we get past AF time? even tho they said to call?
Ugh leave it to me to time it all wrong..... Think we should do the SM again once we get past AF time? even tho they said to call?

Yes. I tried to PC when I thought my account was a year old, but the AF had not posted. I think I got the same message as WDWRook above. Waited 2 weeks until AF posted, sent the same exact message and was able to PC at that time. AF was automatically refunded. I did not ask for it in the message, just asked to PC.
On the (off) topic of family/friends not getting this or thinking it's too hard, scary, etc to do...

DH's brother has flipped several houses, and remodeled two of his own. I'm just over here like...

Do you know how many points/sign up bonuses you could be earning????

Wow! I think it that is amazing that you were able to get 4 trips all on UR points and the SW companion pass!

That sounds amazing! Seeing Disney at Christmastime is on my bucket list, but with the kids’ school schedule and traveling to see family for the holidays it’s tough to find a time. Someday!

I’m also impressed that you were able to get 4 WDW trips on points. I started out very modestly in this hobby; 6 nights hotel in western PA, most of 3 nights hotel in Philly, bought Wyndham points to save on hotel in Newport, RI, our flights to WDW this summer. That’s about all I’ve done so far on points. Now I have more of a stash so am hoping to get a Feb trip to DC and summer trip to Disneyland/San Diego paid for mostly with points & CSR travel credits. I also have a counsin’s wedding in August; it’s in Maryland so I’ll need train tickets down there for me & DW and one night hotel, so hopefully I can do that on points as well.

Thanks! We're really happy we decided to use our UR points on these trips this year. It's been amazing. We constantly have friends and family saying "Y'all are going again?!?! You must be spending a fortune!" DH is usually the one who chimes in to let them know we only paid about $33 for 3 roundtrip flights (I'm actually using swagbucks cash outs turned SW gift cards for that too...LOL) and nothing for our resort stay. We are planning a long weekend

I may have to look into this whole Swagbucks thing as I keep seeing it mentioned and Disney gift cards are something I can always use.

You really should look into swagbucks. I've saved a ton using cash outs from there. Like amalone1013 said, you should check out the swagbucks thread here on the DIS. I see lots of familiar faces there from this thread and the gift card deals thread. I won't lie, sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get lots of points, and it can feel like I have another full time job. However, I've been fortunate in that I can run some of the automatic earning activities on the site in the background while I'm working. The earning can be very slow at times, but I feel it's worth it considering how much we've been able to cash out for WDW.

I know exactly what you mean! Most of my friends and family know about my travel hacking hobby and most don't get it which is fine. I've had people tell me it sounds exhausting. I tell them that working the extra amount of time required to pay for our trips with real money would be more exhausting and there aren't enough hours in the day for me to do that anyhow. I understand that when the concept is explained to them it sounds overwhelming. My next question when confronted with the idea that "It's too much work and too complicated" is always, "Do you have a credit card that you buy things with?" Invariably they say they do and I explain they are already doing what I do, they just aren't getting the same return on their card application and spending that I get on mine.

Yup! "Which card do I get" is the hardest question to not really answer. Keep us posted on their progress!

I don’t think anyone I know in real life really “gets” the credit card travel hacking. I get the impression people think I must be financially irresponsible. My parents understand that is how we are managing to go to WDW so much with the girls, but actually have no interest in it. All they use is a Marriott Card and Amex Delta. That is it. They book flights based on whenever they decide too without regard to prices at all. It makes me a little sick to think how much money they could be saving. I try not to think about it. It is just a little frustrating though because they say they want to go with us like on our trip in a month but “can’ t afford it.” I am like you could afford it if you would take some basic steps which aren’t that terribly hard!

I got my MIL to sign up for the CSR last Thanksgiving because she and FIL had several trips upcoming. I have to be careful about encouraging her (and other family members) to sign up for more credit cards because I know she carries a balance on at least one credit card and I'm not comfortable really stressing how important it is to pay off balances every month,

Calypso, I love your response! It makes total sense. It would definitely take more time to work at my actual job and earn the equivalent.

My mom actually got SW CP recently after she saw how many flights we've been able to take with ours. She's definitely not going to run out and get tons of cards, but she was ok with getting both SW cards to get the CP. My parents fly quite a bit more than us, and it's almost exclusively on SW, so it works great for her. Public offer was better than referral at the time though, so no SW referral bonuses for us. Boo!

My MIL has inquired about the CP as well, but every time we try to explain it she immediately tenses up when I say she should go for 2 SW cc. My in-laws are very conservative when it comes to cc and I truly get the feeling they thought I was ruining DH's credit and financial stability when we first started doing this. DH wasn't too keen on it all at first either, but he quickly came around and is now very willing to talk to just about anyone about it.

As far as SIL, they have several cards already, but it's mostly store specific (SIL loves to shop and has Gap, Kohl's, Victoria's Secret, Target, etc.) and they just use their Discover for all normal spending. After our texting the other night, I don't really get the impression she'd be willing to invest the time it takes and the attention to detail. I'll definitely explain more if she's interested though.

I've had several friends ask about this hobby and while I do give them some basic info, I usually direct them to some online references. I'm a little leery about going into too much detail because I know for a fact several of them carry balances on cards and wouldn't manage new cards well. I ALWAYS be sure to tell anyone not to carry balances and pay interest on their cards because it can negate the benefits of the points and really defeats the purpose. I wouldn't want anyone coming back to me complaining that I convinced them to do this and they ended up in debt up to their eyeballs.

So glad to read you had such a great time! Christmastime is our favorite time in the parks, sans the crowds; everything is dressed up so magically!

Sounds like you’ve got two potential referrals coming your way. Time to step up your A-game!

Thanks! It was amazing!! I really didn't find it as crowded as I expected it to be based on everything I had been reading. However, we did not do MK on Christmas Day. Instead we went to the World Showcase in Epcot for a few hours before we had to catch ME back to the airport for our 5:30 pm flight.

The referrals would be great. I'll give her more detail if she's really interested, but I'm thinking it was just a quick reaction to the cash prices for their flights.
I don’t think anyone I know in real life really “gets” the credit card travel hacking. I get the impression people think I must be financially irresponsible. My parents understand that is how we are managing to go to WDW so much with the girls, but actually have no interest in it. All they use is a Marriott Card and Amex Delta. That is it. They book flights based on whenever they decide too without regard to prices at all. It makes me a little sick to think how much money they could be saving. I try not to think about it. It is just a little frustrating though because they say they want to go with us like on our trip in a month but “can’ t afford it.” I am like you could afford it if you would take some basic steps which aren’t that terribly hard!

I had a friend who i got into churning but she isnt too experience with it with only a CSP then CSR. All she collects for is United.

I had a similar experience of cant afford it either, but i can totally understand it. We were trying to a friend quick trip to vegas for the new years but found air tickets at $350 rt, my other friend and I had enough points to fly SW for 20k points but $350 for the other 2 was just too much for them. Hotel was also pretty insane but using my points for hotel also works for us...

edit: im also quite jealous of the rest of you guys too. I started this game 2.5 years ago. i have redeemed for 1 upgrade from PE-->J for me and my mom, and 15k for Grand Hyatt in Taipei.

That is it. I saved up a lot of points for idk what yet lol.
Our current travel goals don't seem like much compared to some of the amazing trips you guys post about. Believe me, I'm envious!! I can't wait to get to that point. This first year of the cc hobby for us has been more about our WDW trips and maximizing the days we use our APs before they expire, but spend as little as possible OOP. Now that my first 12 months is almost over (January anniversary of my CSR), I feel like we really accomplished that and I'm very happy with our redemptions. Couldn't have done it without the amazing group of DISers here who are so willing to help and share their experiences.
I wouldn't feel bad or envious of others about whatever your travel goals are, lol. Everybody has different goals - as long as it's what you want. If it makes you feel any better, the travel goals you list here sound better than anybody else's to me lol!
Yes. I tried to PC when I thought my account was a year old, but the AF had not posted. I think I got the same message as WDWRook above. Waited 2 weeks until AF posted, sent the same exact message and was able to PC at that time. AF was automatically refunded. I did not ask for it in the message, just asked to PC.
Dang! So yesterday I SMd Chase about PCing DHs CSR to CFU. The response was ok, but here are the differences. Huge message outlining everything including interest rates, etc, and to please reply to confirm that we wanted PC. I did. Today, get a response that we must call to make sure they have all the details. Huh? I think the CS reps don't read any previous messages/responses and obviously have no consistency.
Dang! So yesterday I SMd Chase about PCing DHs CSR to CFU. The response was ok, but here are the differences. Huge message outlining everything including interest rates, etc, and to please reply to confirm that we wanted PC. I did. Today, get a response that we must call to make sure they have all the details. Huh? I think the CS reps don't read any previous messages/responses and obviously have no consistency.

What is with them all of a sudden wanting everyone to call in? Your dh was past 1 year, right? It's like they made a policy change in the last day or something.
What is with them all of a sudden wanting everyone to call in? Your dh was past 1 year, right? It's like they made a policy change in the last day or something.
His AF hit Nov 1. Thought we were good. I don't think they have a consistent policy.
Another vote for Swagbucks here. I have used it for several years (back before I even knew about turning Target gift cards into Disney gift cards). I managed to earn $600 to turn into Disney gift cards which paid for everything for a day at Disneyland for us. I was also able to save about $150 through Swagbucks on my three day Disney trip in August of this year, and that was only with about six weeks of real work on Swagbucks since I booked the trip at the last minute. I don't get to do nearly as many of the point-earning opportunities as some people here due to some internet limitations at my home/work, and I've still managed to earn $300 in Disney gift cards since August of this year. Between UR points and gift cards earn through Swagbucks, I expect I will be able to cover at least my hotel and food costs for free when we take our next trip.
Another Swagbucker here. Our last trip was $0 out of pocket and hopefully our next will be as well, although I really don't want to spend UR on Universal tickets so I need to up my swagging. Swagbucks pays my DVC dues, our Disney park tickets and our food while there. I even used Swagbucks money to buy a cheap laptop to earn Swagbucks on so I could stop using my main laptop so much. To be completely honest my husband and I both run an account.
I also use Swagbucks. We pay OOP for our food at WDW so all my swag earnings go to that. I have been doing SB’s for 21 mos and I’ve made right at $1800. I put very little effort into it.

That's pretty much in line with where we are. DH and I both have accounts and we started September 2015. We are right about 27 months and we've earned a combined 240000 swagbucks, which equates to about $2550 in gift cards (if I did my math correctly) since I do the 2200 redemption first each month, then 2500. We use this for all our food at WDW and anything left over goes towards anything else we buy.
That's pretty much in line with where we are. DH and I both have accounts and we started September 2015. We are right about 27 months and we've earned a combined 240000 swagbucks, which equates to about $2550 in gift cards (if I did my math correctly) since I do the 2200 redemption first each month, then 2500. We use this for all our food at WDW and anything left over goes towards anything else we buy.

My dh & both my teens have their own accounts. DD17 gives me all her earnings for Disney but the other teen uses her money on herself. My dh only earns about 2200sb's a month so he takes it as a $25 Amazon and uses it on things we'd normally buy from Amazon so that helps our overall budget. The $1800 I've made is just my account :) I get irritated with SB's from time to time but overall I'm willing to put up with the annoyances for the free money!!
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