"It's an adventure" Day 5: Rest


<font color=royalblue>Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love y
Apr 2, 2006
Sunday 15th April

Today was slated as a rest day and we had decided last night that we would use the day to visit the shopping malls. We were up at 8:15 and sat on the balcony for a while enjoying our apple juice and the view. The weather was a bit cloudy but it was still quite warm.

We went downstairs to look around the shops and at about 10:10 decided to set off for the shops. By the time we got outside it was absolutely pouring with rain and as we were parked quite a way from the hotel and there was no sign of the rain easing we decided to go back inside to get a drink and wait for the weather to settle.

Around 10:40 we went back out, the rain had stopped, we walked to the car and that was when I saw it…I had left the drivers side window open last night when I came through the car park barrier. :scared1: The whole driver’s side of the dashboard was covered in water, there was a pool of water in the little cubby hole by the door, there was water on the glass covering the dashboard instruments, the centre console had water on it and the driver’s seat was soaking wet. Luckily our parking permit for free parking at the parks was still there and hadn’t got too wet. Dad went back to the hotel to get some serviettes to mop up the water and I set about assessing the damage. From what I could see everything was just wet and there was no damage as such but after just a minute of sitting on the seat my trousers were soaking wet. Dad came back and had realised that we would be better off with towels so he had brought back a few bath towels from our room. We mopped up the worst of the water and I placed a towel on the seat for me to sit on and stop my trousers from getting too wet.

Operation Mop complete we set off for Festival Bay Mall. First stop was the Bass Pro Outdoor shop where I wanted to buy a Leatherman. Bass Pro is an absolutely huge shop that stocks almost everything you can think of for the outdoor life. Anybody who is into camping, fishing, hiking etc. would be well advised to take a trip out there and have a look for anything you might need. I bought my Leatherman for a total cost of $106.49, around half what it would have cost at home and we had a wander around the rest of the mall.

From there we went over to Florida Mall Where we had a wander round before stopping for burger and fries and two cokes, total $11.98. Next stop was Dylan’s Candy Bar where I spent $62.60 on Jelly Beans and a coin operated Jelly Bean dispenser. We then spotted a bag that would be ideal for putting all our souvenirs in and check in as hold luggage for the trip home which was only $15 so we bought that. Next stop was to buy a pair of noise-cancelling headphones each, which were marked up as $70 odd but the salesman told us were now only $49. Final stop was to pick up some DVDs that I wanted – Season 2 of Lost and Season 6 of Full House.

All shopped out we went back to the hotel where we had our usual beers in the bar before going up to the room to relax. After a while Dad suggested that we wander over to the Magic Kingdom for the evening which seemed like a good way to pass some time so off we went. That was one thing I liked about this trip over our first trip – last time we only had 5 day passes so we had to be careful about the time we spent in the parks. This time we had 14 day tickets so if we felt like going over to one of the parks just for an hour or two we could.

We were in front of the castle just as the 6:40 Dream Along With Mickey show was starting so we hung around to watch that. We then wandered over to Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café where we both decided to try the famous chicken strips and fries and cokes, total $17.56. These were absolutely delicious and I will definitely be having them again next time. We sat enjoying Sonny Eclipse for a while and then went out to ride the TTA. I love the TTA. It’s a nice gentle ride around and you get a great overview of Tomorrowland.

As it was getting a little chilly we wandered back to the hotel and into the bar where Dad had a Grand Margarita and I had a Southern Hurricane.

We were in bed by 10:00 ready for another day at the parks.

Tomorrow: “2 classics please” Day 6
Lots of shopping done there!

I got my car soaked once, I had hired a convertable on my first trip and the rain came with about 5 seconds warning! I was scrambling all over the back seat with towels for ages afterwards!


Opps about the car David, My daughter and I are big fans of Full House, we love it:thumbsup2
Although the soggy car slowed you down a bit that morning, it gave you a funny story to think about later on and to tell us. Sounds like you and your father are good at rolling with punches and landing on your feet (Did I just mix metaphors?). In fact, it seems you two are great traveling companions. How nice. Thanks again for the entertaining reports.
another great day apart from the wet seats etc

Apart from a wet car it sounds like a lovely day, I always go on the TTA when my legs feel like they are going to give up as it's a good sit down. :)
At least the Florida heat would dry the car out quickly:goodvibes
A great shopping day, David, sounds like you got lots of bargains. Sorry to hear about the car, hope it didn't take too long to dry. Nice that you had time to pop over to MK in the evening too.

Laur's princess:


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