Is there anything you hate about DVC?

Is there anything you hate about DVC?

Regrets, wish lists, if you could sell it and get all of your money back, and I do mean all of your money, would you do it?

Anyone out there wished they hadn’t bought into DVC?

1) nothing really we hate about DVC For what it is. Would love to be able to book last minute during peak season but that’s not how it works so we aren’t upset that we can’t do that. The things we hated were beyond their control. Coming from western Canada meant going to FL was an ordeal and usually encompassed all our vac time and money.

2) we sold this year and actually made about an extra 50% profit. We owned for 10 years and bought when Cdn dollar was above US dollar. So between weak cdn dollar and price increases we made out pretty well.

3) although we sold we don’t regret for a minute buying. We bought on our honeymoon and before kids so we got to experience Disney in an amazing way when our kids were young. We went to Aulani 3 times and got to bring my parents with us On our trips. We sold because, when we bought, we couldn’t have predicted where our lives would go. Kids are now heavily involved in activities so our 3 week winter getaways are becoming less. We also want to visit other places and can’t afford to do everything as dues get quite expensive after exchange rates.

having said all that we would have happily kept our DVC for longer. An opportunity presented itself, we discussed it and we took it. Had the dollar been closer to par we would have kept our contract and still used it happily.
Nothing I hate about DVC per se. I do have some issues with Disney overall that negatively impacts our DVC stays. We bought BWV resale well in 2007 so we are grandfathered in and if we sell near in the term we will have a significant gain if you don’t factor in lost opportunity cost. One of our daughters at age 24 is still into Disney and much prefers BWV over any other Disney hotel, so we are holding pat until she loses interest and/or we tire of the changes at the parks. No grands in the near term so that makes it easier to consider selling.
I wish that Disney respected us more, appreciated us more. I wish there were better discounts on tickets, and that these tickets would be for every member of your family that is with you on the trip. There are a lot of grandparents taking grown children and grandchildren, family members that don't reside at the same address.

I think an extra FP+ or two every day of the trip would go a long way in making us feel more valued as a Disney customer.

Regrets? Yes. I wish we would have purchased several years earlier than we did, but we truly didn't know that DVC existed prior to 2005. That's when DVC really was Disney's best kept secret!

Another regret is that we wish we would have thought about buying 50 or 60 point contracts, instead of the 100 or 120 points. And especially wish that our 200 point contract (our 1st one) had been divided into 2 contracts of 100 points each. It hadn't been suggested, and we didn't know better. These smaller contracts would have given us the chance to sell off some, while still keeping a decent amount. It also would have made it easier to "pass on" to the kids.

I'm glad we did buy in. We've had a lot of great memories, and we're able to have more family members together in one villa because of the larger sizes. However, with the amount we're paying out each year in maintenance fees (dues), it's getting expensive.
No regret about buying into DVC (2001). We did consider buying more points 15 plus years ago, glad we didn't. What I dislike is:
1. Difficulty booking any other resort other than our home resort. We have not had any luck booking a non home resort at the 7 month window.
2. Price increases. Especially dues.
3. Accept for the lodging, I don't feel the same value is there.
Going forward, we plan on renting out our points from time to time and take a break from Disney. Do something else, see different things. When we do go back to Disney, it will be on a smaller scale. Less park time at WDW. More resort time. Maybe go to Universal.
Bought BWV not long after it opened and then added on in 1999 and 2,000, including some by resale. What I dislike is Disney's metamorphosis from a seemingly model timeshare company to what it is today:

1999: Reasonable purchase price for the time, $65 a point (with an incentive to lower that price by $10)
2019: Excessively high purchase prices for the time that are being raised regularly (e.g., BLT and BCV are currently $225).

1999: Minimum purchase of 160 points, enough to get a 1BR at the time for five to six nights
2019: Minimum purchase of 50 to 100 points, enough to get only studios.

1999: Points needed per night were fairly reasonable and stayed the same as BWV for the new resorts added at the time, BCV and VWL.
2019: Most resorts added in last ten years have have much higher point per night requirements, further decreasing the percentage of purchasers who can buy enough points to get rooms larger than studios

1999: Studios limited to four guests.
2019: Many studios now allow 5 so more points can be sold to those who can afford only studios

1999: You could get a BWV standard view studio in October at 7 months out.
2019: You cannot get a BWV standard view studio, or a number of rooms at other resorts, in October at 11 months out.

1999: BWV had only 6 GVs, BCV and VWL had none, so DVD could not greatly oversell studios via points for the highest cost rooms
2019: DVD now builds many greatly overpriced bungalows and cabins resulting in a lot of extra points that can be sold to those who can afford only smaller rooms, such as studios. DVC also gets to make more profit in breakage income by having those high cost rooms.

1999: DVC told purchasers, and written documents show, that point changes were limited to correcting seasonal changes by raising points in one season for a room while lowering them for the same room in another season.
2019: DVC now asserts those prior representations are not binding on it and it can change points however it desires, such as by raising points needed for studios and 1BRs year round, which is its solution for correcting excess studio demand that has resulted mainly from its actions.

1999: Resale purchasers had all the same rights and benefits as new purchasers from DVD
2019: DVD now considers resale purchasers to be anathema, continuously eliminating their rights and benefits.

1999: POS's and applicable exhibits declare that new and resale purchasers are all members entitled to reserve any DVC Resort added to the DVC system.
2019: DVD creates Riviera, adds it to the DVC system, but, despite what those prior POS's say, takes away rights of resale purchasers to reserve Riviera and any other new DVC resorts.

1999: All reservations were done by phone and usually there was no more than a 5-minute exercise from time of dialing to time of hanging up.
2019: Reservations by phone have 15 minute and longer hold times and then take longer while making them. On line reservations, with a usually slow or often not properly working system, and requiring a search for rooms and then going through all the pages to get done, often take 30 minutes or more..
I dislike having no representation on the board.

I don't like that current owners are not given notice ahead of time on upcoming changes to DVC memberships... perks, restrictions, etc. We have a vested interest, and if major decisions are going to be made that could affect our resale value, we should at least be given a 'heads-up' so we could act accordingly. I probably wouldn't have done anything differently, but would liked to at least had the option.

I also feel like the 'standard for excellence' (cleanliness specifically) has dropped significantly in the past couple years. We go 5-7 times per year, and the rooms are rarely clean to the standard one would expect from any Fairfield Inn. ===> this is my biggest gripe.... especially because when i call to have the room cleaned nearly every time, I feel like I sound like whiner. If it wasn't Disney though, I'd feel comfortable and completely justified. Disney deluxe resorts are as expensive as 5 star resorts. I don't think that cleanliness is a luxury. It's a standard.

All that negativity aside, we love our memberships and are still excited every time we book.
I'm in a minority but the IT doesn’t seem bad at all to me. Whilst it goes down too much, the DVC website itself and the way it works to me is pretty excellent. Have you been on the RCI website? MDE is much more buggy though, particularly when it comes to ADRs etc.
I also regret not buying more when cheaper.
I also greatly regret DVC’s management’s divergence from the original vision with the restrictions and lockoff premium points increases- basically trying to make even more money, but these decisions cost members money, when DVD already have a hugely profitable product. I’ve said it before and someone on another board summed it up very well, we’ve lost a lot of trust and we are just waiting to see what they’ll try next. It puts you on edge whenever you think about it.
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I regret (more so than "hate") that DVC board members probably don't read any blogs from members to make positive changes. There are a lot of good ideas coming from owners, although some not so good ones to boot. Either way, are the members voices really being heard? Are the changes being made that members are desiring?
I regret (more so than "hate") that DVC board members probably don't read any blogs from members to make positive changes. There are a lot of good ideas coming from owners, although some not so good ones to boot. Either way, are the members voices really being heard? Are the changes being made that members are desiring?

agreed... I don't think any voices are being heard, so any changes that come out are a coin flip on whether or not anyone wants them
1999: Reasonable purchase price for the time, $65 a point (with an incentive to lower that price by $10)
2019: Excessively high purchase prices for the time that are being raised regularly (e.g., BLT and BCV are currently $225).
Wow this is crazy, I just checked an inflation calendar and $65 then is $99 today. So yeah, that's a huge increase.
Don't hate anything. Glad I bought when I did. It has served us well.

But I'm very glad I want in with reasonable expectations and didn't ever really tie myself in emotionally. I think a lot of what has happened has felt like a betrayal to long term Disneyphiles - and I've never been that much of a Disney fan compared to many here. When we bought it, I spent some time here and I wasn't shocked by the not quite clean rooms (they've always been clean enough), or the broken furniture (hey, as long as the bed works). I've never been too disappointed by availability - because we plan ahead and usually stay at our home resort. We bought almost 20 years ago, so the price was good, we bought resale and have been grandfathered in on all the perks. I wouldn't do it now at today's prices with today's Disney and my family today.....but in 2002 when I bought, prices were good and my kids were little and Disney was a great place to go for an easy and still affordable vacation. And that doesn't mean that for someone else it isn't a good purchase.

I could sell for a lot more than what I bought for, but we are going to HHI this Winter. If I'm not going to use my points, I'm more likely to rent them out through a broker now than sell (that's been an improvement - the rise of brokers in the rental market) since I don't need the cash selling would bring.
I dislike having no representation on the board.

I also feel like the 'standard for excellence' (cleanliness specifically) has dropped significantly in the past couple years. We go 5-7 times per year, and the rooms are rarely clean to the standard one would expect from any Fairfield Inn. ===> this is my biggest gripe.... especially because when i call to have the room cleaned nearly every time, I feel like I sound like whiner. If it wasn't Disney though, I'd feel comfortable and completely justified. Disney deluxe resorts are as expensive as 5 star resorts. I don't think that cleanliness is a luxury. It's a standard.

Knock on wood, we have never had an unclean room! Watch,our Jan reservation will be the first time! Lol. 😂😂😂

I have been in IT hell for the last week. We banked/borrowed points to host extended family in three GV at SSR for the marathon weekend. It has been a nightmare coordinating magic bands, dinner reservations, etc. stuff you would not believe. Disney really needs to take a look and fix it’s IT.
First my negatives. I hate that we purchased BLT. Happy wife happy life I guess... But I could have gotten SSR for almost half the price. My wife loved the monorail vs the busses... But honestly... While they can be a hassle... Busses actually can be faster. I do love going through security prior to getting on the monorail at the resort rather than at MK or Epcot.

Also HATE what the cabins and bungalows have done to the 7th mark booking and pressure on studios (hence the reason for the initial points chart thievery attempt). Like a previous post.. It was a lot easier to get a room 5-6 months out..... But not anymore with the addition of the cabins/bungalows.

I love the fact that my kids have gotten. More Disney trips in then they ever would have without DVC. I love how it has changed my entire view of a Disney trip. No rush, no craziness. We always know we'll be back so if we can't do something... No need to cram it in.
If I hated anything about DVC I would never had bought in. If you have ever stayed in the bungalows (I have) it would never hit your hate list do it once before you die.

All the resorts are nice they all have their appeal so there is a resort for everyone.

My only peeves are(none are related to DVC):
Poly waterfall gone
Norway ride
Fast passes are handed out like candy
I am not going to address issues already raised by others. I really dislike that all the new DVC resorts are built with too few studios, which is what all too many can only afford to buy and book due to high price per point. They tried to remedy with Poly, but made the points for the studios outrageous and doubled down by building the point hog Bungalows. I really hope Reflections has numerous studios, but am not optimistic.


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