Illuminations cruises and kids


DIS Veteran
Sep 1, 2000
Does anyone take their young children on these cruises? I ask because I'm going to attempt to book one for myself, my mom, and my 4 y/o dd. Also is there a bathroom on these pontoon boats. Between my mother and the 4 y/o it would be a necessity. Thanks!
I have done several of these cruises and have cruised with kids as young as 2. It kind of depends on the child as to how they are on board. The 2 year old did not get a nap and was not having his best night, yet another cruise with a boy the same age was a dream!

As for the bathroom, this is a tough one. On my first cruise I had eaten something that did not agree with my stomach and let me tell you, it was one long hour. There is no place to even disembark the boat unless you to back to the dock and once Illuminations begins this is not an option.

No bathrooms, but the cruise is quite delightful with children. As LJC1861 said, it depends on the child, but we did the cruise with a 3 year old and a 6 year old and they were both wide-eyed throughout the show.
I took my daughter last year and she even got to drive the boat a little. She thought it was a blast!
How loud is Illuminations while on the boat? My 4 year old is very sensitive to fireworks and hates the loud sounds they make if he is too close. Should we stay away from this option?


My DS is also very sensitive to noise. Didn't seem to bother him on this!!! He was 5 at the time. There happened to be a full moon that night (his favorite show at the time was Little Bear), and he stood in the bow of the boat and pretended he was the orchestra leader. At the end of Illuminations he turned and asked me "Did you enjoy the show the Moon and I put on?"

He just turned 6, and we went to the Museum of Science over the weekend, and was scared of the noise of the electric storm they put on.

There are bathrooms at the resorts before you leave. Nobody in our party had a problem - and we had visited plenty of bathrooms on our trip!!!! Someone should write a book - the Bathrooms of Disney!!!!


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