I'm pregnant...now what?```


Earning My Ears
Sep 22, 2002
My DH and I tried for nearly a year, so it a sheer joy to be able to say "I'm pregnant!"...so this is no pity party but I realize that our upcoming trip to Disney will be a little different. I'll be 13 weeks - what can I do/what can't I do? Of course I'll be consulting my doctor, but any tips on what you did would be appreciated!

My DW was about 15 weeks last Oct... Did not do RnR, Star Tours, Body Wars, or Space Mountain. The only ride DW thought was a mistake to go on was Tower of Terror. Also, this was out 2nd so she was not as paranoid as she would have been if it was our 1st. The decision is up to you as to what you feel comfortable riding.
First of all -- congratulations! I was about 8-10 weeks the first time I went to WDW. I had a blast and was just fine.

I didn't do any of the mountains or TOT (in part because I was a chicken!). I did do Safari, but I think DH was a little concerned because it was a little bumpy.

Luckily, I didn't have morning sickness, etc., so I didn't have to worry about that. I actually felt pretty energectic and had to wait on Dh some (hah!).

I did go in December, so if it is hot when you go, make sure to drink lots of water and rest alot. And, of course, ask your doctor. Mine said I could do pretty much anything I wanted.

Hope you have a great time!
Now what? Now I <b>congratulate</b> you! What wonderful happy news!

I think most of the attractions that are not recommended for pregnant women have signs telling you about that.

Right off the top of my head I would think the AK safari, Kali River Rapids, Primeval Whirl, Dinosaur, RNR, TOT, all of the mountains at MK, Test Track. I probably missed some.

A really good place to post this question in addition to this board would be the Disney for Families board. I'll bet you get lots of great answers over there.

How exciting! I just found out last week that I am also pregnant. We are going in October, so I will be 30 weeks. My doctor said it was okay to go, but I haven't asked her about rides yet.
Congratulations - I too am going to Disney pregnant (after trying for over a year to get that way )- but not until September and will be 7 months along. I am very excited. You will still be able to do so much. This is going to be a great trip for you. Just don't go on anything with restrictions and ask your doctor if they have any additional ones for you. Other that that - GO AND HAVE FUN:D
Have been to WDW twice while I was pregnant with the same baby. The first time, I did not realize that I was pregnant, rode everything, Space Mountain, etc. The second time was four months later when we went with relatives who were down visiting. It was the same pregnancy. I walked a lot, but did not ride too much. You can still go on Haunted Mansion, etc. I was the person who held the cameras, backpacks, etc. while everyone else rode. Be very, very careful. I do not think the risk of riding is worth anything that could go wrong. Remember, the rides will still be there when your little one gets older.

Sit when you can. The FL sun can be miserable when you are pregnant. Drink lots and lots of water (dehydration can cause premature labor, especially here in the hot, humid FL sun). I don't mean to scare you, but I would do the whole "pamper yourself" thing, i.e., eat in sit down, air conditioned restaurants, get manicure/pedicure at resort, go to resort pool. Talk to your OB before going. They will have the best advice.

I did two trips to WDW pregnant without knowing it! Found out I was pregnant within a week of coming home both times. It actually made me a bit paranoid about going back since we only want two kids, but I have made one trip without being pregnant since then!! In my case, I did whatever I wanted because I didn't know, but I agree with the other posters on what to do and what not to do.

Also, Disney is VERY good about posting signs on attractions that are not recommended for pregnant women. Even if you think it will be no problem, follow the guidance. It is there for a reason!
Congratulations!!! Aren't you the lucky one!!! You're pregnant and you'll be in the greatest place to EAT! That was my favorite thing to do when I was pregnant. Everything tasted better and I could consume much more of it.:p
Have a great time.
Congrats! DW is pregnant, and we were trying for FIVE YEARS. So I know where you're coming from.

I've researched this heavily, both here and other boards, all over the internet, and any Disney Book I could get my hands on. I wrote DW's travel plans, showed them to the OB, and she approved. IT's a very short list:

A) Disney has rides marked as not for pregnant women (and usually people with heart conditions, bad backs, etc). Don't ride them, even if it seems silly. Why risk it?

B) Drink water
BB) Drink water.
BBB) Drink water. Enough said.

C) This is one trip not to commando tour. Take a leisurly pace. If DW's tired, we sit. If she's hot, we get in air conditioning. If she want's to go back to the hotel, we go. End of story.

D) Relax, take it slow, and enjoy! Our OB said if we follow the above rules, then a Disney trip is incredible, because a happy mother passes that feeling on to the unborn child, and the walking is good. We'll be in month six! It just seems like the rule is don't ride anything dumb, don't let your radiator get low, and take it slow and cool!

Congrats again. Enjoy Disney.

Congratulations, what a blessing! My beautiful daughter is now 9 months old, so she is not so much a newborn. But I am a first-time mother.

I would say also be careful and cautious. Definitely don't ride RnR, ToT, Splash or Space Mountain. I would also agree with other posters who told you to be cautious about the Florida heat. Drink plenty or water, eat a lot. Even if you're not hungry. When I was pregnant, one day I thought I had eaten a good enough breakfast of cereal. I didn't feel hungry, but I guess I hadn't eaten enough or drank enough fluids because I passed out at work! Luckily I work at a hospital, and my coworkers (nurses) took me down to the ER and helped me out. It was just a small case of dehydration, and baby and I were fine. So drink a lot of water, and eat plenty of small meals and snacks.

I hope your morning sickness is not bad. I didn't get morning sickness until I was about 3 months pregnant, and it only lasted about 2 weeks. For others it's much worse. But hopefully yours isn't bad enough to interfere with your travels.

Relax and enjoy your trip, I think you'll have a wonderful time. And it will be fun to see all the mothers and think "oh, that will be me in a few years!":p
No advice... just wanted to say congratulations!!!!!!
Congratulations on your wonderful news!

Much will depend on how you are feeling. At 13 weeks, it is hopeful that you will be through with your morning sickness.

That being said, if you do tend to get nauseous, you may want to avoid anything that spins... even slowly, like Dumbo.

Anything with a drop or G-forces, such as the coasters or ToT.

Anything that jerks you around, like Body Wars, Star Tours, Dinosaur or Test Track.

I would take it easy this trip, enjoy the shows, the scenary, and the quieter rides.

Again, Congratulations!:)
I just want to say Congratulations to you mommy!!!! What a wonderful thing for you both!!! Enjoy your time and spend it relaxing!!! There is a lot you can do!!! Small world and etc.... pretty much anything you would be able to take a small child(1-3) on you can do!!!! that would be a good way to look at it but still be careful even in choosing like that!! Have a wonderful trip!!!!

Deah:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce:
Clearly the pregnancy hormones are flowing because I was reduced to tears reading all of your responses! The only person that knows is my husband - and because I am new at this, it never crossed my mind that "congratulations" would be the first response!

Thanks for all of the good advice - I think we'll be taking it easy this trip. It will be our first trip "home" and I have a feeling that we'll think those dollars were especially well spent every time we make the short trip back to BCV for a nap!

Thanks again!
I had the pregnancies from Hell--threw up 35 times a day from the moment i conceived until one hour before delivery. I was deathly ill through much of WDW when I went at 3 months along.

I survived by the "pregnant moms" perk at the first aid stations. Pregnant women are welcome to come in and lie down for awhile on one of their beds. They give you a pillow and blankie, turn down the lights and let you catch a little nap. It was a life saver. You won't believe how tired you will get.

A few other tips: get walking shoes wider than you normally wear, to deal with the swollen feet.

If sickness is a problem, frozen fruit smoothies can also be a lifesaver. I think the whole time I was there I survived on smoothies and dry popcorn.

Bring lemonjuice to put in your drinking water to help with swollen hands and other swollen body parts.

Be prepared to start sobbing like an idiot when you see the cute little baby outfits. Make sure to buy one.

I made my son of scrapbook of his "first" trip to DW.
How WONDERFUL!!! You will start seeing everything at WDW through new eyes just thinking about when you'll bring your little one back with you next vacation!

Be careful what you choose to ride. Don't ride anything that might make you start worrying later in the day. (Rider's remorse??) My placenta tore at 8 weeks and I ended up in bed for a while. It was very touch and go for a while... Now that I realize something like that can happen I will be following all the warning signs next week when I'm at WDW. The worry is NOT worth it. When my guys are off riding the wild rides I am going to be buying baby items and having little snacks and drinks.

Many blessings to you!

Be careful if you have food aversions. We had planned a few $$$ meals that my wife just never ate because she had a couple strong food aversions.


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