Is the Wonderland Tea Party worth the cost?


<font color=magenta>Besotted Pin Lover<br><font co
Jan 21, 2002
I'm thinking of signing my two girls (3 and 7) up for the Wonderland Tea Party in the Grand Floridian. Is it worth the $22.50 per child cost? Seems like a lot for an hour!

At the same time, my husband and son were going to go over to DisneyQuest, and the girls and I would take a bus over and meet them after the tea party. My son is 10. Does this sound like a plan?


Yes it is worht the cost!! DD did it in dec for her 3rd bday and requested to do it again on our feb trip!

Our DD did it when she was 5..still talks about it a year later and was a highlight for our trip. DH and I did the grand floridian cafe while she was at the teaparty and had a wonderful time..all in all a very memorable day!
My 4 year old had a FANTASTIC TIME! Definitely do it! Kids get to decorate their own cupcakes, have sandwiches and "tea", and spend time with Alice and the Mad Hatter. They also play a few games.
The CM's who run the Tea Party were so terrific. They seemed good at finding the kids who were reluctant to leave Mom and distracting them. EVERY kid at the table waved bye to their parents with a HUGE grin on their face! We did spend 10 minutes before the party started making sure that our DD had a seat and felt comfortable.
Is this just for girls? My DS absolutely loves tea parties. We have them all the time with his sister. Do any other boys stay? I am sure they will let boys come...but would my 4 year old son feel funny?
There are definetly boys that attend. He will not feel out of place, especially if he likes tea parties! I would say go for it!
Only complaint I have have is they discontinued taking a polaroid picture with the characters. Good thing I read the suggestion here to give my DD a disposible camera.

I didn't know this till after the Tea Party. We went in December 2001.
DD (6) loved it! When she went there were a number of boys. Most of the kids were between the ages of 5-10. There was one small girl there, 3 1/2 and she was with her older sister. She had a ball, too.

DD has her own camera so she brought it in with her to take pictures. Most kids had cameras and/autograph books with them.

DD would like to do it again next time we go.
Is everyone saying that you are not allowed in to take any pictures? If you give your child a camera is it up to them to take the pictures or will the adult supervision take some of them?
In Dec. 2001, CM told the parents that they would take 1 picture per child if you left a camera. DD took many more on her own.
Can anyone tell me the ages that are allowed and what day of the week the party is and what time? Oh, how far ahead can you make reservations also.
Hi Mary,

You can learn all about the tea party by visiting this page of the DIS: Wonderland Tea Party

This is a very popular event and it is recommended that you book this at exactly 120 days out. The party is offered to children age 3-10 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:30pm-2:30pm but that is always subject to change.

Have fun!


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