In state of mourning and self-pity. . .


DIS Veteran
Jul 5, 2002
One year ago tomorrow morning, we set sail on the Disney Magic Western turned Mystery Cruise. What a wonderful magical week!!!!

On the one year anniversary, I have to work selling noodles in a hot fair booth-- fun, but no Magic!!!!!!!

Waaaa!!!! I am in Disney withdrawal!!!! Who else needs a little "magic"?
Originally posted by jellymoon
One year ago tomorrow morning, we set sail on the Disney Magic Western turned Mystery Cruise. What a wonderful magical week!!!!

On the one year anniversary, I have to work selling noodles in a hot fair booth-- fun, but no Magic!!!!!!!

Waaaa!!!! I am in Disney withdrawal!!!! Who else needs a little "magic"?

Here is a "Little Moving Magic" for you!!!

The best remedy for withdrawal is to have another one in the works - whether it be 6 months or two years away. Then you may purchase the Disney Peel A Day calendar and begin a new countdown, have little parties on significant countdown days (with little gifts of course). It makes the days off the ship more bearable.

Hang In There,
Dawn Hope
JellyMoon!!! Our "mystery cruise" was such fun. 2 days at Castaway Cay!!!Wish you were sailing with the crazy gang from last year. We leave in 13 days.
I hope you and your family are doing well.
I feel your pain! Another mystery cruiser checking in. We had been in the habit of cruising every September for the last 3 years but since we had that last hurricane, we decided to go another time of year. We are waiting until next May. The weather should be great but I really wish I was doing something right now! We did just book a weekend getaway for January with RCI. Not sure if we will keep it but it is fun to consider. Eat a noodle for me!
Gee, we have been back a week and we are still going through post cruise blues. Disneygal58 I think you are right as far as the rememdy being to have something scheudled to look forward to, regardless of how far off it is. I know I spent a lot of time checking out cruise information before our cruise and now that is all down time. Of course, I could consider cleaning house but what fun would that be! Surely not as much fun as planning another cruise.

jellymoon, I feel your pain. We have gone on the cruise each year since '99 and this year NO cruise :( :( But we have 12/18/04 to look forward to and the 10 day :)
Not to bum anyone out, but I feel your pain. I've just had to cancel a 4 day in December. We have put an offer on a house that was accepted, it is new construction to be finished 12-15 the day after we would have come back, and we just don't have the funds or vacation time for both. We were going to build a custom home and thought we would be moving later but it was going to cost more than we could afford so we found a spec home that we can at least pick out our colors and fixtures and stuff. We are planning to book another cruise in the spring after things settle down but it is not much consolation at this point. I've never been on a cruise before but had this one all planned out and the kids were excited... now just how to tell them? Gosh, it sucks being a grown-up sometimes!
Thanks to everyone on the board for your help and I hope to be back in a few months!


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