If you could offer just 1 gem of wisdom...


Dreaming of Disney
Feb 13, 2002
....what would it be? Especially pertaining to traveling with small kids.

Let the kids set their own pace. There's nothing worse than grumpy parents dragging grumpy children around. You'll get a lot more out of DW if you don't focus on all the things you haven't done. Relax and have a great time. DW will still be there when you are ready to go back.:D
I live by one simple rule in life that is especially true when planning a family trip any where ...... "Knowledge is Power"

The more you know about your destination, the more fun you will have.

Definitely let the kids set the pace, but if you know in advance what type of things they might like and where they are located, you will save your self a lot of head aches because you won't be wondering around lost ar wasting time back-tracking.
I don't know if this is as meaningful to everyone else as it is to me, but the one thing that I always try to remember when going on a trip to WDW is that Disney does not TRANSFORM anyone. For example, if DH is gets upset about things at home, he will get upset about the same stuff at Disney. If your youngest whines a lot and makes everyone crazy, she will do the same thing at Disney. Does this make sense? I think that perhaps what I mean is not to set too high of expectations for your family at WDW. They are what they are...

(anyone get the feeling that I am speaking about me and my OWN family here??? :D)
Great tips! I have to agree with them all.

Every trip I leave my worries at home and I think that helps to make a magical vacation even more magical. All of that will still be there when I get back and there is nothing I can do about it while I'm away. Even though a WDW vacation can be very physucally exhausting I usually arrive home with my mind refreshed!
Have fun; don't sweat the small stuff; remember that you are on vacation; plan on coming back in the future; don't try to do it all; check out Disney Vacation Club if you think you might be coming back in the future; take an afternoon break each day; don't forget the sunscreen and drink lots of water; little kids want to swim in the hotel pool more than anything; find out as much as you can ahead of time so you don't waste your time trying to find it out once you get there; watch your children; don't blame others for your mistakes; stay on the property; if you have a stroller - don't run over others in your enthusiasm; watch out for stroller people when you are walking around; be courteous of others; plan on spending time staking out your spot for parades - don't show up a few minutes before and expect to get a front row spot; remember that everyone spent a great deal of money to come, so they all expect to get their money's worth; if anyone is not having fun, take a break; if you're hungry, eat; if you're thirsty, drink; don't expect to get something for nothing - if you do, be pleasantly surprised; don't cut off people in wheelchairs or ECVs - they might not be able to stop in time to keep from hitting you; don't send one person to hold spaces in lines for more than one person - it's not fair to the others behind you; talk to people you meet in lines and while waiting for parades - you can meet some neat people; wear comfortable shoes and clothing; don't try to squeeze more people into your room than you are entitled to - a crowded hotel room and bathroom is no fun; don't buy partially used passes on ebay; remember that the Walt Disney Company is in this to make money - same goes for Marriott, Holiday Inn, Universal, etc.

Back to the beginning - have fun.
Always carry food. Little ones tend not to be able to clearly understand that hunger makes them grumpy, so anticipate and give them frequent snacks. Carrying your own is better than buying in the parks, because you can be sure to have what they like best, and you can pull out the goods w/o leaving the ride line. CM's won't bust you for carrying kid snacks -- no one benefits from the presence of wailing children. I brought little plastic packs of cubed fruit in an insulated lunch bag, a plastic spoon from the food court, and voila, happy child!

For your own good, and that of your wallet, always carry a change of clothes and a swimsuit for each child, or at least clothing suitable for splashing. They ALWAYS will want to play in the fountains, and if they throw up from excitement, etc., you don't want to have to go back to your room or buy a new outfit in the parks. A large ziploc and another one filled with wet wipes are also pretty crucial.
Bring food, sippy cups, and ALWAYS go back for an afternoon nap at the resort. You will all feel 10 times better if you get away for a few hours in the afternoon.
GEM of advise...

don't PEE in the wind.....

...OH! did you want DISNEY advise?

... Enjoy the small stuff ~ I have countless of incrediable WDW moments that had nothing to do with a castle or a mouse...
GEM of advise...

don't PEE in the wind.....

...OH! did you want DISNEY advise?

... Enjoy the small stuff ~ I have countless of incrediable WDW moments that had nothing to do with a castle or a mouse...
We love Disney & every time we go back we find something else we love more about it. A big tip that continues to be mentioned. Don't frustrate yourself over things you haven't done. I always tell my kids that it gives us a reason to return.

Don't overload yourself with bags & clothing in the parks. My kids are now 12, 9 & 9 (twins) but since the time the youngest were 6 the rule was "what you bring to the parks you carry". They each have their own fanny pack with a water bottle. The packs get filled each morning with small snacks (dry cereal, pretzels, etc) & the water bottles get frozen over night to keep them cold. If they bring a jacket they tie it around their waste. I have a small sunscreen stick that I keep in my fanny pack. All sunglasses get held by a sunglass strap around their neck. The less you have to carry around the less hassle. Then you don't have to worry about leaving things on attractions either.
Learn as much as you can about the park attractions. They are all great in their own way but some are just too intense for young kids and may be better saved for a future trip. Nothing will ruin a trip faster than taking a little one into an attraction they are not ready for - they may refuse to try anything else (mine did:( ). The more you know about the attractions, the better decisions you can make about the ones that are suitable for your kids. On the bright side, deciding in advance to not do certain attractions means more time to focus on the things your kids will like and a good excuse to plan another trip.:)
1. Remember that it's a VACATION! Take your time and enjoy the parks, your kids and have fun.

2. Come back in the early afternoon to your resort and nap, swim or just relax.
Here are a few:

Plan ahead for waits in line. My wife bought cheap handheld games (Mattel electronic football - like we had as kids, and Connect Four) at Target before we went. When we encountered a line, the kids would play with these. We saw many jealous looks from other kids. Since they were cheap, it wouldn't have been a disaster if they had gotten lost - unlike a GameBoy, for instance.

Get disposable cameras for the kids. Our sons (4 and 6) each took a roll. They each got a couple of shots that were great and they really enjoyed it.

Bring food and drinks for the kids, not just snacks, but lunch too. If they are used to PBJs (or whatever), they will eat them better. It will also be faster too.

Get to the parks early.
I'm not sure what the technical name is but it's something like child swap,kid switch,parent swap--it's been most helpful to our family kids ages, 9,7,4,1. Some rides are different--ask CM when getting on ride. But generally the whole family waits in line, CM will tell parent and any children not riding where to wait--then when they are done--you switch. Sometimes older kids get benefit of riding 2x and only waiting in line 1x. (they let the second parent bring someone to ride with)!

We generally use the 20 minute rule--if a line is longer than 20 min. we skip it. Usually at some point during the day, it will be under 20 min. Either with fastpass, early in the morning or late at night. Kids just can't stand in line that long.

Snacks are a definate must.

Naps are also critical--wether it be at the hotel or in stroller.

Ziplock baggies--can never have enough--all sizes. (snacks, dirty diapers/clothes, clean/dry clothes, dry autograph books, dry camera, dry diapers)

Rain ponchos--depending on season.:bounce:
Use Fast Pass to see something you really want to ride that has long wait times.

Give the kid(s) some time each day they are in charge of - if they want to sit on a bench great. If they want to explore an off the beaten path walkway, ride a particular ride, whatever, let them have time they can be the leader. It gives you a chance to see through their eyes.

Don't drag them anywhere - if they are fighting you it is for a reason (fear, exhaustion, hunger, overstimulation, etc.) find out what they want to do. If it is leave the parks and go swimming, so be it!

By doing this we have enjoyed 3 trips before DD was 2, and are looking forward to the next one.
My #1 rule:


I find if we don't take a break back at the hotel, then we are very crabby in a day or 2. It doesn't affect us right away, but we'll pay for it later.

That goes for the adults as well as the kids!;)
I guess my advice is to be prepared to wait in lines, don't backtrack all over the park, it wastes more time than standing in the line to begin with, and if you backtrack you still have to stand in line. So, I suggest if your at MK with small kids, head to Fantasyland first, hit all the rides, then go to Toontown Fair. Always have drinks or snacks for long waits, for you and the kids.



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