Hmmm, the new restaurant sounds like an improvement overall, just one sauce wasn’t the best. That wide awake feeling the night before travel is the worst. You know you should sleep, but everything is so exciting!

I’m thinking of you and your purple Christmas tree. I know it is so festive!
I'm back on the Dis and following your TR!
Had a bit short hiatus between my trip to Universal and my trip to Las Vegas, but very excited for your trip details and wonderful photos!!
What a great start to your trip!!! And I'm going to keep track of how many pieces of chocolate cake Kyle has... So far he's had 2 and he hasn't even gotten on the plane yet!!! :rotfl2: Gotta love a kid that loves his chocolate cake!!! :cake::cake:

lol.......he did have one or two chocolate cakes and desserts on this trip......

I would love to love chocolate cake!! I don’t know where he gets it from.......certainly not me........:)
Hmmm, the new restaurant sounds like an improvement overall, just one sauce wasn’t the best. That wide awake feeling the night before travel is the worst. You know you should sleep, but everything is so exciting!

I’m thinking of you and your purple Christmas tree. I know it is so festive!

We much prefer this restaurant to the other one......huge variety and just seems a much warmer feel all round. Yes, the sauce just wasn’t our taste, I’m sure many would love it. But the steaks were very tasty......

It’s the most exciting of nights.......but the more you tell yourself you should be sleeping.......the more awake you become!! :wave2:
I'm back on the Dis and following your TR!
Had a bit short hiatus between my trip to Universal and my trip to Las Vegas, but very excited for your trip details and wonderful photos!!

Welcome home Lori.......good to see you back!

How was the trip?? We were wondering when you got back, I’m sure you told us when we saw you......hope it was fabulous!!! :wave2:
Welcome home Lori.......good to see you back!

How was the trip?? We were wondering when you got back, I’m sure you told us when we saw you......hope it was fabulous!!! :wave2:

(I sent you an email)
I returned home from Florida on Dec 5th, and from Las Vegas on Dec 18th. Its was a whirlwind couple of weeks!
We never saw him again!!!!

Grrrr! I wish companies would learn that good customer service brings people back. That was one of the reasons we havent stayed on Disney property since that first time. So disappointed with the Polynesian years ago. So many other places did it better and cheaper.
(I sent you an email)
I returned home from Florida on Dec 5th, and from Las Vegas on Dec 18th. Its was a whirlwind couple of weeks!

Got your email!

It has been a whirlwind.......and wow! you had quite the time after we saw you......I’m so glad Vegas was so much fun, it sounds amazing!!

And glad to see you back...... ::yes::
Like father like son. Sounds like you had a great start to your trip
Grrrr! I wish companies would learn that good customer service brings people back. That was one of the reasons we havent stayed on Disney property since that first time. So disappointed with the Polynesian years ago. So many other places did it better and cheaper.

It was a lovely day and evening......and yes, they are so alike at times!! Although Kyle never, ever naps.....but I think like us, he hadn’t slept much previous nights, and that bed was so comfortable!!

What a shame the Poly let you down!! We visited it once and although we didn’t like the rooms, I liked the vibe of the hotel......but shame it was as bad as to make you not go back! I understand that.......the weird thing was though, none of the staff seemed to know who this guy was when we described him, but he cleared up our glasses and wiped the other tables!!!



We must have had the worst nights sleep ever in the history of bad nights sleep.......I can`t even blame the bed as it was incredibly comfortable and had the best pillows anywhere. We just didn`t sleep.

Lights went out and we did fall asleep, but around 3 hours later I woke first, then Tom and we just couldn`t get back over......we saw every hour of the clock change. It is so frustrating as we were shattered, we probably should have got up and put the tv on, but we chatted and I checked my ipad to see our friend had sent a safe travel email to us, I had missed it as my ipads are on silent from around 10.30pm.....I would reply in the morning although I knew he`d still be awake.

And eventually the morning did come around..........the phone alarm went off around 5.30, then my ipad alarm and phone......annoying and predictable thing was.....we could now have gone to sleep. Typical.

I called Kyle`s room, although I could have just banged on the wall....but he answered and said it was the loudest ringer he had ever heard on a phone!!!

I jumped in the shower and it did make me feel little more awake I have to say......once Tom was ready Kyle appeared with his cases all shiny faced and eager to begin this journey. We were as you can imagine, beyond excited.

No matter how many flights we take, it still feels like a huge adventure.....I know some may think it`s just a flight, not much to get excited about.....but, we do still think of it as an amazing adventure to head off to America. So, yes, we were all excited. And I didn`t take any pictures of us yet as it was just so early!!! I think I may have been told what I could do with the camera if I had suggested a group picture this early!!!

We then lugged our luggage downstairs to the lobby and nipped into the Executive Lounge for some water as we were all a little thirsty. The breakfast was being set up, but it was too early for us to eat anything, we would wait till we had cleared security and were through the other side. But it did look a lovely breakfast.

Out to reception, the shuttle bus was parked outside and we went out the doors to the coldest November morning we had felt for a was white all over and everything had frosted up......I had on sandals and a dress......the guys had on shorts of course, but we were grateful for our hoodies!!! Once we were in the terminal we`d be fine. The shuttle bus only had us and one other man aboard. The roads were very icy so he drove fairly carefully and we dropped the other man off first and only a few minutes later we were at T2 getting out into the icy morning. We had a three to four minute walk to the actual entrance and boy did it feel cold!!! It was freezing......and we did feel a little ridiculous dressed the way we were. But at least we weren`t the only ones.

Once inside the main elevators only had one working, so there was a line to get up to departures, of course the line was by the door so it was still freezing......but, around 10 minutes later we wandered into the warm departure area and headed for the Virgin check in desks. And they were fairly quiet this morning.....we wandered up to the Premium desks and we got a young lady who wasn`t the friendliest check in agent we`ve ever seen....but she was efficient and we were issued our boarding cards quickly. That`s all we want, but a smile is always nice. Our cases were fine weight wise, but, the one that had most of the chocolate in was a little over....but she let it go. I was thinking of the spare weight we would have on the way home once we deposited the chocolate to everyone.

Up to security, there was a short line, and somehow we got separated and Kyle and I went through one line while Tom ended up in another. Kyle was tagged for an extra security check this morning, I did get scanned again with the wand and then frisked.....maybe we look a little dodgy as Tom also get an extra search today too.......collecting your belongings is always a little manic and worrying as you are so far away from all your valuable possessions......and you do hear of things going missing on occasion, but we collected our items and headed through to airside where breakfast awaited us finally.

We stopped off at our usual T2 breakfast place, and Tom and I order bacon sandwiches and Kyle decides to just have was all very nice and we sat for a while just watching the world and his brother pass us by heading for their doesn`t look overly busy today, but it`s still busy.....I guess airports don`t have quiet days.

Our flight was showing on the screens as on time so we went through Duty Free and actually didn`t buy anything this time, except some bottled water for the flight. They do come round a lot with drinks, and you can go up to the galley anytime for drinks, but sometimes it`s just handy having some beside us. We also buy some potato chips in case we want to may not be hungry but sometimes just being on a 9 hour flight can cause you to just want to nibble.

We saw where the plane was and sat around that area and had a look out of the window.......Virgin`s planes all have names, and ours today was Ruby Tuesday, we had been on that one a few times before. I still think the Jumbo Jet is the most amazing and impressive planes in the sky.



They announce boarding pretty smart this morning, and after assistance passengers with wheel chairs and such, they announce Upper and Premium passengers. As we reach the front we see a man standing with a toddler in his arms and a wife with another younger child and he begins to ask in a loud way why aren't they loading people with young children first, he does seem a little irate. One of the ground crew tells him that wouldn't work on an Orlando flight as it`s predominantly families......makes sense, but, he is very aggrieved that folks are boarding before him and his family.

We are boarded quickly and we are upstairs in the bubble with the last row of Premium seats for Kyle and I and Tom is in the window seat in front of Kyle. We had chosen these seats as we had no one behind us, so we could recline as far as we liked without disturbing anyone. Tom very rarely completely reclines on a day flight, but Kyle wouldn't mind if he did. The curtain was behind us and then a few economy seats they had put up here. But, we were happy with these seats.


And before long they come round with your welcome glass of sparkly and orange juice for Kyle. I know Tom had his sparkly too and leaned back to clink glasses as we would soon be on our way.

At this point we are feeling so happy we are on the flight, no delays and again, everything is in front of us. And I`m especially happy Kyle is with us.....I keep looking at him and smiling......that got old very quickly I`m


These seats are very spacious and very comfortable. The width is good and you do have plenty of legroom too. I never took a picture of them, but in the upstairs cabin you have storage space to the side of you under the window too as well as overhead locker space, so you can keep as much stuff as you like beside you for your flight. I liked this as it saved you getting up and down to the overhead space if you needed anything. I kept my neck pillow, camera (naturally) and drinks and snacks as well as the blankets and pillow they give you.....I do bring a book, but never seem to read it. Kyle had brought some car mags like Top Gear, but I don't think he even glanced at them once.

Tom had a nice lady sat beside him, who chatted for the appropriate amount of time I`m told......she did seem nice and Tom only disturbed her twice for a bathroom visit. It`s the one thing about sitting next to strangers.....when it`s just us sat together, you don't mind disturbing one another, but we feel bad when it`s someone we don`t know. But as expected, she was fine about it. Can`t do much else.

I like to see the pilots...….I`ve never seen one yet I felt uncomfortable with.....and I love the ones with a sense of humour!!!!



Of course my mother told me it was a sign of getting old when you started seeing pilots and police officers getting younger...….I guess I`m not doing too badly as Virgin always seem to have the more experienced pilots. I always feel safe flying I have to say. Except once in a helicopter many years ago.....the pilot looked about nine years old and kept looking behind him too often at us to make me was horrible and I vowed them to never go back in such a portable death trap ever again. And I haven't. I`ll stick to planes.

But, it is nice to see in the cockpit now and again. I think we all miss the days when you used to be able to visit during a flight...…..sadly a distant memory now.


We pushed back from the gate at exactly 10.35am. Our correct time. We did stop a few times on the way to the runway but at exactly 10.57am we had wheels up and one of the best take offs ever.......the thrust of those engines is something we always marvel at every single time.....the sheer power of them is impressive to say the least......and Kyle enjoys his window seat for the first time in a year. And so did Tom I have to say, as he usually encourages me to have the window as I do love looking out....even if there`s nothing to see.

The skymap goes on and we see the flight path we will be taking today and should arrive a little earlier than planned with an excellent estimated flying time of 8hrs 30 minutes which is always good to hear.


Once up and levelled off CC come round with the first set of drinks and a little snack pack....I get Kyle`s snack as he doesn't like them, they`re alright....very small bags.


Fairly quickly into the flight today, they served lunch, which of course we had already chosen our dishes. We had all gone for a pork and noodle dish which came with a sauce that none of us can remember the name of.

And more wine with your meal!!!


It tasted a lot better than it looked. The sauce was a kind of teriyaki that Kyle loved.....and he finished his which I was surprised about as he doesn`t usually finish airline food.


I did get his dessert as he doesn't like lemon desserts.....heck if it`s not chocolate, don`t even offer it to him......I liked it!!


Kyle and Tom both watched Avenger type movies on the flight. There are so many pictures to choose from, but none of them appealed to me at all. So, I chose to watch two episodes of Chernobyl. Yep, aren't those fun episodes to choose to watch!!!!

We had watched them all, and although it`s incredibly horrifying to watch, it is so well done. But, I got through two and then decided I`d pop to the bathroom and then sleep, so told Kyle if he wanted to go, to do it now as I wanted to try and sleep a little.

It was around here I went to sleep. Thankfully the plane was quiet, no one made any noise and no screaming children which is the worst sound to hear on a long flight, on any flight I guess.


Before I dropped off CC came back round with an after dinner liqueur of brandy or Amarula, I declined as I just wanted to go to sleep now. Not a brandy fan nor of Amarula.

And sleep we did. All of us managed to have a good and undisturbed sleep for various lengths of time. I think I slept the longest to be honest as when I did.....we had already passed Canada and were getting very close to the USA now.


And this is where the flight starts to feel long......we still have around 3 hours to fly.......but the plane is quiet and the lights are still dimmed which is nice.

I grab the bottled water and drink copious amounts before settling back down to watch something else......I have no idea what it was but I know Tom and Kyle were now watching another Avenger super hero style movie.......I usually love the movie selections on Virgin flights, but i had either seen them all, or they were of no interest to Avenger/superhero type movies. But, not this flight.

CC were as always excellent on the flight at both looking after us and being friendly too. I admire them as they do an incredible job every flight and still manage to smile......

Around 90 minutes away from landing they come round with afternoon tea which is quite lovely, and by now the lights have come back up and most folks look ready for a cup of tea and something to nibble on.

There are two sandwiches, one had smoked salmon and I forget what the other one was. Then you had a scone with cream and jam, a macaron and a little eclair. All served up with a mug of hot tea. And probably the last tea I`d have till we got home again. None of us ate very much of it, I couldn`t eat the bread rolls so ate a little of the filling and then the scone which was very nice.


And it does help pass the time a little too. We were getting closer and with less than an hour we used the bathrooms for the final time and then strapped ourselves in ready to land and tried not to get too excited as we got ever closer.


Seeing MCO is always a welcome sight.


We did take a slightly more circular route here than usual, but we ended up flying over the same body of water we usually do and soon it was wheels down and another incredibly smooth landing!!! You`d hardly have noticed but for those impressive brakes working their little heart out to slow us down in an incredibly short time today.

The flight had taken the predicted 8hrs 30 minutes as we landed at 2.30pm Orlando time.

Welcome to the USA

Our cases were fine weight wise, but, the one that had most of the chocolate in was a little over....but she let it go. I was thinking of the spare weight we would have on the way home once we deposited the chocolate to everyone.

This line made me smile...I hope you didn't shop so much that got negated!! :rotfl2:
Well that seems like a lovely flight overall -- I'm glad you weren't seated near the irate father with little ones. Seriously, we've flown to Orlando during nearly every month over the years, and the flights are always primarily families. If families boarded first there would be about 17 people left to get on the plane, spread throughout.

So nice to get in early! Even if you lose the time later (and I hope you didn't) just landing early feels like you are off to a wonderful start!
Well that seems like a lovely flight overall -- I'm glad you weren't seated near the irate father with little ones. Seriously, we've flown to Orlando during nearly every month over the years, and the flights are always primarily families. If families boarded first there would be about 17 people left to get on the plane, spread throughout.

So nice to get in early! Even if you lose the time later (and I hope you didn't) just landing early feels like you are off to a wonderful start!’s’s mostly all folks with young families on the Orlando flights.......yes, 17 folks without young kids seems about accurate!

Thankfully that family were downstairs in economy.......we saw them as we exited the plane......still not looking happy!

Oh landing is the best ::yes::.......everyone seems to perk up about an hour before we land and everyone just seems so excited.......and I think this was the earliest we had landed in a long time, so we were happy.:wave2:
They opened the doors fairly quickly today and we thanked the CC for looking after us so well and headed downstairs, walked through to Immigration hoping it wouldn't be too bad. From what we could see our jumbo was the first one in today, so fingers crossed there were no lines. Kyle doesn't have Global Entry so although we could have gone through and he could have gone on his own, we said we`d prefer to stay together...….and fortunately being almost first off the plane and no other large planes in yet, the immigration hall was nigh on empty.

The screens showed the Gatwick flight had just arrived about 5 minutes after us, but we`d beat them by miles. It took us less than 10 minutes to see an Immigration officer who asked if we had anything with us, we told him British chocolate and a bottle of rum we had brought for a friend. He smiled at the chocolate and said he wished he was getting some was all in the hold luggage or I think he would have happily enjoyed a bar or two. With Global Entry, you don't get a passport stamp anymore, so it was nice getting the old stamp on it again. But, we do look forward to using GE in May again, I think we were just incredibly lucky today.

Once through to collect luggage, I went to the bathroom and attempted to freshen up a little......then as I came back out 3 of 4 suitcases had been collected, priority did seem to mean priority today....and a few minutes later my smaller suitcase appeared and it must have taken all of 15 minutes since we got to the carousel till we were heading out to go to the people mover on the floor above. We did glance back to see the line now for was huge and all the way back to where you walk in.....that was a long line to be in!!!

This is always one of the highlights....when you`re going towards Orlando of course....the other way, not so much! Kyle is grinning from ear to ear now......and we get on to emerge a few moments later into the main area and we see the huge Christmas tree already lit up and it looks beautiful......but no stopping for pictures today, we head straight down to the car hire desk to see what they could offer us today.

We see the Alamo desk isn't busy at all, and we get the same guy we`ve had a few times. He doesn't bother with the high pressure sales tactics some of them choose to provide.....he knows what we look for and tells us the Maserati is available......and it is the black one again......we`ll take it...…..we also add Kyle to the insurance as we were sure he`d like a drive of it, so with paperwork complete, we walk out into the fresh air for the first time this trip........

It is hot today, low 80`s had been the high and it was still 80F when we walked outside...but it felt cooler than September already......much cooler and no humidity. It was lovely......the sun was shining and it was a darn sight warmer than where we had just come from.

The car wasn't ready as it was coming from somewhere else, but around 10-15 minutes later it arrived. We were certainly glad of the slightly cooler temperatures as we stood in the Alamo area.

Luggage was deposited in, carefully as our extra case did cause an issue, so it ended up in the back seats, and we set off out towards the main road around the airport and headed on to our usual road to Universal. Kyle is still grinning as he sees the all too familiar landmarks along the way he hasn't seen for a year.......we were just smiling non stop.....

Seeing the hotels approach us we all perk up again and we pull into the parking lot and it is full.....completely full. We ended up using Valet as there was nothing available… problems there and then we walked into the hotel for the first time with Kyle leading the way.

Seeing the tree, the gingerbread village makes us grin from ear to ear......we are home.

Walking into the completed lobby is of course new to us as well as Kyle and we have a quick glance around before most of the front desk staff descend on us for hugs and welcome words....this was lovely!!!! I did manage to have a little glance at the completed lobby and decided I really, really liked it...….we did get a funny look from a couple who were sat as everyone approached us to say a huge we went over to get checked in and one of our friends assistants came out to welcome us back. He was on vacation and wouldn't see him for a few days, so it was lovely seeing her today too. It was just so lovely being back and chatting to so many folks we knew as we arrived...and of course Kyle was given an extra special welcome as most knew him, and some had only heard of him and were so keen to meet him which was lovely.

Once checked in we went straight up and today we didn`t take a single picture of the rooms or the all know what they look by now.....I`m sure I took some over the trip!

We decided to just unpack everything now......we had plans for later, so thought we`d do it now as after we had gone out I knew we`d never feel like it doesn`t take long to be honest....and after maybe 20 minutes or so we hear a knock on the was a surprise delivery.....

Our friend had arranged for the meat selection and a welcome card to be sent when we had checked in....and it was as always, very much appreciated :hug: we were all starving by the time we had arrived at the hotel, so the plate looked as if had been attacked by sharks by the time we were done!!! It was delicious though and the pineapple relish was beautiful......and it did wonders for us as it did fill up the hunger pangs for a while. Those meats were so tasty...



Tom went back down to get a safety deposit box from behind the desk and then once he was up and we had all freshened up a little and we set off for Sapphire Falls and Strong Water Bar......

This isn't our usual first night venue, that's usually Jake`s, but when we were here in September when we told Lenny who is the Rum Captain when we were arriving he asked us if we would come over to see him as he would be off the next three weeks and we wouldn't see him......he was getting married in between visits so we wanted to see him and his wedding pictures too. Plus, we always love to visit there.

First we headed down to see Orchids Sushi Lounge complete and open......and to see our second "son" Colby who used to be in the lounge....and as soon as we saw it...…we loved it. We didn't take a hug amount of pictures tonight as we were heading off, but it was nice to see it complete. And good to see the Chef`s are still there...….Dan has worked there forever.


We manage a hug and a chat with Colby who we were glad to see was doing well and was enjoying his new work location......we had a good old catch up and then we set off for the walk to Sapphire......

As we walked outside heading towards the ballroom and conference areas, you could feel that early evening chill.....maybe chill is too strong a word, but it wasn't 100F the way it felt the whole of September! My guys had brought their swimming trunks with them......just in case.....they`d be on their own there.....the evenings were far too cool for me to go in and out the pool.

Once in Strong Water Lenny makes a beeline for us as soon as we walk in....such a nice guy and one of the coolest guys we know, also gives the best hugs......he immediately tells us not to order a drink as he has something for us to try.....if Lenny has something for us to try, we`ll try it.....

Fernando also comes over to say hello as we came in, always lovely to see him too. One of the nicest guys around too. So welcoming to everyone who comes in the bar.

We didn`t take a picture sadly, but Lenny appeared with two cocktails called Coquinos…..they were an eggnog based drink and looked so pretty with a cinnamon stick in the glass......and they were beautiful!!! I think they were gone before we could blink!! Those guys are amazing with creating some fabulous cocktails......

He then got out his phone and showed us his beautiful wedding pictures......and what a wedding!! We had seen the lovely Ashley`s wedding pictures in September and both wedding`s were spectacular to see.....I`m a real sucker for weddings and seeing folks pictures too. We had a good old catch up and handed him a huge bar of galaxy chocolate for him to give to Mrs Lenny.....she had tasted some of the stuff we brought in September and loved it, so we said we`d bring a bar just for her......I`m sure they enjoyed it. We also handed in a load for the whole team and they did enjoy it all.

Tom then ordered an old fashioned, I had a rum revival and Kyle ordered a non alcoholic strawberry daiquiri......all were lovely. We also drank our body weight in cold water! We all felt a little dehydrated and drinking water was an obvious cure.

I also had a few giggling at me whipping out my plastic straws...…don`t leave home without them....



It is so lovely in here, everyone is very welcoming and they really do look after everyone so well.....We also saw Ashley who we just adore too....such a lovely girl and again, does a fabulous job of looking after folks and created one of the nicest cocktails, Fools Gold. We love catching up with these guys.

Our thoughts had turned to food now......and just as we mentioned food, Chef Carlos came out to say hello and always jokes we should just move in to one of the hotels permanently......I wish!!! He told us of the special tonight, but thought there might be one left......when he described it Tom said if there was one, he`d have it...….

It was a venison rib dish, with a beautiful sauce and a bed of creamy mashed potatoes......Tom loved it!!!


I don't mind a venison steak as we have some beautiful fresh venison steaks which I love from Scotland back home......but these ribs weren`t for me......they were beautifully cooked and I did like the sauce and a little of the ribs.....but for me they were a little too strong. I wish I had taken a picture of the plate when Tom was done......apart from the bones, the plate was clean!!!

Kyle isn't really a fan of the style of food here, so he ordered the tenders and wedges....minus the slaw and hot sauce.....he really enjoyed it though.


I went for the seafood tostada.....fresh and so tasty......and just enough tonight.


Kyle was now on his second daiquiri, and as is usual for our Kyle was now ready for dessert......we wouldn't be having any tonight, but Kyle was looking for the spiced chocolate cake....which wasn`t spice tasted at all according to him.....just delicious!!!

It looks so rich and Kyle says it`s almost like a ganache and so very dense.....I think he enjoyed it as we were eyeing another plate that looked like it had been scraped clean!



It was fairly quiet tonight, so we had plenty of time to say hello to everyone who was working...….and then one by one we began to feel a little tired.....we were heading for that wall where there would come a time we would just drop and really we wanted to be in our rooms when that happened.


We said our goodnights and said we`d be back over at some point....we wished Lenny a happy honeymoon and said we`d see him in May.....

However tired we were, we still found time for a couple of shots in front of the huge tree they have in Sapphire.....we took a couple of each other then a man offered to take a couple of us all together which we were grateful for.




On the way back we took several of the many, many trees laid out all the way along the walkways of the convention areas......they are so pretty......




Our pace was slow as we got nearer our beds!! It was around 9.30pm but we had been awake for a long time and all three of us do like our sleep!

The view from our room is a favourite one.....seeing the pool and Hogwarts Castle is one we love, although tonight Turndown had closed the drapes over and we opened them for a quick peep out before we all collapsed into almost immediate unconsciousness. I closed the door over and said goodnight to Kyle and he never replied....he was sound.

Climbing in to that comfy bed is bliss.....and we are not sure we even said goodnight to each other.

Tomorrow, despite it being Saturday we planned to brave the parks! But for now we were just so happy to be back to our second home and it felt fabulous!!!


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