I need Disney Therapy. Are you coming or not?.... Nov/Dec 11 pre trip report

Wondering if this will work this time.. it's attempt number three to post this as my computer is being moody tonight!

This day last year was a sad day.
Pics and stuff:
It was time to say bye bye to Mickey:

Bye bye Orlando:

And hello New York for second part of our trip:

I loved that I got a pic of a boat from a plane. Thought it looked cool at the time:

This is what I like to call our poshy hotel:

Angel (trip mascot remember him) settling down on the poshy bed:

I was very depressed leaving Orlando and searching for anything Disney. Then I saw him:

He looked a bit shabby but I think he was ringing Minnie to take him home!
Not even Edward Cullen could make me feel better bout leaving Disney:

This was probably as close as we got to Liberty:

oh and 59 days til Mickey's House!
This day last year was a bit like today... a very wet day. Except we were in New York:
I was very happy to find these for breakfast:

We used to have them in Ireland years ago but they stopped selling them?! I lived on them in New York :)
I was not happy at the heavy rain:

We went on tour bus for a while and went to see Brooklyn:

Then we got tired of being wet so we went to M&M's world:

and back to our poshy hotel!
This day last year was another wet day!
Went to 9-11 memorial:

failed to see liberty any closer than this:

I went up to top of the rock:

and then had a very Wicked night on Broadway :goodvibes

Lovin your pictures of NYC...on my bucket list is to see a Broadway Play on Broadway!
OH. MY. GAWD!!! :scared1: So had our induction day for the Masters and WOAH this course is going to be intense! :eek: We have to do a weeks work experience in Radio and another one in Television. We have to do a 2500 and 3000 word essay (no thesis) and that would be ok if I had a translator for the essay titles lol! :lmao: We also have to do a radio and a television documentary. So much to do so little time to do it. That was only an induction, the lectures don’t start until next week and I’m stressed about it already lol! :rotfl:

Anyways this day last year we had our first sunny day in New York and we went shopping:

I found Mickey though:


Also I got these really cool boots in Sketchers kind of on the style of UGGS but cooler. I mention these because I have been wearing them for past maybe 9 months to work and they got destroyed. So much so that I went to Dublin Sketchers shop and bought the exact same pair of boots because I liked them so much and was sad they got destroyed. The sides have torn on both boots and there’s a hole in the top of one but I kept wearing them to work because I was determined not to throw them out until they were at least a year old. So now I can throw them out and wear the new sneakers to work as the boots officially a year old lol! :rotfl:
Anyways I took this going back into New York after shopping. Thought it looked cool:

We finished the night with one last Disney fix on Broadway:

And then Angel had some fun in the M&M’s factory:

Just for fun as well I’m putting up some of my videos on you tube. This was one funny little one I recorded of Main Street Philharmonic in Magic Kingdom last year:
Also re the whole college thing they gave us a reading/listening/viewing list and viewing list in particular caught my eye because there was things like The Simpsons, Dora, Barney, Bob the Builder as well as more "grown up" programmes as well but NOTHING Disney... I'm sure it's an error on their part that they just left out the Disney movies but there wasn't one Disney movie on the "what we should watch if we have time list." :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Anyways this time last year was our fly home day...
Pics and stuff from before we left New York:
We went to play in Build a bear:


Then sat in Times Square for a while:

Back in Ireland..do ya like his headband?:

Random videos:
From Magic Kingdom day last year...
The is end of Dream along with Mickey show I would say note Goofy's eyes at the end he seems to have a bit of a problem there: Clickie

Then in 2008 I was in Florida with an Irish dancing school I was in at the time we were dancing in Universal, Kennedy Space Centre and Magic Kingdom. On one of our days off we were in Busch Gardens and Momma and I went to see this other Irish dancing show. Before the show we were talking to this American couple and Momma was bragging as Momma's do about how I was in a dance school that were going to be performing in Disney in a few days blah blah and American couple were like OMG you're from Ireland as well do you know anyone in this show then. Momma and I were both like Nooo and explained how there's many different Irish dance shows. That was all fine and dandy then show started and out danced this black haired girl among the other girls and I was like OMG I KNOW HER! Only turned out to be one of my friends from my old music class in college. I had no idea she was going to be there and she had no idea I was in Florida either...These two are videos I took of the show. My friend is one of the dancers but also the one playing violin (or fiddle) Part 1 Part 2
I have many random thoughts. I work mostly on a check-out in a supermarket and while I'm scanning things if i'm not having conversation with a customer I tend to have alot of random thoughts there I dunno why! :confused3 Today's random thought was OMG when am I going to put up the Christmas tree :rotfl:
My wife and I have already had this conversation. Ours will probably be put up mid-November. She usually puts it up the day we will be driving to Florida, and she wants it everything already up by the time we get home. I just thought I'd share this, because it proves that your random thought is a common one! :lmao::rotfl2:
My wife and I have already had this conversation. Ours will probably be put up mid-November. She usually puts it up the day we will be driving to Florida, and she wants it everything already up by the time we get home. I just thought I'd share this, because it proves that your random thought is a common one! :lmao::rotfl2:

I keep thinking about where i want to put ours.

Emma, i love how your NYC pics are filled with Disney items LOL
My wife and I have already had this conversation. Ours will probably be put up mid-November. She usually puts it up the day we will be driving to Florida, and she wants it everything already up by the time we get home. I just thought I'd share this, because it proves that your random thought is a common one! :lmao::rotfl2:

Yay at not being alone.. I haven't brought the subject up with Momma yet. I'd say because I'll be far to excited to sleep though that the day before we go I'll put it up then. I'll be in college til 5 that day and then have dance class so won't be home til 10 that night but there's no way I'll be sleeping all that night.
Was looking on disney store website tonight at all the Xmas stuff that's starting to come into the parks and there's Mickey fairy light we are so getting those! I was getting so excited looking at all the park merchandise! :)
Like 55 days to go :banana:

I keep thinking about where i want to put ours.

Emma, i love how your NYC pics are filled with Disney items LOL
We put our tree in same room every year. We changed it though a few years ago and last one was 6ft I think and new one is 7ft. I call it My monster Xmas Tree. 1: because I am the one that decorates it every year and 2: because it takes over the room but I love it anyway :)

Yeah I spent my time in new York trying to find anything Disney I could. The Disney store on Times Square wasn't open when we were there lucky for Momma. The New York end of the trip was a compromise though because Momma didn't want to stay in Orlando for two week. I wanted to see WWOHP so compromise was you come there and then we'll go to New York. I wanted to see New York and it was nice and Wicked was amazing but it was no disney.
Here are a couple of calendar ideas... I got the numbers in the wrong order (started at one instead of 30) but I thought that I would share the ideas and then try fix it after you decide!


Also re the whole college thing they gave us a reading/listening/viewing list and viewing list in particular caught my eye because there was things like The Simpsons, Dora, Barney, Bob the Builder as well as more "grown up" programmes as well but NOTHING Disney... I'm sure it's an error on their part that they just left out the Disney movies but there wasn't one Disney movie on the "what we should watch if we have time list." :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Then in 2008 I was in Florida with an Irish dancing school I was in at the time we were dancing in Universal, Kennedy Space Centre and Magic Kingdom. On one of our days off we were in Busch Gardens and Momma and I went to see this other Irish dancing show. Before the show we were talking to this American couple and Momma was bragging as Momma's do about how I was in a dance school that were going to be performing in Disney in a few days blah blah and American couple were like OMG you're from Ireland as well do you know anyone in this show then. Momma and I were both like Nooo and explained how there's many different Irish dance shows. That was all fine and dandy then show started and out danced this black haired girl among the other girls and I was like OMG I KNOW HER! Only turned out to be one of my friends from my old music class in college. I had no idea she was going to be there and she had no idea I was in Florida either...These two are videos I took of the show. My friend is one of the dancers but also the one playing violin (or fiddle)

I'm sure it's just an error of omission on behalf of the class not to include Disney!! Well, that's a bummer!

How cool is that to find someone you know performing at Busch Gardens!? We had that on the cruise. We use to live in PA and knew a dancer at Hershey Park. Went on a cruise, and there she was on stage!! She made character meet and greets so amazing for my son!! (We noticed her the first day, and I asked another cm if it was her and if so to please give her our names and cabin number. It was her and we got a phone call arranging for a meet with her almost right away.)
Here are a couple of calendar ideas... I got the numbers in the wrong order (started at one instead of 30) but I thought that I would share the ideas and then try fix it after you decide!



love them...wishing sometimes our trip was not a secret!
love them...wishing sometimes our trip was not a secret!

You can print one and hide it and do it yourself!!!!!!!!!LOL.....

Petals... here is the update... I do recommend printing it on matte paper if possible.... they look better!


I'm sure it's just an error of omission on behalf of the class not to include Disney!! Well, that's a bummer!
I know. I will watch them anyway though just in case ;)
Actually funny tonight was watching British X factor and they asked the girls to tell a weird fact about themselves and one of them was like I watch Disney Channel at least once a day. :)

How cool is that to find someone you know performing at Busch Gardens!? We had that on the cruise. We use to live in PA and knew a dancer at Hershey Park. Went on a cruise, and there she was on stage!! She made character meet and greets so amazing for my son!! (We noticed her the first day, and I asked another cm if it was her and if so to please give her our names and cabin number. It was her and we got a phone call arranging for a meet with her almost right away.)

That's so cool. It was so unexpected seeing her in Busch Gardens though and then talking to her after she was saying the same. They did a meet a greet after the show and she said she was used to that but then was a little shocked when someone she knew showed up! It was brilliant though.

You can print one and hide it and do it yourself!!!!!!!!!LOL.....
I like this idea :)

Petals... here is the update... I do recommend printing it on matte paper if possible.... they look better!



I love them thank you. You are AMAZING!

Life has suddenly gone a little bit---scratch that alot manic!

Started college on Tuesday but before that was in work Saturday and took my break at same time as one of the older staff members and subject of are you still taking your holiday when you're in college came up queue my excited garble about Disney and all I had planned. She looked at me like I was going crazy and then I mentioned character breakfasts and she was like what are they so I explained how characters come to breakfast and take pictures and you (kids) can parade around and you can eat Mickey waffles and in some breakfasts you (kids) wave napkins in the air etc etc.. Well I think she was going to get a doctor at that point.. Whatever you that does not get disney! <insert smiley sticking tongue out> :rotfl:

So yeah back to Tuesday started the college thing and well it went alot better than I was expecting new class are lovely and so far we've all been hanging out together for our breaks so it's cool. Today I found out I'm not the only disney nut in the class and we had a great conversation at lunch time about the rides in Walt Disney World :)

My masters is in radio and television production. I'm particularly interested in radio and a few weeks ago I never mentioned it before because at the time there was alot of bad stuff going on and i guess this never really sank in but a few weeks ago I somehow got an opportunity to become part of a radio team on a volunteer basis which is really cool now that it's sinking in :rotfl: I'm producing and editing which I like the techy end more than the talky so it's all good :)

Also still got my dancing going on as well.

And in like half an hour ish (Irish time) ONLY 50 DAYS TO DISNEY!!! :yay::yay::yay:

Must go sleep now
Glad that your classes have started off well...keeping busy will only make the time go by faster!


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