Is there a non-electric blanket that will warm someone?


<font color=magenta>Busy and proud Mom of 5 Disney
Nov 17, 2001
As some of you know DSis has been very ill off and on for years. She will be 42 on 12/5 and is worse now than ever. She had some sort of a resection of her bladder so that she would be able to cath. herself through her stomach and it did not work, she leaks everywhere. She is a special case with many things wrong with her that could fill about 2 pages of postings...I really need to know is there anything out there for someone who is paralyzed and leaking that she can use in bed to keep her warm and not electrocute her? Due to all of the infections she is so cold. She should be hospitalized again and I fear she came home for a reason I am not ready to deal with. I just want to help her if I can and if it is out there and available I know that some DIS member will know about it. TIA :goodvibes
While I have no advice on your specific question, I just wanted to say I sympathize with your situation a little too well. My sister wasn't paralyzed, but she did have enough medical problems that could fill pages upon pages. While her passing was sudden, her condition had been deteriorating for years, and there were some truths to face that I just didn't want to.

I hope your DSis's infections get better soon! (sending payers) PM me any time if want to talk to someone who knows sort of how you're feeling, or if you just need to vent. :grouphug:
Thanks for the replies, I will check them out. She ended up back in the hospital late last night. They are going to try some more experimental antibiotics on her, she is so ill. I keep trying to remember there is a reason but sometimes it just really stinks. I think if she weren't in so much pain all the time it may be a bit easier to deal with. :sad1:
I am SO sorry that you are all having to go through this.

I have a small flannel bag filled with rice that a friend made for me. I heat it in the microwave for a minute, and it provides toasty warmth. Several of those placed in strategic places might help warm her up.
Wheat bags are also supposed to be very good. You put them in the microwave and they store warmth for a long time. I don't think they get as hot as hot water bottles (correct me if I'm wrong) so there's less risk of burning. You can get them in all sorts of shapes, including, squares, sausages and even teddy bears.

I am so sorry to hear about your sister. My love and prayers go out to her, you and all your family. :hug:
Wheat bags are also supposed to be very good. You put them in the microwave and they store warmth for a long time. I don't think they get as hot as hot water bottles (correct me if I'm wrong) so there's less risk of burning. :hug:

That is the beauty of a hot water bottle---you decide how hot you want the water to be. I use hot water straight from the faucet. Mine also does a good job of keeping me warm through the night without refilling. I had one of the buckwheat pillows and had to keep warming it up in the microwave.
I use a down blanket, they are very warm and not at all heavy like some other blankets. They seem to hold in the heat. I also have a bean bag like thing that is filled with Cherry pitts and you warm it in the microwave and it doesn't get as hot as a hot water bottle. I warm it as I head to bed and put it at my feet, they cover with the down blanket and no more cold for the rest of the night.

Prayers for your sister as well, I know this can be hard. I had to take care of my grandmother with Alzheimer's and that was very difficult watching her deteriorate.

Thanks to all of your replies...I am going to try one of those rice bags...part of the reason she is so cold is because the infection is so bad. She had another port put in her chest yesterday. She has them put in and they get infected and have to be removed. Her body is one giant infection betraying her! I am thank-ful to you all for your responses. I can always count on the DIS. :goodvibes
I know this is way more expensive, but how about a waterbed? Do they even make them any more? We had one ages ago, and I remember how we could adjust the temperature so that it felt warm in the winter, and cool all summer!

Ours was the big, sloshy type, but then they came out with firmer ones...

They also sell electric mattress pads, and you could put a waterproof mattress pad over it? Land's End had them in their latest home catalog.
First of all I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all your sister is going through and all you're having to deal with as someone who loves her. I too am always cold and sleep with a heating pad pressed up to my chest. I really can't sleep without it as I'll start with shaking chills. I don't know if your sister is in bed all the time but there are also heated mattress pads. They could be turned on before she gets in bed and then by using a down comforter they should keep in the warmth. They could also be covered by a waterproof sheet or pad. Many prayers for your dear sister to fight this infection and for pain relief are coming your way.---Kathy
Another vote for DOWN here. If you decide on down look for the comforter with the down in individual plastic pouches in it. You can tell that is what it is by the scrunchy sound it make when you handle the blanket.
The Aqua Bed Warmer is a bedwarmer that heats your bed using hot water circulation. Basically, it's a thin mattress pad with discrete tubes inside of the padding. These tubes will fill up with hot water that is pumped by the included water heater. It makes no noise, and it warms your bed without exposing you to any electric wires or EMFs. I've had it for about 6 months and even though it's warmer now in Seattle, I still LOVE IT.


I bought mine off of


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