I'm Ready For Spring!!


~For years I wanted to be older, and now I am~ Mar
May 6, 2000
Had to brush a couple inches of snow off my vehicle before driving home from work last night, the road was covered and couldn't see the lines, snow was still coming down hard. The wind blew all night and it was below zero...I'm SO READY FOR SPRING: warm temps, blue skies, sunshine, birds singing, green grass, leaves on the trees, flowers blooming....ahhhh, CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
No snow here, but Spring cleaning has been underway....:D

I'm READY....:D
Me 2!!!! I can hardley wait. We've had a very mild winter, but it's still winter, brown and dry. I am ready for Spring. I hope it's rainy so things will turn green. I am ready for shorts, picnics, bike rides, barbequeing, no coats, tanning, I could go on and on.

I am a warm weather lover, give me 100 degrees with lots of humidity over 20 degrees, cold and dry. Or cold and snow, I just hate it. Someday I will move someplace that doesn't get below zero.

The radio announcer said there's only 39 more days to Spring - that was before he told me it was 25 below (celcius) today!
I'm ready for the spring too. It has been too cold and snowy here this winter. I Just want to open my windows and let out all the germs. My kids need to get out and play in the spring air.


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