I'm Taking you to Disney World, and That's Final!! - Update 11/16

looks like most of your questions have been answered :thumbsup2

good luck on trying to adjust the ADR #'s....

Kona...YUM! we didn't actually dine there for breakfast in 08 but had dinner there twice when we stayed at the Poly...but I have had the Tonga Toast it was my breakfast as carry-out form the counter service place in the Poly...it was extremely filling!

Do you have regular passports to get into the parks? cause I think it would be cheaper to add a day on your existing passes than buy a one day...:confused3 I would do some fuzzy Disney math on that :teacher:

your trip is getting so close...very exciting! and I SO can't wait to hear the news on the 10th!!!! popcorn::
Hey Julie!
Glad to see you! I hope the family is doing well. I really need a lot of pixie dust to try and get re-do's on my ADR's. I'm going to try that tomorrow. As for passports, we got the military salute tickets, which were so cheap I don't know if I can mention it here....:rolleyes1 My DFIL is retired navy, so that made the trip much less expensive. Due to that, I don't think we can add a day to the tickets. But, you never know. I will call DMIL and see if she can check. Thanks for the idea!:hug:

Officially 24 days until we hit WDW!!! I'm a little excited.

I'm sorry to make you guys wait until the 10th for the announcement, but, I kind of have to.....
Your plans are really looking great!!! Your trip is going to be here before you know it. This month will probably fly right on by!

I love that Mickey pin with the coffee that you bought for your DH. :lmao: That would be perfect for me too!!

Which camera bag did you end up going with?
Your plans are really looking great!!! Your trip is going to be here before you know it. This month will probably fly right on by!

I love that Mickey pin with the coffee that you bought for your DH. :lmao: That would be perfect for me too!!

Which camera bag did you end up going with?

Hey Brook!
We didn't get a chance to go out and look at the camera bags. We ended up going to breakfast with friends and then we shopped, but somehow missed Best Buy...:confused3 My memory is going.

Hi there! I just followed you over from Great Biscuit's TR. Looks like you've got a great plan going there. Can't wait to hear more. Especially the "big announcement". (I have a guess, but I'll keep it to myself.;))
Hey Brook!
We didn't get a chance to go out and look at the camera bags. We ended up going to breakfast with friends and then we shopped, but somehow missed Best Buy...:confused3 My memory is going.

Happy TEENS! :earboy2:
Hi there! I just followed you over from Great Biscuit's TR. Looks like you've got a great plan going there. Can't wait to hear more. Especially the "big announcement". (I have a guess, but I'll keep it to myself.;))
Hi Connie, and :welcome: I am going to put up another post soon. The big announcement is very big.....:goodvibes

Happy TEENS! :earboy2:

Thanks Biscuit! Now it's only 17 more days!!!
Hey Julie!
Glad to see you! I hope the family is doing well. I really need a lot of pixie dust to try and get re-do's on my ADR's. I'm going to try that tomorrow. As for passports, we got the military salute tickets, which were so cheap I don't know if I can mention it here....:rolleyes1 My DFIL is retired navy, so that made the trip much less expensive. Due to that, I don't think we can add a day to the tickets. But, you never know. I will call DMIL and see if she can check. Thanks for the idea!:hug:

oh yes that's right I do remember know that you got the military tickets...sometimes I forgot some of the details btwn all my subs to PTR/TR...;)

Can't wait to hear rhe news on the 10th:cool1:
Is it officially the 10th yet?

We just got back from staying at grandstand. It was perfect. First busstop on and off. Close to quiet pool, main pool, carriage house, and boat to dtd.
Hi Everyone! I hope that your days have been filled with much Disney happiness!! Mine of course is only a mere 12 days away!! I cannot believe it's gotten here so quickly! I feel like I have everything done, but you know, it never ends.

Okay, enough stalling on the announcement......









I'm pregnant!!! Yes, you saw correctly! I had my first doctor's appointment today and I'm due June 24th, 2010. I am overwhelmed, excited, and scared all at the same time! I have so much to be thankful for, and nothing to fear. But my DIS friends, my first reaction was this:


Yes, petty as it might be, it was my first reaction.:lmao: I know, silly, silly Sheresa. I'm over that now, and will need all of my DIS mommies/daddys help and advice. Basically, I've cleared with my doctor that everything WDW says you shouldn't ride, you don't. And, no drinking around the world showcase.:sad1: I know, but man, I was really looking forward to doing these things with my sister on her first trip.

I have also read a lot on the internet (that can be a seriously scary place) and know the basics of going to WDW and being pregnant. What I would love to know is those of you that have been in my shoes:

1. Did you pack anything extra to be comfortable?
2. Did you take naps on a regular basis?
3. Did you eat more than you thought you would?
4. Any thoughts/advice

I am seriously nervous about this trip now. I have been blessed so far with an easy pregnancy, no morning sickness, nausea, or uncomfortable episodes (you ladies know what I mean). The only thing is using the restroom frequently. So, any suggestions you want to throw my way to make my trip more comfortable, send them my way.

I am rambling and will post something more coherent later, but I had to get the post up or I fear some people may have been looking for me later.

Thanks for reading!
Congratulations girl!! :banana: That's wonderful news! (And, yes, that was actually my guess... :))

Well, I've never been at WDW and pregnant at the same time, so I just have generic advice... Every woman and every pregnancy is different, so just pay attention to your body and do as she says!

Oh, and your trip just got more expensive! You never noticed how much cute baby stuff they have at WDW until you have a REASON to notice. :goodvibes
Congrats! My Mom went when she was pregnant with my brother, she was about 7 months pregnant and still had a good time! I've never been there or done that, but I would suggest taking in some of the streetmosphere at HS, a lot of the shows, oh! and the animation class!!
I went pregnant the entire pregnancy of my 2nd child as we lived just 2 hours away and I took the other kids every other weekend. :thumbsup2

My advise is when you get tired.... REST!

Drink lots of liquids even though you want to stop at every restroom, dehydration is so not good when you are pregnant!

Enjoy the magic as its now inside you as well as around you pixiedust:

And congratulations! :cheer2::dance3::woohoo::banana:::santa::cloud9::princess::pirate::
Congrats!! That's great news!!

As fir your questions- I completely agree. Stay hydrated, even though you have to pee everytime you see liquid. Rest when you feel like it and take time to elevate your feet. With one kid I ate everything in site, the other not so much. Just keep some snacks handy and you'll be good. You may get hot quicker.
As for not being Able to ride certain things- there will still be tons to ride and tons to see. And you'll be looking at everything thinking if the joy it will bring when you first bring your kid. You won't miss the rides as much as you think.
Just enjoy the time with your man. You know your couple time will be way limited once your sweet pea arrives.
I saw tons of pregnant ladies last week. None of them appeared to be any more tired than my out of shape self was. I think as long as you listen to your body you will be fine.
Congratulations girl!! :banana: That's wonderful news! (And, yes, that was actually my guess... :))

Well, I've never been at WDW and pregnant at the same time, so I just have generic advice... Every woman and every pregnancy is different, so just pay attention to your body and do as she says!

Oh, and your trip just got more expensive! You never noticed how much cute baby stuff they have at WDW until you have a REASON to notice. :goodvibes
Thank you so much Connie! You a very perceptive, by the way. I wonder how many other people guessed....
DH is acutely aware of the fact that shopping will be one of my favorite pass times this trip....:scared1: is his reaction.:rotfl2: Well, I am going with my in-laws and my sister, so honestly, they'll have a hand in the buying of adorable Disney clothing, toys, etc. I will definitely listen to my body, I know my limits, but it's definitely important to listen closer than ever now.

Congrats! My Mom went when she was pregnant with my brother, she was about 7 months pregnant and still had a good time! I've never been there or done that, but I would suggest taking in some of the streetmosphere at HS, a lot of the shows, oh! and the animation class!!
Thank you very much! I am actually glad that I'm only a few months along, because I'm not sure I could be brave enough to fight the crowds and do the whole miles of walking at 7 months. Your mom is a trooper, that's for sure. As for the ideas at HS, thank you! I know that is one park I was concerned about. You have given me a couple of things I'll be sure to do!:)

I went pregnant the entire pregnancy of my 2nd child as we lived just 2 hours away and I took the other kids every other weekend. :thumbsup2

My advise is when you get tired.... REST!

Drink lots of liquids even though you want to stop at every restroom, dehydration is so not good when you are pregnant!

Enjoy the magic as its now inside you as well as around you pixiedust:

And congratulations! :cheer2::dance3::woohoo::banana:::santa::cloud9::princess::pirate::
Thank you so much!!:goodvibes The rest thing is going to be hard for me because I am going to feel like I need to take everything in, but, again, as Connie said, I'll be listening to my body! And, thank you so much for all the smilies!! I love them!

Congrats!! That's great news!!

As fir your questions- I completely agree. Stay hydrated, even though you have to pee everytime you see liquid. Rest when you feel like it and take time to elevate your feet. With one kid I ate everything in site, the other not so much. Just keep some snacks handy and you'll be good. You may get hot quicker.
As for not being Able to ride certain things- there will still be tons to ride and tons to see. And you'll be looking at everything thinking if the joy it will bring when you first bring your kid. You won't miss the rides as much as you think.
Just enjoy the time with your man. You know your couple time will be way limited once your sweet pea arrives.
I saw tons of pregnant ladies last week. None of them appeared to be any more tired than my out of shape self was. I think as long as you listen to your body you will be fine.

First of all, :welcome:!! I'm sorry I missed your earlier post. Thank you so much for your advice and suggestions. I honestly am not concerned about the rides anymore, I just freaked out when I first found out. I will definitely stay hydrated, that is goal number one for me right now. I am honestly already thinking about when it's too early to take the baby back with us....:lmao:

Everyone, thanks so much, it's people like you on these boards that make life so much better. I really would miss out on so much if I weren't here with all of you lovely people!:grouphug:
I think that a great possibility about being pregnant at WDW is that you'll have an reason to slow down and enjoy the magic in the details. Okay, that's theoretical since I haven't experienced that myself, but when I was about 5 months pregnant we were considering a WDW trip - my SIL's family was going then and we wanted to tag along. At first I thought it was a ridiculous idea since my ride participation would be restricted but then I started getting excited about just enjoying the magic. :wizard: DH is always wanting to go slower and take it all in (and take three hundred pictures of every little thing), and I realize he's not with me anymore and I have to stop and turn around and locate him, roll my eyes, tap my foot and wait for him to COME ON!!!!! :sad2: (<--aimed at ME, not DH...) As it turned out, we weren't able to swing it that time, and I would have been terribly disappointed, BUT it just so happens that my ultrasound was scheduled for the same week as their trip so we got our own magic that week when we found out we were having a baby girl! :goodvibes And my SIL brought home all kinds of cute little pink WDW stuff for us... ;)
I think that a great possibility about being pregnant at WDW is that you'll have an reason to slow down and enjoy the magic in the details. Okay, that's theoretical since I haven't experienced that myself, but when I was about 5 months pregnant we were considering a WDW trip - my SIL's family was going then and we wanted to tag along. At first I thought it was a ridiculous idea since my ride participation would be restricted but then I started getting excited about just enjoying the magic. :wizard: DH is always wanting to go slower and take it all in (and take three hundred pictures of every little thing), and I realize he's not with me anymore and I have to stop and turn around and locate him, roll my eyes, tap my foot and wait for him to COME ON!!!!! :sad2: (<--aimed at ME, not DH...) As it turned out, we weren't able to swing it that time, and I would have been terribly disappointed, BUT it just so happens that my ultrasound was scheduled for the same week as their trip so we got our own magic that week when we found out we were having a baby girl! :goodvibes And my SIL brought home all kinds of cute little pink WDW stuff for us... ;)

Have you taken your daughter on her first trip yet?

:yay: CONGRATS!!!!! I was secretly hoping this was the fun news you had to share....:goodvibes

I ditto the advice above....if you have been well at home you'll probably be ok there, but if you feel tired rest, put up your feet as much as you and yes DRINK!!!! lots of water!

I was actually pregnant on our trip in 1998 w/ the twins and didn't even know it though...did the whole ToT and had some mixed fruity drink somewhere...but it was all good.

I have one Dis friend who was newly pregnant on her 2nd to last trip, MRYPPNS...you could alwasy PM for any advice...she was there w/ her 18 mo son too plus fighting a cold...so that may have contributed to some :sick:

either way Congratulations again and have a wonderful trip....and what a story to tell your little one later...my twins like to count my pregnancy trip in how many times they have been to WDW :lovestruc
Have you taken your daughter on her first trip yet?
I've got the bug pretty bad, but the budget just hasn't allowed for it yet. It's going to be SUCH a different experience from DH and I going on our own.

I'd really love to take her in the next few months before she turns 3 in May since kids under 3 are FREE!!!:banana:

I think she's ready, too. We did the local fair and she wanted to ride every ride and loved them all. We also had a fun encounter with the Blue Cross/Blue Shield "Blue Bear" mascot at the AHA Heart Walk this year. We did 4th of July fireworks this year and after a minor freak-out at the very beginning, she loved it and kept asking to go see them again for several days after. Let's see... Rides, check. Characters, check. Fireworks, check. We are SO ready!! :cool1:

Now, if the Real Estate business will just pick up a little, we are so THERE!

:yay: CONGRATS!!!!! I was secretly hoping this was the fun news you had to share....:goodvibes

I ditto the advice above....if you have been well at home you'll probably be ok there, but if you feel tired rest, put up your feet as much as you and yes DRINK!!!! lots of water!

I was actually pregnant on our trip in 1998 w/ the twins and didn't even know it though...did the whole ToT and had some mixed fruity drink somewhere...but it was all good.

I have one Dis friend who was newly pregnant on her 2nd to last trip, MRYPPNS...you could alwasy PM for any advice...she was there w/ her 18 mo son too plus fighting a cold...so that may have contributed to some :sick:

either way Congratulations again and have a wonderful trip....and what a story to tell your little one later...my twins like to count my pregnancy trip in how many times they have been to WDW :lovestruc
Hi Julie! Thanks for the kind words and advice! I promise to drink lots of water (this is going to sound strange, but I honestly CRAVE water, that and milk!:goodvibes) and will put my feet up as much as possible. They are already starting to swell slightly, that's never a good sign.:sad2: I think it's great that the twins count their pregnant visit to WDW! That's what you call die hards, to be sure!:goodvibes And, thank you for the advice with MRYPPNS, I'll PM her.

Congratulations! :thumbsup2

:lmao: Don't worry. We all get it.

So awesome! Can't wait to see how the trip turns out.

Thanks so much Biscuit! I am glad that everyone "gets it". Oh, and that full report on Space Mountain will be coming from someone else, either DH or Relly. So, you know it won't be as detailed, but you'll at least have it!


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