In Search of My Body vol.9 - I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Finally back home! Cam is going to need time to adjust to the cast since she is right handed and that is the one in the cast. Turns out she broke two bones in her wrist. No rest for the weary, though, as she has practice again tonight.

KELLY & ROB--awesome job on C25k! That is how many of us started!

RONDA--amazing pace on the 12 miler! WOOT! Goddess crown for you, totally!

NANCY--can't wait to hear about 9 miler on the TM! :rotfl: OMG, I would D.I.E.

KAT! Jealousy abounds. Good thing I have a trip coming up! :lmao: Keep updating, please! :goodvibes

LIZ--welcome home! Can't wait for details.

AFM--busy, busy. And it is SO SO SO cold. But catch this--yesterday I had a short run scheduled. 3.5 miles. And it was 6* out. Yes. Just SIX little degrees. I ran outside! And you know, it was FINE. I layered appropriately and I was totally comfortable. Normally, my threshold is 19*. Anything colder and I stay inside. But I didn't have any other option yesterday. So Goddess Crown for me!

Now today may be a different story. It is -6* today. NEGATIVE. It is supposed to climb up to 12* today and if it hits that, I will head out. Not sure when I will do my 9. Tuesday and Weds. are both looking decent temperature wise. And Thursday we are supposed to get another major storm. (We had a snow day Friday. And a delay on Weds.) So weather has NOT been cooperating.

Back to catch up some more.
Jo - Mainly it's about fear. This will be my first marathon and I am scared to death of not checking off the runs on my training plan. I'm also afraid of getting hurt on the ice/snow. So put me down as a fraidy cat. I have a few podcasts that I listen to on Saturday long runs. They help. But it just grinds. They are newer machines and handle the speed up/down for the intervals better than the old ones. Okay, there's one more thing... on Saturdays there's nearly no one in the gym (it's at work) so you get to claim a machine and keep it for the whole run. There's something about outlasting EVERYONE who gets on a TM. A perverse pride I guess.

Nancy - yeah, our machines quit after an hour, too. Wussies. I shut it down and reset with a walk break. Sorta like feeding the meter ; )


LOVE this Ronda. And that is how I am, too! There is definitely sense of pride by outlasting everyone on the TM. Especially the skinny girls we give stripper names to! :lmao: Still one of the funniest things ever from this thread!

. Do you think if I don't ever hit 13 I can still finish? Its it that much more on the body going 3 more miles?
( I have done 10)

Enjoy your Sunday all.
Go Bears, Go Steelers!!!

Jo--as others have said, you don't need to train to 13. In fact, NO training plans have you train to 13. Most have you train to 10. I did that with my first longest training run was 10-miler. And it really wasn't great for me. For me personally, I really felt the difference between 10 and 13. So for every race since then, I train to 11.5 and that works out well. Because you can always do just a mile and a half more, right? Seems far less daunting than 3 miles! But for many--like Ronda--training to 10 works well and then the last 3 are just on adrenaline and thrill. You have done one 10-miler, right? So you will DEFINITELY finish. No worries there at all.

LISA--dad update? I need one of those.
have a good run Nancy.

E, sorry about cammies wrist, how long does she have to have the cast on?

Thanks for the,advice all. New goal on saturday 11.5
That's nothing.: ha ha ha
NANCY--can't wait to hear about 9 miler on the TM! :rotfl: OMG, I would D.I.E.

quick report before I catch up.

Yep. 9 miles done.

I was in a pretty bad head space this morning. So many things just dragging me down. I was not optimistic heading into this run. At all. My plan was to run 5, take a quick break to pee and refill my water, then do 4. Not so bad right? :confused3 I get there, and some random guy is on my TM. :mad: (yes, I have my favorite spot :laughing:) so, now I'm in a bad head space AND I'm displaced :headache:

Thankfully, once I got started, I was fine. More than fine. It was really good! I did intervals of walk 1, jog 1, run 6.

The "running" part is getting easier and harder at the same time. Erin & I did a little stride analyzing and discovered that when I am on the TM, my foot strike is wonky when I run at a slower, more cardiovascularly comfortable pace. When I run a bit faster, my foot strike is more correct, thereby not thowing my knee outward and causing hip flexor pain. So, most of my 6 minute runs were at a pretty decent pace (about a 9:10 ) BUT - I find it so much harder cardiovascularly to maintain that faster pace, so the run portions are harder, making the walk segements much more necessary for recovery.

I finished 5.5 miles in 57:50, hit the water fountain and the bathroom, then did the last 3.5 miles in 34:40. And I feel good. :thumbsup2

ok. time to catch up. And shower. Maybe not in that order :laughing:
Nancy, I have not heard of Gu Chomps. I was just at the run store and I got a whole bunch of sports beans so I am sent for the race. Tell me how you like the Gu?

I still use Cliff's shot bloks as my fuel. Love it!

I really like the Sports Beans.

I love all the fuel opinions! I had not seen the Gu Chomps before either. Today I tried sports beans. Like the jelly bean size, consistancy, but so sickly sweet! :crazy2: I like bland, bland, bland when I'm running. Vanilla. Or banana.

Gu gel, I really like except for the mess part. If I don't use the whole packet at once it can be a disaster with the Gu leaking out and oozing all over :eek: It's hard to be neat and tidy whilst running :laughing:

I've also used the Power Gel Energy Blasts. They are less sweet, but more chewy and sticky. A little awkwardly sized for me. I'm wondering if the Gu Chomps will be similar. I've never tried the Cliff's shot bloks, although I do have some Cliff shot gel in my bag as well....

There's something about outlasting EVERYONE who gets on a TM. A perverse pride I guess.

YES! And I love it.

And while we are talking about "perverse". I have my favorite TM at the gym. It's the one where I can see my legs in the mirror across the room. And why, you ask, would I want to see my legs? Because. I'm stupidly competitive. And as long as those legs across the room are still running, then *I'm* going to keep running.

Yes, I'm aware. I'm competing with myself. Insane. But it keeps me moving.:laughing:

For me slow and steady is definitely the way to go!

:thumbsup2 I love that you are loving running.

Someone came up to me at the BW and asked me if they were walking in the direction of the LEGO PEOPLE place. :laughing: So cute. I assumed they meant DD and showed them where the buses were. But they were going to walk.


Finally back home! Cam is going to need time to adjust to the cast since she is right handed and that is the one in the cast. Turns out she broke two bones in her wrist. No rest for the weary, though, as she has practice again tonight.

gee. Let's see if we can figure out who she takes after :rolleyes1

And it was 6* out. Yes. Just SIX little degrees. I ran outside! And you know, it was FINE. I layered appropriately and I was totally comfortable.

How are the road conditions? We don't have much of a shoulder right now, and the snow banks make it tricky to see around corners. Cold temps aside, I honestly just don't trust people around here enough to chance running outside.

There is definitely sense of pride by outlasting everyone on the TM. Especially the skinny girls we give stripper names to! :lmao: Still one of the funniest things ever from this thread!

:lmao: WORD! :lmao:

Jo--as others have said, you don't need to train to 13. In fact, NO training plans have you train to 13.

Mine is an Intermediate level training plan and it does have me going to 12. But the novice and walking plans only go up to 10. If you hit your 11 miles 2 weeks or so before the race (so right around2/13), I think you'll be in great shape!
Nancy - Hmmm, mirror therapy ideas. *MY* treadmill is the one in front of the HVAC vent (doubt it's ACing right now, but at least it's blowing). Nice breeze on my back to keep cool.

I did a tempo run today. Two miles at a pace faster than I want to run or could sustain... around 10:30. Felt good. Glad when it ended.

Hi Everyone!

Just back from jogging - It still makes me laugh every time I type that! :rotfl:

Kelly - woohoo Wednesday. And please remember if it happens to not come THIS week that the running could have you holding onto water. They say when anyone embarks on an intense new program sometimes that happens (I know you exercised before - just that I assume this is a little more intense). Look at me - I'm making sure you're okay because I'm so excited AND nervous. :rotfl2:

I can't wait.

Thanks for looking out for me Lisa :hug:
The holding onto the weight thing is what Im worried about because this exercise is so much more intense than anything Ive done before!
And, if it doesn't come this week it will next week!

Now sitting at urgent care while cammie gets casted. Small fracture to her wrist from Saturday's game. We let it go all week end but she was still sore this morning so in we came. She got the save though and finished the game. Didn't even come out. And she isn't out for the season v

Poor Cammie! Hope shes doing okay in the cast! And for making the save AND finishing the game...Total Rock Star!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day :cool2:
At practice now. She is definitely holding back. It is all I can do not to scream "attack the ball! Go after it!". Um yeah. Just got the cast on. It's ok to be hesitant.
Rob - How are you finding C25K so far? I started it last week! I have planned to do two weeks on each week if that makes sense. For me slow and steady is definitely the way to go!

Well after the first run, I really enjoyed it. I'm gonna do all of week 1 and then try the first day of week 2, if I find that it may be too advanced for where I'm at, I'll drop to two weeks at a time per week.

That was until I woke up yesterday coughing and running a fever. Went to the doctor and have type a flu, so I'm benched until the end of the week from exercise and well....anything.

I still get to look forward to my trip to WDW next week though. The track around PO-FQ will do nicely in my C2K training.
At practice now. She is definitely holding back. It is all I can do not to scream "attack the ball! Go after it!". Um yeah. Just got the cast on. It's ok to be hesitant.

OMG. OMG. :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao:

I SO LOVE it. :love:

Oh and I hope Cammie heals well. ;) She has injury, right? :rotfl2:;)


Have to catch up with everyone.

Kelly - seriously - if not this week - next. But I'm all over this week. It is true that muscles hang on to water when people go all out with a new routine. Bob Greene told me so. Oprah. :surfweb: Doesn't matter anyway. You're there my sweet Kelly. You're there and that's that. I CAN'T WAIT!!

I have to go back and read -

My father - I *think* he's been released. :thumbsup2

But I simply can't find him. :confused::sad2: THe hospital didn't give me a "checked out" 100%. And they - my parents - don't do cell phones - well neither do I. :lmao: And no answer at home. So I'll keep on the hunt.

I'm not home. Have medical testing tomorrow. I should check home again.

I will be back. I'm trying to close out my trip report so you can find me there.

If you're looking for me. :goodvibes ;);)
Okay. Found the father! At home. :yay: He's ill - sleeping - but home! :worship:

And finished my trip report - did a marathon tonight. Yeah! :thumbsup2
Morning All

Yay Steelers!!

have a great day all

I will try to check in via my phone from work.
Its is going to be a long day.. now that we filed chap. 11 there are so many rules when purchasing... YUK...:sick:

Jean says yeah Steelers too. AND was very upset about Chicago Jo.
quick report before I catch up.

Yep. 9 miles done.

I was in a pretty bad head space this morning. So many things just dragging me down. I was not optimistic heading into this run. At all. My plan was to run 5, take a quick break to pee and refill my water, then do 4. Not so bad right? :confused3 I get there, and some random guy is on my TM. :mad: (yes, I have my favorite spot :laughing:) so, now I'm in a bad head space AND I'm displaced :headache:

Thankfully, once I got started, I was fine. More than fine. It was really good! I did intervals of walk 1, jog 1, run 6.

The "running" part is getting easier and harder at the same time. Erin & I did a little stride analyzing and discovered that when I am on the TM, my foot strike is wonky when I run at a slower, more cardiovascularly comfortable pace. When I run a bit faster, my foot strike is more correct, thereby not thowing my knee outward and causing hip flexor pain. So, most of my 6 minute runs were at a pretty decent pace (about a 9:10 ) BUT - I find it so much harder cardiovascularly to maintain that faster pace, so the run portions are harder, making the walk segements much more necessary for recovery.

I finished 5.5 miles in 57:50, hit the water fountain and the bathroom, then did the last 3.5 miles in 34:40. And I feel good. :thumbsup2

ok. time to catch up. And shower. Maybe not in that order :laughing:

YOU may be down. But I'm beginning to think you are a MACHINE. :love:

Look at you. LOOK at you. :love:

And Ronda and you - your TM techniques - the perverse line and the legs. Hysterical.

I love it.
Well after the first run, I really enjoyed it. I'm gonna do all of week 1 and then try the first day of week 2, if I find that it may be too advanced for where I'm at, I'll drop to two weeks at a time per week.

That was until I woke up yesterday coughing and running a fever. Went to the doctor and have type a flu, so I'm benched until the end of the week from exercise and well....anything.

I still get to look forward to my trip to WDW next week though. The track around PO-FQ will do nicely in my C2K training.

Hang in there Rob - hope you're feeling better soon. :surfweb:
Lisa, glad your father is home!

Hi Everyone!!

Day 3... we stayed up waaaay too late last night and I really felt it at 9AM when I went to go check into the 2nd part of our stay. Our room was ready, but... it was a courtyard view BW-view 1-bed. You could see the Boardwalk, but, umm, not really what I consider BW view.

So, I roused Mr Kat (who was QUITE unhappy) and we went down and asked politely to be moved. Unfortunately, room was not ready. We went back and packed up our stuff, and had bell services store it.

Both of us were tired and, well, sort of hungover. Was 70 and sunny, though, gorgeous day. We hit Epcot, got a FP for Soarin', and ate at Sunshine Season. Decided that Epcot was on the busy side, and our Android apps said the waits at HS weren't bad, so we went back out the sneaky back exit and took the boat to HS.

I forced Mr Kat to go look at Toy Story Mania, which said 40 min wait. He reluctantly agreed to wait, and it turned out to be a 15 min wait! Score!

From there, GMR, and then we decided we were too hungover to deal with ToT or RnR. All the shows weren't starting until 4PM (it was 2), so we took the boat back to the BW and had a beer (hair of the dog) at Big River and then our room was ready.

However, we managed to get the LAST room on Crest 'O the Wave, and the absolute furthest room from the elevator possible. You also have a somewhat obstructed view to the left from JellyRolls, but the balcony off the master isn't bad (where I am sitting now, in fact).

I was tired, mildly hungover, and a bit grumpy, so this is where I grumped around for an hour or two. D took a nap, and we went back into Epcot to use our Soarin' FP and eat at La Hacienda.

Night took a total turnaround here. Managed to get the front row of Soarin' (no feet!) and then waited about 20 min for a window table at La Hacienda.

O.M.G. The food was fantastic!! Sooo good. Also, the window table we were given had an incredible view of Illuminations, probably the best I have seen. They dim the lights and play the music, and I swear it was like being in the lake, you are so close. The water laps the shore right in front of you there, and the picture window by our table was high enough for even the highest fireworks. Plus, you are sitting, drink in hand, no jockeying for position, no weather concerns, nothing. It was *awesome*.

Now, off to bed as I have yammered enough. It's supposed to be 77 here tomorrow, but rain.
Morning ALl.

Rob, Sorry you have the flu, get better fast.

Nancy, OMG your pace!! :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Lisa, glad your dad is home. :hug:

Kelly, way to go on your job!, Oh, when I did C25K I did have to "re-do" a week here and there.

Kat, thanks for the info on La Hacienda, sounds wonderful.

I was a lazy a$$ yesterday, no work out. running very late today.
I hope to run tonight, my goal today, TO NOT LET THE STRESS OF WORK GET TO ME..
GAH! Another delayed opening for school.

I am officially sorry that I ever complained about the lack of snow in December. :scared1: We've now had the snowiest January on record, and are due for another 6-10" on Thursday. :sad1:
Hey everyone
Sorry for being MIA the last week. School is in full swing and my teachers have wasted NO time giving us all kinds of work. For the most part I'm enjoying my classes so far, but a little nervous about the amount of work I've got. Two of them are classes I'd had to request no credit for from last semester, so I feel like I at least am a little ahead having completed half of the class. My biology teacher this time around is TONS better, and I feel like I understood more from her in the last two classes than I did in the 8 weeks from the last teacher. It's amazing the difference a great teacher makes. My composition class is kind of scaring me...only 2 papers, a 5-7 page one, and a12-15 page research one. The second one is worth half of my grade :scared1: No slacking on that one.

And it's official. Carlos and I are going on vacation in September to Universal, Seaworld, and likely Busch Gardens. Whatever it takes. We decided we are going because we need it, even if we have to make payments over the summer to afford it. I think with our taxes and what we have saved already we'll be just fine, but I'm a little unsure just because HRH is so much more than we're used to paying at Disney (we stay at the value resorts) but I think it'll be totally worth. It's really been good for us to have something to look forward to and sit down and talk about together and be excited about together.

Lisa :hug: Glad to hear he's home, thanks for keeping us updated :)

Everyone else :flower3: I'll try to come back later and respond to everyone, if my work day isn't too filled with "fun". I'm beginning to wonder if I really want my promotion that badly lol :rolleyes:

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!!!


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