Is it quicker to walk to Epcot from BCV?


DIS Veteran
Feb 17, 2004
I need some advice from some BCV veterans. Is is quicker to walk to Epcot rather than take a boat? I am wondering if it will be less time consuming if we just walk it on our next upcoming trip.

Also, to all of those mothers out there. Can a baby sleep in a pack n' play in the closet off the Master Bedroom???? My husband is concerned about my daughter's air supply. :confused3

Thanks in advance!
The walk is much quicker... 5 minutes or so from the BCV. The boat takes much longer plus you have to walk to the boat dock which is closer to the Yacht Club (away from Epcot)...
andriade said:
Is is quicker to walk to Epcot rather than take a boat?

Also, to all of those mothers out there. Can a baby sleep in a pack n' play in the closet off the Master Bedroom???? My husband is concerned about my daughter's air supply. :confused3

Thanks in advance!

Yes to the first.

Closet? I don't think so :rotfl2: That's so funny just to think about! I really don't think there's enough room though.
Montana Disney Fan said:
Yes to the first.

Closet? I don't think so :rotfl2: That's so funny just to think about! I really don't think there's enough room though.
What's so funny about it? There's plenty of room for the Pac 'n Play in the closet off the Master - at least there is if the BCV Master bedroom has the same floor plan as the Master bedroom at BWV. I'm willing to bet that there are lots of parents who use the closet for a "nursery", LOL.

I'd have no worries about doing it - sometimes the little ones do better when they can have a quiet place of their own. Believe some have posted that they use the laundry room at OKW for this purpose. OKW has a separate room for the washer and dryer. The others do not.

Not sure what the concern is re the "air supply" - I can't remember if there is a door to the closet or not. If there is, it's certainly a long way form air tight and you could just leave it open, anyway. The room with the jacuzzi tub and large vanity is between the bedroom and the closet. If you close the shutters between the bedroom and the tub, light and noise should be minimal for the baby.

Best wishes -
The walk to Epcot from the BCV is shorter than the walk to the boat dock. As for the closet, I'm sure there's plenty of room for the baby there, without worrying about the air supply. As the previous poster specified, the tub and vanity is between the master bedroom and the walk in closet, and it is a walk in closet.
It's already been answered that walking is quicker but to make it really fast, walk out of the BCV's and hang a left to follow the path that goes around the back side of the BC hotel. Don't go into the lobby of the BC. Follow the path around the BC. You will exit through a small metal gate near the bridge to the Boardwalk. The IG entrance to EPCOT is just over the ridge to your left.

There is not room in the closet to put a pack and play and close the door. The door goes into the closet not out into the bathroom. There is barely enough room for the suitcase valet and vacuum to fit in there.

Frankly, I would worry about air exchange too even if it could fit. But then I was definetly a worrier when my children were babies.
andriade said:
Also, to all of those mothers out there. Can a baby sleep in a pack n' play in the closet off the Master Bedroom???? My husband is concerned about my daughter's air supply. :confused3

From my not so great memory... I don't think the Pack and Play will fit in the BCV Master Bedroom closet. It may have just been the room we were in but I was suprised at the small size of the closet. We could just fit our suitcases in there and the couple items of clothing. It would be a great idea if it did fit. You could just leave the door ajar so you could hear the little one and she/he wouldn''t feel too isolated. Maybe you could treat the jacuzzi/vanity area as the baby's room. There is a door between that area and the shower portion of the bath. This might limit your usage of the sink but anything for a sleeping baby!!

When we went the first time my little one was in the Pack and Play between the kitchen table and the sofa. But she sleeps though anything! This made my older daughter, who can't sleep, feel much safer having her little sis there!
lisareniff said:
From my not so great memory... I don't think the Pack and Play will fit in the BCV Master Bedroom closet. It may have just been the room we were in but I was suprised at the small size of the closet. We could just fit our suitcases in there and the couple items of clothing. It would be a great idea if it did fit. You could just leave the door ajar so you could hear the little one and she/he wouldn''t feel too isolated. Maybe you could treat the jacuzzi/vanity area as the baby's room. There is a door between that area and the shower portion of the bath. This might limit your usage of the sink but anything for a sleeping baby!!

When we went the first time my little one was in the Pack and Play between the kitchen table and the sofa. But she sleeps though anything! This made my older daughter, who can't sleep, feel much safer having her little sis there!
Since I have not stayed in a BCV 1 bedroom, I must now concede that there is not enough room in a BCV Master bedroom closet for a Pac 'n Play.

That said, I now add to the list of BWV attributes:

* Large closet in the Master bedroom Enough room for a Pac'n Play. :teeth:

OKW has the largest "non-traditional" space for baby - the laundry room in its 1 bedrooms is reputed to hold a full size crib, LOL!

We still need info on VWL, SSR, VB & HHI! Anyone with experience in this area feel free to post! :teeth:

Best wishes -
Carol, I haven't stayed at BWV. Does the closet door open into the bathroom? Or is it just that much bigger I wonder?
I think its that much bigger. I believe the door slides. I remember someone posting years ago that the closets at BCVs were so much smaller than the BW. You can definately fit a pack n play in the BWV closets.
Happy Birthday Cat said:
It's already been answered that walking is quicker but to make it really fast, walk out of the BCV's and hang a left to follow the path that goes around the back side of the BC hotel. Don't go into the lobby of the BC. Follow the path around the BC. You will exit through a small metal gate near the bridge to the Boardwalk. The IG entrance to EPCOT is just over the ridge to your left.

Take it from personnal experience-if you take that little path, watch out for the small (but wiggly) snake that occassionally appears on that path.
Thanks for the info. I guess baby is sleeping with us. It will be interesting. She hasn't shared a room with us since she was 12 weeks old.

Simba's Mom are you really serious????? My sister is TERRIFIED of lizards. I think the snake would put her over the edge!
Don't know if this makes any difference or not but you know you can request a "crib" at BCV. We were just there in October and had housekeeping bring one up. Its metal and has wheels. It has a mattress, not a full size but it is a mattress not that thin piece that the PnP has. It seemed bigger than the Pack n Play and my DS was much much more comfortable as it was more like his own bed at home. And with the wheels you could wheel it around where ever you needed. There wasn't a blanket for it so we just folded up a big blanket several times and he used that. DS slept fine all week.

The PnP was a big pain and we didn't use it at all. In fact after Housekeeping brought up the crib the PnP went back in the coffee table. Yes, ours was in the coffee table. I looked high and low for it and couldn't find it. That's why I called HK and requested the crib. I thought we didn't have one. They had it hidden inside the trunk that's used as a coffee table. :rolleyes:
andriade said:
Thanks for the info. I guess baby is sleeping with us. It will be interesting. She hasn't shared a room with us since she was 12 weeks old.

Simba's Mom are you really serious????? My sister is TERRIFIED of lizards. I think the snake would put her over the edge!

Yup, I'm afraid I am serious. I'm also not pleased with snakes so I'll admit that generally I take the longer, but "safer" route through the lobby and walking along the big walkway so I don't chance it. If I forget (not likely) and do take that "wiggly" route, I'll sing loudy (which must be fun to hear, since I'm horrible) and shuffle/stomp my feet.
The closet in our master BR of the 2br we had (should be same as a 1BR) was miniscule! Maybe different units have different closets due to utilities, supports, etc., but I wouldn't count on being able to use it.

Jean and Bob
You know you can "snake" ;) your way along the inside corridors of the BC as well and come out either by the quiet pool or by a door to that path that is very near the gate. We don't take this way unless it is raining as it doesn't seem considerate of those actually in those first floor rooms but in a hard rain, we have ducked in.

On our October trip, our son was running ahead of us on our way back to BCV. He turned into the back path and there were two women walking out. They paused and waited by our son as if to protect him as he waited for us. When we caught up, they asked if we had seen the raccoon. They said it sits up as if begging and doesn't seem afraid of people as if it was used to being fed. One also said it looked sick to her. Thank you to the ladies BTW if you were DISsers.

Sure enough, a day or so later I encountered the raccoon near the circle area of the path. It did seem wary of me and I certainly was of it. But two gentlemen on a patio were clucking to it and trying to entice it over. :earseek: I couldn't tell if it was sick in anyway but it was scrawnier than raccoons in our area. I figured that might be due to the climate but keep an eye out for "Rocky."
mowog said:
The closet in our master BR of the 2br we had (should be same as a 1BR) was miniscule! Maybe different units have different closets due to utilities, supports, etc., but I wouldn't count on being able to use it.

Jean and Bob

We've been in a number of master bedrooms at BCV now and the closets are all tiny. Takes creative arranging to make the space useful IMO.


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