In Training: Marathon Weekend 2015 (Dopey Challenge)! **COMPLETE**

Glad the walking and yoga helped. I find it really hard to go do, but totally worth it in the end. And yes, peak week is this week with a long day of travel and resulting jet lag thrown in the middle just to keep the challenge level up. :)
I've been having a really hard time getting to yoga lately...ridiculous as the studio is less than 10 minutes from my house. I'm hoping with the reduction in mileage over the next couple of weeks I'll be a better yogi. :thumbsup2

You just like to keep things interesting, don't you? :)
Your marathon nightmare sure didn't take long to show up. Ah, the joys of tapering. If it's not the crazy dreams, it's the paranoia of every sniffle turning into the worst sickness known to man. :rolleyes:
I know! I forgot about those dreams...:(

So far I'm not paranoid about getting sick - YET - just more paranoid about the arch pain I've been experiencing off and on over the past few months. I think that's where the "getting swept" nightmare came from. :sad:

To anyone has been reading this PTR, I'm sure it's no mystery that I like to shop (lately for Disney stuff and SparkleSkirts...LOVE). :) It is also no mystery that I like to PLAN. So I was excited to see runDisney's merchandise preview on Facebook last week so that I could make a list of what I want to buy at the expo.

First, the things I have already pre-purchased - the 6 official pins and the Dooney. I just need to pick those up. :thumbsup2

Then they released the Champion Minnie line - the crops, sports bra and "Run Your Ears Off" shirt. None of this stuff really does it for me. I think the bra is cute, but I don't NEED it.

Then the official merch was released. I'm not gonna mince words - I think the Dopey stuff SUCKS. Maybe it's because Dopey has never been a favorite character of mine, maybe it's because this seemingly looks like only merch for guys (at least in my opinion, referring to the shirt and the jacket) and does not appeal to me, an admittedly girly girl, but I'm just not excited about the Dopey stuff. Unless there's way more Dopey merch at the expo than what is on Facebook (entirely possible, I think, since this is just a preview) the only Dopey item I see myself getting is the I Did It shirt. :confused3 Even the one in the picture doesn't look like women's cut so I have to think there's more than what's in these pictures.

I also really like the I Did It shirts for Goofy and the marathon too. I'm definitely going to get the marathon one (love the colors), possibly the Goofy one as well. And I need that I Did It SweatyBand in the picture below for the marathon. (Again, I don't think this is all of the merch, as they usually have men's and women's cuts available for these I Did It shirts...the only race that has both men's and women's cut shown in this picture is the marathon.)

I really like the navy shirt in this picture, so I want to grab that, too. That's an item that I'm considering a "must get," and I hope there's a women's-cut option. And I'll possibly grab the Tervis tumbler as well...should be useful for DCL. But I'll most likely only get that one if they have a 24-ounce one available. Of all the items in this picture, the one I have seen people mention the most is the special rD MagicBand. While I admit I love rD and love to shop, I will NOT be paying for a MagicBand.

I like, but don't love, the Goofy merch. The sort of raspberry-colored hoodie is really cute (this is what I mean when I say that the Dopey merch doesn't look girly to me - Goofy, the half and the marathon clearly have stuff made for women - you can tell by the cuts and the colors of the items) and I like the SweatyBand, so if I get any Goofy stuff it'll be those things. I have so many short- and long-sleeved tech shirts, and I'll be getting 5 more this weekend anyway with the race participant shirts (not counting the 5K shirt in that tally as it'll be a short-sleeved cotton shirt), so I don't see myself buying more of them.

If there's Coast to Coast stuff there when I go that I like, I'll most likely grab it. Somehow I think it's more likely that there will be better availability of 2015 C2C stuff in January versus September...when people will most likely be finishing their C2C challenge, if that makes sense. Again, this is more proof (to me) that they aren't showing everything way are they only selling short-sleeved tech shirts for C2C. They'll have jackets, hats, etc. as well, if past years are any indication.

That brings me to the half marathon and marathon merchandise, where - in my opinion - runDinsey knocked it out of the park. Without a doubt my favorite item from Wine & Dine weekend is the lilac Champion hoodie I bought (obsessed with it, wear it all the time), and I was excited to see what I think is the same hoodie with a design for January's half marathon. This one is another must-get for me, along with the SweatyBand. I don't have any WDW half marathon-specific merch so this will be a first for me. I also like the short-sleeved tech shirt (the long-sleeved one is okay, but no Donald on it?! :() but like I said above, I really do not need any more tech shirts (of course I don't need any more purses either, and yet, a Dooney will be coming home with me :teeth:).

Love, love, love the marathon merch this year. I love the grey and the turquoise. Again, I do not plan on buying the short- or long-sleeved tech shirts (even though I really like them), but I kind of like the tank top. And if they have a version of the hoodie similar to the half marathon one, it will be coming home with me. I don't like this full-zip option they are showing here. Mickey is my favorite Disney character (along with Minnie) though, so I could see myself breaking my "no tech shirt" rule and buying something else here.

When I talked about Wine & Dine, I think I mentioned that I had made a list of what I wanted ahead of time. This was super helpful to me - I knew exactly what I wanted and what it looked like, so I didn't waste time just wandering. I'd like to do the same for this year - especially since I heard so much stuff sold out last year - but like I said above, I really do feel like this is not the full selection of their merch...which is odd since they showed pretty much everything before Wine & Dine weekend on Facebook. :confused3 Maybe I'm wrong.

Having said that, this is my current shopping list:
- Dopey medal pin...this is my number one must-get item and is not the same as the pin I pre-ordered. I want it to put on the ribbon of the Coast-to-Coast medal I will (hopefully) be getting in September (along with a Dumbo Double Dare pin)
- a 2015 runDisney Vinylmation + medals for the half, marathon, Goofy and Dopey (I don't think they make these medals for the 5K and 10K)
- I Did It shirts - Dopey and marathon for sure, possibly Goofy
- Navy runDisney shirt with park icons and race mascots
- runDisney Tervis tumbler (if 24 ounces)
- Hoodie(s) - half marathon (marathon or Goofy?)
- SweatyBands - half marathon, marathon, Goofy?
- Coast to Coast gear
- Bibs, race shirts and race pins (already purchased)
- Dooney (already purchased)
- Free bookmark (LOLOLOL)

SparkleSkirts won't be at this expo, so no skirts for me (for now). RawThreads and SweatyBands willbe, but since I have zeroed in on official rD SweatyBands that I want, I won't be visiting their booth. And RawThreads has not been wowing me with their new stuff lately. Overall I think the only booth where I want to buy stuff is the official merch booth this time around.

So I think that's it! far. :teeth: I am fully preparing myself for the possibility that I will need to go back to the expo on Thursday to get all of the items that I want (assuming they run out on Wednesday and re-stock that night). I hope I don't have to, though! :sad2:

Continued in Next Post
I've been having a really hard time getting to yoga lately...ridiculous as the studio is less than 10 minutes from my house. I'm hoping with the reduction in mileage over the next couple of weeks I'll be a better yogi. :thumbsup2

My wife is a yoga teacher. I have no excuses. ;)

You just like to keep things interesting, don't you? :)

The perils of living overseas, I guess. Better than flying in the week of the races, though. I'm pretty good with jet lag, but even so, it still takes me 3-4 days to be normal.

So far I'm not paranoid about getting sick - YET - just more paranoid about the arch pain I've been experiencing off and on over the past few months. I think that's where the "getting swept" nightmare came from. :sad:

You've trained hard and are now ready to let your body recover and heal. You won't get swept. :)
That is a lot of choices for the merchandise! I hope that is a good sign for Star Wars Half & Rebel Challenge.

Good job on your training! You will get it done!
Excellent job on completing your mock Dopey training runs. Enjoy the taper...and the taper madness. ;)

I love how organized you are on what merchandise you want. :thumbsup2 I don't have a clue what I want other than the Goofy car magnet (if there are any left when I get to the Expo). I'd also love another hat although they are only showing visors posted. Hoping that they have some hats. I bought a hat there in 2013 that I love. Last year I couldn't find any, so don't know if they were just sold out by the time we got there or if they didn't have them at all. :confused3

I also will be picking up my Dooney so I'm stoked about that and also part of why I probably won't buy much else at the expo. I figure with the three tech shirts I'm getting for the races, I really don't have an excuse to buy any more shirts. But, that may not matter once I'm there and faced with all the merchandise. :rotfl:
My wife is a yoga teacher. I have no excuses. ;)
Touche!! :)
The perils of living overseas, I guess. Better than flying in the week of the races, though. I'm pretty good with jet lag, but even so, it still takes me 3-4 days to be normal.
Oh, I'm sure! I'm in the same time zone as WDW and I STILL feel like I can't quite adjust once I get there...
You've trained hard and are now ready to let your body recover and heal. You won't get swept. :)
Thank you for saying this...really and truly. I KNOW this is true, I just forget sometimes...if that makes sense. :goodvibes
That is a lot of choices for the merchandise! I hope that is a good sign for Star Wars Half & Rebel Challenge.
Did you see the Dooneys they have up for pre-order?? I thought those were pretty cool! Definitely a good sign. I just hope you don't have to deal with super crazy insane lines...
Good job on your training! You will get it done!
Thank you!! :)
Excellent job on completing your mock Dopey training runs. Enjoy the taper...and the taper madness. ;)
Thank you!! How did your mock Goofy go?! And a Very Merry Taper to you! :santa:
I love how organized you are on what merchandise you want. :thumbsup2 I don't have a clue what I want other than the Goofy car magnet (if there are any left when I get to the Expo). I'd also love another hat although they are only showing visors posted. Hoping that they have some hats. I bought a hat there in 2013 that I love. Last year I couldn't find any, so don't know if they were just sold out by the time we got there or if they didn't have them at all. :confused3
Haha, thanks! :thumbsup2 It seriously was SO helpful having a list at Wine & Dine and knowing what the stuff that I wanted looked friends will tell you I was in and out very, very quickly (they still tease me about it). :teeth: I've heard other people mention wanting hats over visors, I hope there are some options for you!! I really do think this is just a portion of what they will have. I haven't had a problem getting items I wanted in the past, but runDisney just continues to get more and more popular so you never know...
I also will be picking up my Dooney so I'm stoked about that and also part of why I probably won't buy much else at the expo. I figure with the three tech shirts I'm getting for the races, I really don't have an excuse to buy any more shirts. But, that may not matter once I'm there and faced with all the merchandise. :rotfl:
I'm thinking/hoping Santa will be bringing me some Disney gift cards this year...they will be spent VERY quickly at the official merchandise area. :thumbsup2 I am SO excited for the Dooney, but I almost feel like I can't carry it until the marathon is over!! Weird superstition I guess - I've already decided I won't wear the race shirts (as usual) or any official merch until the races are done. :eek: It'll all just sit in the room waiting for me...
Thank you for saying this...really and truly. I KNOW this is true, I just forget sometimes...if that makes sense. :goodvibes

It makes perfect sense. We tend to focus so much on what's ahead of us that we forget all we've done to get there. :thumbsup2
Thank you!! How did your mock Goofy go?! And a Very Merry Taper to you! :santa:

It went really well. I was very happy to have that 10/20 miles over and done with for sure. And happy to have the "hay in the barn". I need to update my report. :rotfl:
I totally agree about the merchandise.

I think the Dopey stuff looks a bit ... Cheap and nasty? But the Half and Full stuff is great - particularly the aqua and grey.

I'm sad there will be no sparkleskirts at the expo, having just bought my first one. I was hoping to avoid further international shipping :rotfl:

Great job on your last week before :dance3: :dance3: taper! :dance3: :dance3:
Love your merch picks! That's a nice list!

I too wish I liked the Dopey stuff more. I'm hoping the Dopey tank is cuter in person. If so, I might pick that up. I'll probably grab the Dopey SweatyBand too.

I really love the marathon merch in turquoise and gray! I'm considering the turquoise Mickey tech shirt and/or the gray tank and maybe the turquoise hoodie. Probably the Mickey SweatyBand too. I'd love a marathon hat if they have one.

Hmm, what else... I like the blue C2C tech shirt, and I'm also hoping to do Dumbo this year for C2C, but I'm not totally sure, so I'll probably wait on that. Maybe the RunDisney tumbler, I really love the design on that! Do they ever do water bottles? I like the runDisney Magic Band, but I don't really go to WDW often enough to justify buying one.

I preordered all six of the pins ( I like to turn them into fridge magnets), so I'll be picking those up. Also preordered the jacket (have we seen the design on those yet?) I didn't totally love the Dooney, so I'll probably pass on those...unless I see them in person and decide I can't live without one. Lol.
It makes perfect sense. We tend to focus so much on what's ahead of us that we forget all we've done to get there. :thumbsup2
Very true! I need to print this out and tape it to my bathroom mirror or something. :thumbsup2
It went really well. I was very happy to have that 10/20 miles over and done with for sure. And happy to have the "hay in the barn". I need to update my report. :rotfl:
Isn't that the best feeling?! :goodvibes

Glad you guys made it through. Looking forward to reading about it...hint hint. ;)
I totally agree about the merchandise.

I think the Dopey stuff looks a bit ... Cheap and nasty? But the Half and Full stuff is great - particularly the aqua and grey.
LOLOL that's hilarious!! :rotfl2: I love that!
I'm sad there will be no sparkleskirts at the expo, having just bought my first one. I was hoping to avoid further international shipping :rotfl:
Ooooh yeah. They are addicting so that could add up.

Apparently it's way too expensive for them to get a booth at the expo, but they do have some deals at their headquarters (which is nearby). Part of me is tempted to figure out a way to go to their headquarters...on the other hand...that takes away from WDW time so I know I won't actually do it. :thumbsup2
Great job on your last week before :dance3: :dance3: taper! :dance3: :dance3:
THANKS!!! :teeth:
Love your merch picks! That's a nice list!
I too wish I liked the Dopey stuff more. I'm hoping the Dopey tank is cuter in person. If so, I might pick that up. I'll probably grab the Dopey SweatyBand too.
I'm okay with not liking a lot of it, just because as you can see from my list I'll be buying pretty much everything else...:rotfl2:
I really love the marathon merch in turquoise and gray! I'm considering the turquoise Mickey tech shirt and/or the gray tank and maybe the turquoise hoodie. Probably the Mickey SweatyBand too. I'd love a marathon hat if they have one.
The marathon stuff is definitely my favorite.

I bet they will have hats. There was a post on the Disney Parks Blog about the marathon weekend merch and the author said in the comments that what is in the pictures is part of what they have, not everything is shown there. :confused3
Hmm, what else... I like the blue C2C tech shirt, and I'm also hoping to do Dumbo this year for C2C, but I'm not totally sure, so I'll probably wait on that. Maybe the RunDisney tumbler, I really love the design on that! Do they ever do water bottles? I like the runDisney Magic Band, but I don't really go to WDW often enough to justify buying one.
I could see not wanting to commit to C2C just yet. We (my friends and I) are pretty dead set on Disneyland this September so I'm hoping I can grab some stuff in a few weeks (!!!!).
I preordered all six of the pins ( I like to turn them into fridge magnets), so I'll be picking those up. Also preordered the jacket (have we seen the design on those yet?) I didn't totally love the Dooney, so I'll probably pass on those...unless I see them in person and decide I can't live without one. Lol.
Good plan with the pins! That's a cool idea. :thumbsup2 I have all of mine on a little bulletin board hanging in the kitchen. :)
I read and LOVED your Poor, Unfortunate Soles TR so I figured it was time to help fuel my marathon weekend excitement by reading through all your posts here. Wow- what an awesome documentation of all your running adventures. It sure looks impressive when you have all your hard work written out in front of you like that!

I'm glad I'm not the only person who actually like the merch released so far! It seems like a lot of people aren't fans but I am! (Granted, I'm doing Goofy- not Dopey, and probably wouldn't love the Dopey stuff if that's what I was looking for.) I'm kinda hoping that grey Goofy hoodie will be available in some other colors (maybe the raspberry or the light green!) I agree- the Goofy stuff definitely looks more feminine than the Dopey stuff. The colors of the full and half stuff are great! Agree 100% with you that they killed that stuff!

Can't wait to see it all in person!
I read and LOVED your Poor, Unfortunate Soles TR so I figured it was time to help fuel my marathon weekend excitement by reading through all your posts here. Wow- what an awesome documentation of all your running adventures. It sure looks impressive when you have all your hard work written out in front of you like that!
Thanks for much for stopping by, and for the kind words on my Goofy report. :)

I think you're onto something with having everything written out...during times when I'm feeling a little less-than-confident, it helps to look back and see the work I've put in over the course of this year! :goodvibes
I'm glad I'm not the only person who actually like the merch released so far! It seems like a lot of people aren't fans but I am! (Granted, I'm doing Goofy- not Dopey, and probably wouldn't love the Dopey stuff if that's what I was looking for.) I'm kinda hoping that grey Goofy hoodie will be available in some other colors (maybe the raspberry or the light green!) I agree- the Goofy stuff definitely looks more feminine than the Dopey stuff. The colors of the full and half stuff are great! Agree 100% with you that they killed that stuff!

Can't wait to see it all in person!
I definitely think they will have WAY more than what they showed in that preview...I hope so, anyway! My credit card is ready to go!!

You picked a great year to go Goofy, that is for sure. :)
Week 7 of Dopey Challenge Training
Monday, December 22, 2014 - Sunday, December 28, 2014

21 miles completed
187.65 miles completed in Dopey Challenge training so far
834.26 miles completed in 2014 so far

I don't have any good pictures from this week so I'll just have to sprinkle in some of my favorite character photos from past runDisney races. Good? Good. ::yes::

Monday, December 22: 60-minute Core class planned, unscheduled rest day taken

After running 20 miles and having the foot soreness pop up on the run, last night I decided that taking another rest day would be a good idea. So no Core this morning!

But I have to say, I feel really, really good today. Not super tired despite a not ideal night of sleep (see below), and the soreness in my quads and hamstrings is almost complete gone. I'm thinking I’ll feel 100% recovered by tomorrow, if not Wednesday. And my foot isn't bothering me at all today...HUGE relief. Speaking of the foot I went back through this thread of mine and read about what I did when I was recovering from the last arch issue (why is this a regular thing with me now?!)...I am going to take it SUPER easy on the treadmill tomorrow, that is for sure. Maybe start out with 2/1 intervals and see how that goes, build up from there? It worked last time, hopefully it'll work this time. ::yes::

I mentioned that I didn't have a great night of sleep last night...that's because IT HAPPENED. I had my first Marathon Weekend nightmare (which I mentioned upthread)! :sad: I dreamed that I arrived at the marathon starting area having forgotten everything I needed for the race - no sunglasses, no Garmin, no fuel, no running shoes (I was wearing Crocs instead...???). I'd managed to dress myself in running clothes, so that's something...but still…I think I also dreamed I got swept during the marathon, so that's not cool. :(

In other news, I finished listening to Serial on my way into work this morning. :) Don't worry, I won't spoil it for anyone. I listened to all 12 episodes in one weekend! Now I need to find something new...

Finish line of the 2011 Princess Half Marathon with my brother...and about 30 extra pounds on my frame! :eek:

Tuesday, December 23: 4-mile treadmill run

Switching the schedule around a little bit this week...because last night I looked at the weather and saw it's supposed to be 60 degrees tomorrow. In Ohio. On Christmas Eve. WHAT?!

Doing 5 miles outside in 60-degree weather sounds a lot nicer than 5 miles on the treadmill, so I decided to do my 4-miler this morning and my 5-miler tomorrow. Of course now that it's later in the day I'm looking at the weather again and there’s a little thunderstorm picture by tomorrow. Greeeeat.

Anyway, after Saturday's 20-miler my shoes (which had almost 400 miles on them) went right in the trash. I'd started to feel some shin pain, which pretty much never happens to it was time. Today I threw on a new pair - they look exactly like my old ones (blue Brooks Adrenalines). I also have a pink pair. I'm planning on wearing the blue pair for the 5K/half marathon and the pink pair for the 10K/marathon, so I need to break both pairs in. I read somewhere that before wearing a new pair of shoes in a race, you should put the amount of miles that your race is on the shoes. What a clunky way to say I need to aim to have about 13 miles on the blue pair and 26 miles on the pink pair. I managed to plan it out so that I'll have 12 on the blue pair and 26 on the pink pair before I leave for WDW...pretty good.

Fascinating stuff, right? :idea:

Anyway, 4 miles on the treadmill. After my foot soreness during the 20-miler I took it super easy on this run. For all run intervals I did 5.8 MPH (10:20/mile pace). For the first mile I did 2:00 run intervals...2:20 intervals for the second mile...2:40 intervals for the third mile, and 3:00 intervals for the last mile. It went okay. I did feel a little stiff, and while my foot didn't hurt at all, I was *aware* of it, if that makes sense. Maybe just getting used to the new shoes? Total time for this run was 46:58, 11:45ish/mile.

And now I get a couple of days off of work! WOOHOO!

Another one from the finish line of the 2011 Princess Half Marathon!

Wednesday, December 24: 5-mile run
Weather: 55 degrees...overcast with wind and light mist

That awesome weather forecast came true! I did my run outside. Wearing a skirt without leggings underneath. And a short-sleeved top. SUCH a nice change after running in the cold over the past few weeks!

There were thunderstorms in the forecast for later, so I wanted to make sure to get this run in earlier in the day. I wore my other new pair of shoes today - I felt a little stiff in my feet and legs, but otherwise I felt pretty good. I really do think the nicer weather had a lot to do with that - my mindset was just sooooo much better today. I went back to my 4/1 intervals today and my foot didn't bother me...whew! I made an effort to not look at my watch very much and was surprised to see that my total time for this run was 54:14, a 10:51/mile pace. Definitely one of my faster runs I have had lately.

Tonight we went to my aunt's house for Christmas Eve...always a fun time. I made mini gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese icing...yum!

With some of my favorite golfers during the 2012 Marathon!

Thursday, December 25: Rest Day

Merry Christmas!! :yay:

Sad news today - Will woke up sick! On Christmas! Ugh. He decided it would be best to stay home, and I didn't blame him - he really did seem miserable, and we definitely did not want anyone else to catch whatever he had (my worst fears were that he had the flu, but luckily it turned out to be more like a bad cold...WHEW).

So with Will and the dog back home, I traveled around solo today. First stop was my dad's house, and after that I headed to my mom's house for the main event. Two big things happened here - 1. My mom gave me a Disney giftcard for Christmas (which will promptly be spent at the expo - THANKS MOM!!) and, 2. I told my brother about the Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend in Disneyland and he totally wants to do it. So that may be on tap for me for 2016! :)

I also made a salted caramel dark chocolate pie to bring to Christmas, along with the rest of the mini cupcakes. For the first time ever we somehow ended up with too many desserts, so I got to bring home lots of leftovers (including dinner leftovers for Will). :)

Meeting up with some Christmas pals during the 2013 Marathon!

Friday, December 26: Hot Yoga Flow

Finally got back to yoga today! I could definitely tell it had been was not one of my best classes, that's for sure. My arms were shaking like weak little noodles. Blech! But hey, I didn't that's something.

Good news - Will has already recovered from yesterday's crud! Hopefully I didn't catch it.

With the ladies during the 2013 Marathon!

Saturday, December 27: 12-mile run
54 degrees and windy with some clouds/mist

Last double-digit run of training! Woohoo!

It wasn't a great one, unfortunately. I mean, most of it was okay, but I think I just had this idea in my head that since this run was SO much shorter than last week's long run, that it would be super, super easy. Which is silly because it's still 12 miles...

Before I left home, I searched my Podcast app for "Walt Disney World Marathon" and downloaded about 5 podcasts...I thought listening to others talk about the races would pump me up. I listened to about 3 of them over the course of my run and overall I'd say they were duds (names will not be divulged to protect the innocent! ;)). But I will say...when one of them was at the starting line and I heard a musical version of "When You Wish Upon A Star" playing as the person's corral started...I teared up a bit. So many feeeeelings.

Anyway - the run. I have been thinking a bit about my 20-miler - WHY didn't I do 3/1 intervals?! Isn't that what helped me so much during my 18-miler? I'm dumb. So I went back to 3/1 today. My foot didn't bother me and my overall pace WAS right now I'm thinking 4/1 intervals for the half and 3/1 intervals for the marathon. Not sure about the 5K and 10K yet...probably 4/1 for those, too.

For this run I wore the pink shoes, and they still feel a little stiff. I started to feel a wee bit sore toward the end of this run and the last 3 miles really dragged (especially as the wind picked up and it started to lightly rain), but it's done! Total time was 2:19:12, 11:36/mile pace.

Just 4 runs left!!!

2013 Wine & Dine finish line!

Sunday, December 28: Rest Day

I thought about yoga today and decided to sleep in instead. Also, I started to pack for Disney today. SQQQUUUUEEEEEE!!

One full week of training left! :yay:

One of my few good/dry pictures from this year's Wine & Dine...

Continued in Next Post
For some reason your post made me so jealous! Im dealing with some kind of injury with my leg and not running at all. I didn't realize how much I actually need to run now. It's such a huge part of my life! And it doesn't help that I can't exercise away all of these holiday calories :crazy2:

Figures I make it through all of Dopey training without a problem, and 2 weeks before the races something starts to hurt :headache:
For some reason your post made me so jealous! Im dealing with some kind of injury with my leg and not running at all. I didn't realize how much I actually need to run now. It's such a huge part of my life! And it doesn't help that I can't exercise away all of these holiday calories :crazy2:

Figures I make it through all of Dopey training without a problem, and 2 weeks before the races something starts to hurt :headache:
Oh no!! I hate that for you. I can semi-relate - I was so jealous back in September when everyone else was starting their Dopey training and I was just resting. It's incredibly frustrating.

You're definitely smart to rest it tough as it may be. All of your other hard work will carry you through. I hope you feel better soon! :hug:
2015 Walt Disney World Marathon - The Outfit

Okay, the grand finale of the weekend! Although for anyone that's been reading this pre-trip report since the beginning, this may not come as much of a surprise since I have mentioned this outfit before. :)

Early this year I had a Dopey-inspired outfit ready to go for the marathon - the green Love 48.6 RawThreads equilibrium top with a plain purple SparkleSkirt. At first I thought it was perfect, but as time went on, I just wasn't feeling it. Partly because I figured out that the RawThreads tanks just don't work for me, and partly because...I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it. :confused: Also, I'm pretty sure that green tank would have shown the sweat like crazy and would have looked awful by the end of the race. And then I figured out that the RT shirts don't really breathe or wick moisture super well (man, I'm really going to be dying in my RT shirt during the half, aren't I?! :crazy2:) AND they chafe my arms, so that sealed the deal. I really love RT shirts for everyday wear - for races, they aren't my favorite.

As time went on, another contender emerged, and I actually ended up selling both the tank and the skirt I'd originally planned on wearing (the SweatyBand survived my running clothes purge and I still use it regularly - it's part of my 10K outfit) there's no turning back now!

I topless/classic Minnie-inspired outfit for the marathon!

First, an absolutely perfect SweatyBand - the Lil Bow Peep (the one on the left):

I thought about wearing a pair of ears (specifically the black, sequined ears with red bow or the black ears with the red and white polka-dotted bow sold in the parks), but after the headache I got from wearing ears for the Jingle Jungle 5K, there's just no way I can stand it for the marathon. Plus, the SweatyBand option is cheaper than buying a new pair of ears and I have gotten, and I will get a decent amount of use out of it.

Going much simpler with the top - just a plain ol', tried and true black Nike dri-fit top.

And finally...a SparkleSkirt, natch. The RedMiniTech!

And I can't forget my pink Brooks Adrenalines. I guess if I was really dedicated I'd attached yellow felt on them or something to make them look like Minnie's shoes. Meh...I'm too lazy for that.

So this is the outfit that dethroned the Dopey-inspired outfit I had all ready to go at the beginning of this year. I just love Minnie (obviously since she's my avatar!) - wearing this outfit for the 10K seems too obvious, and it seems somewhat appropriate to represent Mickey's true love during the Mickey-themed marathon. :love:

The big problem with this outfit? Wearing a black top out in the Florida sun. I may be cursing myself for this one in a few weeks. But at least I'll look cute doing it! :upsidedow

Continued in Next Post
I'm glad I much as I struggled through the class, I felt REALLY good once it was done. :) Did you hit the mat today?

No, he says sheepishly. Turns out to be a good thing. My wife went and said it was an awful class with a very poor instructor and she's glad she hadn't dragged me to it. Sometimes being lazy is the right call. :lmao:

And then I figured out that the RT shirts don't really breathe or wick moisture super well (man, I'm really going to be dying in my RT shirt during the half, aren't I?! :crazy2:)

You might be a bit uncomfortable if it's warm and humid. But on the plus side, you'll look sharp for your pre-race pictures! ;)


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