I'm Missing the old Mickey Soap and Shampoo Thread


Jan 18, 2002
Ok is it just me or does anyone else miss the old mickey soap and shampoo?

I actually have a jar of the old soap and shampoo's in my bathroom and will use them from time to time. Everytime I do it brings back the memories of Disney and I count the days until our next trip. Even passing by the red and black wrappers brings a smile to my face.

Now we are graced with the new stuff, I can't even remember the name. It's not bad but it's some other brand, not connected to Disney or Mickey. It's BLUE for goodness sake. Blue? At Disney? The place with hidden mickey's in the carpet runners does away with the items that everyone uses at the resort and probably takes home more than anything else! They might as well be putting dial and suave in the rooms. Talk about Brand suicide....

I travel a lot for work and have access to stuff from everywhere. I don't want another "luxury" branded bottled soap from some random brand... I want my Mickey Soap and Shampoo back!!!

Give me a +1 if you think Disney should bring back the old favorites!
Ugh....I HATED the old toiletries - the shampoo/conditioner had an icky scent and was useless on my hair. I'm sooo glad they've improved the products they are using now. However, I wouldn't mind if they did "Disney-fy" the packaging. :)
we came across the soap and shampoo we brought back from our very first trip together. I loved seeing that "everybody clean and pretty" on the soap.

i haven't seen the new stuff yet but i'm totally NOT looking forward to it.

what the he!! would they change it??????

maybe we should all start writing to the mucky mucks demanding them back.
Ok is it just me or does anyone else miss the old mickey soap and shampoo?

I actually have a jar of the old soap and shampoo's in my bathroom and will use them from time to time. Everytime I do it brings back the memories of Disney and I count the days until our next trip. Even passing by the red and black wrappers brings a smile to my face.

Now we are graced with the new stuff, I can't even remember the name. It's not bad but it's some other brand, not connected to Disney or Mickey. It's BLUE for goodness sake. Blue? At Disney? The place with hidden mickey's in the carpet runners does away with the items that everyone uses at the resort and probably takes home more than anything else! They might as well be putting dial and suave in the rooms. Talk about Brand suicide....

I travel a lot for work and have access to stuff from everywhere. I don't want another "luxury" branded bottled soap from some random brand... I want my Mickey Soap and Shampoo back!!!

Give me a +1 if you think Disney should bring back the old favorites!

The new stuff is H2O, I think.

I don't miss them....because we have a TON of them "stockpiled" from previous trips. We have 2 rubbermaid 8 in wide by 12 in long by 6 in deep containers FILLED with Mickey soaps....gotta have at least 30 bars or so. We have 2 similar containers filled with Shampoo and 2 more with conditioner. The "proceeds" of a decade worth of Disney trips, I guess.

But +1 anyway. They were such a cool "extra". Obviously, we liked em' enough to bring em home.
Ugh....I HATED the old toiletries - the shampoo/conditioner had an icky scent and was useless on my hair. I'm sooo glad they've improved the products they are using now. However, I wouldn't mind if they did "Disney-fy" the packaging. :)

And THAT'S the downside (and precisely why we have so many of the things stockpiled). We wouldn't actually USE the soaps, shampoos, and conditioners...we brought our own. I can see us USING the H20 stuff....but not bringing it home.
Oh, I am a H20 lover. It made my day when they changed. That other stuff was horrid on hair, and really took up space, as I didn't want to use it, but didn't want to throw it out. We fight over the H20 now. I love their whole product line, their oasis for the face is just incredible. :goodvibes
What Rozzie said (boy, I say that a lot, don't I??) :rotfl2:

I recently placed a $100 order. I've been using H2O for years and am so pleased that WDW finally has good quality products.
I understand your point about the packaging but I do prefer the H20 products to the former ones. The soap smells wonderful -- it has a delicate rose petal fragrance, very subtle. For the first time, I brought home the spare soaps to use at home and was so disappointed once I had used them up!

Like pilferk, I also have a container full of Disney shampoo that I brought home but never used. I did like their lotion though and often throw one into my toiletries bag when I travel to WDW since DVC does not provide lotion.
Like pilferk, I also have a container full of Disney shampoo that I brought home but never used. I did like their lotion though and often throw one into my toiletries bag when I travel to WDW since DVC does not provide lotion.

The lotion was the one thing we (well, DW anyway) used. That's why we don't have that, too. :)
I love the new H2O line- even went to our local Ultra store to buy more of the shower gel.

I wish the soaps came with the Mickey shape in them though, and in more "Disneylike" packaging. We take them home to use in our Mickey bathroom. :)
I understand your point about the packaging but I do prefer the H20 products to the former ones. The soap smells wonderful -- it has a delicate rose petal fragrance, very subtle. For the first time, I brought home the spare soaps to use at home and was so disappointed once I had used them up!

Oh, that's just PERFECT; no Mickey packaging, and the one fragrance that is 100% sure to set off my allergies every time! :mad: :mad: I wonder if I can request some fragrance-free hypoallergenic soap instead?

Definitely count me as +1 for the old soap (and shampoo for that matter, I loved the fragrance of the old shampoo because I only could smell it at WDW or when I broke out one from storage for a mini Disney fix!)
I love the new soap and shampoo. I always had to bring my own bar soap from home since the Mickey one gave me a rash. It stopped once I stopped using the soap. No problems with the H2O

I concur: LOVE the new products, HATE the packaging. I wish we still had Mickey packaging to make us KNOW we are at Disney.
Ok, to fess up... I'm a guy and I probably discount how well the soap/shampoo work. (pretty much anything that lathers works for me!).

But I miss the packaging and the smell of the old stuff.

I might as well be at a Hyatt/Westin/Marriott/(fill in the blank) for all I know with the new stuff.....
We rarely actually use the stuff in any hotel room - just prefer our own. But having Mickey on the packaging surely added to the magic! We'll miss his face smiling at us from our soap on our next trip.
The old soap and packaging will always have a special memory for me. I will keep my few bars around just for keep sake.

However, like many, I do like the H2O product. And I have the round bar of facial soap in front of me right now. Reading this thread I thought I remembered something "Mickey" on it from my trip to SSR last July. Sure enough! There is! OK. So there is a little Mickey outline on the sticker holding the plastic wraping. ALSO, there is a Mickey outline engraved on the back of the soap (or is it the front?). It will wash (warsh) off during the first couple of uses, but it is there. And by no means does it feel as "Disney" as the old bars, but it is an attempt.:dance3:
I'm one who brought their own shampoo, but DH always used the Mickey one left for us...I haven't told him we won't have the Mickey soap, shampoo and lotion on our next trip - he'll be really ticked about it. It just says Disney to both of us, so +2.
Count me as a +1 as well
like the new product - and actually use it while we're there, but HATE, HATE, HATE, the packaging.
I love H2O products. They don't have anything Mickey or Disney on them? Haven't been to the resorts since the new soaps started but the ones they have on DCL (also H20) have the DCL logo and a picture of Captain Mickey on them. I would think the resort ones would have something similar.
I really like the new stuff, could care less about packaging as it ends up in the garbage.

The packaging has hidden Mickey type bubbles and the soap has an outline in it I think, truly I don't look at the soap, just use it.


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