It's kind of awful this week.

Well, OP here and hopefully this is my last update. We left our trip early yesterday and by last night we felt sick. Took a test and my daughter and I both caught Covid at Disneyland. Please be careful everyone.
Oh geez, well now it seems like it was a smart idea to have left early. So sorry you guys caught it there too. It's SO prevalent right now. At least you are home and can rest and take care of yourselves. Feel better soon!
seems that Disneyland always figures out how to bring the crowds. What would normally be the start of slow season will be busy because of the things you mentioned. Also, the Halloween Parties will start, then the Christmas Parties, food festivals etc. These extra events have ensured that there is no longer a slow season, just a season with shorter hours.

Yes it’s going to be a madhouse until maybe the day in January when everyone goes back to school 🤪
We had Covid a few weeks ago. Picked it up from a friend. Had symptoms two full days before we tested positive but hit with symptoms within 48 hours of being exposed. Started Paxlovid the day that we tested positive. Took it for the full five days as directed. On day three after testing positive, all symptoms disappeared. A few days later we tested negative. I think Paxlovid helped us to move through it quickly. OP, sorry that you are sick. Unfortunately this current variant is super contagious. We made it two and a half years without getting it. Be well…..
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Well, OP here and hopefully this is my last update. We left our trip early yesterday and by last night we felt sick. Took a test and my daughter and I both caught Covid at Disneyland. Please be careful everyone.
Aarrgh! What a terrible way to finish off the whole experience! I’m so sorry 😣

Because I have a chronic (in remission) cancer, I’m anxious about my trip in September. Do you mind if I ask whether you masked or not? I’ve decided that if I get Covid I’ll just deal with it, but I am immunocompromised so I guess I’m hoping if I mask it will keep me a bit safer at least.

I hope you both get well soon 😌
Well, OP here and hopefully this is my last update. We left our trip early yesterday and by last night we felt sick. Took a test and my daughter and I both caught Covid at Disneyland. Please be careful everyone.
And the hits just keep on coming with this trip. Ugh! I’m so sorry.

Wishing you both mild symptoms and a very speedy recovery.
Aarrgh! What a terrible way to finish off the whole experience! I’m so sorry 😣

Because I have a chronic (in remission) cancer, I’m anxious about my trip in September. Do you mind if I ask whether you masked or not? I’ve decided that if I get Covid I’ll just deal with it, but I am immunocompromised so I guess I’m hoping if I mask it will keep me a bit safer at least.

I hope you both get well soon 😌
My experience was not with Disneyland, but we took a 6 hour flight with my husband, our 15 year old, our 9 month old, and my dad who is in remission from cancer. We all wore KN95 masks besides the baby. There was a VERY sick kid sitting behind us. The parents kept talking about how sick they were and the kid had a terrible cough. 3 days after the flight, our 9 month old tested positive for COViD. 2 days after that, I started having symptoms and tested positive. I was the one isolating with the baby. My dad never got it (he went directly to his own home from the airport). Neither did my husband or our 15 year old. I know the baby caught it from the sick kid behind us and then I caught it from him when we got home. I am positive our masks protected us on the plane.
My experience was not with Disneyland, but we took a 6 hour flight with my husband, our 15 year old, our 9 month old, and my dad who is in remission from cancer. We all wore KN95 masks besides the baby. There was a VERY sick kid sitting behind us. The parents kept talking about how sick they were and the kid had a terrible cough. 3 days after the flight, our 9 month old tested positive for COViD. 2 days after that, I started having symptoms and tested positive. I was the one isolating with the baby. My dad never got it (he went directly to his own home from the airport). Neither did my husband or our 15 year old. I know the baby caught it from the sick kid behind us and then I caught it from him when we got home. I am positive our masks protected us on the plane.
Thank you so much. I appreciate hearing that. I hope you and your babe are doing well now!
Been to a few parks around socal this month. Every amusement park has been packed daily. A difference I noticed is the uptick of out of state and international visitors in July vs previous months and definitely vs same time last year.

So I guess summer is somewhat back to normal in terms of park attendance with visitors supplementing local attendance.

Take the increase in attendance with staffing issues and maintenance lapses…. Things will probably not be as favorable for guests as previous experiences.

Hang in there… good long term sign if things are trying to get “back to normal”, but will be short term pains to get there.
Well, OP here and hopefully this is my last update. We left our trip early yesterday and by last night we felt sick. Took a test and my daughter and I both caught Covid at Disneyland. Please be careful everyone.
Oh no!! I hope you recover quickly!
I need to look for my masks now....
Not to hijack this thread but we went today (Sunday) and it was actually quite nice! Are weekends the new less-crowded days?

We entered DL at 9am and until 11am it was very pleasant! We rode Big Thunder with a 15 minute wait and then Pirates with a less than 10 minute wait and Star Tours with a 15 minute wait.

This was Pirates at 9:30am:


The ride lines got much longer later in the day, especially for rides with LL, but it never felt overly crowded in the park itself. Busy, but pleasant. We saw Tale of the Lion King and rode the Mark Twain. Had lunch at Docking Bay 7 and easily found a seat at noon.

We stalked Big Thunder when it broke down later in the afternoon and headed to the line entrance when we saw them cycling the empty trains. Honestly, stalking the (frequent) ride breakdowns might be my favorite new ride strategy for people without Genie+. We rode Big Thunder three times in a row: first time, we were the first in the standby line (my son was so excited). Second time it was a two-minute wait (app and sign out front said 30-minute wait). Third time it was an eight-minute wait. After that it really was a 30-minute wait and quickly climbed to 45.

To the OP, I hope you are feeling OK and I also hope if you decide to come back that the next trip is better! Anyone I know who visited the parks during the week this week said they were absolutely slammed.
Not to hijack this thread but we went today (Sunday) and it was actually quite nice! Are weekends the new less-crowded days?

Sundays tend to have lower crowds than Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. It has to do with ticket prices, Magic Key blockouts and typical travel patterns.
We were there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and I thought is was just me. I’m glad to know it wasn’t though I’m sorry for your experience and everyone else who also did not feel the magic last week. Tuesday was just awful. Wait times were instantaneously 40 mins. You couldn’t move by 8:30am. Trash in the queues, CMs bordering on surly. It felt like a run of the mill amusement park, certainly not the Disneyland I’ve known and loved all my life. When we hopped over to DCA after our break that afternoon so many rides were down and wait times were so ridiculous there was literally nothing to do so we went back over to Disneyland. So weird as DCA is usually where we go to escape the crazy. We ended up calling it a night at 8pm. Wednesday and Thursday were better but I honestly don’t know when the next time will be that I drop that amount of cash for the type of experience we had. Never thought twice about it in the past, have held APs multiple times and have always been willing to pay the extra because Disney has always gone above and beyond. Now not so much.

I will say the extra $20 a pop was absolutely worth it for ROTR. Mobile ordering rocked. Genie+, meh. Maxpass was the sweet spot while still giving others who didn’t want to pay for it a fair shot at decent wait times.
Aarrgh! What a terrible way to finish off the whole experience! I’m so sorry 😣

Because I have a chronic (in remission) cancer, I’m anxious about my trip in September. Do you mind if I ask whether you masked or not? I’ve decided that if I get Covid I’ll just deal with it, but I am immunocompromised so I guess I’m hoping if I mask it will keep me a bit safer at least.

I hope you both get well soon 😌
We went in late June. The crowd levels were a 9. We masked the entire time except when eating, even in hotel hallways and elevators. We were usually the only people with masks, though we did see a handful of other people wearing them. We have been home for 3 weeks, covid free. I think the masks really do help. We wore N95s and KN94s.
I'm sorry to hear about all these problems. It was the complete opposite when I went last month--everything was going great (a few breakdowns, but that's normal in summer) and the CMs were wonderful. I have to wonder if covid is taking its toll on employees. It's clearing spreading like crazy right now. We were convinced we would all get it after our trip because everyone's coughing all over the place as if we were still living in 2019 without a care in the world. Hang in there and hopefully you feel better soon. I've had covid twice...not looking forward to inevitably getting it again someday.
And for a completely different viewpoint.

I'm solo, I travel half way around the world from Europe to get to Disneyland, 10 hour flight.

I was in Disneyland the last week of June, my 2nd trip in 6 months. I have now been to Disneyland once a year since 2010.

Yes I experienced ride breakdowns, yes it was crowded, but I still had an amazing time.

I was banned from entering USA from March 2020 to November 2021. When travel to your happy place is taken from you, you learn to appreciate it even more when you get it back.

The magic is still there in Disneyland, each day of my trip, I took a few moments to stand in the middle of the Esplanade and remember watching the videos of the closed gates and empty Esplanade and Downtown Disney.
I remember watching the live streams of the reopening in April 2021 and how emotional everyone was to have our parks back. I wanted to be there but due to travel bans I couldn't.

Just take a moment everyone and just understand what you all have, how privileged you all are to be able to actually go to Disneyland.

I know there are issues at Disney, I experienced it myself a few weeks ago, but I just think everyone needs to just hold up with the complaints and negativity.

I wish some of you could have been in my shoes this time last year, when I didnt even know if I would return to Disneyland. Maybe then you would appreciate what you have a bit more.
You don’t get to tell us our feelings are not validated because you flew ten hours and I only drove four. We were also banned from our happy place for more than a year. I dropped nearly three grand (this was staying across the street and does not include airfare for my oldest to fly in to meet us) for three days to try and forget about the real world and a pretty traumatic couple of years. The *least* I could expect was for a CM or two to crack a smile every once in awhile. Did we have fun? Absolutely, we did. Was it magic? Far from it. Disney has always worked hard to make you feel like your experience is important to them wrapping you in that magic to keep you wanting more. We usually cry when we leave and always wish we’d had just one more day. Not this time. We were happy to go home.


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