"I need to see ALLLL the Princesses!" - A Sept 2014 Trip Report


DIS Veteran
Mar 13, 2006
Hello! If anyone is out there, welcome to my first-ever proper Trip Report. I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures! (And please excuse any technical difficulties along the way.)

The Details:
Sept 20-27, 2014
Caribbean Beach Resort
Firsts: Moderate Resort, DDP (woohoo Free Dining!), FP+, and MNSSHP!

The Players:
Me - Ava, 34. The master planner behind these shenanigans and resident terrible photographer.
DW - She lets me get away with this nonsense.
DD5 - princess: freak and ride enthusiast. Cannot smile for a photo to save her life.
DD1 - Henceforth referred to as "the baby." She has no idea what her big people have gotten her into.


Let's get started, shall we?
Day 1, Sat 9/20: Flight from NY and arrival at CBR!

Honestly, the first part of this day is kind of a blur. And probably not that interesting. We somehow managed to get to the airport in plenty of time for our flight, that's the important part. We also had a very nice car service driver, Anna. We took her number to call her directly for the return trip, that's how nice she was. I have no funny pictures of us lugging 4 suitcases plus a car seat down the hallway of our building, or the baby trying to drink my iced coffee at the airport. But these are both things that happened. That darn baby, any drink with a straw sticking out of it and she's right there.

Another customer service :thumbsup2 for the day goes to the Jet Blue gate agent who, when DW went to ask her about pre-boarding to install the car seat, asked what seat it needed to go into then took that giant heavy car seat onto the plane for us. When we boarded it was sitting on the baby's seat, ready for DW to install it. :thumbsup2

And here are my girls, ready for take off!

The kids spent the whole flight eating snacks, and the baby did great until we started our descent. Then I think her ears started hurting her but she refused to drink/suck anything so there was nothing we could do for her. Poor little thing. But we made it! To the airport! To a looong line for the Magical Express bus! :crazy2:

Okay, so it didn't actually take very long for us to be on a bus and on our way. The baby caught some zz's on the ride to CBR while I sat next to DD5 and tried to keep her from singing at the top of her lungs and annoying everyone else on the bus.

When we finally arrived at Customs House, it was pretty busy. I got in line to check us in while DW (with a by-some-miracle still sleeping baby strapped to her chest) and DD5 waited off to the side. After a few minutes, a CM with an iPad approached me, confirmed that I'd done online check-in, then took my info. He found our reservation then said to wait there and he'd go get my Welcome Packet. Then I remembered I'd made room requests! I remembered to ask him if we were in Jamaica (yes!) but forgot to ask about the floor. So we ended up with 2nd floor. Not a big deal and I didn't want to go through the extra waiting of trying to change it.

So! Got our room assignment, then I also remembered we had to pick up our rental stroller from Bell Services. So we all go back outside, I go up to Bell Services, wait for Jose to bring out the stroller, then DW and I realize there's no way we can get the stroller, car seat, our carryons and the kids to the room on a bus. Enter bell services! I tell them we need help getting to our room, and a few minutes later a white van pulls up. The driver loads our bags into the back, we hop in, and off we go to Jamaica!

Did I mention that this resort is really beautiful?


Then we spend a few minutes getting settled into the room. We got a refurbed room (which we knew we'd get in Jamaica) but we also got a Murphy bed! DD loved it in theory but when it came time for bed she didn't want to sleep in it. (She did sleep in it one night later in the trip, but mostly she had a queen bed to herself.)

Look how cute this is!


By this point it was after 2pm and we hadn't had lunch yet. After some arguing, we got DD5 to agree to go eat first before we went swimming. We were in Jamaica building 43, so it was short walk across the bridge to OPR. I'd read a tip on here that you can use two adult QS credits to get a large pizza, so that's what we did. Plus a giant M&M cookie (DD5's choice) and a cupcake to share for dessert. Here we are toasting to our first night in the World!


And a pic of the baby, because she's cute even though she didn't get a mug.


After "linner" we went back to the room to change into our bathing suits, and then back to the Fuentes del Morro pool. DD5 was hesitant to try the slides at first - she couldn't quite swim yet - but when she saw other kids her size or smaller doing it, she put on a life vest and said she'd try. And she LOVED them. She wanted to go again and again. We practically had to drag her out of the pool when it was time to go back and get ready for bed.

We fed the kids "snack dinner" - aka we'd brought a ton of those fruit puree pouches, granola bars, etc and let them have some of those as dinner since they weren't super hungry. DW and I split the rest of DD5's giant cookie after the kids were asleep. We purposefully planned an early night because the next day was our first big day in the Magic Kingdom! pixiedust:
I'm here! Thanks for the bat signal!

You have a beautiful family, Ava! I can't wait to read more. Since our September dates matched up almost exactly, it will be interesting to see when we were in the same place at the same time and never knew it! Lol. :)
I'm here! Thanks for the bat signal!

You have a beautiful family, Ava! I can't wait to read more. Since our September dates matched up almost exactly, it will be integrating to see when we were in the same place at the same time and never knew it! Lol. :)
Hi! Thank you for joining in. :) We may have crossed paths at MK on the 21st; we left right around 4:00 as the party crowds started to roll in.
I'm interested in following along because I want to vicariously live through a princess-y trip. My boys are firmly anti-princess, which on one hand - yay, no Anna and Elsa concerns built into a trip, but on the other hand - darn them falling into gender roles!

Looking forward to more about you and your girls' time at Disney!
Hello all 3 of you who are subscribed to this thread! I sincerely apologize for the lack of actual trip report here so far. I got bogged down with work and sorting/editing hundreds of photos, so the TR took a backseat. I've got the photos all sorted now though and am determined to get back to this report. Look for an update this week! :cool1:
I am working on a trip for June and we will be staying at CBR also. I was really glad to see that's where you stayed. Will be anxious to hear how you liked it.
Day 2, Sun 9/21: Magic Kingdom, Round 1!

My alarm went off bright and early at 6:00am. The goal for this morning was to be at the bus stop by 7:00 to make sure we were on time for our 8:05 ADR at CRT. DW and I get up and dress quietly, then go to rouse DD5. I rub her back and say, “Come on, it’s time to go have breakfast in the castle.” Her response? “But I just need more rest.”

First lesson of the trip - my child is not a morning person, even when it’s to eat breakfast with princesses.

But she rallied and got up, then we got the baby, who had been sequestered in her pack-n-play behind the sliding door to the sink area and was therefore still sleeping. She also does not appreciate being woken up, and she doesn’t even know or care about princesses to make it better, poor thing. But some milk makes her feel better, and we’re all ready and out the door and it’s before 7:00! Woohoo!

We don’t wait long for a bus and get to the park around 7:30, then head over to bag check. (Sidenote: I always forget about bag check and then am annoyed when I need to stop and have my bag checked. Someday we won’t need to lug a backpack full of gear around the parks and I will be able to skip bag check.)

We get in, then head down Main Street and stop for some pics in front of the castle (the best one is in the intro post). This is what happens when you try to get a photo of my two kids together - but check out that empty Main Street!


By the time we finish with the photos and get all the way back to the check in podium at CRT, it’s 8:07. Oh well. We check in, park the stroller, and head inside. We encountered a long-ish line right inside the entrance, and that’s when I realized that Cinderella wasn’t there meeting yet. I don’t know if this is typical, but I was kind of annoyed. But nothing to be done about it, so we waited. She came out a few minutes later, but we probably waited 15-20 minutes to meet her. She was sweet though, and Cindy was my DD’s first favorite princess so it was fitting that she was her first character of the trip. The baby, on the other hand, was not so much into the strange woman in a dress trying to say hi to her. So this was our best photo.


We finally head up to the dining room and are seated at a table pretty much right in the middle of the room. Our server came over not long after with wands for both of the girls. The baby also had a Cinderella coloring page and some crayons at her place. I thought it was kind of odd that DD5 didn’t have one too, but she didn’t seem to care.

Okay, I am just going to say now that I don’t think I have a single photo of anything we ate this trip. In between getting the kids to eat and manning the camera/autograph book, I just didn’t think to photograph my food. Sorry, food pic lovers.

So we order drinks (coffeeeeee) and he brings the pastry platter. I try to take pics of DD5 and she scowls at me. This is a constant theme. Oh but look, I caught the pastries in this one!


I ate a mini cinnamon roll and an apple danish. Both were good and very fresh, not dry at all. The first of the princesses arrived - Snow White and Aurora - but they started greeting over by the windows so our food came out before they got to us.

I got the Healthy Choice because I figured it’d be easy to share with the baby. She wasn’t very interested, though. I think she mostly ate my fruit and the blueberry muffins from the pastry plate. She seemed into the hot cereal at first but only took a few bites. If I hadn’t been trying to share, I probably would’ve chosen a different meal. The eggs were fine, the hot cereal & sunflower bread were both decent, but the yogurt was too tart for my tastes, even with the honey they gave to mix into it. There was also barely a sprinkle of granola on top.

DW got the cream cheese stuffed french toast. She said it was good but VERY sweet; I think she barely finished half of it. DD got the kids cheese frittata with vanilla yogurt on the side. She scarfed down the yogurt and then we forced her to eat a few bites of egg in between princesses.

Speaking of… first up, Snow White! She was so sweet, I love the little Snow White voice they all do so perfectly.


She tried to say hi to the baby too. For some reason when she gets shy she covers her ear.


Then Aurora. In retrospect I wish I’d asked her to stand with DD but I didn’t think of it at the time.





Ariel. She was the best as far as interaction with DD. Their posed photo didn’t turn out well so here’s a candid of them talking. DD just loved her.


After Ariel left us we were pretty much done eating and it was already about 9:15 - so much for a pre-park opening ADR actually getting us into the park early - so we settled the “bill” (aka scanned my MB to pay with “free” credits - LOVE IT!) and headed out to start our park day!

Next up - princess: MOAR PRINCESSES princess: (Oh, and some rides, too.)
I am working on a trip for June and we will be staying at CBR also. I was really glad to see that's where you stayed. Will be anxious to hear how you liked it.
We loved CBR! It wasn't our first choice, we switched there from POR in order to get free dining, but I was very happy with it. It's a gorgeous resort, and the refurbished rooms are very nice. If you don't pay for a preferred room, request a room in either Jamaica or Aruba. The walk over the bridge to OPR from those sections is not long at all. DD5 loved the pool and there are two slides (I think the other moderates only have one). And the tropical theme felt very relaxing to come back to in the middle of a hectic park day.

If you have any specific questions, let me know, I'm happy to answer them.
We loved CBR! It wasn't our first choice, we switched there from POR in order to get free dining, but I was very happy with it. It's a gorgeous resort, and the refurbished rooms are very nice. If you don't pay for a preferred room, request a room in either Jamaica or Aruba. The walk over the bridge to OPR from those sections is not long at all. DD5 loved the pool and there are two slides (I think the other moderates only have one). And the tropical theme felt very relaxing to come back to in the middle of a hectic park day.

If you have any specific questions, let me know, I'm happy to answer them.

Thank you. I was wondering about how the food in the food court and at the TS restaurant was and how crowded it is. If that's coming later in the report I can wait. :)
Thank you. I was wondering about how the food in the food court and at the TS restaurant was and how crowded it is. If that's coming later in the report I can wait. :)
We didn't eat at the TS restaurant and only ate one other dinner besides pizza in the food court. We're vegetarians, so our choices there were limited.

The resort didn't feel crowded at all, except for check-in and check-out. This is probably because it's so big, the guests are spread out. Each village also has it's own bus stop so there are never a hundred people all waiting at one bus stop. The main pool didn't feel crowded either though the few times we used it. So if not feeling like it's crowded is important to you, I think CBR is a good choice.
Love the pictures at CRT...so sweet.

So far looks like you had a great trip. Will keep an eye out for more details.
Hi, I'm following along. Great posts so far and the girls are just adorable!

Can't wait to read more!
Joining in! Your daughters are gorgeous.

I absolutely love the photo of your DD5 talking to Ariel. It looks like they had a great interaction.

We're hoping/planning to go next fall to Disney World and our children will be the same ages as yours, so I'm looking forward to seeing how you worked with their schedules throughout the trip.

Looking forward to more! :goodvibes


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