Im Back Home Trip Report *FULL REPORT COMPLETED*

Wow what a great trippie.
Can I ask how you managed to get tickets for TNA wrestling ?? My ds is a massive fan and whilst I knew it was filmed at universal im clueless at how to get tickets ??
Cant wait to read more x

Yeah course, you have two options you can either e-mail and mention the dates your going and they will send you a VIP e-mail, then you line up near the blue man group OR the other option is to just turn up, although a lot of people who did this didnt get in. I really would recomend e-mailing.

Another option is if you have tickets for the park, you can get entrance that way just visit the audeince booth at the front of the park.

I would really recomend going to it, although i do warn, it does go on for a LOOOOONG time! But there are seats, restrooms and food available.
Really enjoying your report .... great to see different things Orlando has to offer. You look like you're having a ball !!!! Great photos ... thanks for sharing!
Guys sorry about the lack of update, im working away for a few days, will try my best to get two more days up by sunday evening!
Got to say I agree completely that areas of the parks need updating.
Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom in particular needs a major refresh, the rides are limited and the restaurant areas poor.

It isn't 'Tomorrowland' anymore.
Really enjoying reading your report. You seem to have a great sense of humour - and your comment about the time outs made me laugh.
We saw TNA when we went once - we were leaving the park and were directed towards the stage by a CM with a big arrow. DS is a big wrestling fan so we couldn't really say no. We only stayed for half hour or so though.
I disagree with you about HRRR though. Me and DD(11) had waited all year - since seeing it being built Feb 09 - and were very dissappointed. Considering the technologies available these days it was far to bumpy and jerky for us. Manta though - that is a different story entirely :)

Looking forward to your next update.
Really enjoying reading your report. You seem to have a great sense of humour - and your comment about the time outs made me laugh.
We saw TNA when we went once - we were leaving the park and were directed towards the stage by a CM with a big arrow. DS is a big wrestling fan so we couldn't really say no. We only stayed for half hour or so though.
I disagree with you about HRRR though. Me and DD(11) had waited all year - since seeing it being built Feb 09 - and were very dissappointed. Considering the technologies available these days it was far to bumpy and jerky for us. Manta though - that is a different story entirely :)

Looking forward to your next update.

I agree it is quite bumpy, but I was just amazed by it, I think alot of rides are to taste, a freind of mine wasnt impressed by Spiderman when he went last year! :confused3
Saturday - Magic Kingdom Day!

It was a case of the same old on Saturday, we had agreed on a lie in and head out for breakfast.....we ended up both being awake for 8am!!!! :confused3 BUT two minutes later, boy were we glad we woke up when we did, as we turned the television on only to see it was showing Everton V Manchester United Live!!!! So we decided to get some breakfast in the hotel bar and watch the match.....Im sure the people in the room next to us were delighted at this as when Everton scored there third I was up dancing round the room!

By the time the football had done, it was around 10am so we got the park times and decided that we would head to Magic Kingdom at around 4pm! But what would we do with the rest of the day!?? Well we first had a walk down to Downtown Disney as we had been given a list of things to pick up and we thought if we got it done early, then it was out the way! ( I swear family members back home think credit cards have an endless limit! ) :sad2:

Thousands of Xmas decorations later ( And a sneaky earl of sandwhich ) we headed back to the hotel, very pleased that the sun was out! We dumped all our stuff in the room, got the old speedos on and headed down to the pool for a few hours! During this time we managed to sneak a few Coronas in, while trying to decide what to do with our final few days!!


We then headed back up to the room and got ready to head down to Magic Kingdom, and thankfully our bus was there waiting as soon as we got downstairs! 10 Minutes later on the bus and a short monorail ride later, which had a family discussing how somoene had died on the monorail after a crash in the previous year, talk about making you feel comfortable!!!


Finally we got inside the Magic Kingdom and I got that feeling I always get when I walk into Magic Kingdom! Its a strange feeling to describe, but its like a sensation that you dont get anywhere else, Ive always had it from the first time I went when I was 7 to now!!!! <--- That bit is for the ladies on here! haha

And straight to Tommorland to get on Space Mountain it was, BUT on the way, we decided to get a few Photo Pass pics.....only for the lad in the young couple infront of us to get down on his knee and propose to his girlfriend and thankfully she said yes! We couldnt believe the crowd that this attracted and we couldnt believe the guy had the bottle to do it! What some guys do for love hey!

Finnnnnally we got to the Space Mountain line, but it was 90 mins long, so we got fast passes for later on and headed to do Monsters Inc Comedy Show, The Tommoro Land Tour ride & Buzz Lightyears Alien Shooting thing, both are fairy enjoyable for what they are and Buzz Light year always raises abit of family competition!


Once we had done in Tommorland it was around 6:30-7ish and we were both feeling abit peckish, so headed to Frontierland and both tooked into a Pulled Pork Sandwhich and discussed what rides we needed to do.

As we went round the park and got various rides in we were quite dissapointed that Splash Mountain was out of order, it was quite strange to see it with no water in it, but we both couldnt help think that the park needed abit of updating, I dont know if its because weve been there alot, but it just felt abit lacking compared to some of the other parks we had been to.



We got ready to watch the Parade, now il be honest, im something of a Disney Veteran, but I have never watched Spectro Magic! Alot of you will find this hard to believe, but ive always used the time this is on to go on the busy rides! But I have to admit, I was impressed, some of the lighting in the parade is incredible, but I do find it abit strange still that thousands of people stand round to watch a couple of squirells playing a piano and the rest, but it was deffinatley worth watching!

Once Spectro Magic had done, we needed to do four things the first was Space Mountain, which we walked straight onto with our fast passes, the new updates to it were noticeable, but the ride itself does feel a little dated, its still a good ride, but compared to some of the other rides its got abit lost in translation! :rolleyes:


We then headed to do the Tommorowland Race Track, again this sort of falls under the same as Space Mountain to me, it seems to be a ride thats got stuck in the 80s! But its still nice to do and I think for teenagers/kids it is a good ride! Finnnnnnally we then got to the two rides that we both were looking forward to doing in the dark......The Jungle Cruise and BIG Thunder Mountain! :scared1:

In The Dark You Ask?! If you havent experienced these rides in the dark, you need too! Thunder Mountain is a good ride, we enjoy it, but put it in the dark and it just seems miles better! The que for this ride was about 30 minutes which wasnt too bad, although when we got off we thought there was a picture you could buy????

Then we decided to finish with our favourite 'No thrill' ride, the Jungle Cruise! Now weve heard the script for this before, but the puns on the commentry always make us both laugh, I think its the stupidity of the ride and the enthusiasm of the 'tour guide'! :rotfl2:

Once we had finished with the rides, we decided to call it a night, it was about 11pm and we were both ready to and after a quick bus journey home we got to the room....Only to decide to head out to the jacuzzi and get a couple of beers in to end the day! Time for some ZZZZZZs!
Day Nine - Holllllywood Take Two

For the first time in the holiday we actually set an alarm on Sunday for 7am......after numerous touches of the snooze button it was around 7:45 when we both actually woke up!!! I decided to get my running gear on and head out for a jog. It still suprises me how many people you see out and about jogging while at Disney!

I got back for about half past eight and we got ready to head off out and in the words of Randy Jackson.....we were 'GOIN TO HOLLYWOOD BABY'.....Ok...I Admit it...Ive been to the American Idol Experience one too many times! :goodvibes

Once id gotten ready we jumped on the bus and before we knew it we were in Hollywood Studios.....again! But the good thing was this time it didnt seem so busy! We straight away headed to Rock N Roller Coaster to see what the wait time was....25 mins...BONUS! Before we knew it we were sat in the Limo organised by Steven Tyler for us and we were shooting off at 60MPH! Being a regular to Disney, we have developed a knowledge for where the cameras are on each ride and stupid faces came out! Deffinatley not one for my nans fireplace!


After RnR we headed for Tower Of Terror, a ride to me that has gotten taimer over the years, but to my brother who hates drops, its gotten worse! This is where I had my fun! 'I think i read theyve added a longer drop' and 'They leave you lookin out over the park for ages now'.....15 minutes and one slightly pale brother later we were off the ride, ready to head towards Indiana Jones, a show that I had never been too before, but was my brothers favourite show!


On the way In, I spotted the oppertunity to grab myself a Bud Lite and a Churo, before heading in! popcorn:: So we walked into the show and sat on the far left where there werent many people sat so far, I started flicking through some of the pics we had on the camera, while all the pre show was going on, I wasnt that interested in seeing Dads getting the mickey took out of them....Oh boy I wish I had!!!


'Jord, just stand up a sec pal, your stood on the bag'........the next thing I hear over the PA system 'Yes you sir in the orange and white vest!'...Pulling the beer away from my mouth and hearing people in my section goin 'Go On buddy Have fun!'.....I had been chosen....AND Set up by my own flesh and blood!!! I went down to the front, to face 100s of people and had to do some mad kung fu motion and noise.....not my finest moment I will admit! :laughing: While having flashbacks to the 1992 Primary School production of the Christmas Story where I messed up my one line as an Inn Keeper!


If im being honest, it was quite abit of fun, I ended up dressed as a Morocan market stall owner with a few others and had to do abit of acting, but kept catching my brother with the camcorder on laughing his pants off!!!:rotfl2: 1-0 to him!

After we had done our bit, I headed back to the seats to watch the final stunt in the show and boy was I glad I bought that beer before hand!! What still made me laugh was through out the day I had a few people come up to me and say 'your the kung fu guy!'....Disney World is a very strange place at times! haha.

While getting over that ordeal, we headed towards the Muppets 3D :3dglasses And did American Idol Experience one more time, both of these are really great attractions and I always recomend them. Muppets is a rare attraction that has managed to stay fresh after so many years!


We headed back towards Rock N Roller Coaster, 10 minute line, we did that again a few times before deciding to head off at about 4:30pm, just as the rain started to absolutley hammer it down! We timed it really well!

It didnt take us long to get back to the hotel and couldnt believe the weather, so we went out into the pool and the jacuzzi for an hour or so, again I couldnt believe how many other people did this, but it really is relaxing.

We got ourselves ready and headed out towards Planet Hollywood where we had reservations. PH is one of them restaurants that I always love visiting, i think the food and the service is one of the best on Disney and the atmopshere is fantasitc. We sat down at our table and I decided I wanted a change of food, so ordered a chicken ceser salad...expecting a reletively small dish, more of a filler....WRONG! I Got more lettuce than Bambi could eat in a year and a chicken breast that coulda served a family of four! But all in all it was excellent food! As we had a couple of beers in there we had another funny moment!


The waitress for our table, who gave us a great service, must have came up to us maybe 6 or 7 times telling us she loved our accents!!! But she said it so many times that we started to wonder if she had forgot she kept telling us, which was making us laugh! But she was a nice girl and meant no harm!

After the meal, my brother decided to head to the cinema to watch a film and I was ready to have a stroll back to the hotel, as the rain had died down abit and have a couple of nightcaps in the hotel bar before calling it a night...Another very enjoyable day!
I'm loving this TR! It's basically what I want my trip to be like XD

Monday morning was an early morning wake up, around 7 ish....there was that thing at the back of our mind that we had to go home tommoro, but being the experienced pros we are, we decided to get the cases packed early and forget we were heading home! Booooo :sad2:


SO we decided we wanted to visit all the parks and do all the thrill rides! We set ourselves a final day challenge to ride :- Everest, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Rock N Roll, Tower Of Terror & Test Track......Oh and a trip to the Premium Outlets....Could we do all this in one day.....READ ON!....

We got on the bus first to Epcot and wondered just how busy it would be in the Parks and too our relief....Epcot was dead! We headed straight over to Test Track and managed to get on it within about 10 minutes! Good Times! :yay:

After Test Track we headed for Sorin', expecting a less than 20 minute line....but NO IT WAS STILL AN HOUR!!!! This and Toy Story just have lines that make no sense to us! But we ignored Sorin' and headed for the Park exit, stopping for a few pics on the way out!

We jumped straight on the bus to Hollllllllllywood!!!! The first stop was Rock N Roller Coaster, 10 minute line! This day had started so well and was getting better and better and better! We were becoming regulars in Steven Tylers limo by this stage of the holiday and we were still loving it. We got to talking about what the ride looked like in the light, but have since sturggled finding pictures of it on the net since we got back. :confused3

After taking in Tower Of Terror and having to have a sit down for 10 mins while my brother go his colour back, we had a final walk around Hollywood, walking past Indiana Jones was like walking past the scene of a crime, I broke out into nervousness!


The weather at this rate wasnt looking too healthy, it was a huge dark cloud over our heads and we were expecting rain any minute.....and just on que....there it was! It didnt hammer it down, but it was abit of spitting that we didnt mind too much.

After finishing up at Hollywood ( Or MGM as we continued to call it ), we got on about 300 different busses to get to Animal Kingdom, we couldnt believe how long this took! But eventually we got there and headed straight for Everest.......And we couldnt believe it....Que....20 Mins, not bad at all and fortunatley we got on the front again!!!

Once coming off Everest it was about 3-4pm and we went and got some light food and have a sit down while watching one of the jungle bands, near the dinosour ride, these guys were absolutley brilliant, although ever since then I get the 'Quack Quack Flap Splash' Song in my head!!! :sad2:

While having a sit down, we decided we would ride the Safari one more time and then call it a day for Disney...we had failed our challenge! But we had spent the whole day rushing round and we still had a busy evening planned out, so we headed for the park exit and took a bus back to the hotel....just as we arrived back at the hotel...IT HAMMERED IT DOWN!!!!

We let the rain settled abit and realised we still had abit of money to spare, so jumped in a taxi down to the Premium Outlets, the guy driving said he would do it for $5 if we could pick his mate up on the way.......we knew straight away this would leed to a memerable situation........and it did...we picked up a Koreon man, who asked us if we knew Park Ji Sung ( Who plays for Manchester United ).....

Sarcasticly I said 'Yeah, hes a good friend of mine' OOOOPS! This Korean chap turns out was Parks number one fan, he had a picture of him in his wallet AND a picture of him on his wallpaper of his phone! In all fairness to me tho, I did tell the gentleman I would pass his regards on to Park! :rotfl2:

After a spot of shopping and nearly bankrupting ourselves in the Ralph Lauren shop, we got a taxi back to the hotel, threw the stuff in the room and headed for our regular final meal at TGI Fridays! Now i know it gets mixed opinions on here, but we love it and always go on the final night.

We sat down and I ordered the Jack Daniels BBQ Rips, which was the biggest plate of food I have ever seen, but still got finished. The highlight of the meal was my brother getting ID'd for a beer with the girl thinking he was 15 or 16! (Hes 27!)


We then headed back to Epcot to take in the fireworks before calling it a night..HOME TOMMOROW :sad2:


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