In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Morning All. Got to post this quick. I see Steph is on and she thinks she got the first post of the day. Ha, ha, ha.

So I finally have a ton of post somewhere!
E~ has 564 post
Lyz ~ has 436 post
I have 315 post
Followed by
and dawn that is as far down as I went

I don't understand this at all. What are you talking about?
Bruce's computer crashed a few weeks ago, something got corrupted and we had to reinstall windows completely, even the repair reinstall didn't work, so we lost everything. I just realized when Bruce uploaded our honeymoon photos from the camera, he never hit the button to save them online. I just lost every last photo from our honeymoon except the one i posted on here. Thats it, gone, no more :guilty:

Bruce is picking up a card reader on his way home so we can run recovery software on the memory card to see if we can't salvage some from there even though they have been deleted. I have only taken a few more pictures since deleting, not enough to rewrite the 450 i took on vacay, and i didn't reformat the card. SO i'm hoping. I'm so upset :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:
Morning All. Got to post this quick. I see Steph is on and she thinks she got the first post of the day. Ha, ha, ha.

I don't understand this at all. What are you talking about?

Ditto. Do you mean that is the number of posts we each have on this thread? And if so, how did you find that?

Bruce's computer crashed a few weeks ago, something got corrupted and we had to reinstall windows completely, even the repair reinstall didn't work, so we lost everything. I just realized when Bruce uploaded our honeymoon photos from the camera, he never hit the button to save them online. I just lost every last photo from our honeymoon except the one i posted on here. Thats it, gone, no more :guilty:

Bruce is picking up a card reader on his way home so we can run recovery software on the memory card to see if we can't salvage some from there even though they have been deleted. I have only taken a few more pictures since deleting, not enough to rewrite the 450 i took on vacay, and i didn't reformat the card. SO i'm hoping. I'm so upset :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

OH STACEY! :hug: I am so so so sorry! I am keeping my fingers crossed all day that you can recover your pics. Did you get any photopass pics taken? If so...and even if you didn't buy them...Disney can reactivate your account after the 30-day expiration (I have done it...decided 6 months after a trip that I wanted to buy a certain photopass pic and they were able to get all of my 6 month old photopass pics back up for me.) Keep us posted!
Good Morning Peeps
I am off to finalize our home owners and FLOOD insurance. Let me just start by saying the government has you by manhood when you have to buy flood insurance. They decide who has to buy it and what flood zone you are in and they set the PRICE! Let me just say my first quote was so outrageous I was almost considering NOT to buy the house. IT was $5100 a year then I had my home owners on top of that! Hello thats a Disney trip right there! So the agent called around and got it lowered to $1990 (still a lot in my book) I called the bank and said can you recheck the flood zone. I am in the highest rated flood zone. That can't be right can it...??? I am not on LAKE FRONT PROPERTY GEESH! Yes, right flood zone I am afraid to say loan officer suggest that we increase our deductible and that would lower the premium. So we now have the FLOOD INSURANCE down to $1330.00. I also think my homeowners is expensive because she had quoted $490 and it is $583 now HHHMMMMMM I think someone is making out in this deal!
Kids are doing well in school SAM actually brought home a 100 she hasn't done that in a long time! I think she felt really good about that. I am glad that she stayed back maybe this will give her Motivation!
Ok off to shower and pay out some serious cash!
Ditto. Do you mean that is the number of posts we each have on this thread? And if so, how did you find that?

Yeah, how did you find that?

Stacey!!!!! That is horrible. I lost a couple pics before and that was devastating to me. I can't imagine my honeymoon pictures being gone! I hope things work out. Keep us posted.

Steph, ouch! I hate insurance. I pay so much in insurance it makes me ill.
Ditto. Do you mean that is the number of posts we each have on this thread? And if so, how did you find that?

That is the number of post that we each have on this thread and if you go to user CP and on this thread where the number of post is it click on it and it will break it down for you!
That is the number of post that we each have on this thread and if you go to user CP and on this thread where the number of post is it click on it and it will break it down for you!

Son of a Gun! You learn something new everyday.

EriKa, did you get in trouble for talking growing up?:lmao:
Morning All. Got to post this quick. I see Steph is on and she thinks she got the first post of the day. Ha, ha, ha.

Naw I was just reading It is an automatic thing to come down and click on the internet and the DIS boards is my home page! I tell you I do this before I feed the Kids in the morning! Today sam told me that she needed a note for this afternoon because she is leaving early for the DR and I just kept on DIS'ing. I was like oh yeah NOTE she was like YES NOTE NOT THE DIS BOARDS!:rotfl: GEESSSSSHHHHH MOM! Do you sit here all day and do this! UM YEAH you have a problem with it! She laughed:lmao: :rotfl2:
Well, I'm back on the bandwagon this morning. I just hit my weight from 5 weeks ago :woohoo: Which is before 2 trips to Tucson, 1 trip to WDW, generally poor eating habits (think lots of stuff with lots of HFCS) and pretty much stopping bike riding during the week (called on account of darkness and crazy work/family schedules).

So this morning I got up and walked probably 3/4 mile in the dark. It felt good to move. Discovered that I can't see sprinklers in the dark. :rotfl: Discovered that if I think it's humid at 6am walking then there's no way I'll be able to run at 6am, and if I can't run at 6am I can't run at all this time of year. (Note that I'm not a runner - but I understand that it's great exercise and that I can do it when it's still pitch black outside.)

Oh, and what I think is the ultimate irony - I pulled a calf muscle in Disney, to the point where I was just about limping the last day (Sunday). Get back to Miami, go back to work (hello, heels), and it goes away...

Here is an updated photo of me! Full body shot.. not sure if anyone noticed but I usually don't do full shots! Like everyone else here my assets are a lot bigger than what I want!:lmao:

You look GREAT!

OMG! I wish I had your will power for exercise... I need to get back on track with exercising... basically all I do is work, sleep and eat... lol I really need to figure out how to incorporate it into my schedule again. Go You!!!! :banana: :cheer2:

You and me, Sarah - I was riding my bike 5-7 miles every morning before work, but it's now too dark to do it. Riding in the evenings is a crap-shoot between family, work, and weather. Hello, Ike! (Rainy and windy, no threat)

Hey gang... thought I would share the revalation I had last night...

I was so confident in myself that I came home and walked my two mile interval walking tape when I got home and regretting not putting the four mile tape in as I could have kept on going...

Way to go, Paula! In the rest of the inspirational post I almost missed this!

Bruce's computer crashed a few weeks ago, something got corrupted and we had to reinstall windows completely, even the repair reinstall didn't work, so we lost everything. I just realized when Bruce uploaded our honeymoon photos from the camera, he never hit the button to save them online. I just lost every last photo from our honeymoon except the one i posted on here. Thats it, gone, no more :guilty:

Bruce is picking up a card reader on his way home so we can run recovery software on the memory card to see if we can't salvage some from there even though they have been deleted. I have only taken a few more pictures since deleting, not enough to rewrite the 450 i took on vacay, and i didn't reformat the card. SO i'm hoping. I'm so upset :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

:eek: :hug: :eek: Keep trying - we've had massive system failures before. Maybe take it to an expert?

You guys have all done awesome - kudos all around! Really, I'm impressed.

I had a great weekend, I'm having a crap day, and frankly, this is a really sad week for me, so I'm just going to crawl back into my hole. But I'm cheering all of you on!
Cr@pola all around - let me know how to get out of the pit...
Here is an updated photo of me! Full body shot.. not sure if anyone noticed but I usually don't do full shots! Like everyone else here my assets are a lot bigger than what I want!:lmao:

Lookin awesome babe!

Love the new the success...and glad you are back with us...
Hey gang... thought I would share the revalation I had last night...

Now - a little about me, I am 36, single and well fat...

Well, I will be 37 on Friday. I am still single (but actively looking ;) ) and still well fat, but I am not as fat as I used to be... I am reposting the following paragraph from that first post because I was kind of in awe that I even wrote it in the first place, but the words are so applicable to what I am going through...

I am finding that to win this battle, it truly is a bigger hurdle than just eating less and moving more. When you think about it, you have to overcome your addiction to food, chuck your whole emotional support system out the window and find another one, force this big ole walrus like body to move like a little otter to sweat off the pounds all while trying to balance all of the other fun stuff that life throws at you. Its no wonder we find ourselves here. But the good news is that WE CAN DO IT!!!!! There may be a few bumps in the road (like the nachos I felt the need to eat on Saturday night) but a favorite quote reminds me that "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."

The obstacles are starting to get a little smaller in my eyes... The goal is getting bigger again...

So everyone - focus on the goal and you can accomplish anything...

Paula - I am printing this out as I speak...I cried reading this...we are our own worst sabatoger...and I miss believing in myself...I needed that re-play more than you can know...
My sisters MIL died last week. The funeral is tonight. It doesn't directly affect me, but when someone dies, it always puts me in a very reflective mood. So, I've been in my head and tired. Not much desire to post. Sorry about that.

Ok, must actually accomplish something at work.
Get that one totally...with all the changes in my life lately...been reflecting a lot...
Bruce's computer crashed a few weeks ago, something got corrupted and we had to reinstall windows completely, even the repair reinstall didn't work, so we lost everything. I just realized when Bruce uploaded our honeymoon photos from the camera, he never hit the button to save them online. I just lost every last photo from our honeymoon except the one i posted on here. Thats it, gone, no more :guilty:
So sorry..praying that you will have success with the recovery...

I need to get out of the house and head out...I need to get this new I-pod uploaded with podcasts from the Dis...I keep forgetting to ask Carsyn to help me...priority tonight for sure...

Baylor has a crabby teacher in I told him to stop asking for help..and just be quiet in class and come home and I will help other teacher for him to trade out...:headache: but I have a question for those with Jr High kids...our school is turning a new leaf this year...and having English for 2 hours one day...math an hour...and then math 2 hours the next day and english an hour...I know I have a hard time concentrating for 2 hours in any mtg...does that seem like a lot for 12 year olds? Maybe other schools do this?

Treyner is doing okay with soccer - he has a talk with his coach planned for today...they play a town nearby tonight...that has most of his players from his summer it should be interesting...

I need some time on Aim so bad not even funny...but I can not get this darn thing to work...ugh!!!:mad:
Part of my first post - "I have had a year of self reflection and growth and the only thing that has not changed is my waist! ...

...So here is the deal! I have a goal of 100 pounds lost before next December! I want to visit Disney World with my family and not feel paranoid of fitting in rides...or buying souvenigers in the form of clothing and not having to manipulate it like Stretch Armstrong before trying it on! If you have to put one foot on the dressing room door to leverage the pull of a may need to lose a pound or two!"

Paula went back and printed this as well...I have not lost hardly anything...except a huge turd which may have been the bowel obstruction I was looking for...

And I know 100 pounds is not achiveable...but...I need helop from you guys...getting a realistic goal...cause I now feel like I have no success option and that can not work....There is roughly 3 months left...and I really want to be at 200 or under for the help me look at what I can do daily for a 50 pound loss in that time...I know that is a huge loss...but if I develop a the plan...I also know it is not totally impossible...

So if I stay away from the extra WW points allowed...and do the couch to 5 K...what do ya guys think...that would be...4-5 pounds a week...

I am self employeed - so I could commit to 2-3 hours a day for excersize with no problems...

I need this...I want is not my whole goal...but it is a great goal..and i cannot fail...I need this to foccus on to stay away from my foccus now...I need your best advice....and I need you all...:teacher:
Bruce's computer crashed a few weeks ago, something got corrupted and we had to reinstall windows completely, even the repair reinstall didn't work, so we lost everything. I just realized when Bruce uploaded our honeymoon photos from the camera, he never hit the button to save them online. I just lost every last photo from our honeymoon except the one i posted on here. Thats it, gone, no more :guilty:

Bruce is picking up a card reader on his way home so we can run recovery software on the memory card to see if we can't salvage some from there even though they have been deleted. I have only taken a few more pictures since deleting, not enough to rewrite the 450 i took on vacay, and i didn't reformat the card. SO i'm hoping. I'm so upset :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

Thats awful!! The same thing happened to me... I lost almost all of my wedding pics and honeymoon pics... :( Computers are not our best friends...

Well, I'm back on the bandwagon this morning. I just hit my weight from 5 weeks ago :woohoo: Which is before 2 trips to Tucson, 1 trip to WDW, generally poor eating habits (think lots of stuff with lots of HFCS) and pretty much stopping bike riding during the week (called on account of darkness and crazy work/family schedules).

So this morning I got up and walked probably 3/4 mile in the dark. It felt good to move. Discovered that I can't see sprinklers in the dark. :rotfl: Discovered that if I think it's humid at 6am walking then there's no way I'll be able to run at 6am, and if I can't run at 6am I can't run at all this time of year. (Note that I'm not a runner - but I understand that it's great exercise and that I can do it when it's still pitch black outside.)

Oh, and what I think is the ultimate irony - I pulled a calf muscle in Disney, to the point where I was just about limping the last day (Sunday). Get back to Miami, go back to work (hello, heels), and it goes away...

You look GREAT!

You and me, Sarah - I was riding my bike 5-7 miles every morning before work, but it's now too dark to do it. Riding in the evenings is a crap-shoot between family, work, and weather. Hello, Ike! (Rainy and windy, no threat)

Way to go, Paula! In the rest of the inspirational post I almost missed this!

:eek: :hug: :eek: Keep trying - we've had massive system failures before. Maybe take it to an expert?


Welcome back to the bandwagon... hehe... I'm just hoping to stay on it myself... LOL!

Part of my first post - "I have had a year of self reflection and growth and the only thing that has not changed is my waist! ...

...So here is the deal! I have a goal of 100 pounds lost before next December! I want to visit Disney World with my family and not feel paranoid of fitting in rides...or buying souvenigers in the form of clothing and not having to manipulate it like Stretch Armstrong before trying it on! If you have to put one foot on the dressing room door to leverage the pull of a may need to lose a pound or two!"

Paula went back and printed this as well...I have not lost hardly anything...except a huge turd which may have been the bowel obstruction I was looking for...

And I know 100 pounds is not achiveable...but...I need helop from you guys...getting a realistic goal...cause I now feel like I have no success option and that can not work....There is roughly 3 months left...and I really want to be at 200 or under for the help me look at what I can do daily for a 50 pound loss in that time...I know that is a huge loss...but if I develop a the plan...I also know it is not totally impossible...

So if I stay away from the extra WW points allowed...and do the couch to 5 K...what do ya guys think...that would be...4-5 pounds a week...

I am self employeed - so I could commit to 2-3 hours a day for excersize with no problems...

I need this...I want is not my whole goal...but it is a great goal..and i cannot fail...I need this to foccus on to stay away from my foccus now...I need your best advice....and I need you all...:teacher:

I would just keep focused to it... Let yourself cheat only once a week... also tell yourself you CAN do it. If you put it out there that you will fail you are only going to do that. Put it out there that you can and WILL succeed! We are all here for you!

Back to the grind this morning... I ever mention I hate my job? :mad: I bought a pair of scrub pants last night and wore them to work today... SOOOOO comfy!! Anywho I'll be on later :)
Part of my first post - "I have had a year of self reflection and growth and the only thing that has not changed is my waist! ...

...So here is the deal! I have a goal of 100 pounds lost before next December! I want to visit Disney World with my family and not feel paranoid of fitting in rides...or buying souvenigers in the form of clothing and not having to manipulate it like Stretch Armstrong before trying it on! If you have to put one foot on the dressing room door to leverage the pull of a may need to lose a pound or two!"

Paula went back and printed this as well...I have not lost hardly anything...except a huge turd which may have been the bowel obstruction I was looking for...

And I know 100 pounds is not achiveable...but...I need helop from you guys...getting a realistic goal...cause I now feel like I have no success option and that can not work....There is roughly 3 months left...and I really want to be at 200 or under for the help me look at what I can do daily for a 50 pound loss in that time...I know that is a huge loss...but if I develop a the plan...I also know it is not totally impossible...

So if I stay away from the extra WW points allowed...and do the couch to 5 K...what do ya guys think...that would be...4-5 pounds a week...

I am self employeed - so I could commit to 2-3 hours a day for excersize with no problems...

I need this...I want is not my whole goal...but it is a great goal..and i cannot fail...I need this to foccus on to stay away from my foccus now...I need your best advice....and I need you all...:teacher:

Dawn. I will do anything I can to help you. But babycakes, you need a realistic goal. 50lbs is a LOT. Why not pick something else? This is the long haul, girlfriend. You are in this for LIFE. So let's find a goal that will make you feel like you are succeeding. It's not just lbs, it's also lifestyle. How you think, how you manage your thoughts, how you prioritize yourself. So let's work on that, all together, okay?

Give me a minute or two here and let me delve into what's going on in my head.

I have had a sh$t week and it's only Wed. I feel like a failure in everything. Parenting, weight loss, wife, house, everything.

I have a 5K on Sunday and can I run 5k? Hell, no.

I gained 6lbs on a cruise and blew my 75lb weight loss.

My kid embarrassed me in public.

I got her to school late on her SECOND day.

MY house is a MESS.

It might seem like nothing but it feels like EVERYTHING to me.

But here's the reality. I have a great, smart, sweet kid. I have a husband who can stand to be ignored when the chips are down. I have a beautiful house, clean or dirty. I lost 70lbs and I am down 1lb of the 6 I gained. I lost this week, not gained. That is victory. I have friends (Sarah, LYZ, thank you) who will talk me off the cliff any day of the week. I might not be able to run the 5k, but I can run some of it. AND I raised money for research for this disease my mom has been living with for 12 years. I did good.

My mom is alive. My kid is safe. I am healthy. What more so I want from myself? Perfection. Well, it's not gonna happen in this lifetime.

Is it okay to feel desperate? Heck, yes. Feel it. Cry about it, rage about it, write about it. And then, we take a deep breath and say, okay what's next? What can we do, what small goal can we manage? Can we do it week by week or day by day? Can we stop judging ourselves so harshly and instead be kind to ourselves?

I think you can find a great goal to work towards, but please don't make it so big. Make it small, make it weekly. Make it personal. Say, I want to lose weight by the time I go to Disney. i want to learn how to make good choices when eating out. I want to feed my body well. I want to maintain an exercise schedule. Something doable, without numbers and guilt and shame attached. KWIM?

I use the goal charts WW gives out - go ask your leader for one. Then pick ONE goal. Don't pick a number. Pick an attitude. Because you need to allow yourself to succeed, and set yourself up for success. Here's my current goal, and my steps:

Goal: Make my body lean and strong
Steps: Track my food
Make healthy food choices
Set up and exercise schedule
Follow exercise schedule
Track exercise
Enjoy my life!

I hope this helps.
Dawn. I will do anything I can to help you. But babycakes, you need a realistic goal. 50lbs is a LOT. Why not pick something else? This is the long haul, girlfriend. You are in this for LIFE. So let's find a goal that will make you feel like you are succeeding. It's not just lbs, it's also lifestyle. How you think, how you manage your thoughts, how you prioritize yourself. So let's work on that, all together, okay?

Give me a minute or two here and let me delve into what's going on in my head.

I have had a sh$t week and it's only Wed. I feel like a failure in everything. Parenting, weight loss, wife, house, everything.

I have a 5K on Sunday and can I run 5k? Hell, no.

I gained 6lbs on a cruise and blew my 75lb weight loss.

My kid embarrassed me in public.

I got her to school late on her SECOND day.

MY house is a MESS.

It might seem like nothing but it feels like EVERYTHING to me.

But here's the reality. I have a great, smart, sweet kid. I have a husband who can stand to be ignored when the chips are down. I have a beautiful house, clean or dirty. I lost 70lbs and I am down 1lb of the 6 I gained. I lost this week, not gained. That is victory. I have friends (Sarah, LYZ, thank you) who will talk me off the cliff any day of the week. I might not be able to run the 5k, but I can run some of it. AND I raised money for research for this disease my mom has been living with for 12 years. I did good.

My mom is alive. My kid is safe. I am healthy. What more so I want from myself? Perfection. Well, it's not gonna happen in this lifetime.

Is it okay to feel desperate? Heck, yes. Feel it. Cry about it, rage about it, write about it. And then, we take a deep breath and say, okay what's next? What can we do, what small goal can we manage? Can we do it week by week or day by day? Can we stop judging ourselves so harshly and instead be kind to ourselves?

I think you can find a great goal to work towards, but please don't make it so big. Make it small, make it weekly. Make it personal. Say, I want to lose weight by the time I go to Disney. i want to learn how to make good choices when eating out. I want to feed my body well. I want to maintain an exercise schedule. Something doable, without numbers and guilt and shame attached. KWIM?

I use the goal charts WW gives out - go ask your leader for one. Then pick ONE goal. Don't pick a number. Pick an attitude. Because you need to allow yourself to succeed, and set yourself up for success. Here's my current goal, and my steps:

Goal: Make my body lean and strong
Steps: Track my food
Make healthy food choices
Set up and exercise schedule
Follow exercise schedule
Track exercise
Enjoy my life!

I hope this helps.

Well said!! I think this is an attitude we should all have... My husband says stuff to me like this. I will ***** about not losing enough weight but then he looks at me and says hun you've lost 60 lbs though... Its tough to see the big picture when you focus on the day to day. I think the fact we are all trying says something. When we stop trying thats when we fail... We aren't failures for gaining during the week... We are failures if we don't look at the week and say ok I am going to try harder.
Oh, and what I think is the ultimate irony - I pulled a calf muscle in Disney, to the point where I was just about limping the last day (Sunday). Get back to Miami, go back to work (hello, heels), and it goes away...

Go figure.

but I have a question for those with Jr High kids...our school is turning a new leaf this year...and having English for 2 hours one day...math an hour...and then math 2 hours the next day and english an hour...I know I have a hard time concentrating for 2 hours in any mtg...does that seem like a lot for 12 year olds? Maybe other schools do this?

I'd sure be bored. Sounds like the teachers are changing things up and brainstorming for a solution, that's a good thing.

I need some time on Aim so bad not even funny...but I can not get this darn thing to work...ugh!!!:mad:

Yes, that was too bad last Friday night. You need to get that working girl.

Part of my first post - "I have had a year of self reflection and growth and the only thing that has not changed is my waist! ...

And I know 100 pounds is not achiveable...but...I need helop from you guys...getting a realistic goal...cause I now feel like I have no success option and that can not work....There is roughly 3 months left...and I really want to be at 200 or under for the help me look at what I can do daily for a 50 pound loss in that time...I know that is a huge loss...but if I develop a the plan...I also know it is not totally impossible...

So if I stay away from the extra WW points allowed...and do the couch to 5 K...what do ya guys think...that would be...4-5 pounds a week...

I am self employeed - so I could commit to 2-3 hours a day for excersize with no problems...

I need this...I want is not my whole goal...but it is a great goal..and i cannot fail...I need this to foccus on to stay away from my foccus now...I need your best advice....and I need you all...:teacher:

Dawn- I suppose it's possible. And if you want to give it a go, I'll be the first to back you. It's gonna take every effort you have used and more importantly haven't used.

You know, when celebrities want to lose weight fast, they work out for 2-3 hours a day. And since you haven't lost much, your first weight should slide off pretty quickly.

If you want it bad enough, go for it.

Maybe you should try South Beach. Cut out sugars and white flour. Eat healthy protein and fish.

Liz: I think you can find a great goal to work towards, but please don't make it so big. Make it small, make it weekly. Make it personal. Say, I want to lose weight by the time I go to Disney. i want to learn how to make good choices when eating out. I want to feed my body well. I want to maintain an exercise schedule. Something doable, without numbers and guilt and shame attached. KWIM?

I think this is excellent advise. Small, consistant and personal.

One more thing. I think most every diet would be successful, but we don't give it the chance it needs. If you are exercising and eating less, you WILL lose weight. That is how it works.
I think this is excellent advise. Small, consistant and personal.

One more thing. I think most every diet would be successful, but we don't give it the chance it needs. If you are exercising and eating less, you WILL lose weight. That is how it works.

Can I get an AMEN :worship:
Hi everyone...

It has been an odd day of posting and for me at work. A lot going on in my head, but when isn't that the case...

First of all to Liz - I am sending a big bear hug :hug: to help make the week a little better.... You are an amazing person the fact that you can find some perspective in everything that is going on is amazing.... Love you....:flower3:

Stacey - I am praying to the computer gods that those lost files come back... Thinking really hard..... :upsidedow

Dawn - Let's see... where to start.... I don't think that setting a fifty pound goal over a three month period is realistic. Losing 4 -5 pounds a week is just not something that you can sustain unless you devote 24/7 to weight loss and nothing else (how else do you think the folks on the Biggest Loser do that). Given your lifestyle (keeping up with the kids, work, Dan, etc) that is just not something you can realistically expect of yourself. I would agree with Liz in that you should set smaller, more personal goals and echo the idea that it shouldn't just depend on a number. Your body is a fickle thing and no matter what you do, there will be times when you can't always control the outcome and the numbers will jump around no matter what you do. focusing only on the numbers will have you frustrated in no time at all.

You have gone two weeks with no fast food. With your schedule that is a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud of that. If you focus on goals that are more action based like that, the weight will naturally come down. So I would think about setting goals like, I won't eat out more than twice a week or I will exercise for 20 minutes a day for three days a week. Master those small goals and then add more. By building slowly, you are building life long and healthy habits that will serve you for the long term. Plus, you are less likely to get frustrated and then give up. Even if you only lose 25 pounds by December, that is 25 less than you had before and that in and of itself is a huge accomplishment.

A friend of mine (more like a second mom) reminds me from time to time how much work it takes to lose weight. She is right. Just because you lost 20 pounds and want to lose 80 more doesn't make the 20 pounds any less important.... Every pound matters and this is one race where the slow and steady turtle will win out over the rabbit.... :grouphug:

Hope everyone is having a good day... Things are going all right here... I am walking tonight and can't wait... I really do like how my body feels when I am exercising regularly... I can't explain it, but it just seems to work better....

Take care,
I think this is excellent advise. Small, consistant and personal.

One more thing. I think most every diet would be successful, but we don't give it the chance it needs. If you are exercising and eating less, you WILL lose weight. That is how it works.

Can I get an AMEN :worship:[/QUOTE]

Amen Sistah...:worship:

truer words were never spoken....
Dawn. I will do anything I can to help you. But babycakes, you need a realistic goal. 50lbs is a LOT. Why not pick something else? This is the long haul, girlfriend. You are in this for LIFE. So let's find a goal that will make you feel like you are succeeding. It's not just lbs, it's also lifestyle. How you think, how you manage your thoughts, how you prioritize yourself. So let's work on that, all together, okay?

Freaking brilliant! Truly!

Liz--you know I love you and am here for you. Whatever you need. Period.
Liz and all...

Love the advice..and am so gratefull for all of it...I also know that 50# is a huge number...but I also know that if I shoot for the moon and fall among the stars...I am still better than I have been in a long while...

In my biz - we make stretch goals a few times a year...ones that really make you push yourself when there is a time you could/would otherwise sit back and accept the average...and this is one of those times for me...

I may only get to 30 pounds lost...but I am writing the #50 all over the house...I am going to make a 50# paper chain tonight with the well as a $500 chain which is our spending /souveigneir money we want for the trip in Dec (That one will be in $20 increments) and we all can cheer each other on...I want the kids to have goals tonight they set for themselves as well...and their's an mine will not be time related (although I would like it to be Dec..might not be achievable) but inner related...something they make themselves happier...

I need to take back control of my life...rather than my life controlling me all the darn time...I need to set small goals that will help me get the big one - Liz you are dead on with that...

So here they are:

#1 Get to bed by 11 p.m. nightly so I can get 7 hours of sleep...
#2 Walk for 1 hour a day for 2 weeks...then start the couch to 5 k
#3 Take a full body/side/back pic of myself for realization of improvement and self awareness of where I started so in those "whoa is me times"...I can choose to not sabbatoge myself.
#4 Write down 5 things I like about myself each morning...and 5 things I liked about my day each evening...
#5 Meal plan for the day the night before
#6 Have good choice foods available ready to eat

That is my start...that is my start...I keep realizing that this start may be 9 months later than my head was wanting it...but that is okay...and that is where I am...and I cannot change the past...but I can own my future...not someone elses viewpoint of what they believe mine will be. It is mine...and I will dictate it...not be a bi-product of it...

E - are a blessing in my life.

Everyone - really - I do so much appreciate every moment of your life you have chosen to share with me...I could have never in my wildest dreams believed that this journey would be going strong 9 months later with so many wonderfull people - and in so many different stages of their health filled journies...and be so connected in the faith and resounding belief that we are all better as a result of each others life experiences and support.

You never know whose life you impact by giving of yourself...and the courage it takes to do that is beyond what I can thank you for in words. :hug:


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