If RCID is dissolved, what happens with DVC?

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Sep 23, 2020
So with all this talk about dissolving the RCID, what does that mean for DVC? Devaluation? Higher annual dues? I have no idea. Anyone have a clue?
IMO, it's an empty threat and will not happen. That idea will die a quick and quiet death as soon as the County taxpayers realize how much their taxes will go up to pay for Disney's fire & police departments and the maintenance of the roads and bridges and other County services.
IMO, it's an empty threat and will not happen. That idea will die a quick and quiet death as soon as the County taxpayers realize how much their taxes will go up to pay for Disney's fire & police departments and the maintenance of the roads and bridges and other County services.
It passed in the FL Senate. If passed by the FL House and signed by the Governor, it would need to survive any legal challenges.
I'm very interested in a non-hyperbolic, factual, non-political discussion about this topic. I feel like there must be more here than meets the eye, and as a DVC owner, I'd like to understand what the implications are. The situation seems to be developing much more quickly than anyone anticipated, which makes me think this is not about political payback, but that other factors are at play. State level politics are often not what they seem to be at first glance.
I'm very interested in a non-hyperbolic, factual, non-political discussion about this topic. I feel like there must be more here than meets the eye, and as a DVC owner, I'd like to understand what the implications are. The situation seems to be developing much more quickly than anyone anticipated, which makes me think this is not about political payback, but that other factors are at play. State level politics are often not what they seem to be at first glance.
Purely political reasons behind this.
I'm very interested in a non-hyperbolic, factual, non-political discussion about this topic. I feel like there must be more here than meets the eye, and as a DVC owner, I'd like to understand what the implications are. The situation seems to be developing much more quickly than anyone anticipated, which makes me think this is not about political payback, but that other factors are at play. State level politics are often not what they seem to be at first glance.
It could go different ways because it wouldn't necessarily be true that the local counties would maintain things at their current levels- residents would have to approve of that tax increase.
At the same time, this would transfer a MASSIVE amount of debt (I've seen articles mention a few thousand per household) to the local residents. If they had to do maintenance at current levels, tax rates would also skyrocket.

I don't think we can be honest with ourselves while even considering this is not political- especially because large portions of the discussion of whether this could even happen involve politcal manipulation. There is a statute that suggests they can't dissolve a special district like this in a special session if it was enacted in a regular session- which it was. That suggests this is a politcal move to help in mid term elections, which would take the courts until early next year to overturn, you know, when the elections are over.
I don't think so. They wouldn't be doing this unless it would help out the people of the state. They aren't going to pass something that would cause citizens to pay more.
This whole thing started with Desantis openly stating he was doing it because they were being political. Apparently he didn't have an issue when they were funding his side, just when there's a statement supporting the other.
Sorry, but it's purely political. The ones pushing this have ZERO knowledge on how it would affect the citizens of Orange & Osceola Counties.
I would also like to know how it would affect DVC as well as those of us with DVC in multiple counties. Or will they all be considered same counties for billing purposes not just based on address?
I would also like to know how it would affect DVC as well as those of us with DVC in multiple counties. Or will they all be considered same counties for billing purposes not just based on address?
All of the WDW DVC Resorts are physically located in Orange County. Vero Beach is in Indian River County and would be unaffected if this is successful.

The All Star Resorts and ESPNWWOS are about the only guest accessible facilities in Osceola County.
I would also like to know how it would affect DVC as well as those of us with DVC in multiple counties. Or will they all be considered same counties for billing purposes not just based on address?
Again it would not affect DVC in any way as taxes are already paid to the state. The property would still be private property so Disney would still be in charge or parking lots etc.
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My question is if it goes through, can someone reestablish it later on? And how would that affect the DVC
They can re-establish it. Some of the articles discussing the current plan include that it gives the state 1 year to dissolve and rewrite these districts... which given that the people currently dissolving it just rewrote much of the agreement a few years ago, makes it even more confusing exactly what the intent here could be besides getting people upset.
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