I Paid Someone $5 for a Catchy Trip Report Title, and This is All I Got-Updated 12/29

I love HM but some kids do get scared.

On our last visit to Orlando we went to Sea World and made the mistake of taking him on "Journey to Atlantis". He wanted to run away and I had to keep him from climbing out of the boat. He's still a little gunshy of rides that try to scare you.

:thumbsup2 Terrific HM photos. Your kids are just darling!!!! Looks like a great day. pixiedust:

Thanks! And right back atcha, I've seen your three kiddos :dance3: on your TR. They're way cute.
Our plan after riding Splash was to begin heading toward Tomorrowland, since I wanted to go to the Noodle Station for lunch. So our next stop was Pirates of the Caribbean. We still argue about whether the accent is over the “i” or over the “e”. My kids have definite opinions, but I just don’t know. They both sound right to me. Anyway, I tried to take some no-flash pictures in here, but they’re just too blurry. Sorry. We exited the ride and tried to run the gauntlet known as the gift shop. Didn’t make it. Lauren had seen a girl at Downtown Disney the day before with a necklace that had a medallion from the POTC movie, an Aztec gold coin, and wanted to find one. While we looked for that I knew it was just a matter of time before James found a toy sword. He’s a big sword nut. pirate: Swords or light sabers. He’s got several of them and our garage is littered with sticks that have become imaginary swords that I’m not allowed to throw out. Eventually the girls each settled on a medallion necklace to get, and James, right on cue, had selected a toy sword. We bought them in hopes that that would be about “it” for the souvenirs.

After we paid my phone rang. It was the Garden Grocer delivery person. Our order wasn’t scheduled to be delivered until 5pm, but he was going to be making another delivery to the Animal Kingdom Lodge at 3, so would I mind if they delivered it early? I said, “Sure!”

So then we made our way across the hub to the Noodle Station. We got in line and, wait…where are the egg rolls? Where’s the lo mein? And where is the sushi? :confused3 Apparently the lunch menu is just “American fare”, hamburgers and wraps and stuff. I must have said something like “where’s the sushi?” out loud because the guy in front of me in line said, “I know, I made the same mistake. I came here for Asian food too.” Well, we were here now. The rest of the family gave me their food orders and went to find a table while Lauren waited with me to help me bring the food back. Judy wanted a turkey wrap, while the kids wanted hamburgers. Well, James wanted a cheeseburger, but the girls detest cheese on their burgers, so just hamburgers. I figured there’d be plenty of food, so I would just eat the “extras”. We got to the cashier and when I ordered the hamburgers she said, “are they allergic to cheese, because I can only do cheeseburgers, unless they’re allergic”. So, with just a minimal pause I replied, “yes, they’re allergic”. :rolleyes1 Lauren was shocked that I said that, but I figured hey, if they can do it for an allergy they can do it for someone who doesn’t eat cheese on a hamburger. The cashier had to call a manager over because they had just gotten new cash registers and she didn’t know how to request “no cheese”. They looked over all of the buttons and whattayaknow, there was one for “hamburger”. ::yes:: We brought the food to the table and Judy said, “this wrap is huge, do you want half of it?” “Okay, sure.” That’s what I figured. And I got half of James’ hamburger and plenty of fries.


We left the Noodle Station and went into the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. It was our first time to see that show and we really enjoyed it. One woman in the audience they called on was really ditzy. The monster asked her to think of a number between 1 and 50, and she immediately blurted out the number she was thinking of. The audience laughed and the monster said, “Okay, let’s try it again.” So, she immediately blurted out another number. :faint: He said, “You’ve really never done this before, have you? Okay, let’s switch it around, I’ll think of a number and you guess it.” I don’t even remember where he went with it after that, we just couldn’t believe this woman didn’t know what “think of a number” meant.

James wanted to ride Buzz Lightyear, his favorite ride from our last visit a few years back, so we decided to make an exit strategy: get fastpasses to Buzz, use our fastpasses on BTMRR, get dole whips, ride Buzz, and get outta here. So that’s what we did. Here are some pictures along the way.

A few pictures from our second ride on BTMRR.



And just to show you that it’s not always easy to take pictures while riding a rollercoaster, here’s one attempt of mine to take a picture of Judy riding in the car behind me.


After I took that one I looked at the screen on the back of my camera, had a good laugh :lmao:, and tried again -- this time aiming a little higher.


From there we went to Aloha Isle to get the famous Dole Whips I had read about so much here on the DIS. :disrocks: We all loved them, and they will probably become a tradition. Judy said, “how did we not know about these before?!”



Then we used our fastpasses on Buzz. Ever since our last trip, if we ever mention Buzz, James has to brag about how he beat my score. But I had done my research. On another website I had learned about some high-scoring “Z’s” to hit, particularly in the first room. So, when I left the first room my score was already over 100,000! Yes! I looked to the car ahead where James and Judy were, and his score was over 200,000 -- what? So I really went to work on those Z’s. By the time we hit the last room I had managed to catch him, but when we exited he had beaten me by a few points. I don’t remember the exact scores, or maybe my mind has blanked them out as a defense mechanism. If so, thank you, mind.

On the way out we passed the “Move it, Shake it, Celebrate it” parade. I took a few pictures as we walked, but I have some better ones later in the week, so will post most of them later in this TR. Here’s one of Belle because I remember someone on another TR saying they can never get a good picture of Belle. It’s a good one of Belle, but the Beast’s face is blocked!


At this point on our way out there was somewhat of a contrast between Judy and the kids. They were walking ahead of us, uninterested in the parade, wanting to get to the resort. Judy, on the other hand, got a little teary-eyed :sad1: seeing the parade and from just “being in Disney”. It had been a good day, and we hadn’t even seen our new “home resort” yet!

In the next installment: Kidani suite pictures, before it gets that “lived-in” look.

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I discovered those high scoring Z's before the rest of my family...then they started picking up on where I was shooting :(
I don't know if I'm a fixture, but you'll find it's a nice little community of friends......just needs more guys....
We left the Magic Kingdom and waited about 10 minutes for a bus to Animal Kingdom Lodge. James took a seat right behind the driver (he likes to backseat drive :drive:) and then as the bus filled-up, a woman took the seat next to him. He’ll strike up a conversation with anyone, so it was cute to watch him talking with this person he hadn’t known before. We could see him talking and were wondering what family secrets he was spilling. :chat:


We arrived at the Kidani bus stop at about 4:00 and as we approached the porte cochere (fancy terminology for the roof over the lobby entrance) I made everyone pause for the first picture of them in front of our “new home”.


We checked in and were given room 7805, which was a 1-bedroom, standard view. It was on the 4th floor, and was a little bit to the left of the porte cochere, as viewed from the picture just above. We loved the location -- it was close to the lobby, which proved useful as the kids loved going down to the Community Hall, and it wasn’t too far of a walk to the pool.

As we entered the room, I asked everyone to let me get some pictures before the room got that “lived-in” look….so here we go:

View of the living room (kitchen counter in foreground) as you enter the room.


Going out to check out the balcony (James still clutching his Pirates of the Caribbean sword).



View of the porte cochere from our balcony. (I have a view more to the right side off of our balcony on a later day.)


View of the living room, looking back from the balcony doors.


View of the living room, looking from the master bedroom door.


A couple of shots of the master bedroom.



Master bathroom.


Shower and tub.


A towel butterfly that was on the bed.



Marlene said she really liked Port Orleans, but this was more like....home. :goodvibes Yeah, that was the response I'd hoped we'd get!

After we got done checking out the place we all crashed. Judy called bell services about our luggage and found out that our groceries had arrived, but our luggage had not yet. After a few minutes of rest, James and I were ready to check out the pool, but the others hadn’t had quite enough rest yet. Judy volunteered to wait back at the room for bell services.

We loved checking out all that the pool area had to offer. (Pool pictures will appear on a later day’s post.) We started with the play area where there are some water guns and buckets dropping water, etc. Then we moved on to the actual pool itself and the water slide. It didn’t seem like too much time passed before the others joined us also. So, James had fun showing the girls the things he had already tried out. It felt great after a hot day in the park, to just stand/float in the pool.

Since our dinner reservation at Sanaa, the table service restaurant at Kidani, was at 7:05, we left the pool around 6:00 to go back to the room and unpack our suitcases, organize the kitchen a little, and get dressed for dinner.

Before we leave this installment, some thoughts about the suite. Overall, loved it. :woohoo: It seemed huge compared to our room at POR. James just stopped by as I am writing this and he said he felt like he was in a "royal family" to have that suite. He loved all of the artwork. We loved having the kitchen and the washer/dryer. We had bought aluminum foil in our Garden Grocer grocery order, thinking we might need it for leftovers, but there were a couple of unexpected tupper-like containers in the cupboards. I don't know if they were stocked by Disney or were left by someone before us. (By the way, if anyone has any Garden Grocer questions, just let me know.) Judy sells kitchen tools in her direct-selling business, so was missing some of her "gadgets", though the kitchen had most everything we needed. Judy said they need to put a makeup light in the bathroom. We didn't mind the dark decor, but makeup is a whole different story (apparently!). And then one last thing, which I read in someone else's report, but have to completely agree...the toilet in the master bathroom is kind of odd. It seems to be an after-thought. It's just painted brown, with no pictures, decoration, or anything to look at while you're in there. :rolleyes1 Okay, moving on!

In the next installment: Dinner at Sanaa.

Link to next installment
Love the resort pics. Love all the carvings on the bed. Nice and spacious.
nice pictures!!! Were you able to see the pool from your room? I know it sits kinda down low but didn't know if you were high enough up to see down to the pool? I loved seeing the pool!!!
We arrived at the Kidani bus stop at about 4:00 and as we approached the porte cochere (fancy terminology for the roof over the lobby entrance).


penn state man said:
Shower and tub.

This change must be the result of feedback from DVC owners that the master bathrooms didn't have a shower. Glad Disney listens to some of their most loyal guests!

penn state man said:
the toilet in the master bathroom is kind of odd. It seems to be an after-thought. It's just painted brown, with no pictures, decoration, or anything to look at while you're in there. :rolleyes1 Okay, moving on!

No magazines in the toilet area?;):rolleyes1
All caught up now. Would love to see the pool pictures. I was not to impresed by the pool when we stayed a few years ago, but now it sounds great. Love the pictures everyone is having a great time.


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