I should’a taken that left in Albuquerque (Updated 8/16/13 Pg13)

3) I'm neither. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

“A man has got to know his limitations”

Here's the thing though... these days you don't have to be a singer or a musician thanks to autotune. :rolleyes1


Well, just let me say this about that…


I harbor a similar opinion when it comes to “sampling”. :mad:

Well, it just seemed like that might be a somewhat significant port back in those days and it would take a while to build a fort... :confused3

True, and there were loyalists in the area that were unhappy about it. The work of defending the town at the time though was left up to the locals and relied on militias. By the time the powers that be back over in London figured out that the locals had turned on them it was still going to be weeks before they could get a strike force down there. When they did, the fort was already half completed and the landings (as you can see) did not go well. They came back with a stronger force three years later and then were able to retake the city. They also kept it until the very end of hostilities.

Chapter 3: A Lack of Adult Supervision

Part 4.5: …Let Me Sum Up​

“Let me explain…

No, there is too much.
Let me sum up.”

One of the better “throwaway lines” from an often overlooked film that is filled with absolutely wonderful “throwaway lines”. It also perfectly sets up this last little bit of chapter three.

I could just have ended it there (and should have I know), but since I’m wasting everyone’s time by writing this TR in the first place, I see no reason why I should refrain from wasting a bit more of it. Realistically, once we left Fort Moultrie, the sightseeing part of the trip was pretty much over, but we wouldn’t actually get back home for another day so there is more to tell.

You’re just not obligated to read about it.

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The Outpost


Being Disney fans I’m pretty sure we’re all familiar with the “Outpost” in the World Showcase. There’s a fairly long walk between China and Germany and since the original plans for building a more purposeful “Equatorial Africa” pavilion got scuttled (and then buried completely with the opening of AK), it made sense to open this little way-station along the route. There’s actually more here then meets the eye and if you take time to rummage around you’ll likely run across something interesting, something tasty, something unexpected, a potential for musical entertainment and in general considerably more then one would have expected from such an outwardly simply looking offering.

So now why am I bringing that up here?

Because we inadvertently found a similar “outpost” in the midst of that great big empty which takes up the space between Charleston and our digs back up in Garden City. I feel almost a little odd discussing this because it ain’t often that any traveler will recommend to his cohorts that they ought to take time out of their busy schedule to visit what looks at first glance to be no more then a gas station…

But (and you can call me wacko if you want… I’ve been called worse) that’s what I’m about to do.

Along US-17 just at the southern boundary of the Francis Marion National Forest, there’s a geographic area known to the USPS as: Awendaw. In this same spot one will also encounter the Sewee Outpost.


Like I said, at first glance it looks to be no more then a gas-station/convenience store, and that’s precisely all we took it for at the time. But then we went inside to grab a snack for the drive. On the inside it’s more of a cross between a country store and a “Bass Pro Shop” (with an unusually well stocked toy and gag section to boot). Being right on the edge of both the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge and Bulls Island, you can see why the sporting goods and clothing sections might be so well stocked. These folks also maintain a long term boat storage facility on site for the same reasons (something else you don’t expect to find at your run of the mill gas station).

If that ain’t enough to catch you off guard, the deli in here is topnotch. Biscuits are baked on site daily and the hot ham variants are considered prized breakfast fair by the locals. In the afternoons they then put out various house baked hot casseroles (absolutely not normal gas-station fare to be sure). And if that weren’t enough, there are fairly regular gatherings of some of the Charleston areas better Food Trucks that take place here as well.


Still not impressed? How about some live music.

This is also the home of the “Awendaw Green”. A little amphitheater built on site that hosts weekly “Barn Jams” featuring local and traveling music acts. For a $5 donation on any given Wednesday (with part of the proceeds going to charity) you can take in some very high quality entertainment. There’s even an annual Bluegrass festival held each April.

Ok, now for the curve ball…
These folks also maintain a Disk Golf course.

I don’t know why a gas station would chose to do such…
But they do; a full 18 “hole” course.


Like the music offerings, a 5$ donation will allow you to entertainer yourself with this considerably less expensive variation on the familiar game of the wealthy. They even sell disks and related supplies on site if you don’t happen to have your own set on you at the time.

Like I said upfront, there’s more to this outpost then anyone would ever expect. And if nothing else, you can always just top off the tank and simply jump back on the road to wherever it was you were going in the first place.

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Never go against a Sicilian…

I said early on in this chapter that we indulged in two very fine meals along the way. The 521 Barbeque meet half of that requirement during the trip down. The second instance was on Saturday when we got back to Garden City; courtesy of…

“Salvatore’s Fine Sicilian Ristorante”.

Don’t bother lookin’ that one up. It ain’t in the book nor floating around on that there internets thing we hear so much about. Nope, to get some of that fine dining, you had to be there. Sal’s Grandmother immigrated to the US around the middle of the last century. As part of her mission in life, the ol’ gal not only made sure all her kids could cook properly, she did the same for the grandkids. As part of his contribution to the trip Sal brought along a cooler with some truly fine slow-cooked marinara and a bowl full of what could only be described as epic meatballs. We had to settle for store-bought dry pasta and paper plates, but still, that may well be some of the best Italian cuisine I’ve ever had. Didn’t think to take pictures (as we were too busy inhaling the meal in the first place), so you’ll have to trust me on that one.

After dinner, we decided to walk the couple of blocks from the condo down to the pier…


Here’s a more general view of the place form the inter-webs…


The Garden City Pier is a decent fishing spot as far as the resort shore goes and also boasts a well stocked tackle shop and even gear rentals. The other resort-ish offering here is an arcade with all the usual token consuming gaming suspects. That last fact also makes the front of the place a rather noisy and a might, shall we say, “youthful” (and not in a good way). The business end of the place (the pier that is) is a very clean, fairly wide and stoutly built quarter-mile stroll out into the ocean. The original pier on this site was destroyed by Hurricane Hugo in 1998, but the opportunity to rebuild allowed the owners to construct a much improved venue. It also offers two very entertaining things besides fishing…


There’s one at either end of it. And when we showed up there was live music at both of ‘em. Free… live music. We spent a little time at the spot on the beach end of the structure until that band decided to take a break. Then we headed out to the deep end of the pier to take in the act that was playing out there. The cool breeze, good views of the water, lights of the cities to the northeast and the random civilian fireworks displays combined with the music to make for a soothing finish to the day. After the last tune, it was time to head back and call it a day.

One very fine day at that.

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Down to the last letter

Sunday morning saw us tossing all the gear back into the car and heading westward away form the coast. We did stop for breakfast though…


This “Omega” is in Surfside Beach just up the road from where we were staying and right before you get back to Route-544. I’ll recommend this pancake house over the one we hit the day before. Much less crowded and considerably better breakfast offerings (and free WiFi if you see that as a perk). Go figure. I’ll be making the extra drive up here from now on when I happen to be down on the coast and just need to have someone else cook me some breakfast.

The rest of the drive home was rather uneventful. It was a Sunday morning in SC and there really wasn’t much open. Sadly this also included the purveyors of barbeque so I couldn’t stop and stock up on more of that either. Que Sera.

All in all this was a great guys outing. Good times, good food, bad jokes, far too many movie quotes, lots of things with the potential to go boom…

What more could you want?

Wait… don’t answer that. I can clearly see the gutter that some of y’all would take this into if it were allowed it to continue.

So finally we have traversed from alpha to omega on this little trip and that (thankfully I’m sure) brings this chapter to a close. I promise that the next chapter will actually include more conventional tourist destinations. That don’t mean that there won’t be encounters of the historical variety or worse: potential ship sightings…
But with the rest of my family along for the ride and a bit of proper adult supervision this time around; the result should be at least a little bit more entertaining and easier read.

For some of you anyway…

Next up: A Journey to the Tidewater
Rob, I think you men behaved rather well on your trip and you can do a future one without adult supervision.

Who would have known there would be an "outpost" with useful things? :thumbsup2

Sal's prepared dinner sounds yummy.

Free music too!

I love pancake houses; they are usually some of the best places to have a good breakfast...just like mom used to make (well most moms anyway...certainly not mine).
You’re just not obligated to read about it.
Ok, thanks!

There’s actually more here then meets the eye and if you take time to rummage around you’ll likely run across something interesting, something tasty, something unexpected, a potential for musical entertainment and in general considerably more then one would have expected from such an outwardly simply looking offering.
Um... I think you picked a bad comparison. If you stop for 10 seconds to look at that Outpost, you can see pretty much everything it has to offer right there in plain sight.

Ok, now for the curve ball…
These folks also maintain a Disk Golf course.
Did you play?

As part of his contribution to the trip Sal brought along a cooler with some truly fine slow-cooked marinara and a bowl full of what could only be described as epic meatballs. We had to settle for store-bought dry pasta and paper plates, but still, that may well be some of the best Italian cuisine I’ve ever had.
I'll believe it. Sounds fantastic!

I’ll be making the extra drive up here from now on when I happen to be down on the coast and just need to have someone else cook me some breakfast.
Seems like a great idea to me.:thumbsup2

All in all this was a great guys outing. Good times, good food, bad jokes, far too many movie quotes, lots of things with the potential to go boom…

What more could you want?
Less "potential to go boom" and more "boom"

Wait… don’t answer that.
Too late.

So finally we have traversed from alpha to omega
I see what you did there... clever.

That don’t mean that there won’t be encounters of the historical variety or worse: potential ship sightings…
If those aren't in it, you didn't write it.

But with the rest of my family along for the ride and a bit of proper adult supervision this time around; the result should be at least a little bit more entertaining and easier read.
So, do you think you'll have it done before Disney World??? :rolleyes1
Rob, I think you men behaved rather well on your trip and you can do a future one without adult supervision.

Why thank you!
I’ll tell the Mrs. that she ought to let us out of her sight more often.

We’ll see just how far that suggestion gets.

Who would have known there would be an "outpost" with useful things? :thumbsup2


Sal's prepared dinner sounds yummy.

Trust me… it was.

Free music too!

Someone was paying them, it just wasn’t me.
I performed at a number of similar venues where the house or the vendors will pay the band to play for the customers. I’d like to do a lot more of it and if the economy keeps improving, more of that type of work may become available to local musicians.

I love pancake houses; they are usually some of the best places to have a good breakfast...just like mom used to make (well most moms anyway...certainly not mine).

A good mom-n-pop shop will always trump a chain.
The trick is to find a “good” one.

You were very quick to post on that update. I was planning to actually post two today; that one and the introduction to the next chapter.

As a matter of fact…
I think that’s just what I’ll do.

My, my but y’all are quick on the draw today
I’ll be posting the next intro in a bit, but first…

Ok, thanks!

You’re welcome.
Let’s see if you actually do it.

Um... I think you picked a bad comparison. If you stop for 10 seconds to look at that Outpost, you can see pretty much everything it has to offer right there in plain sight.

Click the link back there about the proposed Africa Pavilion. It discusses what was intended and what’s there. There is a little more then you’d think. You just have to stop and take it in.

Did you play?

I actually have a set of disks but…
We wanted to get back to Garden City before it got too much later.
Next time I head down there though, that may well be on the agenda.

I'll believe it. Sounds fantastic!

Let me say this about that…


Seems like a great idea to me.:thumbsup2

Almost any one’s cooking will be better then mine.
Not necessarily better then what gets served in my house, just better then what I coud produce.

Less "potential to go boom" and more "boom"

Good point!

Too late.

And I knew it would be…

I see what you did there... clever.

Who me?
Not sure I’ve ever heard that said about me.

Especially from say….. you.

If those aren't in it, you didn't write it.

Guilty as charged.
Can’t help it you honor… its an affliction.

So, do you think you'll have it done before Disney World??? :rolleyes1

Maybe… Maybe not… I intend to try.
I actually had that closing written better then a week ago but being as it was short and just a wrap up, I wanted to also post the intro for the next one. It took me a while to decide how I wasted to present the next chapter though. But now I’ve go a “Plan of Attack” worked out for that one so I hope to be a bit more prolific on the updates.

Assuming that life doesn’t get in the way.
You were very quick to post on that update. I was planning to actually post two today; that one and the introduction to the next chapter.

As a matter of fact…
I think that’s just what I’ll do.


Trust me, if I get a minute to look for updates, I do. This wedding is killing me with how time consuming it is...and it's not even my wedding. I leave four weeks from today for Disney with the girls, and the wedding is five weeks from tomorrow. :scared1:

Chapter 4: The Peninsular Campaign

The Opening Salvo​

(AKA: One of them there introductions y’all foolishly asked for)​


0905 Hours, Saturday, June 23, 2012…

Scotland Wharf…

Current position: 2.4 nautical miles N-NW of Cobham Bay; approximately 15 miles up river from the Ghost Fleet currently keeping station off Fort Huger…

Op-Stat: Loading operations completed; all tactical teams accounted for.
Amphibious strike forces proceeding into the channel…

Course: 330 Degrees; Speed: 6 knots…

Expected land fall at 0927 Hours…
Glass House Point (37º 13’ 11” N, 76º 47’ 30 W)


Whoa… slow down there Hoss…

I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. We probably need to back up just a might and take a look at exactly what series of events lead to our determination that our best course of action was an amphibious assault on a fortified position in the Tidewater.

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If you’ve gotten this far into the “TR that ain’t gonn’a make it to Disney” then you’re clearly aware that between the Cruise on the Dream and the Thanksgiving/Parade festivities back in 2011, we’d done liquidated all of the funds that had originally been slated for a 2012 WDW return. So much so that at first we weren’t planning to travel anywhere at all in 2012. Well, for various reasons that didn’t last long. But we still weren’t planning any big long duration vacation type travel. And yet, there was still an opportunity to see something new and different. We still had a summer vacation form school coming up and though we couldn’t pull of a week in the greater Orlando area, maybe there was something else that we could do. That point of view is what lead to the next tentacle on our the 2012 travel map…


We do like to see places other then Disney from time to time and ever the dreamer; I originally had concocted a grand plan for a long road trip. This sojourn would have wound its way to the Outer Banks of NC, then toward the Hampton Roads area, followed by a trek up the Delmarva Peninsula heading toward Philadelphia and finally returning back to the south via Baltimore, Richmond and Raleigh. The problem with that idea was that while I had the time, I had less then half the funds required; meaning that at best we could only do part of this excursion. We also figured that since we’d be hauling two teenagers along with us (I’ll explain that more in a bit) then there probably needed to be an emphasis of potential thrill rides if at all possible.

Enter: the Williamsburg Bounce Pass…


…basically a three for one deal. There are various types of these combined attraction tickets available at many of your tourist type destinations. What this one had going for it was that I could take the whole group to an area that offered a good bit of history to explore, and then appease he boys by ensuring that they’d get to feed their roller coaster addiction as well. This would also save me enough bucks to allow for a decent hotel for the duration while staying close to the budget. The only down side was that while the tickets were good for near a week, we’d only be staying for four days. …still better then nothing and still cheaper then admission to the Gardens alone.


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Order of Battle

As stealth and a quick reaction time were going to be a requirement if this operation was to succeed, personnel would be held to a minimum. As such, the only unit ordered into harms way was Company R of the 301st Detachment, Eighth Regiment: Goofy Brigade.

(that’s us)

The strike force was under the over all command of Tamara (Code Name: “Swambo”).
Logistics and tactical operations were assigned to myself (Code Name: “Goldbrick”).


Certainly you didn’t figure I was in charge of this outfit, right?

That accounts for the upper echelon, but the backbone of the amusement park assault team however was comprised of these two blokes…


You’ve already met our Comm-Officer and Cyber-Abatement specialist: Max (Code Name: “T-Bone”). The other fell’a there, Toncy (Code Name: “Highlander”), has been temporarily assigned to our unit and will be acting as the Special-Ops and Covert Incursions expert on this mission.

Let me tell y’all a bit more about our forth compatriot there. Toncy (that’s an old family name. by the way) is one of Max’s buddies from way back and even though the two of them now attend rival schools they’ve remained close friends. From time to time we’ve invited him along on our adventures. We do this partly so that Max can have someone of his own age to share experiences with (‘cause just hangin’ with mom and dad all the time simply won’t cut it). We also do this partly because his folks just don’t have the funds to do much extra traveling (and then there’s the fact that he’s just a good kid). Now, we’re not wealthy ourselves, but if we can scrap up a couple of extra “Benjis” to bring a forth person along on a trip, it only seems fair that we ought to.

And so we do.

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Mission Specifications


OK so the plan of attack will go something like this…

Preliminary Ops

Load all personnel and provisions into our EM-25 Urban Assault Vehicle (a smaller cousin to the more renowned EM-50 UAV) and move quietly behind enemy lines.


Ford the James River, overrun the fortifications at Jamestown and secure the harbor facilities…


Advance toward Williamsburg and establish a forward operating base.
Tactical support for all future advances will be controlled from this outpost…


Once imbedded, perform general recon of the primary target.
Ensure that the locals are unaware of our surveillance operation…



Bypass Capital by the right-flank and attack their defensive positions to the south…




Having secured the perimeter, move directly on the Capital…


Then advance on and occupy the Governor’s residence…


Afterward, reinforce and strengthen forward stronghold established at old southern defensive position…



A lightning raid via mechanized cavalry charge to the south, seize control of port and battlewagon stationed there; hold city for ransom…


Empty coffers of all available swag and provisions and then withdraw back to defensive stronghold…



Execute mop-up operations, turn over conquered territories to occupation forces and then withdraw strike team back to home base.

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Mission Summary

Well there you have it folks.
That’s what the rest of this chapter is going to entail.

I’ll be detailing each phase and the various skirmishes that took place as we conducted the mission plan. Since you already know the highlights, you can go a head and circumnavigate the rest of this chapter if you’d like. But I’m still going to write it. I suspect that I will be answering to a war crimes tribunal for doing so, but I’m already committed (in more ways then one) to the operation…

So it’s going to happen.

From your perspective…
This might just be a good time to call out the militia.


Next up: Phase-1 commences
Click the link back there about the proposed Africa Pavilion. It discusses what was intended and what’s there. There is a little more then you’d think. You just have to stop and take it in.
I still stand by my prior statement. It is all right there in plain sight. Not much to discover that you don't see upon first glance.:confused3
“Let me explain…

No, there is too much.
Let me sum up.”

:rotfl: Another one that gets me every time.

You’re just not obligated to read about it.

As I keep telling you, it's either that or do work.

There’s a fairly long walk between China and Germany and since the original plans for building a more purposeful “Equatorial Africa” pavilion got scuttled (and then buried completely with the opening of AK), it made sense to open this little way-station along the route.

I still wouldn't mind seeing an Australia pavilion...or Russia...and I'm sure Andy would love to see Brazil represented.

In this same spot one will also encounter the Sewee Outpost.


Well, look-ey there. I had no idea that was there. Shows you how good my observation skills are. Then again, you knew my screen name.

These folks also maintain a long term boat storage facility on site for the same reasons (something else you don’t expect to find at your run of the mill gas station).

That's my boat...

[If that ain’t enough to catch you off guard, the deli in here is topnotch. Biscuits are baked on site daily and the hot ham variants are considered prized breakfast fair by the locals. In the afternoons they then put out various house baked hot casseroles (absolutely not normal gas-station fare to be sure). And if that weren’t enough, there are fairly regular gatherings of some of the Charleston areas better Food Trucks that take place here as well.

Curse my inadequate trip planning of last summer! Then again, River City Cafe was pretty good.

Ok, now for the curve ball…
These folks also maintain a Disk Golf course.

I don’t know why a gas station would chose to do such…
But they do; a full 18 “hole” course.

Why do people climb Mount Everest?

As part of his contribution to the trip Sal brought along a cooler with some truly fine slow-cooked marinara and a bowl full of what could only be described as epic meatballs. We had to settle for store-bought dry pasta and paper plates, but still, that may well be some of the best Italian cuisine I’ve ever had. Didn’t think to take pictures (as we were too busy inhaling the meal in the first place), so you’ll have to trust me on that one.

Sounds awesome. :thumbsup2

[This “Omega” is in Surfside Beach just up the road from where we were staying and right before you get back to Route-544. I’ll recommend this pancake house over the one we hit the day before. Much less crowded and considerably better breakfast offerings (and free WiFi if you see that as a perk). Go figure. I’ll be making the extra drive up here from now on when I happen to be down on the coast and just need to have someone else cook me some breakfast.

Duly noted.

All in all this was a great guys outing. Good times, good food, bad jokes, far too many movie quotes, lots of things with the potential to go boom…

Sounds perfect! Except, as Andy pointed out, we need more actual booms.

What more could you want?

Wait… don’t answer that. I can clearly see the gutter that some of y’all would take this into if it were allowed it to continue.

Aw, come on...

But with the rest of my family along for the ride and a bit of proper adult supervision this time around; the result should be at least a little bit more entertaining and easier read.

So you didn't need a permission slip for this one?
We do like to see places other then Disney from time to time


This sojourn would have wound its way to the Outer Banks of NC, then toward the Hampton Roads area, followed by a trek up the Delmarva Peninsula heading toward Philadelphia and finally returning back to the south via Baltimore, Richmond and Raleigh.


The problem with that idea was that while I had the time, I had less then half the funds required; meaning that at best we could only do part of this excursion.

That's your excuse? Delaware ain't that expensive. I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, it's not like you were spending money on amusement parks that aren't Disney or anything...

What this one had going for it was that I could take the whole group to an area that offered a good bit of history to explore, and then appease he boys by ensuring that they’d get to feed their roller coaster addiction as well.

Wait...what? :furious:

The strike force was under the over all command of Tamara (Code Name: “Swambo”).
Logistics and tactical operations were assigned to myself (Code Name: “Goldbrick”).

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: on the call signs.

The other fell’a there, Toncy (Code Name: “Highlander”)

By the way, Ricky...I saw the Highlander movie. It was @#$%! :rotfl2:

Let me tell y’all a bit more about our forth compatriot there. Toncy (that’s an old family name. by the way) is one of Max’s buddies from way back and even though the two of them now attend rival schools they’ve remained close friends. From time to time we’ve invited him along on our adventures.

Very kind of you. I'm sure he and Max both appreciate it.

Well there you have it folks.
That’s what the rest of this chapter is going to entail.

Looks like a sound strategy. As relatively close as it is to us, I haven't taken the family to Willamsburg yet. So that remains on the agenda at an undetermined time.
Enter: the Williamsburg Bounce Pass…
Good call. Busch Gardens is a great park, and you can get your fill of history at Colonial Williamsburg. :thumbsup2

The strike force was under the over all command of Tamara (Code Name: “Swambo”).
Logistics and tactical operations were assigned to myself (Code Name: “Goldbrick”).

Fool's Goldbrick maybe...

Certainly you didn’t figure I was in charge of this outfit, right?
I think this point has been well established already. :rotfl:

The other fell’a there, Toncy (Code Name: “Highlander”), has been temporarily assigned to our unit and will be acting as the Special-Ops and Covert Incursions expert on this mission.
Is Highlander the friend who will be tagging along to Disney World? :confused3
Then advance on and occupy the Governor’s residence…
Been there, done that. You're too late, old man. :rolleyes1

I’ll be detailing each phase and the various skirmishes that took place as we conducted the mission plan. Since you already know the highlights, you can go a head and circumnavigate the rest of this chapter if you’d like.
I'm in... Been to Colonial Williamsburg before, so I'm interested to see what all you checked out there and I've got to say that Busch Gardens Williamsburg is my favorite theme park I've ever been to that is not owned by Disney or Universal.
Off to a great start on the next leg, I see. And always a good thing to have a friend to hang with the kid so they don't aggravate just you. ;)

Curious to hear what you think of the Busch Gardens there. We were not impressed with the one in Tampa at all.
Off to a great start on the next leg, I see. And always a good thing to have a friend to hang with the kid so they don't aggravate just you. ;)

Curious to hear what you think of the Busch Gardens there. We were not impressed with the one in Tampa at all.

We'll see what he has to say about it, but I love Busch Gardens at Williamsburg. Lots of vegetation and shade, great rides, actually some decent theming on some of them.

I like BG at Tampa, but Williamsburg is a night and day difference from it.
We'll see what he has to say about it, but I love Busch Gardens at Williamsburg. Lots of vegetation and shade, great rides, actually some decent theming on some of them.

I like BG at Tampa, but Williamsburg is a night and day difference from it.

I don't know if it was because of the time of year we went or what (we went in September 2008), but half the rides were not running at all, some were down for maintenance, the workers were cold and rude. The best part of the experience was the beer in the beer garden and watching the elephants get fed.
Just to note: I'm still here and riding along, just haven't had as much time to post. I'll get to the jokes, insults and friendly jabbing shortly.:thumbsup2
:rotfl: Another one that gets me every time.

Remember, this is for posterity, so try to be honest.

As I keep telling you, it's either that or do work.

There are plenty of TR’s to read.
You don’t actually have to read “this” one.

That may be considered poor judgment on your part.

I still wouldn't mind seeing an Australia pavilion...or Russia...and I'm sure Andy would love to see Brazil represented.

Any new pavilions would be good. Not sayin’ that I’m a particular fan of the Outpost, I was just trying to redeem it a bit. Don’t think I succeeded.

Actually, I don’t see why Disney necessarily needs to wait for someone else sponsor one just to add something new to the WS. I know it’s expensive, but they update areas of the various parks all the time. They could be more generic and add say… a Caribbean pavilion, or a South Pacific or a Central Asia pavilion and do the work themselves. Heck it is a “World” showcase… how about some other “world” say like something from Marvel or even Star Wars… they’ve got plenty of “worlds”

Well, look-ey there. I had no idea that was there. Shows you how good my observation skills are. Then again, you knew my screen name.

We didn’t either actually…
Found that one purely by accident. We were just stunned by the amount and types of offerings available. Not at all what I expected from a chance stop to top of the tank.

Curse my inadequate trip planning of last summer! Then again, River City Cafe was pretty good.

River City is a prize. As for catching one of the Food Truck Rodeos... you’d have to have known about them first and then just happen to find that one was scheduled while you were there. But, now you have a link to look it up with for the next time you’re down here.

Why do people climb Mount Everest?

Because it’s become a commercial industry?

Duly noted.

I’ll test out some more if I get the chance and keep you apprised.

Sounds perfect! Except, as Andy pointed out, we need more actual booms.

We’ll just have to buy a quarter ton of fireworks next time.

Aw, come on...

Didn’t stop Andy…
What’ch you waitin’ on?

So you didn't need a permission slip for this one?

Nope… I had proper adult supervision for the duration of this next one, so permission wasn’t necessary.

Regular dope-slaps… now, those were necessary.

Like You’ve never taken a trip else where before :lmao:

That's your excuse? Delaware ain't that expensive. I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

My employer doesn’t offer me any real benefits, so you don’t need to.

I mean, it's not like you were spending money on amusement parks that aren't Disney or anything...

Ummm… yah… about that…

Wait...what? :furious:

Well, I was getting to that…

Here’s the trick to this one. Tamara has always wanted to spend some time in Williamsburg, so that’s the spot that won out. Now on the other hand, I wanted to spend most of the time hitting anything other then an amusement park, but he boys along for the ride would have been moderately miserable had I followed that path (or at least they think they would have been and we’ll get into that more latter on). So being both a devoted husband and a semi-responsible father… what I may have wanted will always be the last thing to be considered.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: on the call signs.

Those didn’t take any effort to derive.
Facts are facts.

By the way, Ricky...I saw the Highlander movie. It was @#$%! :rotfl2:

‘May god be with you Monsieur Bobby”

Very kind of you. I'm sure he and Max both appreciate it.

He’s a good kid, and as our boy has no siblings it just seemed like a good idea.
I’d take several of his friends along if I could, but that’s just not practical.

Looks like a sound strategy. As relatively close as it is to us, I haven't taken the family to Willamsburg yet. So that remains on the agenda at an undetermined time.

Just as sooner or later I will make the loop up in that direction.
I mean, heck… there’s a ship up that way that’s very high up on my must-get-to list.

Not to mention someone around there has threatened to show me the best pizza and cheese-stake in the area and they aren’t the ones that everyone else says they ought to be; a culinary tasting comparison of that caliber needs to be had.
Good call. Busch Gardens is a great park, and you can get your fill of history at Colonial Williamsburg. :thumbsup2

That’s what we were hopping for.
I hope to go back and take in even more of what’s up there some time in the near.


Fool's Goldbrick maybe...

The “fool” part of it is implied and doesn’t need to be emphasized…
it’s readily observable.

I think this point has been well established already. :rotfl:

I’m in just as much control of my house as you are of yours.
If you think otherwise, then I may not be the “fool” here

Is Highlander the friend who will be tagging along to Disney World? :confused3

Actually, yes he is.
Those two have been friend since second grade and have shared a lot of experiences over the years.

Been there, done that. You're too late, old man. :rolleyes1

So why’d you give it back?

I'm in... Been to Colonial Williamsburg before, so I'm interested to see what all you checked out there and I've got to say that Busch Gardens Williamsburg is my favorite theme park I've ever been to that is not owned by Disney or Universal.

We went into BG with no preset expectation and were very pleased with the place.
And that park can be approached as a thrill park or just as a relaxation park )a little like Disney but on a smaller scale). Not all parks really offer both experiences. BG/W now ranks high on our list of just-for-fun places as well, but I’ll get into all that more later on.
Off to a great start on the next leg, I see. And always a good thing to have a friend to hang with the kid so they don't aggravate just you. ;)

Curious to hear what you think of the Busch Gardens there. We were not impressed with the one in Tampa at all.

I’ve never been to BG-Tampa myself, but based on what I saw of it in one of Barry’s TR’s the one in Williamsburg is a completely different animal.

We'll see what he has to say about it, but I love Busch Gardens at Williamsburg. Lots of vegetation and shade, great rides, actually some decent theming on some of them.

I like BG at Tampa, but Williamsburg is a night and day difference from it.


I don't know if it was because of the time of year we went or what (we went in September 2008), but half the rides were not running at all, some were down for maintenance, the workers were cold and rude. The best part of the experience was the beer in the beer garden and watching the elephants get fed.

Yah… that’s similar to what Barry wrote. Not a very good track record.
I’ll go ahead and say that the park in Williamsburg is abs0olutly gorgeous. If it’s coasters you want, they got ‘em in spades (but there was one in particular that they were having a lot of problems with). As for more restful types of entertainment… there a good bit of that as well in including a number of live performances. I’ll give it definite :thumbsup2 and hope to go back sometime.

Just to note: I'm still here and riding along, just haven't had as much time to post. I'll get to the jokes, insults and friendly jabbing shortly.:thumbsup2

Glad to have you along still.
I usually chase folks off long before now for reasons A, B, or J…

Feel free to jab or even just to lurk.
Both are good by me


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