Is everything normal in your neck of the woods?

I was at the grocery store around 645 this morning since I was out anyway and milk, eggs, cleaning supplies were wiped out. Then I stopped into another store and was able to get eggs and the store was jammed packed with shoppers - this was close to 8am. It was crazy (Maryland).
Still nowhere near normal here in nyc, but for some convoluted reason, ALL of the schools are not closed yet
Northwest GA

All is good here. Although we have heard there are a couple cases in the county next to us. It is business and school as usual.

Nothing is normal here in North Georgia. This is the most abnormal time I have ever experienced in my life. Never thought I would see this level of shut-down. It’s like an international snow day (or snow month).

Lol. You guys live in the same area?
Clay County FL cancelled the Clay County Fair. That is such a big deal here. The libraries are cancelling all the programs and gatherings scheduled until April 1st, including all educational outreach programs.

Also, the Players cancelled the tournament, with 3 rounds left. The Jumbo Shrimp (minor league baseball) cancelled job fairs. UNF halted all games and practices and training sessions. Jax Icemen (minor hockey) are cancelling all sessions as well.

In Jax, Josh Groban has cancelled his concert; also Michael Buble. FL Theater postponed performances. Generation W pushed the conference back to Sept. The Cummer Museum is postponing lectures, concerts and productions. Ameilia Island is cancelling Itzhak Perlman. St Augustine Amphiteater and Ponte Vedra concert hall are cancelling all performance thru the 1st as well, including Farmers markets, Steve Hackett, Graham Nash, Bruce Hornsby, and Jimmie Vaughn; as well as the Celtic Festival, Seafood Festival and Rotary Clubs Rib Festival.
NYC here.

My firm has started to shut down their west coast offices, so we are next I'm sure. With all these closings, I can almost hear the shutters rattling down around me. I have a WDW trip in April booked and a trip to Japan in July for the Olympics, neither of which are looking promising - and I'm ok to cancel if it comes to that (in fact, I'm kind of waiting for the airlines to cancel on me). I'm not so freaked about the healthscare part of all of this, as I am spooked at all the closings. I wouldn't be shocked if the next minute everything turned to black and white and I start hearing the Twilight Zone music wherever I go.
Was planning on going into NYC yesterday to see Diana in previews on Broadway......decided not to go about an hour before the announcement was made that Broadway was going dark. Don't know when I will get the chance again. Everything here in Downstate NY is crazy. Went to pick up some milk and it looked like a hoard of locust went through the store....hardly anything on the shelves....absolutely no meat at all. Super long check out lines at 8:00 am. At least people were not acting crazy. Many schools are closed by us, all activities are cancelled.

On a lighter note.....a pizza joint in the area is giving away a roll of TP with every pizza ordered!!

Our governor (TN) declared a state of emergency yesterday, & our mayor declared a state of emergency today.

Yesterday, local public schools were closed through at least 3/30. Today, the mayor has suspended any events at activity centers, senior centers, libraries, & other gathering places, & all public events at our major venues have been suspended as well. Non-essential travel for city employees has been suspended, & employees will be encouraged to work from home.

While, there are, as of yesterday, 18 confirmed cases in the state, We have not yet had ONE case confirmed in our county or in any surrounding counties.

However, there are TONS of rumors circulating in the community that there are patients in both of our main hospitals that are being isolated & treated in negative pressure rooms & that they aren’t being tested because we don’t have tests.

And we’re out of toilet paper everywhere!
NYC is a bit weird. I started working from home yesterday, but this has been on my mind for awhile so I had started to "stock up" little by little already. There was definitely a shift in mood here between Wednesday & Thursday, I think likely due to the larger cancellations beginning to happen like NBA and also the Tom Hanks news. I stepped out last night to run an errand (I'm mostly social distancing now, but while things are open, I'm still going to let myself out of the house now and then!) and there were still a lot of people out and about, likely because my neighborhood is quite residential and all the stores/businesses are on strips (the avenues). The grocery store was a madhouse, which made me glad I did a big shop on Wednesday night. We'll see how this all goes! I'm personally glad I can avoid Times Square for the forseeable future.
Our governor (TN) declared a state of emergency yesterday, & our mayor declared a state of emergency today.

Yesterday, local public schools were closed through at least 3/30. Today, the mayor has suspended any events at activity centers, senior centers, libraries, & other gathering places, & all public events at our major venues have been suspended as well. Non-essential travel for city employees has been suspended, & employees will be encouraged to work from home.

While, there are, as of yesterday, 18 confirmed cases in the state, We have not yet had ONE case confirmed in our county or in any surrounding counties.

However, there are TONS of rumors circulating in the community that there are patients in both of our main hospitals that are being isolated & treated in negative pressure rooms & that they aren’t being tested because we don’t have tests.

And we’re out of toilet paper everywhere!
We have our first case in Knox County TN (Someone who had travelled overseas but had been in self quarantine since returning). public schools are closed today but no word on what happens after Spring Break. My daughter goes to a catholic school and while they are open today we got a letter that all her supplies needed for two weeks are being sent home and we will receive instruction through her class app just in case they don’t return right away. I fully expect them to be out for two weeks.

Dollywood is supposed to open this weekend, our city St Pats parade for this weekend is cancelled
Washington State here. I would recommend everyone prepare and take this seriously. Looks like my college kids will be doing Spring online instruction only. Everyone is back home. Don't know quite yet about my high schooler. School board is meeting today to see when they will close. They already sent out an email asking us to start making preparations. Stores are wiped out. Folks on edge. Haven't see so much road rage. Lots of stress.

My job is in the travel industry and though they asked us to work overtime because of the demand with cancellations, I see how this is going to hurt travel long term. Being cautious and budgeting is never a bad idea. Experts say we are just at the beginning of this crisis.

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Things are officially insane here. (Eastern MA)
School is officially closed for the next 2 weeks at least. I teach at an elementary school and we spent time today scrambling to get work together for the students. Middle School and High School will be online.
Panic shopping is rampant.
Not sure what will be happening with my college student who is 5,000 miles away studying in Hawaii. I am guessing it's just a matter of time before he is sent home.
My dog and cat will be thrilled that my daughter and I will be home with nowhere to go because virtually everything to do is closed.
Well, our county just closed all public parks, campsites, libraries, any event centers. The Jax zoo and all museums are closed.

Trump just announced a state of emergency nationwide.

ETA: Ds's school district said they aren't officially closing and going to online only just yet; any absences next week will be excused, no matter what. They said they will make the decision for the 4th quarter during spring break (the week after next).
Well, our county just closed all public parks, campsites, libraries, any event centers. The Jax zoo and all museums are closed.

Trump just announced a state of emergency nationwide.

ETA: Ds's school district said they aren't officially closing and going to online only just yet; any absences next week will be excused, no matter what. They said they will make the decision for the 4th quarter during spring break (the week after next).

Parks??? Why???
Parks??? Why???

i'm guessing so there aren't large amounts of people gathering there, since there is nothing else to do with your kids over spring break at this point.

The mayor also said the Jacksonville Zoo, as well as all libraries and public parks, will close Friday at the end of business.

“In addition, I have ordered city departments to immediately suspend all permits for large gatherings and stop such gatherings at city parks or in city property, through the end of the month,” Curry said during a Friday news conference.


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