
Me. West side of Orlando. Still debating going over to the east side of the state to stay with my sister for a couple of days. I wouldn’t be completely out of it, but it would be better. No garage for the car where she lives though, so I am torn. Plan to decide after the next update. I would stay home for tropical storm force winds, but not for hurricane force. Irma’s eye went right over us and it was terrifying.
Me. West side of Orlando. Still debating going over to the east side of the state to stay with my sister for a couple of days. I wouldn’t be completely out of it, but it would be better. No garage for the car where she lives though, so I am torn. Plan to decide after the next update. I would stay home for tropical storm force winds, but not for hurricane force. Irma’s eye went right over us and it was terrifying.
Stay safe. :-)
We're from Florida (now live elsewhere), with relatives and friends all up and down the state. So far they're just battening down the hatches and not planning to go anywhere, but that could change when there's a better sense of exactly where the center is going. Pretty nervous for them, after we went through the eye of Ida last year. Sending prayers and pixie dust to all the DISers in the path!
Me...just outside of Jax.

I've pulled everything from outside into the garage, along with the car.

I have 6 gallon jugs of water frozen in the deep freezer, along with four 16 lb bags of ice. I have an automatic ice maker on the fridge, so since the announcement of Ian, I've been emptying it every other day and filling ziplocks. I also have all my 'drink' ball ice cub trays going; several ziplocks that I put the extra water from the gallon jugs (have to leave room for the ice, so removed about 1/3 of that water) that are freezing.; and about 9 -10 gel freezer packs from DH's medication delveries frozen as well.

I've emptied the fridge (yesterday, as trash was today, but that's my usual MO on Sundays anyways), and cleaned the litter boxes completely as well. House is clean. Bedding is being washed right now; will do the last half loads of towels and clothes tomorrow morning. Yards mowed/weedwacked.

I've brought in and washed the two big coolers, in case I need to move freezer/fridge contents, as well as the two 5 gallon Igloo water jugs. Those I'll fill with water before the storm hits; same with the bathtubs. I'll also fill up all my pitchers (3) with water.
The batteries for the weedwackers are also for a light, so they are fully charged. New batteries in the emergency radio. Flashlights positioned around the house, in areas where I go, jic the power goes out when I'm there; I also have glow sticks if needed. We have two battery operated motion-turn on lights (one in the garage; one by our bedroom closets...which are between our bedroom and bathroom...so I don't have to worry about light there).

I am using up all the tv dinners/frozen pizza that I had for lunches, jic. I have propane for the small tabletop camp stove (not for the big camp stove, but I can't set that one up by myself anyways, and DH is out of town for work until Friday...well, supposed to be back Friday, but I think he's going to be stuck in New Orlean until Sunday, if Ian keeps tracking this way). I have plenty of easy to cook food, and hopefully we won't lose power for too long. I'm not in an evac zone or flood zone, so we're hoping to be ok (first year at this location).

I have sodas and juices chilling in the fridge, for the hurricane party I'll be having all by myself. LOL I'm all alone, first time in a storm like this without DH or anyone else.
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I have sodas and juices chilling in the fridge, for the hurricane party I'll be having all by myself. LOL I'm all alone, first time in a storm like this without DH or anyone else.
Me too. Usually when a storm is coming my sister and BIL have to evacuate and they come here. I still haven’t ruled out going over to stay with them for a couple of days, but the news is calling for nearly as much wind, and more rain, for them than for me, even though I am closer to the storm. So I am waiting another update or two to decide.
Me...just outside of Jax.

I've pulled everything from outside into the garage, along with the car.

I have 6 gallon jugs of water frozen in the deep freezer, along with four 16 lb bags of ice. I have an automatic ice maker on the fridge, so since the announcement of Ian, I've been emptying it every other day and filling ziplocks. I also have all my 'drink' ball ice cub trays going; several ziplocks that I put the extra water from the gallon jugs (have to leave room for the ice, so removed about 1/3 of that water) that are freezing.; and about 9 -10 gel freezer packs from DH's medication delveries frozen as well.

I've emptied the fridge (yesterday, as trash was today, but that's my usual MO on Sundays anyways), and cleaned the litter boxes completely as well. House is clean. Bedding is being washed right now; will do the last half loads of towels and clothes tomorrow morning. Yards mowed/weedwacked.

I've brought in and washed the two big coolers, in case I need to move freezer/fridge contents, as well as the two 5 gallon Igloo water jugs. Those I'll fill with water before the storm hits; same with the bathtubs. I'll also fill up all my pitchers (3) with water.
The batteries for the weedwackers are also for a light, so they are fully charged. New batteries in the emergency radio. Flashlights positioned around the house, in areas where I go, jic the power goes out when I'm there; I also have glow sticks if needed. We have two battery operated motion-turn on lights (one in the garage; one by our bedroom closets...which are between our bedroom and bathroom...so I don't have to worry about light there).

I am using up all the tv dinners/frozen pizza that I had for lunches, jic. I have propane for the small tabletop camp stove (not for the big camp stove, but I can't set that one up by myself anyways, and DH is out of town for work until Friday...well, supposed to be back Friday, but I think he's going to be stuck in New Orlean until Sunday, if Ian keeps tracking this way). I have plenty of easy to cook food, and hopefully we won't lose power for too long. I'm not in an evac zone or flood zone, so we're hoping to be ok (first year at this location).

I have sodas and juices chilling in the fridge, for the hurricane party I'll be having all by myself. LOL I'm all alone, first time in a storm like this without DH or anyone else.
You seem well prepared. I think you’ll be ok. Take care & God Bless. 🙏🙏🙏
Me...just outside of Jax.

I've pulled everything from outside into the garage, along with the car.

I have 6 gallon jugs of water frozen in the deep freezer, along with four 16 lb bags of ice. I have an automatic ice maker on the fridge, so since the announcement of Ian, I've been emptying it every other day and filling ziplocks. I also have all my 'drink' ball ice cub trays going; several ziplocks that I put the extra water from the gallon jugs (have to leave room for the ice, so removed about 1/3 of that water) that are freezing.; and about 9 -10 gel freezer packs from DH's medication delveries frozen as well.

I've emptied the fridge (yesterday, as trash was today, but that's my usual MO on Sundays anyways), and cleaned the litter boxes completely as well. House is clean. Bedding is being washed right now; will do the last half loads of towels and clothes tomorrow morning. Yards mowed/weedwacked.

I've brought in and washed the two big coolers, in case I need to move freezer/fridge contents, as well as the two 5 gallon Igloo water jugs. Those I'll fill with water before the storm hits; same with the bathtubs. I'll also fill up all my pitchers (3) with water.
The batteries for the weedwackers are also for a light, so they are fully charged. New batteries in the emergency radio. Flashlights positioned around the house, in areas where I go, jic the power goes out when I'm there; I also have glow sticks if needed. We have two battery operated motion-turn on lights (one in the garage; one by our bedroom closets...which are between our bedroom and bathroom...so I don't have to worry about light there).

I am using up all the tv dinners/frozen pizza that I had for lunches, jic. I have propane for the small tabletop camp stove (not for the big camp stove, but I can't set that one up by myself anyways, and DH is out of town for work until Friday...well, supposed to be back Friday, but I think he's going to be stuck in New Orlean until Sunday, if Ian keeps tracking this way). I have plenty of easy to cook food, and hopefully we won't lose power for too long. I'm not in an evac zone or flood zone, so we're hoping to be ok (first year at this location).

I have sodas and juices chilling in the fridge, for the hurricane party I'll be having all by myself. LOL I'm all alone, first time in a storm like this without DH or anyone else.

Me too. Usually when a storm is coming my sister and BIL have to evacuate and they come here. I still haven’t ruled out going over to stay with them for a couple of days, but the news is calling for nearly as much wind, and more rain, for them than for me, even though I am closer to the storm. So I am waiting another update or two to decide.
Both of you please stay safe. If it seems like things are going to get hairy in your immediate area, evacuate, even if just to a nearby hotel. This storm is predicted to go through rapid intensification, same as Ida did here last year. You do NOT want to go through the inner eyewall alone, even with my dad here it was the scariest night of my life. The house held, but shifted on its foundation, and we could literally feel it. And the aftermath was awful. You're not likely to lose your main transmission tower in the river, but it could still be a while before power is restored after a monster storm like this. Don't mean to be a downer, but I feel so much different about hurricanes now than I did before Ida.
Sending all of you who will be impacted by Ian good thoughts for a safe passage through the storms. I’ve got friends spread out across Florida and my anxiety has been keeping pace with theirs as things are getting better narrowed down. Be safe!
My sister lives on Tampa Bay. Not right on the water but about four blocks in. Her husband works at the hospital which is right on the bay.

They have a two year old and a one week old. They are in the car right now with their kids and dogs and headed to the other coast to stay at a friends place. They will be safe and have a good place to stay but they are very worried about their home. She’s understandably very stressed and I feel awful for her being in the middle of this when she is one week post partum and so exhausted 😞
The current projection is worst case scenario for us. We moved a lot of our priceless items to a safe location today, videoed everything in the house, and packed to leave first thing in the morning. Mandatory evacuations already underway for our zone. We're going to move into the Swan and watch from afar.

I'm preparing to not have a house by the end of the week, and am extremely weepy today. Driving away will be brutal in the morning. So if you see someone wandering Epcot tomorrow bawling, it's probably me.
Me...just outside of Jax.

I've pulled everything from outside into the garage, along with the car.

I have 6 gallon jugs of water frozen in the deep freezer, along with four 16 lb bags of ice. I have an automatic ice maker on the fridge, so since the announcement of Ian, I've been emptying it every other day and filling ziplocks. I also have all my 'drink' ball ice cub trays going; several ziplocks that I put the extra water from the gallon jugs (have to leave room for the ice, so removed about 1/3 of that water) that are freezing.; and about 9 -10 gel freezer packs from DH's medication delveries frozen as well.

I've emptied the fridge (yesterday, as trash was today, but that's my usual MO on Sundays anyways), and cleaned the litter boxes completely as well. House is clean. Bedding is being washed right now; will do the last half loads of towels and clothes tomorrow morning. Yards mowed/weedwacked.

I've brought in and washed the two big coolers, in case I need to move freezer/fridge contents, as well as the two 5 gallon Igloo water jugs. Those I'll fill with water before the storm hits; same with the bathtubs. I'll also fill up all my pitchers (3) with water.
The batteries for the weedwackers are also for a light, so they are fully charged. New batteries in the emergency radio. Flashlights positioned around the house, in areas where I go, jic the power goes out when I'm there; I also have glow sticks if needed. We have two battery operated motion-turn on lights (one in the garage; one by our bedroom closets...which are between our bedroom and bathroom...so I don't have to worry about light there).

I am using up all the tv dinners/frozen pizza that I had for lunches, jic. I have propane for the small tabletop camp stove (not for the big camp stove, but I can't set that one up by myself anyways, and DH is out of town for work until Friday...well, supposed to be back Friday, but I think he's going to be stuck in New Orlean until Sunday, if Ian keeps tracking this way). I have plenty of easy to cook food, and hopefully we won't lose power for too long. I'm not in an evac zone or flood zone, so we're hoping to be ok (first year at this location).

I have sodas and juices chilling in the fridge, for the hurricane party I'll be having all by myself. LOL I'm all alone, first time in a storm like this without DH or anyone else.

Me too. Usually when a storm is coming my sister and BIL have to evacuate and they come here. I still haven’t ruled out going over to stay with them for a couple of days, but the news is calling for nearly as much wind, and more rain, for them than for me, even though I am closer to the storm. So I am waiting another update or two to decide.

My folks are in Ft Myers area, said traffic is NUTS, store shelves are empty but they are ready. Got yards picked up and have done all they can do.

Coastal St Augustine area up near Jacksonville Beach..should be a tropical storm once near us and just hoping to keep power/minimal disruption.

Tomorrow I'll be busy prepping as much as I can.

My sister lives on Tampa Bay. Not right on the water but about four blocks in. Her husband works at the hospital which is right on the bay.

They have a two year old and a one week old. They are in the car right now with their kids and dogs and headed to the other coast to stay at a friends place. They will be safe and have a good place to stay but they are very worried about their home. She’s understandably very stressed and I feel awful for her being in the middle of this when she is one week post partum and so exhausted 😞

The current projection is worst case scenario for us. We moved a lot of our priceless items to a safe location today, videoed everything in the house, and packed to leave first thing in the morning. Mandatory evacuations already underway for our zone. We're going to move into the Swan and watch from afar.

I'm preparing to not have a house by the end of the week, and am extremely weepy today. Driving away will be brutal in the morning. So if you see someone wandering Epcot tomorrow bawling, it's probably me.
:hug:'s for you all My best, with prayers.
I was so so so surprised when I first learned that there was a hurricane named after an Onward character and it made me smile a lot because Ian Lightfoot is my favorite Onward character and it made me giggle a lot. I love the name Hurricane Ian because it sounds like a name that a superhero would use or a wrestler would use too
I was so so so surprised when I first learned that there was a hurricane named after an Onward character and it made me smile a lot because Ian Lightfoot is my favorite Onward character and it made me giggle a lot. I love the name Hurricane Ian because it sounds like a name that a superhero would use or a wrestler would use too
I’m always up for a bit of levity, but you’re seriously misreading the tone of this thread and the impact this storm is already having on people’s lives.


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