info on fan club

I got a fan club card from my husbands work. The HR department gave it to him
Is the fan club card only for companys or can anyone get it (say someone who is self-employed) If so how does it work
Answers to Fan Club Questions.......

What is the Fan Club?
The Universal Studios Fan Club is offered to business which meet their enrollment criteria. Once a corporation is enrolled, the employer can pass on this benefit in the form of a discount card to their employees. It is very similar to the old Magic Kingdom Club.

How do you join?
By asking your HR department, your travel agent, your bank...

Is there a cost to join?
Fan Club cards are FREE

What are the benefits of being a Fan Club Member?
The basics are: discounted tickets, discounted resort rates, and 10% off meals and merchandise

You can get more info here:

If you are unable to get a card thru your employer, you are welcome to email me your mailing address, and I will send one to you.


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