I need a new double stroller! Help


DIS Veteran
May 11, 2000
Help me get a new double stroller. Right now we have a single line one and our 8 month old has decided it is time to start pulling our 22 month olds hair! Any suggestions for a lightweight side by side, very compact, with awnings on them, that recline also? Or should I get 2 umbrellas and hook them together?
You will get all different opinions on this. We have twins and for us two umbrella strollers work the best. We have had the front/back and side-by-side but really prefer the two umbrella the best. I like to move quickly and the larger strollers always seem to get in the way. I can zip around much easier with a single stroller. We have taken the boys at 2 & 3 1/2 and both trips we used cheap umbrella strollers. Some people love their strollers, but I can't wait to be rid of them forever!
i loved our double stroller ( we also have twins), until we went to WDW. We took our side by side because the front/back one didn't make it until they were 1. The side by side is so big, that it was hard to get it in the shops at wdw. Then to get out of a park at the days end, it was heck because it wasn't really easy to move with all the people. My twins are now 6, and we won't be doing the strolers again, but look at a 2 cheap umbrella's with a basket under them.
Another vote for two umbrellas. There are connectors you can buy to hook the two together in case one of you wants some downtime from pushing and they work adequately if the two strollers are the exact same model. It's not perfect, but it does free one person up for a little while.
... IMO, you can't beat a Maclaren for maneuverability and light weight, but their doubles start at over well $200, nearly $400 for the really spiffy models. However, I did see a deal this am that might interest you, if you want something a little larger than the Kolcraft, but don't want to spend a whole lot. BABYSUPERMALL.COM has a special on the Kidco Maverick double, for $139 + shipping, it's a limited-supply special.


Kidco used to be the US Maclaren distributor, but they were outbid on it by Bertini a couple of years ago. They missed the revenue, so they hired a mfr. to make Maclaren knockoffs for them. They are somewhat heavier than Maclarens, because they have some steel components, and they don't steer quite as effortlessly, but they are pretty nice for the price, and will accomodate both taller children and taller parents than the Kolcraft (which is fine for what it is, but it sounds like you want something to use all the time, not just at WDW; you may want to spend a little more.) This model has a full hood, padded, framed seats, 5-position recline, telescoping handles, and 2 baskets. It opens 29 inches wide, so it will fit anywhere a wheelchair will.

Good luck w/ whatever you end up getting!
I agree with the two umbrella strollers you can also get a thing that hooks them together to make them a side by side. Plus to be honest my kids are 26 months apart and I bought a nice front to back stroller used it forever but if I could do it all over again I would get a nice sit and stand stoller and two cheap umbrella when they still needed to nap, or a place like WDW. The sit and stand is great now that my DD is older, granted she is 6 now and shouldn't be in a stroller at all and never is except she gets tired after days inside parks. So the sit and stand works great, she still is the big girl but can get a ride now and then!
This happened to us when my girls were a bit older around 1 and 3! I tried switching to a side by side and things got worse and I didn't like the width and manuverability at all. I ended up keeping the front/back and just switched their seats and put the older one in back... could this work for you?
We are taking an 8 mo. old and a 35 mo. old. I was planning on bringing the big stroller for the 8 mo. old and using our umbrella stroller for the 35 mo. old.

Didn't really have the $$ to spend on a double stroller (purchasing one, not renting) but did consider doing the double umbrella hookup thing (my sister in law has one and we'd just buy another umbrella), but we worried that the 8 mo. old wouldn't be comfortable to take a nap (our 35 mo. sleeps anywhere).

Originally posted by mmounsey
We are taking an 8 mo. old and a 35 mo. old. I was planning on bringing the big stroller for the 8 mo. old and using our umbrella stroller for the 35 mo. old.

Didn't really have the $$ to spend on a double stroller (purchasing one, not renting) but did consider doing the double umbrella hookup thing (my sister in law has one and we'd just buy another umbrella), but we worried that the 8 mo. old wouldn't be comfortable to take a nap (our 35 mo. sleeps anywhere).


Hi Mmounsey
fwiw I would definately have a fully reclining stroller with a good sunshade for an 8mo - we also got a clip on umbrella to totally shade my nephew last trip. I would either bring the full size for the 8mo and rent for the 36mo if you have enough sets of hands to push or...
try one of the rental companies in Orlando - I have seen "Baby's Away" posted here. From what I have read they will rent you a nice double f/b or s/s or sit N stand for your length of stay for about what it costs to rent a single at the parks. The ad's say they will deliver it to your resort and pick it back up at checkout. Worth a try and a quick search?? Perhaps you have a friend or relative with a double you could borrow for the trip or rent at home for the trip... Good luck and I hope you find a solution that works for you!
I have a similar problem. I have a 2 year old and a 5 1/2 year old. Our last 2 trips, we used a double umbrella stroller but our 5 year old is too heavy and tall for it now. We dumped it in Orlando last December right before our flight because it was starting to break.

This next trip they will be 3 and 6. What do we do? Only one stroller for the 3 year old and rent for the 6 year old? I dread getting in the rental lines and what if the 6 year old falls asleep? Is there a double stroller out there that can handle a 6 year old whose about 45lbs?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
I've never rented. But maybe you could just play it by ear, if she gets tired and you don't feel she can keep up or is just miserable could you rent on then? Would they possible switch off on ride for awhile on sit? We have a 4 and 6 year old. I have a sit and stand we got from a friend we swapped strollers, I did have a double and she really needed that. Maybe check some thrift shops and see if they have a sit and stand it is really nice. The older child can either sit or stand behind the younger one. Wouldn't work with sleeping though.
we have always brought one stroller and end renting another for our older child who is
now 8, by the end of the week she is so tired we have to have one. the ones they
rent are so nice because they push easily with heavy kids. my daughter only weighs about
50 lbs. and she is 50 inches tall.

beattyfamily--i wonder how many strollers they get at the airport!! we dumped one
last year at the dallas airport when the wheel broke off and they called us and told us
they found it, we forgot we had our address label on it...funny huh...a broken stroller
near the trash and they put it in lost and found
since we are leaving tmrw...I picked up another umbrella stroller (it happens to have a canopy--so we'll use it for the baby, 8 mos.). I borrowed the attachments things from my sil (didn't have the chance to order my own yet, due to a miscommunication with dh...that's what he wanted to do all along).

I also contacted Baby's Away (www.babysaway.com), via email. They told me that it would cost $42/week plus $15 delivery charge (they take it right to the hotel) for a Century front back model. We will there less than a week, so I replied back and asked if they pro-rate...still no reply. So depending on when I get a reply will determine what we do, but considering we leave at 3 am...

UPDATE: $7/day...we will be using it for 4 days, so we are doing it!

does the one with the canopy recline at all? a baby at 8 months may have a hard time if it doesn't especially if you plan to do long days. On more thought do you have any type of baby carrier? back pack etc...we used one with our kids all the time. That way you could switch off when your older child is tired us the back pack with the baby. just a thought! have a wonderful time! We leave next Sat at 3 AM! yikes that is early!


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