It figures, any suggestion on flying with sick child

hockey mom 94

Earning My Ears
Jan 6, 2003
We leave tomorrow morning, today our 4 year old has cold and fever, we are heading to the doctors in a few hours. I guess its better than waking up tomorrow sick. Hoping the Doctor can prescribe something, I think its a sinus infection. I am worried about him flying with a congested head. Does anyone have any suggestions.:confused:
Oh, boy, can I empathisize. My kids always seem to get sick right before vacations and big events. Ask your doctor about what decongestant/motion sickness meds will be safe, and if you can combine them. Be sure to push lots of liquids. Maybe you could bring his favorite beverage in a water bottle for the flight.

Also, if your doc does prescribe antibiotics, ask if you can get one that only needs to be given once or twice a day instead of three times. That will make your life easier in the parks.
Boy, can I feel for you.
Many of us Mothers have been there!
If antibiotics are rx’ed, have doc prescribe a chewable instead of one that needs to be refrigerated.
There are several chewables on the market today such as amoxil and augmentin. Their ease of use would be great for WDW!
Best of luck and have fun.
Benadryl works wonders for stuffy noses and ears. I started using this after a nasty flight with two girls crying because of ear pressure. I give them a dose right before boarding. Ear planes are also good if the child is old enough to leave them in. The good thing is kids recover so quickly, you are sure to have a great time!
My daughter (2 yr old) was on antibiotics when we went in Feb. I asked for enough medicine to get us through til we were in WDW, and that they NOT pre-mix the medicine I would need while we were away. The pharmacy was more that happy to give me the sterile water to mix with the antibiotic once we hit WDW and had a refridgerator.

The above posts about chewables are also great. Did that one in "94.
Good Luck.
I know from VERY bitter experience that most young children cannot hit the target with an airsickness bag. Take a small sand pail onto the plane with you, and keep it handy at all times. Beware of just after landing; that is the most common time for a child to throw up, especially if his/her ears have been a problem on the flight. Just sit and wait until everyone else gets off the plane before you start to move.

Withhold dairy starting at least 2 hours before the flight, and try to get decongestants that do not have added dyes. With a sinus infection, the most effective decongestant is one that contains guiafenesin (Robitussin and generics of it), this will usually be combined with sudafed.

Avoid greasy foods and fruits that are slippery, like peaches. I'm sorry to get somewhat graphic here, but also stay as far away from cheese-flavored crackers or sweet cookies as you can get. Once the medicine kicks in, the child's stomach will get a lot of sinus drainage in it, and that is a high-risk trigger for airsickness. Feeding plain starches like pretzels, saltines or cheerios should help to absorb the gunk.

If the ears start hurting anyway, ring for the FA and ask for cups for ears; they will know what you are talking about. (You will get two foam coffee cups with napkins stuffed into them, that have had boiling water absorbed. Tilt the cups first to check that no excess water will dribble, then put them over the child's ears like muffs. The steam will relieve the pressure inside the ears.)

However, just in case the worst happens, put lots of wipes, a towel, and a change of clothes for yourself and the child in a large ziploc in your carry-on. (The towel is to put on the seat if it gets hit.)
I traveled several years ago with a sick child who needed antibiotics. The dr's office provided me with unmixed samples that I just added water to every day. That way I didn't need to worry about refrigeration.

I also HIGHLY recommend Benadryl Fastmelts. They contain antihistamine and decongestant and little cough supressant. They melt quickly when put in the mouth and taste good. It is only one pill, doesn't have anything that my kids don't need and "drys" up excess "fluid" very well. I have a 2yr old DD with severe allergies that began experiencing speech delays due to excess fluid in her ears distorting her hearing. Within a month of using the Fastmelts (we had used other allergy meds with no luck) her speech developed dramatically and she was much happier because she felt better.

It will probably make them sleepy, but that is probably not a bad thing if sick and flying!
So so Sorry she is sick. You have gotten some great advice. One thing that I have not seen mentioned it that if it is just a cold with fever, the Dr might not want to give you an antibiotic. If this is the case, beg and plead for him to give you a prescription or some samples that do not have a limited shelf life to take with you. So many times a cold can end up as an ear infection or sinus infection in a few days.He can give you guide lines on when the cold might have progressed to something more.We too love the fast-melts and they are so easy and work so well.
Also remember that once in the parks you might have to adjust your plans for a child that does not feel well. Even if you had not planned to use a stroller, you will want one now. Take lots of breaks and make very sure she drinks lots of drinks!! Kids bounce back so quick that I bet she will be on the mend soon. Good luck.

Jordan's mom
I feel your pain! I just took my DD to the Dr. this am. She also had a fever all weekend, better this morning. Our Dr. gave us an antibiotic that doesn't require refridgeration (Zythromax), I also had her to write an Rx for Phenagrin Suppositories, since the stomach bug is going around here. She was happy to do it, she knew we are going to Disney in 4 days! Hope your little one feels better tommorrow! Prayers and pixie dust from WV!:smooth:
well we are off in less than 12 hours. Went to the Doctors and she thinks its just viral but gave me a prescription just in case not to fill unless its worse in a few days. I figure with prescription in hand I can just go to any pharmacy when i get there if I think he needs it. Nice to know I have the meds just in case. I will give Bendryl before we board the plane and hope he feels up to park hopping when we get there. He flew 2 years ago at 2 and we had no problems with ears or anything else so hopefully the cold is just an inconvenience. Can't wait to get there. Thanks for all the advice
Just traveled with a sick 3 year old this weekend. We gave her Robitussin before the flights, also children's tylenol to dull any pain she may feel. We brought chewy snacks (fruit snacks) to eat during take-off and landing. She did really well and only cried for about 3 minutes on one leg of the trip. Good luck and hope you have a good trip.
We all just got a bad cold that lasted almost a week..i started, then DH. we were terrified of DD ( 4) getting it ( we would cought til we gagged and :eek: ) so we got some Zicam. I was very skeptical but DD used it with no problems and all she got was a slight stuffy nose for one day. She has her father's immune system ( none) and gets sick easily so we thought for sure she would get it bad but we lucked out. I am a Zicam believer!
Fill the RX before you go. Many states will not fill an RX from a MD outside their state.

I know what you're going through. I believe it's 4 trips to WDW that I've taken with at least one child on antibiotics. A lunchbox with a soft ice pack will keep it cold if need be, and can be filled with ice at the hotel.

We leave on the 29th, so far so good, but the kids came home with a notice that ringworm is going around their classes. Crossing my fingers!

Hope he's better - have a great trip.
Hockey mom 94,

Been there.... done that too!:( I feel for ya!

Last trip, DS age 6 had ear and sinus infection. I swear by over the counter Afrin nasal spray (for congestion, use 1/2 hr. prior to take off) and "ear planes". DS was also on antibiotics for 24 hr. prior to flight. Dr. also had us take a liquid decongestent but we didn't use it for fear it would upset his tummy. He did just fine.

Good luck!:D
If your child ends up taking the antibiotic, be sure and take extra precautions while in the sun. Some anitibiotics make children more susceptible to sunburning. Well Wishes!
In addition to all of the above I would suggest children's Ibuprofen (Motirn or Advil) for ear pain, fever and achy muscles. It works SOOO much better than Tylenol for earaches! I know, I have a DS who gets a lot of ear infections. Another advantage is that it lasts longer than Tylenol, so you have to give it less often. Just remember to give it w/ a little food in his stomach. All of this info I recently (2/03) re-confirmed w/ my pediatrician when I was there w/ DS.
Best wishes for your son and your trip!:)


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