I Love the Little Fishies. Don't You?

After I had said goodbye to Godzilla, we grabbed our stuff and headed over towards the meeting point for our Sea Lion Interaction. On the way we stopped at one of the bars for some ice water. We then made our way over to the beach closest to the meeting point. We were the only people there. They had set up some chairs with beach umbrellas there and we made ourselves comfortable as we still had a bit of time until we were supposed to meet. The member of staff that had signed us up arrived shortly afterwards and bit by bit, the other participants arrived. There were supposed to be eight of us, but two changed their mind after checking in so there were only 6 of us in the end.

We had wondered where the Sea Lion Interaction would take place. We got the answer soon enough. We walked towards the dock and then had to go down a ladder attached to the dock to get into a small boat. I was not too impressed by this. I am not very good with ladders at the best of times and getting off the ladder into a small boat that was bobbing up and down was not my idea of fun. Fortunately this was the most difficult part of the exercise. The boat ride was about 5 minutes and at the other end we encountered a floating dock and a pool. In the pool were three sea lions.

As we approached the pool, one of the trainers came to welcome us. He told us a bit about the animals that they have there and particularly about Litibu, who we would be interacting with. Litibu is a 13 year old male South American Sea Lion from Uruguay. He came from their main dolphin swim facility in Nuevo Vallarta, but developed a skin condition. The water at the main facility is chlorinated and he reacted to this. The water in the pool at this facility is not chlorinated. The three sea lions living there also have access to the sea pretty much whenever they want. They only have to be in the pool when they are involved in an interaction and for security reasons at night.

The trainer explained that for the majority of the interaction, we would be out in the pool and Litibu would be swimming freely between us and looking for rubdowns. He encouraged us to stroke him whenever he comes up to us. We then entered the pool area and were asked to sit down on a ledge. Litibu came swimming by a few times and we were invited to touch him. After a while, the trainer invited us to get into the pool and spread out. Litibu started swimming in between us and was looking for rubdowns. It was amazing to have such a fairly unstructured interaction. At some point the trainer asked the family groups to get together. Litibu then performed various behaviours and the photographer took various photos. After this we had another short period of unstructured interaction and then we were called back to the ledge. Litibu showed off just how quick and powerful he is and then he came swimming by a couple more times so that we could touch him. Then it was time to say goodbye to Litibu. We left the pool area and got showered and dried off. Then we headed back to the boat. When we got back, a catamaran was docked and we just tied up at the back of the catamaran and got on at the back and walked through to the dock. That was a lot easier than navigating the ladder. We both had great fun during the Sea Lion Interaction.




By the time we got back, lunch was in full swing. I had caught the sun quite badly during the Sea Lion Interaction despite using biodegradable sunscreen. So I appreciated that there were tables under cover for lunch. We sat down and our server brought us water and a non-alcoholic fruit punch. We also ordered a Margarita each. The buffet had some Mexican dishes, but also American dishes. I had braised Short Ribs, Chicken Taquitos, Tortilla Chips, Beans, Marinated Chicken Breast and Guacamole. Graham had pretty much the same, but passed on the Beans and had some Fish instead. He had some Tequila Flan for dessert and I had a couple of Sugar Cookies.

After lunch, we headed over where the animal encounters were taking place. In 2011, they had monkeys, parrots and a snake. This time round they also had a hawk. Getting to handle the hawk was definitely a highlight. I do not have quite the same feeling about the snake. I am not too keen on snakes at the best of times. On our previous visit, I just passed on this particular animal encounter. This time round, they talked me into it saying that the snake is very loving and just wants to hug me. Well, I am not entirely sure about its motivation and it was surprisingly heavy. I was very happy when they took it off me again. Graham also had photos taken with the hawk, a parrot and the snake, but passed on the monkey.

We still had some time until it was time to head back to the boat. We headed back to the beach closest to the boat dock and Graham had another paddle. I had enough of sun, sea and sand by that stage and just sat down. If we get the chance to go to Las Caletas again, we will just hang out there as this is closer to where all the fish are and this area was pretty much empty all day. Eventually it was time to head back to the boat. They crossed the names of the list as people approached the boat. They had set up containers with water and we were encouraged to walk through them to wash the sand off. Once we were on the boat we found ourselves a nice shady spot. Pretty much as soon as we were underway, the photographer from our Sea Lion Interaction came over to check if we wanted to look at our photos. We agreed. Unfortunately the photos from the Sea Lion Interaction were separate from the other photos taken that day, but we could add those for an extra $30. We agreed to this. I definitely wanted photographic evidence of me handling the snake especially as I don’t propose to do this again. All the photos were stored on a tiny USB stick. They also came around offering drinks. We both ordered a Margarita. They are normally quite generous with drinks on the way back, but this time round we were only offered the one drink. This was a real shame. They always insist on putting on a cheesy “show” on the way back and this is really only bearable after a number of cocktails. Still, we have enjoyed all of the excursions with this company so much that we are willing to put up with this. Soon we were back at the dock at the port. The walk back took a bit longer as for some reason we could not walk straight across as we had done in the morning, but had to walk around the outside of the perimeter fence. Still, it did not take us long to get back on the ship.


When we were back on the ship, we headed straight to the cabin. We got showered and changed and then headed upstairs. There was a DVC Member Mixer that afternoon. I had somehow managed to mislay the invitation. I knew it was at Beach Blanket Buffet and that we were supposed to meet by the outside entrance, but I could not remember what time. We decided to head to the DVC desk, but there was nobody there. We bumped into a family from our cruise meet thread. They knew the time, but could not remember where it would take place. So we were able to help each other. This was about to start. We headed upstairs together. The line was huge and did not seem to move much. Graham got fed up with waiting after a while and decided to leave. It was pretty hot out there and there was not a lot of shade either. I decided that this did not do my sunburned skin any good and followed Graham back inside. We made ourselves comfortable on some of the chairs overlooking the atrium on deck 4.

I had been really looking forward to that evening as they had the Pixar characters out. I was delighted that I got another chance to see Remy and Emile. The lines were pretty long, but they did move steadily. In the first two sets they had Mike and Sully and Woody and Jessie. I had no problems seeing both pairs. In the second set, they had Remy and Emile and Flik. I was rather surprised that Flik had a longer line than Remy and Emile. I had started out in their line, but then realized that Flik had quite a long line. He was only out once and Remy and Emile would be back in the second session so I could always catch them then. I turned out that it was my lucky day. When I finished with Flik, I headed back over to Remy and Emile and managed to get in that line just before they closed it. After that, I decided to call it a day. I did not feel too wonderful and my arms were chucking out enough heat to heat the ship. In the second session they had Remy and Emile again; Mr. and Mrs. Incredible; Russell and Dug and Buzz and Jessie. They were all characters that I met on previous occasions so I was not to upset about this.

When I was finished with the characters, I collected Graham from his spot. We were wearing our group shirts that day and wanted some photos with those. They had the white backdrop out and also the Mexican Riviera backdrop. There were no lines for either and we got our photos done nice and quick. We then headed back to our cabin.

I really did not fancy dinner that night. It was the Toy Story Menu that evening and I was less than convinced about this when we had this on both halves of our back to back cruise last year. Graham suggested that we could head to Beach Blanket Buffet, but that would not have helped as they would still serve a slimmed down version of that menu. I quite fancied room service. In the end we decided to head up to deck 9. We had our dinner at Pluto's Dog House. Graham had a Cheeseburger with Fries and I had a Hot Dog. They had the Chilli Beef again that day and I asked for a side of that. The person serving us understood what I was trying to achieve and I ended up with a Chilli Dog. I really was off my food. I just about managed to finish my Chilli Dog, but Graham had the Cornbread that came with the Chilli Beef and most of my Fries. I did however drink plenty and I also fancied an Ice Cream and had a small Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl.

By then I was most certainly ready for my bed. Graham wanted to look at the sunset, as this was promising to be a good one. He also reckoned that the sunset would not stick to the schedule in the Navigator, but would happen earlier. So I decided to hang around. I did agree with his assessment that this looked to be a beautiful sunset and at some stage I headed back to the cabin to pick up my camera. We enjoyed the sunset and then headed back to the cabin. I took a quick photo of our towel animal and then headed for bed. At that stage I could not make up my mind if I was hot or cold. I fell asleep very quickly and only very vaguely remember Graham heading out again and then coming back later.

lovely update, the pictures of you all dressed are beautiful.

The sea lion experience looks to be much fun. I was excited for you.

The sunset was amazing.

Glad you were having so much fun and enjoying yourself.
What a fabulous day!!! Your excursion looked amazing! I'm glad Graham joined you for the sealion interaction, he looked like he was having fun :) Litibu certainly was a character :) they got some great photos.

That was a BIG snake!

Too bad you got burned, I hope you felt better the next day.
What a fabulous day! The sea lion pics were so funny!

The sea lion interaction was a lot of fun and I am glad we decided to get the photos.

lovely update, the pictures of you all dressed are beautiful.

The sea lion experience looks to be much fun. I was excited for you.

The sunset was amazing.

Glad you were having so much fun and enjoying yourself.

I am so glad that I finally had the chance to do a sea lion interaction. We definitely had fun. There was a time when I got to the point where I thought we had such a fantastic vacation that everything after this will not compare, but our vacations just seem to get better and better.

What a fabulous day!!! Your excursion looked amazing! I'm glad Graham joined you for the sealion interaction, he looked like he was having fun :) Litibu certainly was a character :) they got some great photos.

That was a BIG snake!

Too bad you got burned, I hope you felt better the next day.

It was an amazing day. I loved getting to meet Litibu, the hawk and Godzilla. I was not so keen on the snake. I definitely felt better the next day.

Lovely sunset shots.

I am so envious at your sea lion experience. That's amazing. Well done for booking that in.
What a fun packed day you got to do so much! I was worried when you said you got bitten in the sea as I know how you react to such unwanted diners on your body from previous posts! How amazing to grab that sea lion experience. Aren't they gorgeous creatures I love their little whiskers!

Sorry you weren't feeling well by the end of the day. Maybe heat stroke. Nice re finding sugar cookies earlier in the day :-)

Lovely photos I have never seen the pixar characters but would love too! That must have been a real treat. I love Jessie!
i am so glad to hear that your vacations get better all the time.

I must say that I feel the same way. Overall my life is getting better every year!
I am all caught up with your latest updates Corinna. The Sea Lion interaction looks like a lot of fun. In fact, it seems like that was an incredible day.

It seems that they have a lot of different characters on the longer cruises than the regular ones.
Hi Corrina

Eventually managed to catch up :thumbsup2

Your pictures are amazing and especially love the pirate & seal ion ones, looks as though you and Graham had a great day :banana::banana:

Hope you didn't feel too poorly after the sun & heat for too long :worried:

Really looking forward to the next update :thumbsup2
What a fun packed day you got to do so much! I was worried when you said you got bitten in the sea as I know how you react to such unwanted diners on your body from previous posts! How amazing to grab that sea lion experience. Aren't they gorgeous creatures I love their little whiskers!

Sorry you weren't feeling well by the end of the day. Maybe heat stroke. Nice re finding sugar cookies earlier in the day :-)

Lovely photos I have never seen the pixar characters but would love too! That must have been a real treat. I love Jessie!

I was more than a little nervous about the sea mosquitoes, too, but fortunately they did not do me any harm. That sea lion interaction provided memories that I will treasure for many years to come.

We have been lucky enough to have the Pixar characters on a few cruises now. On our Transatlantic cruise in 2010, we had Woody and Jessie and on our back to back cruise last year, we had all the characters that we had on this cruise apart from Buzz Lightyear and Flik.

i am so glad to hear that your vacations get better all the time.

I must say that I feel the same way. Overall my life is getting better every year!

I agree with this, too. I am working on a project for my 40th birthday and while doing this, I realized that by far the best decade in my life was the last one and I am hoping that the next decade will be better still.

I am all caught up with your latest updates Corinna. The Sea Lion interaction looks like a lot of fun. In fact, it seems like that was an incredible day.

It seems that they have a lot of different characters on the longer cruises than the regular ones.

It was an amazing day. If you are looking for something to do in Puerto Vallarta, I do recommend Las Caletas. Apart from a few activities like spa treatments, the sea lion interaction and Discover Scuba, it is an all inclusive excursion and Las Caletas very much reminds me of Castaway Cay.

If you have read Graham's blog, the locals have a different theory why Banderas Bay is shark free. They reckon that the sharks have all evolved and are now selling timeshare in downtown Puerto Vallarta.

Thanks for the link Graham. I truly hope that wasn't the exact shark :scared1:

It was a white tip reef shark. They are not particularly big and are not known to be aggressive. The only reports of white tip reef sharks biting humans are all linked to harpoon fishing and likely have to do with self-defense. I am not sure who was more fascinated: me by the shark or the shark by me. We spent a fair while observing each other at a respectful distance.


Hi Corrina

Eventually managed to catch up :thumbsup2

Your pictures are amazing and especially love the pirate & seal ion ones, looks as though you and Graham had a great day :banana::banana:

Hope you didn't feel too poorly after the sun & heat for too long :worried:

Really looking forward to the next update :thumbsup2

I felt much better by the next morning. I was still a lovely red colour for the first week or so after we came back, but the heat and the discomfort was gone very quickly.

I was going to post another update today, but this is on my work computer and I forgot to email it to myself. I will post it on Thursday instead.



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