I'd give my right arm for......


<font color=FF99FF>Because everyone needs a Fairy
Jan 27, 2001
............more inside information to the plans for DVC!

Well, OK, maybe not an arm, but let's look at all the rumors. The CR, meal plan, CA DVC, VAKL etc etc etc. They can drive you nuts! Everytime I see another rumors thread I shake my head and think - should I open it? Should I not?

Can those CMs stop themselves from perpetuating rumors, or do they do it to amuse themselves? Do they actually know, or just think they know?

So how crazy does this drive you - both the rumors and the not knowing?

For me, I just have to try to stay away from it. If I'm not the first to know - eh.
I just became DVC member at SSR and all those rumors have my head spinning with planning my next purchase!lol I did think of the future when I decided to buy though-imagining staying at whatever they add to DVC in the next 49 years :)
I can't help but thinking of what I read here recently-half the rumors are probably started by a slow day at MS or DVC sales, so some CM says "Hey, I'm going to float this rumor! Let's start a bet on how long it will take to show up on the DIS boards!" In other words, I'll believe it when I see it, and maybe not even then. Remember the infamous DVC at Eagle Pines? I remember seeing pictures of that.
The CM's have nothing if not imagination!

But think about it. If you were DVC management and knew that some CMs would inevitably spill the beans, how would you deal with it? Denial doesn't work, neither does "no comment". Probably the best strategy would be to have other CMs float competing rumors!
Here's a reality check for those reading (and believing) the rumors here.

About 2 months ago I posted a purely speculative poll asking what people would think if DVC sold points for a moderate class resort. The example given in my poll was Port Orleans French Quarter.

Since that poll was posted I've twice seen other posters refer to "rumors of DVC at POFQ."

THAT is how rumors get started and develop a life of their own. Disney guests, CMs and forum posters hear the same rumor repeated often enough from different sources that it becomes regarded as "fact." People no longer say "I've heard XXX is going to happen", instead the rumor is portrayed as being a certainty.
tjkraz said:
Here's a reality check for those reading (and believing) the rumors here.

About 2 months ago I posted a purely speculative poll asking what people would think if DVC sold points for a moderate class resort. The example given in my poll was Port Orleans French Quarter.

Since that poll was posted I've twice seen other posters refer to "rumors of DVC at POFQ."

THAT is how rumors get started and develop a life of their own. Disney guests, CMs and forum posters hear the same rumor repeated often enough from different sources that it becomes regarded as "fact." People no longer say "I've heard XXX is going to happen", instead the rumor is portrayed as being a certainty.
This is true in many situations, not just DVC. Not wishing to start a heated discussion on it, but environmentalists used this tactic for years. They start with a premise, spread it among themselves and other like-minded individuals; the next thing it is accepted as true because everybody knows it but nobody checks the facts. If you do, you are then projected as mean-spirited, ignorant, or any number of other evil adjectives. Dan Rather and CBS got caught in this with the Bush National Guard story. Just because something is spread about and becomes common knowledge, doesn't mean that it is true. The rumour mill at work also works this way. Sometimes it re-enforces the company policies; sometimes it makes it very difficult. Welcome to life.:sunny:
I have to tell you. I love any and all rumors! Keep them coming :cool1: I don't buy into them but I really love to read and hear any rumors about Disney and or DVC. It keeps it interesting. Hey, if you knew every thing and had no room to speculate it would be boring. Take them with a grain of salt and pass them on, I know I'd love to hear it! :banana:
Cheers :wave:
tjkraz said:
Here's a reality check for those reading (and believing) the rumors here.

About 2 months ago I posted a purely speculative poll asking what people would think if DVC sold points for a moderate class resort. The example given in my poll was Port Orleans French Quarter.

Since that poll was posted I've twice seen other posters refer to "rumors of DVC at POFQ."

THAT is how rumors get started and develop a life of their own. Disney guests, CMs and forum posters hear the same rumor repeated often enough from different sources that it becomes regarded as "fact." People no longer say "I've heard XXX is going to happen", instead the rumor is portrayed as being a certainty.

I first heard the POFQ rumor back in May this year. This rumor I got from one of the DVC kiosks in the AK. On a couple of occasions I have referred to this rumor in my posts. Though each time I have also stated that I believed it was unrealistic. But hey, I will report all rumors. You never know, anything could happen.

I understand your point and I do agree. However, alot of Disney projects started as rumor also. The tough part is filtering the rumors to determine which ones have a decent shot of becoming reality.

My personal feeling as to which rumors have a decent shot of becoming reality:

1) CR
2) DL
3) AK

Plus it is alot of fun to discuss these. We all love DVC and to discuss future projects, even though they may never come to be, is exciting. Now, if DVC would issue facts as to potential projects, then I am all for giving up the discussion of rumors.
It's likely that at some point there was a shred of truth to most rumors.
I wonder how many DVC ideas/plans were kept secret? There may have been some real exciting ideas that never made it to the rumor mill.

Anyway, I also would love to have the inside dirt on the DVC happenings... :drinking:

I firmly believe that some rumors are started by us.... The interent makes "rumors" into facts like lightening.

(I always have this urge to post some wild story like Disney to buy back all DVC memberships and see just how far it will go....)
Do you think some of these rumors might be leaked as sort of a "litmus test" of what some of the more vocal Disney Lovers would think?
Any smart business would want to know public reaction to ideas (good or bad), without actually claiming it as their own idea (until public opinion is in their favor) Just a thought.......
Happy with what we got. If more in the future that will be great. :banana: :Pinkbounc :banana:
AlaskaMOM said:
Do you think some of these rumors might be leaked as sort of a "litmus test" of what some of the more vocal Disney Lovers would think?
Any smart business would want to know public reaction to ideas (good or bad), without actually claiming it as their own idea (until public opinion is in their favor) Just a thought.......

I think this is a big part of it. I am sure that on a lot of projects Disney allows leaks to happen so as to guage public reaction. They may not necessarily plant information, but when a leak does occur they do nothing to quash the rumors.

The big question is - What rumors have a basis of fact (a project they may actually have under consideration), and what rumors have no basis in fact (as mentioned by Tjkraz)?

The fact of the matter is that the CRV is a rumor. There is no guarantee that this will ever happen. At the same time though, there is no guarantee that it will never happen. No one here can definitively say if the CRV will ever come or not come to be.

So all we can do is hope and dream of what will be next in the world of DVC, and have a lot of fun discussing it and debating it. ;)
I'd give my right arm for......

I don't think I'd give my right arm..... but maybe my left!! :teeth:

These rumors are driving me nuts! I'm hoping we will get an announcement at the annual meeting. The're only 2 months away :confused3
lisareniff said:
I don't think I'd give my right arm..... but maybe my left!! :teeth:

These rumors are driving me nuts! I'm hoping we will get an announcement at the annual meeting. The're only 2 months away :confused3

Maybe they will wait and announce the CRV (if it does happen), next spring early summer. Then we can have almost a whole other year of dissecting this rumor.

I can already hear the screams generated by that last sentence.
Stitch 03 said:
Maybe they will wait and announce the CRV (if it does happen), next spring early summer. Then we can have almost a whole other year of dissecting this rumor.

I can already hear the screams generated by that last sentence.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
kathleena said:
I'd give my right arm for......

Tell you what, tommorrow from the time you get up from bed, try getting ready an dleaving for work with only one arm and hand functioning. Dressing, showering or bath (for an extra bit of reality keep the one arm dry due to pretend bandages), breakfast, loading the car.....you may think twice about using that phrase next time ......
Beach_Bound9 said:
Tell you what, tommorrow from the time you get up from bed, try getting ready an dleaving for work with only one arm and hand functioning. Dressing, showering or bath (for an extra bit of reality keep the one arm dry due to pretend bandages), breakfast, loading the car.....you may think twice about using that phrase next time ......

Or maybe we can just leave our PC detectors off for the night. :rolleyes2


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