Is this smooshy?

LOL, you're cracking me up! :)
And I truly appreciate all the info,'s fascinating.

For use on a webpage I generally would not resize a photo, but to post here I might.
I occasionally crop them because we take terrible pics and I like to get rid of some of the background stuff.
But, any way I do them..they appear smooshy. Settings in the Control Panel...would photos (jpgs) be considered with Graphics?
There is a place to check "Automatically Compress Graphics Files", and I have it checked.

Although in my mind it would be soooo much easier if I were to simply send you any and all pics I would like to post, and have you rescan them for me;) , hehe, I will scan another photo myself (sigh), and see what I can find out in the way of settings on the scanner.
Now you're cracking me up with the 'I send my pics to you and you scan and size them' stuff. :D Now what would happen if I travel and you need a picture? And I'm going on a DCL Cruise on the Magic in less than two weeks and I'm not much good for a day or two after I get back because I'm just staring out the window thinking 'why were those people so rude to make me get off of that nice ship when I was enjoying it so much?' :mad: So it's much better if we get you to scan in the non-smooshy mode, whenever you want. ;)

When you asked about the setting in control panel for graphics, I'm hoping it was for your scanner. I don't have a graphics setting in my regular Windows 98 Control Panel. In either case, having it set to automatically compress graphics files shouldn't hurt us here.

Look for something in the scanner software that says you're scanning a Photo and then something for Image Quality, or something like that. For something used on a Web page, a setting of 150 dpi is good, even 100 or 75 is Ok. And look for a size of 800 x 600 pixels. If you don't see anything like that, look for 'Output Resolution' after the image is scanned but before it's saved and make it 800 x 600 pixels. Then save it and use a different name.
Guess what? I may have just made a stunning discovery.
This scanner I have has the "Scan for E-Mail" option...and that is what I ALWAYS do.

I just scanned a photo...did my usual scan for e-mail...settings were:
resolution- 100 dpi, file size was 100%

I then scanned the same photo and saved it to a photo editor (in this case, just plain old "Paint", which I NEVER do....settings were:
resolution- 100 dpi, file size was a whopping 685 100%

I would post the 2 here to see if the one that was saved to the editor is less smooshy than the other, but, LOL...I can't find it in my computer right now, haha.

Think any of this makes a difference?
Why yes indeedy, I think that makes a difference. My software also has the 'Scan To' selection and we could be close to an answer here.

Do you have a 'Scan', a 'Copy' and a 'Scan to Email' icon in something called the 'Director'?
Or did you mean you have a button on the scanner labeled 'Scan to Email'?

Gee, I love the sound of those words, 'stunning discovery', tell me more!
hehe, yep..there are 3 buttons, scan, copy, and e-mail.

I have always just clicked the e-mail one, since I paid for that option, I figured I should use it, lol.
That very well could have some bearing on the smooshiness factor...but then again...I don't need humongous files either.
Ok, great.

Now I'd like you to use the SCAN button, 'cause you paid the same amount for that one too. ;)

Check the settings that are used and try to get them to what we discussed before.

You should have some HP Image Editor software to use with the graphics, or something that is similar, and your image should land there if you don't 'send it' anywhere.
LOL...too funny!

okay..I am now going on a search for that photo I scanned and sent to who knows where.
But..I have to tell you..the only settings I saw listed where the ones I described 5 posts up.
ugh...I can't find it, and I am getting sleepy.
I will start fresh tomarrow and re-scan. Then we can take it from there.

I appreciate all your help thus far. It will be great to get this figured out because I am sure that everyone is sick and tired of me asking about my smooshy pics.:D

Al biats...thank you so much, have a good night, and I will be bugging you again very soon.:p :)
Ok, I'll rest up for the challenge!

If you can't find that same picture, any pic will do if we have two examples of it.

Ok, I'm getting easier as the night wears on... I'll settle for any new pic as long as you don't think it's Smooshy after you have scanned it and posted it.

Tomorrow is fine, but my DW has a couple of chores for me to do, and they're the tough ones, the kind I can't fix using my keyboard. Something about manual labor, I didn't listen to the whole thing again.
yes well, I'm expected to do housework around here too (can ya believe it??)
So..whenever we can manage to finangle a "get out of jail" card...we can get back down to business here.:D

I have a lovely photo of the Capital Building that I'll be scanning. You'll like like it.



<img src="">

<img src="">

yikes!...I changed the output size to both these scans to be at 50% of the original pic. I have no clue why they have come out 2 different sizes, LOL.
Well Wishydoo, first lets compare the photos and you tell me if either of them looks smooshy or not.

I'd rather take care of the smooshy problem first and then look at the size.
hi Al...

They both look slightly smooshy. It is not as noticable as it is with a close -up, or more detailed pic.
I can't tell if one is smooshier than the other since they came out 2 different sizes. (how?...I don't know).
I am unable to see any place on the scanning program where I would be able to adjust or even see what the resolution 800x600. My computer settings are at 800x600 however.
Things I can adjust are dpi and something that lets you adjust quality (min. quality=less KBs, max.quality=mega KBs)
Both those pics where set to scan at the max.
One more thing...if I insert those pics in an e-mail, they look crystal clear.
OK, lets try looking for the output settings within your scanner program.

You should have a way of starting your scan software using software instead of one of those three expensive buttons. Try looking under 'Start' then 'Programs' and then anything under 'HP'. If you haven't reorganized your programs list, you'll have to look completely through the list until you get to the end. If you have reorganized it, it will be in alphabetical order.

In my software, which is called 'HP Image Editor', there's an option on the menu called 'Tools' and under that is a selection for 'Output Resolution'. That's where I can specify an output resolution of 150 dpi, or 100, or whatever.

Your photos are different sizes because they didn't come out in the same sizes. If you go to each of the capital photos and right click on them and look at properties, you'll see that the pixel size is different on each one. The first one is 367 x 245 pixels and the second one is 294 x 196 pixels. If for instance, you would have specified 320 x 240 pixels for each one, they would have been similar sizes physically, except for the resolution would have changed the file sizes.

In my software, I can look under 'File' and then 'Scan Settings' and I can adjust the settings for all scans, both the input resolution and the putput. Sometimes, the resolution can be shown in 'inches' or 'centimeters' or 'pixels'.

Anyway, try to find the software on your pc and let me know.

I'm watching Monday Night Football so I'll be in front of my pc most of the remainder of the evening.
I know how to edit the dpi's the 800x600 that you mentioned that I can't find.
Maybe that doesn't matter now though, I don't know.
The reason I was surprised that the pics came out different sizes is because before I saved the scan of each, I resized them to 50% of the original size of the photo. The only thing I did differently was that I gave one a dpi of 100, and the other a dpi of 125.
I'm having a bad day, lol.
I just double checked, and there is no option to adjust Input Resolution. I am only able to adjust Output Resolution. just edited to add, inches and pixels...I have that.
Ok, maybe we should try adjusting the setting for 'max quality' and make it 'middle quality' and see how it looks.

Also, check to see how the output is stated, and if it isn't in pixels, try changing it so that it is. Then we can be in the same output setting type, for ease of discussion.
297 px by 196 px
custom scaling 50%
approx. size 170 KB
custom resolution 100 dpi
image quality set @ medium

<img src="">


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